Florida Senate - 2018                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS for HB 7055
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                   Comm: WD            .                                
                  02/21/2018           .                                

       The Committee on Education (Thurston) recommended the following:
    1         Senate Substitute for Amendment (826696) (with title
    2  amendment)
    4         Delete everything after the enacting clause
    5  and insert:
    6         Section 1. Subsections (4) and (5) of section 1001.10,
    7  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
    8         1001.10 Commissioner of Education; general powers and
    9  duties.—
   10         (4) The Department of Education shall provide technical
   11  assistance to school districts, charter schools, the Florida
   12  School for the Deaf and the Blind, and private schools that
   13  accept scholarship students under s. 1002.385, s. 1002.39, or s.
   14  1002.395, or another state scholarship program under chapter
   15  1002 in the development of policies, procedures, and training
   16  related to employment practices and standards of ethical conduct
   17  for instructional personnel and school administrators, as
   18  defined in s. 1012.01.
   19         (5) The Department of Education shall provide authorized
   20  staff of school districts, charter schools, the Florida School
   21  for the Deaf and the Blind, and private schools that accept
   22  scholarship students under s. 1002.385, s. 1002.39, or s.
   23  1002.395, or another state scholarship program under chapter
   24  1002 with access to electronic verification of information from
   25  the following employment screening tools:
   26         (a) The Professional Practices’ Database of Disciplinary
   27  Actions Against Educators; and
   28         (b) The Department of Education’s Teacher Certification
   29  Database.
   31  This subsection does not require the department to provide these
   32  staff with unlimited access to the databases. However, the
   33  department shall provide the staff with access to the data
   34  necessary for performing employment history checks of the
   35  instructional personnel and school administrators included in
   36  the databases.
   37         Section 2. Section 1001.4205, Florida Statutes, is amended
   38  to read:
   39         1001.4205 Visitation of schools by an individual school
   40  board or charter school governing board member.—An individual
   41  member of a district school board may, on any day and at any
   42  time at his or her pleasure, visit any district school in his or
   43  her school district. An individual member of the State
   44  Legislature may, on any day and at any time at his or her
   45  pleasure, visit any district school, including any charter
   46  school, in his or her legislative district. An individual member
   47  of a charter school governing board member may, on any day and
   48  at any time at his or her pleasure, visit any charter school
   49  governed by the charter school’s governing board.
   50         (1) The visiting individual board member must sign in and
   51  sign out at the school’s main office and wear his or her board
   52  or State Legislature identification badge, as applicable, at all
   53  times while present on school premises.
   54         (2) The board, the school, or any other person or entity,
   55  including, but not limited to, the principal of the school, the
   56  school superintendent, or any other board member, may not
   57  require the visiting individual board member to provide notice
   58  before visiting the school.
   59         (3) The school may offer, but may not require, an escort to
   60  accompany the a visiting individual board member during the
   61  visit.
   62         (4) A Another board member or a district employee,
   63  including, but not limited to, the superintendent, the school
   64  principal, or the superintendent’s or the principal’s his or her
   65  designee, may not limit the duration or scope of the visit or
   66  direct the a visiting individual board member to leave the
   67  premises.
   68         (5) A board, district, or school administrative policy or
   69  practice may not prohibit or limit the authority granted to the
   70  visiting individual a board member under this section.
   71         Section 3. Paragraph (b) of subsection (6) of section
   72  1002.33, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
   73         1002.33 Charter schools.—
   74         (6) APPLICATION PROCESS AND REVIEW.—Charter school
   75  applications are subject to the following requirements:
   76         (b) A sponsor shall receive and review all applications for
   77  a charter school using the evaluation instrument developed by
   78  the Department of Education. A sponsor shall receive and
   79  consider charter school applications received on or before
   80  August 1 of each calendar year for charter schools to be opened
   81  at the beginning of the school district’s next school year, or
   82  to be opened at a time agreed to by the applicant and the
   83  sponsor. A sponsor may not refuse to receive a charter school
   84  application submitted before August 1 and may receive an
   85  application submitted later than August 1 if it chooses.
