Florida Senate - 2018                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS for CS for SB 616
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: RCS            .                                
                  02/23/2018           .                                

       The Committee on Rules (Passidomo) recommended the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete everything after the enacting clause
    4  and insert:
    5         Section 1. Paragraphs (c) and (d) of subsection (1) and
    6  subsections (2) and (4) of section 320.27, Florida Statutes, are
    7  amended to read:
    8         320.27 Motor vehicle dealers.—
    9         (1) DEFINITIONS.—The following words, terms, and phrases
   10  when used in this section have the meanings respectively
   11  ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context
   12  clearly indicates a different meaning:
   13         (c) “Motor vehicle dealer” means any person engaged in the
   14  business of buying, selling, or leasing dealing in motor
   15  vehicles or offering or displaying motor vehicles for sale or
   16  lease at wholesale, excluding sales from a manufacturer, factory
   17  branch, distributor, or importer licensed pursuant to s. 320.61
   18  to a franchised motor vehicle dealer licensed pursuant to this
   19  section, or at retail, or who may service and repair motor
   20  vehicles pursuant to an agreement as defined in s. 320.60(1).
   21  Any person who buys, sells, or leases deals in three or more
   22  motor vehicles in any 12-month period or who offers or displays
   23  for sale or lease three or more motor vehicles in any 12-month
   24  period is shall be prima facie presumed to be a motor vehicle
   25  dealer. Any person who engages in any of the following
   26  activities is deemed to be a motor vehicle dealer: possessing,
   27  storing, advertising, or displaying motor vehicles that such
   28  person offers for retail sale or lease; compensating customers
   29  for vehicles at wholesale or retail, also known as trade-ins;
   30  negotiating with customers regarding the terms of sale or lease
   31  for a motor vehicle offered for retail sale or lease by such
   32  person; providing test drives of motor vehicles that such person
   33  offers for retail sale or lease; delivering or arranging for the
   34  delivery of a motor vehicle in conjunction with the retail sale
   35  or lease of the motor vehicle by such person engaged in such
   36  business. The terms “selling” and “sale” include lease-purchase
   37  transactions. A motor vehicle dealer may, at retail or
   38  wholesale, sell a recreational vehicle as described in s.
   39  320.01(1)(b)1.-6. and 8., acquired in exchange for the sale or
   40  lease of a motor vehicle, provided such acquisition is
   41  incidental to the principal business of being a motor vehicle
   42  dealer. However, a motor vehicle dealer may not buy a
   43  recreational vehicle for the purpose of resale unless licensed
   44  as a recreational vehicle dealer pursuant to s. 320.771. A motor
   45  vehicle dealer may apply for a certificate of title to a motor
   46  vehicle required to be registered under s. 320.08(2)(b), (c),
   47  and (d), using a manufacturer’s statement of origin as permitted
   48  by s. 319.23(1), only if such dealer is authorized by a
   49  franchised agreement as defined in s. 320.60(1), to buy, sell,
   50  or deal in such vehicle and is authorized by such agreement to
   51  perform delivery and preparation obligations and warranty defect
   52  adjustments on the motor vehicle; provided this limitation shall
   53  not apply to recreational vehicles, van conversions, or any
   54  other motor vehicle manufactured on a truck chassis. The
   55  transfer of a motor vehicle by a dealer not meeting these
   56  qualifications shall be titled as a used vehicle. The
   57  classifications of motor vehicle dealers are defined as follows:
   58         1. “Franchised motor vehicle dealer” means any person who
   59  engages in the business of repairing, servicing, buying,
   60  selling, or leasing dealing in motor vehicles pursuant to an
   61  agreement as defined in s. 320.60(1). A motor vehicle dealer may
   62  apply for a certificate of title to a motor vehicle required to
   63  be registered under s. 320.08(2)(b), (c), and (d) or s.
   64  320.08(3)(a), (b), or (c), using a manufacturer’s statement of
   65  origin as permitted by s. 319.23(1), only if such dealer is
   66  authorized by a franchise agreement as defined in s. 320.60(1)
   67  to buy, sell, or lease such vehicles and to perform delivery and
   68  preparation obligations and warranty defect adjustments on the
   69  motor vehicle. This limitation does not apply to recreational
   70  vehicles, van conversions, or any other motor vehicle
   71  manufactured on a truck chassis. A motor vehicle dealer may not
   72  transfer a manufacturer’s statement of origin for a motor
   73  vehicle to any person who intends to sell such motor vehicle in
   74  this state unless such person is a licensed motor vehicle dealer
   75  authorized by a franchise agreement to buy, sell, or lease such
   76  vehicles.
