SB2500 AHS 13
Senator(s) Garcia moved the following amendment:
Section: 03 EXPLANATION:
On Page: 065 Reduces $100,000 in nonrecurring funds from the
Social Services Block Grant Trust Fund in the Agency
Spec App: 238 for Persons with Disabilities for supported
employment services for individuals on the Home and
Community Based Services Waiver waiting list and
provides funding in the same amount to ADE -
Culinary Training Services and Senior Services for
Persons with Developmental Disabilities (Senate Form
NET IMPACT ON: Total Funds General Revenue Trust Funds
Recurring - 0 0 0
Non-Recurring - 0 0 0
Positions & Amount Positions & Amount
Program: Services To Persons With
Home And Community Services 67100100
In Section 03 On Page 065
238 Special Categories 100179
Grant And Aid Individual And Family
Supports IOEB
DELETE the proviso immediately following Specific Appropriation 238:
Funds in Specific Appropriation 238 expended for developmental
training programs shall require a 12.5 percent match from local sources.
In-kind match is acceptable provided there are no reductions in the
number of persons served or level of services provided.
From the funds in Specific Appropriation 238, $1,000,000 in
nonrecurring funds from the Social Services Block Grant Trust Fund is
provided for supported employment services for individuals on the
waiting list for the Developmental Disabilities Medicaid Waiver program
in Specific Appropriation 242. The supported employment services shall
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be provided in a manner consistent with the same rules and regulations
governing these services in the Developmental Disabilities Medicaid
Waiver program, and may additionally be used towards obtaining and
maintaining paid or unpaid internships.
Immediately following Specific Appropriation 238, INSERT:
Funds in Specific Appropriation 238 expended for developmental
training programs shall require a 12.5 percent match from local sources.
In-kind match is acceptable provided there are no reductions in the
number of persons served or level of services provided.
From the funds in Specific Appropriation 238, $900,000 in
nonrecurring funds from the Social Services Block Grant Trust Fund is
provided for supported employment services for individuals on the
waiting list for the Developmental Disabilities Medicaid Waiver program
in Specific Appropriation 242. The supported employment services shall
be provided in a manner consistent with the same rules and regulations
governing these services in the Developmental Disabilities Medicaid
Waiver program, and may additionally be used towards obtaining and
maintaining paid or unpaid internships.
From the funds in Specific Appropriation 238, $100,000 in
nonrecurring funds from the Social Services Block Grant Trust Fund is
provided to the ADE - Culinary Training Services and Senior Services for
Persons with Developmental Disabilities (Senate Form 1238).
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