   86  Beginning in 2018 and thereafter, a sponsor shall receive and
   87  consider charter school applications received on or before
   88  February 1 of each calendar year for charter schools to be
   89  opened 18 months later at the beginning of the school district’s
   90  school year, or to be opened at a time agreed to by the
   91  applicant and the sponsor. A sponsor may not refuse to receive a
   92  charter school application submitted before February 1 and may
   93  receive an application submitted later than February 1 if it
   94  chooses. A sponsor may not charge an applicant for a charter any
   95  fee for the processing or consideration of an application, and a
   96  sponsor may not base its consideration or approval of a final
   97  application upon the promise of future payment of any kind.
   98  Before approving or denying any application, the sponsor shall
   99  allow the applicant, upon receipt of written notification, at
  100  least 7 calendar days to make technical or nonsubstantive
  101  corrections and clarifications, including, but not limited to,
  102  corrections of grammatical, typographical, and like errors or
  103  missing signatures, if such errors are identified by the sponsor
  104  as cause to deny the final application.
  105         1. In order to facilitate an accurate budget projection
  106  process, a sponsor shall be held harmless for FTE students who
  107  are not included in the FTE projection due to approval of
  108  charter school applications after the FTE projection deadline.
  109  In a further effort to facilitate an accurate budget projection,
  110  within 15 calendar days after receipt of a charter school
  111  application, a sponsor shall report to the Department of
  112  Education the name of the applicant entity, the proposed charter
  113  school location, and its projected FTE.
  114         2. In order to ensure fiscal responsibility, an application
  115  for a charter school shall include a full accounting of expected
  116  assets, a projection of expected sources and amounts of income,
  117  including income derived from projected student enrollments and
  118  from community support, and an expense projection that includes
  119  full accounting of the costs of operation, including start-up
  120  costs.
  121         3.a. A sponsor shall by a majority vote approve or deny an
  122  application no later than 90 calendar days after the application
  123  is received, unless the sponsor and the applicant mutually agree
  124  in writing to temporarily postpone the vote to a specific date,
  125  at which time the sponsor shall by a majority vote approve or
  126  deny the application. If the sponsor fails to act on the
  127  application, an applicant may appeal to the State Board of
  128  Education as provided in paragraph (c). If an application is
  129  denied, the sponsor shall, within 10 calendar days after such
  130  denial, articulate in writing the specific reasons, based upon
  131  good cause, supporting its denial of the application and shall
  132  provide the letter of denial and supporting documentation to the
  133  applicant and to the Department of Education.
  134         b. An application submitted by a high-performing charter
  135  school identified pursuant to s. 1002.331 or a high-performing
  136  charter school system identified pursuant to s. 1002.332 may be
  137  denied by the sponsor only if the sponsor demonstrates by clear
  138  and convincing evidence that:
  139         (I) The application does not materially comply with the
  140  requirements in paragraph (a);
  141         (II) The charter school proposed in the application does
  142  not materially comply with the requirements in paragraphs
  143  (9)(a)-(f);
  144         (III) The proposed charter school’s educational program
  145  does not substantially replicate that of the applicant or one of
  146  the applicant’s high-performing charter schools;
  147         (IV) The applicant has made a material misrepresentation or
  148  false statement or concealed an essential or material fact
  149  during the application process; or
  150         (V) The proposed charter school’s educational program and
  151  financial management practices do not materially comply with the
  152  requirements of this section.
  154  Material noncompliance is a failure to follow requirements or a
  155  violation of prohibitions applicable to charter school
  156  applications, which failure is quantitatively or qualitatively
  157  significant either individually or when aggregated with other
  158  noncompliance. An applicant is considered to be replicating a
  159  high-performing charter school if the proposed school is
  160  substantially similar to at least one of the applicant’s high
  161  performing charter schools and the organization or individuals
  162  involved in the establishment and operation of the proposed
  163  school are significantly involved in the operation of replicated
  164  schools.
