Florida Senate - 2018                          SENATOR AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS for HB 7055
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
               Floor: 3g/RE/2R         .                                
             03/02/2018 08:27 PM       .                                

       Senator Simmons moved the following:
    1         Senate Amendment to Amendment (734058) 
    3         Delete lines 3585 - 3590
    4  and insert:
    5  based on a 3-year average of the state reading assessment data
    6  must use the school’s portion of the allocation to provide shall
    7  give priority to providing an additional hour per day of
    8  intensive reading instruction beyond the normal school day for
    9  each day of the entire school year for the students in each
   10  school. The additional hour may be provided within the school
   11  day. The designation of the 300 lowest-performing elementary