   77         2. “Independent motor vehicle dealer” means any person
   78  other than a franchised or wholesale motor vehicle dealer who
   79  engages in the business of buying, selling, or leasing dealing
   80  in motor vehicles, and who may service and repair motor
   81  vehicles.
   82         3. “Wholesale motor vehicle dealer” means any person who
   83  engages exclusively in the business of buying or, selling, or
   84  dealing in motor vehicles at wholesale or with motor vehicle
   85  auctions. Such person shall be licensed to do business in this
   86  state, shall not sell or auction a vehicle to any person who is
   87  not a licensed dealer, and shall not have the privilege of the
   88  use of dealer license plates. Any person who buys, sells, or
   89  deals in motor vehicles at wholesale or with motor vehicle
   90  auctions on behalf of a licensed motor vehicle dealer and as a
   91  bona fide employee of such licensed motor vehicle dealer is not
   92  required to be licensed as a wholesale motor vehicle dealer. In
   93  such cases it shall be prima facie presumed that a bona fide
   94  employer-employee relationship exists. A wholesale motor vehicle
   95  dealer shall be exempt from the display provisions of this
   96  section but shall maintain an office wherein records are kept in
   97  order that those records may be inspected.
   98         4. “Motor vehicle auction” means any person offering motor
   99  vehicles or recreational vehicles for sale to the highest bidder
  100  where buyers are licensed motor vehicle dealers. Such person
  101  shall not sell a vehicle to anyone other than a licensed motor
  102  vehicle dealer.
  103         5. “Salvage motor vehicle dealer” means any person who
  104  engages in the business of acquiring salvaged or wrecked motor
  105  vehicles for the purpose of reselling them and their parts.
  107  Notwithstanding anything in this subsection to the contrary, the
  108  term “motor vehicle dealer” does not include persons not engaged
  109  in the purchase, or sale, or lease of motor vehicles as a
  110  business who are disposing of vehicles acquired for their own
  111  use or for use in their business or acquired by foreclosure or
  112  by operation of law, provided such vehicles are acquired and
  113  sold in good faith and not for the purpose of avoiding the
  114  provisions of this law; persons engaged in the business of
  115  manufacturing, selling, or offering or displaying for sale or
  116  lease at wholesale or retail no more than 25 trailers in a 12-
  117  month period; public officers while performing their official
  118  duties; receivers; trustees, administrators, executors,
  119  guardians, or other persons appointed by, or acting under the
  120  judgment or order of, any court; banks, finance companies, or
  121  other loan agencies that acquire motor vehicles as an incident
  122  to their regular business; persons whose sole dealing in motor
  123  vehicles is owning a publication in which, or hosting a website
  124  on which, licensed motor vehicle dealers display vehicles for
  125  sale or lease; persons primarily engaged in the business of the
  126  short-term rental of motor vehicles, which rental term may not
  127  exceed 12 months, who are not involved in the retail sale or
  128  lease of motor vehicles; motor vehicle brokers; and motor
  129  vehicle rental and leasing companies that sell motor vehicles
  130  only to motor vehicle dealers licensed under this section.
  131  Vehicles owned under circumstances described in this paragraph
  132  may be disposed of at retail, wholesale, or auction, unless
  133  otherwise restricted. A manufacturer of fire trucks, ambulances,
  134  or school buses may sell such vehicles directly to governmental
  135  agencies or to persons who contract to perform or provide
  136  firefighting, ambulance, or school transportation services
  137  exclusively to governmental agencies without processing such
  138  sales through dealers if such fire trucks, ambulances, school
  139  buses, or similar vehicles are not presently available through
  140  motor vehicle dealers licensed by the department.
  141         (d) “Motor vehicle broker” means any person engaged in the
  142  business of offering to procure or procuring motor vehicles for
  143  the general public, or who holds himself or herself out through
  144  solicitation, advertisement, or otherwise as one who offers to
  145  procure or procures motor vehicles for the general public, and
  146  who does not store, display, or take ownership of any vehicles
  147  for the purpose of selling such vehicles.