  165         c. If the sponsor denies an application submitted by a
  166  high-performing charter school or a high-performing charter
  167  school system, the sponsor must, within 10 calendar days after
  168  such denial, state in writing the specific reasons, based upon
  169  the criteria in sub-subparagraph b., supporting its denial of
  170  the application and must provide the letter of denial and
  171  supporting documentation to the applicant and to the Department
  172  of Education. The applicant may appeal the sponsor’s denial of
  173  the application in accordance with paragraph (c).
  174         4. For budget projection purposes, the sponsor shall report
  175  to the Department of Education the approval or denial of an
  176  application within 10 calendar days after such approval or
  177  denial. In the event of approval, the report to the Department
  178  of Education shall include the final projected FTE for the
  179  approved charter school.
  180         5. Upon approval of an application, the initial startup
  181  shall commence with the beginning of the public school calendar
  182  for the district in which the charter is granted. A charter
  183  school may defer the opening of the school’s operations for up
  184  to 3 2 years to provide time for adequate facility planning. The
  185  charter school must provide written notice of such intent to the
  186  sponsor and the parents of enrolled students at least 30
  187  calendar days before the first day of school.
  188         Section 4. Subsection (1) of section 1002.331, Florida
  189  Statutes, is amended to read:
  190         1002.331 High-performing charter schools.—
  191         (1) A charter school is a high-performing charter school if
  192  it:
  193         (a) Received at least two school grades of “A” and no
  194  school grade below “B,” pursuant to s. 1008.34, during each of
  195  the previous 3 school years or received at least two consecutive
  196  school grades of “A” in the most recent 2 school years.
  197         (b) Received an unqualified opinion on each annual
  198  financial audit required under s. 218.39 in the most recent 3
  199  fiscal years for which such audits are available.
  200         (c) Did not receive a financial audit that revealed one or
  201  more of the financial emergency conditions set forth in s.
  202  218.503(1) in the most recent 3 fiscal years for which such
  203  audits are available. However, this requirement is deemed met
  204  for a charter school-in-the-workplace if there is a finding in
  205  an audit that the school has the monetary resources available to
  206  cover any reported deficiency or that the deficiency does not
  207  result in a deteriorating financial condition pursuant to s.
  208  1002.345(1)(a)3.
  210  For purposes of determining initial eligibility, the
  211  requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) only apply to the most
  212  recent 2 fiscal years if the charter school earns 2 consecutive
  213  grades of “A.” A virtual charter school established under s.
  214  1002.33 is not eligible for designation as a high-performing
  215  charter school.
  216         Section 5. Present subsections (11) and (12) of section
  217  1002.333, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsections (12)
  218  and (13), respectively, a new subsection (11) is added to that
  219  section, and subsections (1) and (2), paragraph (a) of
  220  subsection (4), paragraphs (b), (g), and (i) of subsection (5),
  221  paragraph (a) of subsection (7), subsection (9), and paragraph
  222  (b) of subsection (10) of that section are amended, to read:
  223         1002.333 Persistently low-performing schools.—
  224         (1) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the term:
  225         (a) “Hope operator” means an entity identified by the
  226  department pursuant to subsection (2).
  227         (b) “Persistently low-performing school” means a school
  228  that has completed 2 school years of a district-managed
  229  turnaround plan required under s. 1008.33(4)(a) and has not
  230  improved its school grade to a “C” or higher, earned three
  231  consecutive grades lower than a “C,” pursuant to s. 1008.34, and
  232  a school that was closed pursuant to s. 1008.33(4) within 2
  233  years after the submission of a notice of intent.
  234         (c) “School of hope” means:
  235         1. A charter school operated by a hope operator which
  236  serves students from one or more persistently low-performing
  237  schools,; is located in the attendance zone of a persistently
  238  low-performing school, or within a 5-mile radius of such school,
  239  whichever is greater; and is a Title I eligible school; or
  240         2. A school operated by a hope operator pursuant to s.
