Florida Senate - 2018                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 540
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: RCS            .                                
                  11/13/2017           .                                

       The Committee on Education (Hukill) recommended the following:
    1         Senate Amendment 
    3         Delete lines 2905 - 3030
    4  and insert:
    5  the applicable chancellor or the commissioner, as applicable.
    6  Within 15 days after receipt of the director’s recommendation,
    7  the applicable chancellor or the commissioner shall approve or
    8  disapprove the recommendation. If the applicable chancellor or
    9  the commissioner does not act on the director’s recommendation
   10  within 15 days after receipt of such recommendation, the
   11  comprehensive transition program proposed by the institution
   12  shall be considered approved.
   13         2. Initial approval of an application for an FPCTP that
   14  meets the requirements of this section is valid for the 3
   15  academic years immediately following the academic year during
   16  which the approval is granted. An eligible institution may
   17  submit an application to the center requesting that the initial
   18  approval be renewed. If the approval is granted and the FPCTP
   19  continues to meet the requirements of this section, including,
   20  but not limited to, program and student performance outcomes,
   21  and federal requirements, a renewal is valid for the 5 academic
   22  years immediately following the academic year during which the
   23  renewal is granted.
   24         3. An application must, at a minimum:
   25         a. Identify a credential associated with the proposed
   26  program which will be awarded to eligible students upon
   27  completion of the FPCTP.
   28         b. Outline the program length and design, including, at a
   29  minimum, inclusive and successful experiential education
   30  practices relating to curricular, assessment, and advising
   31  structure and internship and employment opportunities, which
   32  must support students with intellectual disabilities who are
   33  seeking to continue academic, career and technical, and
   34  independent living instruction at an eligible institution,
   35  including, but not limited to, opportunities to earn industry
   36  certifications, to prepare students for gainful employment. If
   37  an eligible institution offers a credit-bearing degree program,
   38  the institution is responsible for maintaining the rigor and
   39  effectiveness of a comprehensive transition degree program at
   40  the same level as other comparable degree programs offered by
   41  the institution pursuant to applicable accreditation standards.
   42         c. Outline a plan for students with intellectual
   43  disabilities to be integrated socially and academically with
   44  nondisabled students, to the maximum extent possible, and to
   45  participate on not less than a half-time basis, as determined by
   46  the eligible institution, with such participation focusing on
   47  academic components and occurring through one or more of the
   48  following activities with nondisabled students:
   49         (I) Regular enrollment in credit-bearing courses offered by
   50  the institution.
   51         (II) Auditing or participating in courses offered by the
   52  institution for which the student does not receive academic
   53  credit.
   54         (III) Enrollment in noncredit-bearing, nondegree courses.
   55         (IV) Participation in internships or work-based training.
   56         d. Outline a plan for partnerships with businesses to
   57  promote experiential training and employment opportunities for
   58  students with intellectual disabilities.
   59         e. Identify performance indicators pursuant to subsection
   60  (8) and other requirements identified by the center.
   61         f. Outline a 5-year plan incorporating enrollment and
   62  operational expectations for the program.
   63         (d) Provide technical assistance regarding programs and
   64  services for students with intellectual disabilities to
   65  administrators, instructors, staff, and others, as applicable,
   66  at eligible institutions by:
   67         1. Holding meetings and annual workshops to share
   68  successful practices and to address issues or concerns.
   69         2. Facilitating collaboration between eligible institutions
   70  and school districts, private schools operating pursuant to s.
   71  1002.42, and parents of students enrolled in home education
   72  programs operating pursuant to s. 1002.41 in assisting students
   73  with intellectual disabilities and their parents to plan for the
   74  transition of such students into an FPCTP or another program at
   75  an eligible institution.
   76         3. Assisting eligible institutions with FPCTP and federal
   77  comprehensive transition and postsecondary program applications.
   78         4. Assisting eligible institutions with the identification
   79  of funding sources for an FPCTP and for student financial
   80  assistance for students enrolled in an FPCTP.
   81         5. Monitoring federal and state law relating to the
   82  comprehensive transition program and notifying the Legislature,
   83  the Governor, the Board of Governors, the State Board of
   84  Community Colleges, and the State Board of Education of any
   85  change in law which may impact the implementation of this
   86  section.
   87         (8) ACCOUNTABILITY.—
   88         (a) The center, in collaboration with the Board of
   89  Governors, the State Board of Community Colleges, and the State
   90  Board of Education, shall identify indicators for the
   91  satisfactory progress of a student in an FPCTP and for the
   92  performance of such programs. Each eligible institution must
   93  address the indicators identified by the center in its
   94  application for the approval of a proposed program and for the
   95  renewal of an FPCTP and in the annual report that the
   96  institution submits to the center.
   97         (b) By October 1 of each year, the center shall provide to
   98  the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the
   99  House of Representatives, the Chancellor of the State University
  100  System, the Chancellor of the Florida Community College System,
  101  and the Commissioner of Education a report summarizing
  102  information including, but not limited to:
  103         1. The status of the statewide coordination of FPCTPs and
  104  the implementation of FPCTPs at eligible institutions including,
  105  but not limited to:
  106         a. The number of applications approved and disapproved and
  107  the reasons for each disapproval and no action taken by the
  108  chancellor or the commissioner.
  109         b. The number and value of all scholarships awarded to
  110  students and undisbursed advances remitted to the center
  111  pursuant to subsection (7).
  112         2. Indicators identified by the center pursuant to
  113  paragraph (a) and the performance of each eligible institution
  114  based on the indicators identified in paragraph (6)(c).
  115         3. The projected number of students with intellectual
  116  disabilities who may be eligible to enroll in the FPCTPs within
  117  the next academic year.
  118         4. Education programs and services for students with
  119  intellectual disabilities which are available at eligible
  120  institutions.
  121         (c) Beginning in the 2016-2017 fiscal year, The center, in
  122  collaboration with the Board of Governors, State Board of
  123  Community Colleges, State Board of Education, Higher Education
  124  Coordinating Council, and other stakeholders, by December 1 of
  125  each year, shall submit to the Governor, the President of the
  126  Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives
  127  statutory and budget recommendations for improving the
  128  implementation and delivery of FPCTPs and other education
  129  programs and services for students with disabilities.
  130         (9) RULES.—The Board of Governors, the State Board of
  131  Community Colleges, and the State Board of Education, in
  132  consultation with the center,