  148         (2) LICENSE REQUIRED.—No person shall engage in business
  149  as, serve in the capacity of, or act as a motor vehicle dealer
  150  in this state without first obtaining a license therefor in the
  151  appropriate classification as provided in this section. With the
  152  exception of transactions with motor vehicle auctions, no person
  153  other than a licensed motor vehicle dealer may advertise for
  154  sale or lease any motor vehicle belonging to another party
  155  unless as a direct result of a bona fide legal proceeding, court
  156  order, settlement of an estate, or by operation of law, or if
  157  done by a person whose sole dealing in motor vehicles is owning
  158  a publication in which, or hosting a website on which, licensed
  159  motor vehicle dealers display vehicles for sale or lease.
  160  However, owners of motor vehicles titled in their names may
  161  advertise and offer motor vehicles for sale on their own behalf,
  162  provided such vehicles are acquired and sold in good faith and
  163  not for the purpose of avoiding the requirements of this
  164  section. It shall be unlawful for a licensed motor vehicle
  165  dealer to allow any person other than its a bona fide employee
  166  to use the motor vehicle dealer license for the purpose of
  167  acting in the capacity of or conducting motor vehicle sales or
  168  lease transactions as a motor vehicle dealer. Any person acting
  169  selling or offering a motor vehicle for sale in violation of the
  170  licensing requirements of this subsection, or who misrepresents
  171  to any person his or her its relationship with any manufacturer,
  172  importer, or distributor, or motor vehicle dealer, in addition
  173  to the penalties provided herein, shall be deemed to have
  174  committed guilty of an unfair and deceptive trade practice as
  175  defined in violation of part II of chapter 501 and shall be
  176  subject to the provisions of subsections (8) and (9).
  177         (4) LICENSE CERTIFICATE.—
  178         (a) A license certificate shall be issued by the department
  179  in accordance with such application when the application is
  180  regular in form and in compliance with the provisions of this
  181  section. The license certificate may be in the form of a
  182  document or a computerized card as determined by the department.
  183  The actual cost of each original, additional, or replacement
  184  computerized card shall be borne by the licensee and is in
  185  addition to the fee for licensure. Such license, when so issued,
  186  entitles the licensee to carry on and conduct the business of a
  187  motor vehicle dealer. Each license issued to a franchise motor
  188  vehicle dealer expires on December 31 of the year of its
  189  expiration unless revoked or suspended before prior to that
  190  date. Each license issued to an independent or wholesale dealer
  191  or auction expires on April 30 of the year of its expiration
  192  unless revoked or suspended prior to that date. At least 60 days
  193  before the license expiration date, the department shall deliver
  194  or mail to each licensee the necessary renewal forms along with
  195  a statement that the licensee is required to complete any
  196  applicable continuing education or industry certification
  197  requirements. Each independent dealer shall certify that the
  198  dealer (owner, partner, officer, or director of the licensee, or
  199  a full-time employee of the licensee that holds a responsible
  200  management-level position) has completed 8 hours of continuing
  201  education prior to filing the renewal forms with the department.
  202  Such certification shall be filed once every 2 years. The
  203  continuing education shall include at least 2 hours of legal or
  204  legislative issues, 1 hour of department issues, and 5 hours of
  205  relevant motor vehicle industry topics. Continuing education
  206  shall be provided by dealer schools licensed under paragraph (b)
  207  either in a classroom setting or by correspondence. Such schools
  208  shall provide certificates of completion to the department and
  209  the customer which shall be filed with the license renewal form,
  210  and such schools may charge a fee for providing continuing
  211  education. Any licensee who does not file his or her application
  212  and fees and any other requisite documents, as required by law,
  213  with the department at least 30 days prior to the license
  214  expiration date shall cease to engage in business as a motor
  215  vehicle dealer on the license expiration date. A renewal filed
  216  with the department within 45 days after the expiration date
  217  shall be accompanied by a delinquent fee of $100. Thereafter, a
  218  new application is required, accompanied by the initial license
  219  fee. A license certificate duly issued by the department may be
  220  modified by endorsement to show a change in the name of the
  221  licensee, provided, as shown by affidavit of the licensee, the
  222  majority ownership interest of the licensee has not changed or
  223  the name of the person appearing as franchisee on the sales and
  224  service agreement has not changed. Modification of a license
  225  certificate to show any name change as herein provided shall not
  226  require initial licensure or reissuance of dealer tags; however,
  227  any dealer obtaining a name change shall transact all business
  228  in and be properly identified by that name. All documents
  229  relative to licensure shall reflect the new name. In the case of
  230  a franchise dealer, the name change shall be approved by the
  231  manufacturer, distributor, or importer. A licensee applying for
  232  a name change endorsement shall pay a fee of $25 which fee shall
  233  apply to the change in the name of a main location and all
  234  additional locations licensed under the provisions of subsection
  235  (5). Each initial license application received by the department
  236  shall be accompanied by verification that, within the preceding
  237  6 months, the applicant, or one or more of his or her designated
  238  employees, has attended a training and information seminar
  239  conducted by a licensed motor vehicle dealer training school.