  241  1008.33(4)(b)3.b. s. 1008.33(4)(b)3.
  242         (2) HOPE OPERATOR.—A hope operator is a nonprofit
  243  organization with tax exempt status under s. 501(c)(3) of the
  244  Internal Revenue Code which that operates three or more charter
  245  schools that serve students in grades K-12 in Florida or other
  246  states with a record of serving students from low-income
  247  families and is designated by the State Board of Education as a
  248  hope operator based on a determination that:
  249         (a) The past performance of the hope operator meets or
  250  exceeds the following criteria:
  251         1. The achievement of enrolled students exceeds the
  252  district and state averages of the states in which the
  253  operator’s schools operate;
  254         2. The average college attendance rate at all schools
  255  currently operated by the operator exceeds 80 percent, if such
  256  data is available;
  257         3. The percentage of students eligible for a free or
  258  reduced price lunch under the National School Lunch Act enrolled
  259  at all schools currently operated by the operator exceeds 70
  260  percent;
  261         4. The operator is in good standing with the authorizer in
  262  each state in which it operates;
  263         5. The audited financial statements of the operator are
  264  free of material misstatements and going concern issues; and
  265         6. Other outcome measures as determined by the State Board
  266  of Education;
  267         (b) The operator was awarded a United States Department of
  268  Education Charter School Program Grant for Replication and
  269  Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools within the preceding 3
  270  years before applying to be a hope operator;
  271         (c) The operator receives funding through the National Fund
  272  of the Charter School Growth Fund to accelerate the growth of
  273  the nation’s best charter schools; or
  274         (d) The operator is selected by a district school board in
  275  accordance with s. 1008.33.
  277  An entity that meets the requirements of paragraph (b),
  278  paragraph (c), or paragraph (d) before the adoption by the state
  279  board of measurable criteria pursuant to paragraph (a) shall be
  280  designated as a hope operator. After the adoption of the
  281  measurable criteria, an entity, including a governing board that
  282  operates a school established pursuant to s. 1008.33(4)(b)3.b.
  283  s. 1008.33(4)(b)3., shall be designated as a hope operator if it
  284  meets the criteria of paragraph (a).
  285         (4) ESTABLISHMENT OF SCHOOLS OF HOPE.—A hope operator
  286  seeking to open a school of hope must submit a notice of intent
  287  to the school district in which a persistently low-performing
  288  school has been identified by the State Board of Education
  289  pursuant to subsection (10).
  290         (a) The notice of intent must include all of the following:
  291         1. An academic focus and plan.
  292         2. A financial plan.
  293         3. Goals and objectives for increasing student achievement
  294  for the students from low-income families.
  295         4. A completed or planned community outreach plan.
  296         5. The organizational history of success in working with
  297  students with similar demographics.
  298         6. The grade levels to be served and enrollment
  299  projections.
  300         7. The specific proposed location or geographic area
  301  proposed for the school and its proximity to the persistently
  302  low-performing school or the plan to use the district-owned
  303  facilities of the persistently low-performing school.
  304         8. A staffing plan.
  305         9. An operations plan specifying the operator’s intent to
  306  undertake the operations of the persistently low-performing
  307  school in its entirety or through limited components of the
  308  operations.
  309         (5) PERFORMANCE-BASED AGREEMENT.—The following shall
  310  comprise the entirety of the performance-based agreement:
  311         (b) The location or geographic area proposed for the school
  312  of hope and its proximity to the persistently low-performing
  313  school.
  314         (f)(g) The grounds for termination, including failure to
  315  meet the requirements for student performance established
  316  pursuant to paragraph (d) (e), generally accepted standards of
  317  fiscal management, or material violation of terms of the
  318  agreement. The nonrenewal or termination of a performance-based
  319  agreement must comply with the requirements of s. 1002.33(8).
