Florida Senate - 2018 SB 460 By Senator Gainer 2-00397-18 2018460__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to postsecondary fee waivers; amending 3 s. 1009.26, F.S.; authorizing a Florida College System 4 institution to waive any portion of certain 5 postsecondary fees for active duty members of the 6 Armed Forces of the United States who use military 7 tuition assistance; specifying that the student who 8 receives the fee waiver may be reported for state 9 funding purposes; providing an effective date. 10 11 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 12 13 Section 1. Subsection (15) is added to section 1009.26, 14 Florida Statutes, to read: 15 1009.26 Fee waivers.— 16 (15) A Florida College System institution may waive any 17 portion of the student activity and service fee, the financial 18 aid fee, the technology fee, the capital improvement fee, and 19 any other fees authorized in s. 1009.23 for a person who is an 20 active duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States and 21 is using military tuition assistance provided by the United 22 States Department of Defense. A student who receives a fee 23 waiver under this subsection may be reported for state funding 24 purposes. 25 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2018.