  240  Any applicant for a new franchised motor vehicle dealer license
  241  who has held a valid franchised motor vehicle dealer license
  242  continuously for the past 2 years and who remains in good
  243  standing with the department is exempt from the prelicensing
  244  training requirement. Such seminar shall include, but is not
  245  limited to, statutory dealer requirements, which requirements
  246  include required bookkeeping and recordkeeping procedures,
  247  requirements for the collection of sales and use taxes, and such
  248  other information that in the opinion of the department will
  249  promote good business practices. No seminar may exceed 8 hours
  250  in length.
  251         (b) Each initial license application received by the
  252  department for licensure under subparagraph (1)(c)2. shall be
  253  accompanied by verification that, within the preceding 6 months,
  254  the applicant (owner, partner, officer, or director of the
  255  applicant, or a full-time employee of the applicant that holds a
  256  responsible management-level position) has successfully
  257  completed training conducted by a licensed motor vehicle dealer
  258  training school. Such training must include training in titling
  259  and registration of motor vehicles, laws relating to unfair and
  260  deceptive trade practices, laws relating to financing with
  261  regard to buy-here, pay-here operations, and such other
  262  information that in the opinion of the department will promote
  263  good business practices. Successful completion of this training
  264  shall be determined by examination administered at the end of
  265  the course and attendance of no less than 90 percent of the
  266  total hours required by such school. Any applicant who had held
  267  a valid motor vehicle dealer’s license continuously within the
  268  past 2 years and who remains in good standing with the
  269  department is exempt from the prelicensing requirements of this
  270  section. The department shall have the authority to adopt any
  271  rule necessary for establishing the training curriculum; length
  272  of training, which shall not exceed 8 hours for required
  273  department topics and shall not exceed an additional 24 hours
  274  for topics related to other regulatory agencies’ instructor
  275  qualifications; and any other requirements under this section.
  276  The curriculum for other subjects shall be approved by any and
  277  all other regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over specific
  278  subject matters; however, the overall administration of the
  279  licensing of these dealer schools and their instructors shall
  280  remain with the department. Such schools are authorized to
  281  charge a fee.
  282         (c) Each application received by the department for renewal
  283  of a license under subparagraph (1)(c)2. must certify that the
  284  dealer (owner, partner, officer, or director of the licensee, or
  285  a full-time employee of the licensee that holds a responsible
  286  management-level position) has completed 8 hours of continuing
  287  education prior to filing the renewal forms with the department.
  288  Such certification must be filed once every 2 years. The
  289  continuing education must include at least 2 hours of legal or
  290  legislative issues, 1 hour of department issues, and 5 hours of
  291  relevant motor vehicle industry topics. Continuing education
  292  shall be provided by dealer schools licensed under paragraph (b)
  293  either in a classroom setting or by correspondence. Such schools
  294  shall provide certificates of completion to the department and
  295  the customer which shall be filed with the license renewal form,
  296  and such schools may charge a fee for providing continuing
  297  education.