  320         (h)(i) A provision establishing the initial term as 5
  321  years. The agreement must shall be renewed, upon the request of
  322  the hope operator, unless the school fails to meet the
  323  requirements for student performance established pursuant to
  324  paragraph (d) (e) or generally accepted standards of fiscal
  325  management or the school of hope materially violates the law or
  326  the terms of the agreement.
  327         (7) FACILITIES.—
  328         (a)1. A school of hope that meets the definition under
  329  subparagraph (1)(c)1. shall use facilities that comply with the
  330  Florida Building Code, except for the State Requirements for
  331  Educational Facilities. A school of hope that uses school
  332  district facilities must comply with the State Requirements for
  333  Educational Facilities only if the school district and the hope
  334  operator have entered into a mutual management plan for the
  335  reasonable maintenance of such facilities. The mutual management
  336  plan shall contain a provision by which the district school
  337  board agrees to maintain the school facilities in the same
  338  manner as its other public schools within the district.
  339         2.A school of hope that meets the definition under
  340  subparagraph (1)(c)2. and that receives funds from the hope
  341  supplemental services allocation under s. 1011.62(16) shall use
  342  the district-owned facilities of the persistently low-performing
  343  school that the school of hope operates. A school of hope that
  344  uses district-owned facilities must enter into a mutual
  345  management plan with the school district for the reasonable
  346  maintenance of the facilities. The mutual management plan must
  347  contain a provision specifying that the district school board
  348  agrees to maintain the school facilities in the same manner as
  349  other public schools within the district.
  351  The local governing authority shall not adopt or impose any
  352  local building requirements or site-development restrictions,
  353  such as parking and site-size criteria, student enrollment, and
  354  occupant load, that are addressed by and more stringent than
  355  those found in the State Requirements for Educational Facilities
  356  of the Florida Building Code. A local governing authority must
  357  treat schools of hope equitably in comparison to similar
  358  requirements, restrictions, and site planning processes imposed
  359  upon public schools. The agency having jurisdiction for
  360  inspection of a facility and issuance of a certificate of
  361  occupancy or use shall be the local municipality or, if in an
  362  unincorporated area, the county governing authority. If an
  363  official or employee of the local governing authority refuses to
  364  comply with this paragraph, the aggrieved school or entity has
  365  an immediate right to bring an action in circuit court to
  366  enforce its rights by injunction. An aggrieved party that
  367  receives injunctive relief may be awarded reasonable attorney
  368  fees and court costs.
  369         (9) FUNDING.—
  370         (a) Schools of hope shall be funded in accordance with s.
  371  1002.33(17).
  372         (b) Schools of hope shall receive priority in the
  373  department’s Public Charter School Grant Program competitions.
  374         (c) Schools of hope shall be considered charter schools for
  375  purposes of s. 1013.62, except charter capital outlay may not be
  376  used to purchase real property or for the construction of school
  377  facilities.
  378         (d) Schools of hope that meet the definition under
  379  subparagraph (1)(c)1. are eligible to receive funds from the
  380  Schools of Hope Program.
  381         (e) Schools of hope that meet the definition under
  382  subparagraph (1)(c)2. are eligible to receive funds from the
  383  hope supplemental services allocation established under s.
  384  1011.62(16).
  385         (10) SCHOOLS OF HOPE PROGRAM.—The Schools of Hope Program
  386  is created within the Department of Education.
  387         (b) A traditional public school that is required to submit
  388  a plan for implementation pursuant to s. 1008.33(4) is eligible
  389  to receive funding for services authorized up to $2,000 per
  390  full-time equivalent student from the hope supplemental services
  391  allocation established under s. 1011.62(16) Schools of Hope
  392  Program based upon the strength of the school’s plan for
  393  implementation and its focus on evidence-based interventions
  394  that lead to student success by providing wrap-around services
  395  that leverage community assets, improve school and community
  396  collaboration, and develop family and community partnerships.
