Florida Senate - 2018 CS for SB 396 By the Committee on Banking and Insurance; and Senators Hukill, Young, and Hutson 597-02154-18 2018396c1 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to motor vehicle insurance coverage 3 for windshield glass; amending s. 627.7288, F.S.; 4 authorizing a motor vehicle insurance policy providing 5 comprehensive or combined additional coverage to 6 require an inspection of the damaged windshield of a 7 covered motor vehicle before the windshield repair or 8 replacement is authorized by the insurer; requiring 9 that such inspections be performed by certain 10 adjusters and within a specified timeframe, or the 11 right to an inspection is waived; prohibiting insurers 12 from requiring inspections under certain 13 circumstances; providing an effective date. 14 15 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 16 17 Section 1. Section 627.7288, Florida Statutes, is amended 18 to read: 19 627.7288 Comprehensive coverage;deductible not to apply to20 motor vehicle windshield glass.— 21 (1) The deductible provisions of any policy of motor 22 vehicle insurance, delivered or issued in this state by an 23 authorized insurer, providing comprehensive coverage or combined 24 additional coverage areshallnotbeapplicable to damage to the 25 windshield of any motor vehicle covered under such policy. 26 (2) A policy under this section may require an inspection 27 of the damaged windshield of a covered motor vehicle before the 28 windshield repair or replacement is authorized by the insurer. 29 An inspection required by an insurer must be performed by an 30 adjuster licensed in this state who is an employee of the 31 insured’s insurer and must be performed within 24 hours after 32 notice of the claim, or the right to an inspection is waived. 33 However, an insurer may not require an inspection in any case 34 where windshield damage has demonstrably impacted the structural 35 integrity of the vehicle or where continued use of the vehicle 36 would be a violation of s. 316.610. 37 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2018.