Florida Senate - 2018                                Committee       Amendment
SPB2500                                                 AHS             26SA

The Committee on Appropriations (Flores) recommended the following 

Section: 03              EXPLANATION:

On Page: 051             Adds proviso to earmark $1 million of AHCA's 
                         contracted services for the Florida Medical Schools 
Spec App:  187           Quality Network to develop quality metrics for 
                         Medicaid eligible persons, and adds proviso to the 
                         Low Income Pool to direct the Agency to seek 
                         approval to include:  a portion of the substance 
                         abuse and mental health safety net system in the Low 
                         Income Pool, and a hospital services program for at 
                         risk mothers and babies in the Low Income Pool.

NET IMPACT ON:            Total Funds       General Revenue          Trust Funds
    Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 
Non-Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 

                                               Positions & Amount   Positions & Amount
                                                     DELETE         INSERT

        Program: Health Care Services
        Executive Direction And Support Services  68500200

        In Section 03  On Page 051
187     Special Categories  100777
        Contracted Services  IOEA

At the end of existing proviso language, following Specific 
Appropriation 187, INSERT:

From the funds in Specific Appropriation 187, $500,000 in Grants and 
Donations Trust Fund and $500,000 from the Medical Care Trust Fund may 
be used by the Agency for Health Care Administration to contract with 
the Florida Medical Schools Quality Network created under section 
409.975(2), Florida Statutes, to develop quality metrics for Medicaid 
eligible persons, which are Application Programming Interface (API) 
compatible with the agency and Medicaid managed care organizations and 
quality initiatives pursuant to section 409.975, Florida Statutes.

        Medicaid Services To Individuals  68501400

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        In Section 03  On Page 055
201     Special Categories  101584
        Low Income Pool  IOEE

DELETE the proviso immediately following Specific Appropriation 201:

From  the  funds  in  Specific  Appropriation 201, $578,315,105 from the
Grants  and  Donations Trust Fund and $930,070,668 from the Medical Care
Trust  Fund  are  provided  for the purpose of implementing a Low-Income
Pool  Program.   These  funds  shall be held in reserve.  Subject to the
final terms and conditions of the Low-Income Pool, the Agency for Health
Care  Administration  shall submit a budget amendment requesting release
of  funds pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes.  In addition to the
proposed  amendment,  the  agency  must  submit:  the  Reimbursement and
Funding  Methodology Document, as specified in the terms and conditions,
which  documents  permissible  Low-Income  Pool expenditures; a proposed
distribution  model  by  entity;  and  a  proposed  listing  of entities
contributing  intergovernmental  transfers to support the required state
match  Low-Income  Pool  payments  to  providers  under this section are
contingent   on   the   non-federal   share   being   provided   through
intergovernmental  transfers in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund.  In
the  event the funds are not available in the Grants and Donations Trust
Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to make payments.


From the funds in Specific Appropriation 201, $578,315,105 from Grants 
and Donations Trust Fund and $930,070,668 from the Medical Care Trust 
Fund are provided for the purpose of implementing a Low-Income Pool 
Program.  These funds shall be held in reserve.  

1.	Funding for Low Income Pool Tiers One through Four are subject to the 
final terms and conditions of the Low-Income Pool, and the Agency for 
Health Care Administration shall submit a budget amendment requesting 
release of the funds pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes. 
2.	The Agency shall seek federal approval to amend the Special Terms and 
Conditions for the Low Income Pool to include a payment group for 
uncompensated behavioral health care services.  The behavioral health 
care services are for individuals in the substance abuse and mental 
health safety net system (Central Receiving Facilities) administered by 
the Department of Children and Families. Subject to federal approval of 
the terms and conditions, the Agency shall submit a budget amendment 
requesting authority for the release of funds pursuant to chapter 216, 
Florida Statutes.

3.	The Agency shall seek federal approval to amend the Special Terms and 
Conditions for the Low Income Pool to add a governmentally designated 
program for hospital services for at risk mothers and babies pursuant to 

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sections 383.15 - 383.19, Florida Statutes, as an additional tier for 
the Low Income Pool.  Subject to federal approval of the terms and 
conditions, the Agency shall submit a budget amendment requesting 
authority for the release of funds pursuant to chapter 216, Florida 

In addition to the proposed amendments, the agency must submit the 
Reimbursement and Funding Methodology Document, as specified in the 
terms and conditions, which documents permissible Low-Income Pool 
expenditures; a proposed distribution model by entity; and a proposed 
listing of entities contributing intergovernmental transfers to support 
the required state match. Low-Income Pool payments to providers under 
this section are contingent on the nonfederal share being provided 
through intergovernmental transfers in the Grants and Donations Trust 
Fund.  In the event the funds are not available in the Grants and 
Donations Trust Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to make 

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