  397  Wrap-around services include, but are not limited to, tutorial
  398  and after-school programs, student counseling, nutrition
  399  education, parental counseling, and adult education. Plans for
  400  implementation may also include models that develop a culture of
  401  attending college, high academic expectations, character
  402  development, dress codes, and an extended school day and school
  403  year. At a minimum, a plan for implementation must:
  404         1. Establish wrap-around services that develop family and
  405  community partnerships.
  406         2. Establish clearly defined and measurable high academic
  407  and character standards.
  408         3. Increase parental involvement and engagement in the
  409  child’s education.
  410         4. Describe how the school district will identify, recruit,
  411  retain, and reward instructional personnel. The state board may
  412  waive the requirements of s. 1012.22(1)(c)5., and suspend the
  413  requirements of s. 1012.34, to facilitate implementation of the
  414  plan.
  415         5. Identify a knowledge-rich curriculum that the school
  416  will use that focuses on developing a student’s background
  417  knowledge.
  418         6. Provide professional development that focuses on
  419  academic rigor, direct instruction, and creating high academic
  420  and character standards.
  421         (11) SCHOOLS OF HOPE MANAGEMENT.—A hope operator or the
  422  owner of a school of hope may not serve as the principal of any
  423  school that he or she manages.
  424         Section 6. Section 1002.334, Florida Statutes, is created
  425  to read:
  426         1002.334 Franchise model schools.—
  427         (1) As used in this section, the term “franchise model
  428  school” means a persistently low-performing school, as defined
  429  in s. 1002.333(1)(b), which is led by a highly effective
  430  principal in addition to the principal’s currently assigned
  431  school. If a franchise model school achieves a grade of “C” or
  432  higher, the school may retain its status as a franchise model
  433  school at the discretion of the school district.
  434         (2) A school district that has one or more persistently
  435  low-performing schools may use a franchise model school as a
  436  school turnaround option pursuant to s. 1008.33(4)(b)4.
  437         (3) A franchise model school principal:
  438         (a) Must be rated as highly effective pursuant to s.
  439  1012.34;
  440         (b) May lead two or more schools, including a persistently
  441  low-performing school or a school that was considered a
  442  persistently low-performing school before becoming a franchise
  443  model school;
  444         (c) May allocate resources and personnel between the
  445  schools under his or her administration; however, he or she must
  446  expend hope supplemental services allocation funds, authorized
  447  under s. 1011.62(16), at the franchise model school; and
  448         (d) Is eligible to receive a Best and Brightest Principal
  449  award under s. 1012.732.
  450         Section 7. Paragraph (d) of subsection (2) and subsection
  451  (8) of section 1002.385, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  452         1002.385 The Gardiner Scholarship.—
  453         (2) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the term:
  454         (d) “Disability” means, for a 3- or 4-year-old child or for
  455  a student in kindergarten to grade 12, autism spectrum disorder,
  456  as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
  457  Disorders, Fifth Edition, published by the American Psychiatric
  458  Association; cerebral palsy, as defined in s. 393.063(6); Down
  459  syndrome, as defined in s. 393.063(15); an intellectual
  460  disability, as defined in s. 393.063(24); Phelan-McDermid
  461  syndrome, as defined in s. 393.063(28); Prader-Willi syndrome,
  462  as defined in s. 393.063(29); spina bifida, as defined in s.
  463  393.063(40); being a high-risk child, as defined in s.
  464  393.063(23)(a); muscular dystrophy; Williams syndrome; a rare
  465  disease, a disorder that affects diseases which affect patient
  466  populations of fewer than 200,000 individuals or fewer in the
  467  United States, as defined by the Orphan Drug Act of 1983, Pub.
  468  L. No. 97-414 National Organization for Rare Disorders;
  469  anaphylaxis; deaf; visually impaired; traumatic brain injured;
  470  hospital or homebound; or identification as dual sensory
  471  impaired, as defined by rules of the State Board of Education
  472  and evidenced by reports from local school districts. The term
  473  “hospital or homebound” includes a student who has a medically
  474  diagnosed physical or psychiatric condition or illness, as
  475  defined by the state board in rule, and who is confined to the
  476  home or hospital for more than 6 months.