  298         (d) Each application received by the department for renewal
  299  of a license under subparagraph (1)(c)1. must certify that the
  300  dealer (dealer operator, owner, partner, officer, director, or
  301  general manager of the licensee) has completed 4 hours of
  302  industry certification on legal and legislative issues each year
  303  prior to filing the renewal forms with the department. Industry
  304  certification shall be provided by a Florida-based, nonprofit,
  305  dealer-owned, statewide industry association of franchised motor
  306  vehicle dealers with state and federal compliance credentials
  307  approved by the department, and shall be in a classroom setting
  308  in convenient locations within the state. Such association shall
  309  provide certificates of completion to the department and the
  310  customer which shall be filed with the license renewal form. An
  311  application for renewal of a license previously issued for 1
  312  year must be accompanied by a certificate establishing
  313  completion of 4 hours of industry certification during the prior
  314  year. An application for renewal of a license previously issued
  315  for 2 years must be accompanied by certificates establishing
  316  completion of 8 hours of industry certification, except that
  317  renewal of a 2-year license that expires on December 31, 2019,
  318  must be accompanied by a certificate establishing completion of
  319  4 hours of industry certification. An association may charge a
  320  fee not to exceed $500 per 4 hours for providing the industry
  321  certification. In 2020 and for each subsequent year, the maximum
  322  fee of $500 per 4 hours shall be increased by a percentage equal
  323  to the annual Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers
  324  calculated for the previous year by the Bureau of Labor
  325  Statistics of the United States Department of Labor. In the case
  326  of licensees belonging to a dealership group, the required
  327  industry certification may be satisfied for all licensees in the
  328  dealership group through completion of the industry
  329  certification by a single designated owner, officer, director,
  330  or manager of the dealership group. For purposes of this
  331  section, the term dealership group means two or more licensed
  332  franchised motor vehicle dealers with at least one common
  333  officer or with common owners having legal or equitable title of
  334  at least 50 percent of each dealer in the group. A licensee who
  335  seeks to satisfy the required industry certification through a
  336  dealership group must provide the department with evidence of
  337  the required common ownership at the time of filing the
  338  certificate of completion.
  339         Section 2. This act shall take effect January 1, 2019.
  341  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
  342  And the title is amended as follows:
  343         Delete everything before the enacting clause
  344  and insert:
  345                        A bill to be entitled                      
  346         An act relating to motor vehicle dealers; amending s.
  347         320.27, F.S.; revising the definitions of the terms
  348         “motor vehicle dealer,” “franchised motor vehicle
  349         dealer,” “independent motor vehicle dealer,” and
  350         “wholesale motor vehicle dealer”; deleting the
  351         definition of “motor vehicle broker”; adding an
  352         exception to the prohibition against persons other
  353         than licensed motor vehicle dealers from advertising
  354         for sale or lease any motor vehicle belonging to
  355         another party; authorizing owners of motor vehicles
  356         titled in their names to advertise and offer motor
  357         vehicles for sale on their own behalf, provided such
  358         vehicles are acquired and sold in good faith and not
  359         for the purpose of avoiding specified requirements;
  360         prohibiting a licensed motor vehicle dealer from
  361         allowing any person other than its bona fide employee
  362         to use its motor vehicle dealer license for the
  363         purpose of acting in the capacity of or conducting
  364         motor vehicle lease transactions as a motor vehicle
  365         dealer; providing that any person acting in violation
  366         of specified licensing requirements or misrepresenting
  367         to any person his or her relationship with any motor
  368         vehicle dealer is deemed to have committed an unfair
  369         and deceptive trade practice in violation of specified
  370         provisions; requiring, within a specified timeframe,
  371         the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to
  372         deliver or mail to each licensee the necessary renewal
  373         forms along with a statement that the licensee is
  374         required to complete any applicable continuing
  375         education or industry certification requirements;
  376         deleting certain continuing education and
  377         certification requirements; requiring any licensee who
  378         does not file his or her application and fees and any
  379         other requisite documents, as required by law, before
  380         the license expiration date to cease engaging in
  381         business as a motor vehicle dealer on the license
  382         expiration date; requiring applications received by
  383         the department for renewal of independent motor
  384         vehicle dealer licenses to certify that the dealer has
  385         completed continuing education before filing the
  386         renewal forms with the department, subject to certain
  387         requirements; providing requirements for continuing
  388         education and dealer schools; authorizing such schools
  389         to charge a fee for providing continuing education;
  390         requiring applications received by the department for
  391         renewal of franchised motor vehicle dealer licenses to
  392         certify that the dealer has completed certain industry
  393         certification before filing the renewal forms with the
  394         department, subject to certain requirements; providing
  395         requirements for industry certification and certain
  396         statewide industry associations of franchised motor
  397         vehicle dealers; authorizing an association to charge
  398         up to a specified fee for providing the industry
  399         certification; providing for annual adjustments to the
  400         maximum fee, beginning on a specified date;
  401         authorizing industry certification for licensees
  402         belonging to a dealership group to be accomplished by
  403         a certain designated person; defining the term
  404         “dealership group”; requiring a licensee who seeks to
  405         satisfy the certification through a dealership group
  406         to provide the department with certain evidence at the
  407         time of filing the certificate of completion;
  408         providing an effective date.