  478  private school may be sectarian or nonsectarian and shall:
  479         (a) Comply with all requirements for private schools
  480  participating in state school choice scholarship programs
  481  pursuant to s. 1002.421.
  482         (b) Provide to the organization, upon request, all
  483  documentation required for the student’s participation,
  484  including the private school’s and student’s fee schedules.
  485         (c) Be academically accountable to the parent for meeting
  486  the educational needs of the student by:
  487         1. At a minimum, annually providing to the parent a written
  488  explanation of the student’s progress.
  489         2. Annually administering or making provision for students
  490  participating in the program in grades 3 through 10 to take one
  491  of the nationally norm-referenced tests identified by the
  492  Department of Education or the statewide assessments pursuant to
  493  s. 1008.22. Students with disabilities for whom standardized
  494  testing is not appropriate are exempt from this requirement. A
  495  participating private school shall report a student’s scores to
  496  the parent.
  497         3. Cooperating with the scholarship student whose parent
  498  chooses to have the student participate in the statewide
  499  assessments pursuant to s. 1008.22 or, if a private school
  500  chooses to offer the statewide assessments, administering the
  501  assessments at the school.
  502         a. A participating private school may choose to offer and
  503  administer the statewide assessments to all students who attend
  504  the private school in grades 3 through 10.
  505         b. A participating private school shall submit a request in
  506  writing to the Department of Education by March 1 of each year
  507  in order to administer the statewide assessments in the
  508  subsequent school year.
  509         (d) Employ or contract with teachers who have regular and
  510  direct contact with each student receiving a scholarship under
  511  this section at the school’s physical location.
  512         (e) Provide a report from an independent certified public
  513  accountant who performs the agreed-upon procedures developed
  514  under s. 1002.395(6)(o) if the private school receives more than
  515  $250,000 in funds from scholarships awarded under this chapter
  516  section in a state fiscal year. A private school subject to this
  517  paragraph must annually submit the report by September 15 to the
  518  organization that awarded the majority of the school’s
  519  scholarship funds. The agreed-upon procedures must be conducted
  520  in accordance with attestation standards established by the
  521  American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
  523  If a private school fails or refuses is unable to meet the
  524  requirements of this subsection or has consecutive years of
  525  material exceptions listed in the report required under
  526  paragraph (e), the commissioner may determine that the private
  527  school is ineligible to participate in the program.
  528         Section 8. Paragraph (f) of subsection (6) and subsection
  529  (8) of section 1002.39, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  530         1002.39 The John M. McKay Scholarships for Students with
  531  Disabilities Program.—There is established a program that is
  532  separate and distinct from the Opportunity Scholarship Program
  533  and is named the John M. McKay Scholarships for Students with
  534  Disabilities Program.
  535         (6) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OBLIGATIONS.—The department
  536  shall:
  537         (f)1. Conduct random site visits to private schools
  538  participating in the John M. McKay Scholarships for Students
  539  with Disabilities Program as authorized under s. 1002.421(7).
  540  The purposes purpose of the site visits are is solely to verify
  541  compliance with the provisions of subsection (7) aimed at
  542  protecting the health, safety, and welfare of students and to
  543  verify the information reported by the schools concerning the
  544  enrollment and attendance of students, the credentials of
  545  teachers, background screening of teachers, and teachers’
  546  fingerprinting results, which information is required by rules
  547  of the State Board of Education, subsection (8), and s.
  548  1002.421. The Department of Education may not make followup more
  549  than three random site visits at any time to any school that has
  550  received a notice of noncompliance or a notice of proposed
  551  action within the previous 2 years pursuant to subsection (7)
  552  each year and may not make more than one random site visit each
  553  year to the same private school.
  554         2. Annually, by December 15, report to the Governor, the
  555  President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of
  556  Representatives the Department of Education’s actions with
  557  respect to implementing accountability in the scholarship
  558  program under this section and s. 1002.421, any substantiated
  559  allegations or violations of law or rule by an eligible private
  560  school under this program concerning the enrollment and
  561  attendance of students, the credentials of teachers, background
  562  screening of teachers, and teachers’ fingerprinting results and
  563  the corrective action taken by the Department of Education.
  565  eligible to participate in the John M. McKay Scholarships for
  566  Students with Disabilities Program, a private school may be
  567  sectarian or nonsectarian and must:
  568         (a) Comply with all requirements for private schools
  569  participating in state school choice scholarship programs
  570  pursuant to s. 1002.421.
  571         (b) Provide to the department all documentation required
  572  for a student’s participation, including the private school’s
  573  and student’s fee schedules, at least 30 days before any
  574  quarterly scholarship payment is made for the student pursuant
  575  to paragraph (11)(e). A student is not eligible to receive a
  576  quarterly scholarship payment if the private school fails to
  577  meet this deadline.
  578         (c) Be academically accountable to the parent for meeting
  579  the educational needs of the student by:
  580         1. At a minimum, annually providing to the parent a written
  581  explanation of the student’s progress.
  582         2. Cooperating with the scholarship student whose parent
  583  chooses to participate in the statewide assessments pursuant to
  584  s. 1008.22.
  585         (d) Maintain in this state a physical location where a
  586  scholarship student regularly attends classes.
  587         (e) If the private school that participates in a state
  588  scholarship program under this chapter receives more than
  589  $250,000 in funds from scholarships awarded under chapter 1002
  590  in a state fiscal year, provide an annual report from an
  591  independent certified public accountant who performs the agreed
  592  upon procedures developed under s. 1002.395(6)(o). Such a
  593  private school must annually submit the required report by
  594  September 15 to the organization that awarded the majority of
  595  the school’s scholarship funds. The agreed-upon procedures must
  596  be conducted in accordance with attestation standards
  597  established by the American Institute of Certified Public
  598  Accountants.
  600  The failure or refusal inability of a private school to meet the
  601  requirements of this subsection shall constitute a basis for the
  602  ineligibility of the private school to participate in the
  603  scholarship program as determined by the department.
  604         Section 9. Paragraph (o) of subsection (6), subsection (8),
  605  and paragraph (n) of subsection (9) of section 1002.395, Florida
  606  Statutes, are amended to read:
  607         1002.395 Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program.—
  609  ORGANIZATIONS.—An eligible nonprofit scholarship-funding
  610  organization:
  611         (o)1.a. Must participate in the joint development of
  612  agreed-upon procedures to be performed by an independent
  613  certified public accountant as required under paragraph (8)(e)
  614  if the scholarship-funding organization provided more than
  615  $250,000 in scholarship funds to an eligible private school
  616  under this chapter section during the 2009-2010 state fiscal
  617  year. The agreed-upon procedures must uniformly apply to all
  618  private schools and must determine, at a minimum, whether the
  619  private school has been verified as eligible by the Department
  620  of Education under paragraph (9)(c); has an adequate accounting
  621  system, system of financial controls, and process for deposit
  622  and classification of scholarship funds; and has properly
  623  expended scholarship funds for education-related expenses.
  624  During the development of the procedures, the participating
  625  scholarship-funding organizations shall specify guidelines
  626  governing the materiality of exceptions that may be found during
  627  the accountant’s performance of the procedures. The procedures
  628  and guidelines shall be provided to private schools and the
  629  Commissioner of Education by March 15, 2011.
  630         b. Must participate in a joint review of the agreed-upon
  631  procedures and guidelines developed under sub-subparagraph a.,
  632  by February 2013 and biennially thereafter, if the scholarship
  633  funding organization provided more than $250,000 in scholarship
  634  funds to an eligible private school under this chapter section
  635  during the state fiscal year preceding the biennial review. If
  636  the procedures and guidelines are revised, the revisions must be
  637  provided to private schools and the Commissioner of Education by
  638  March 15, 2013, and biennially thereafter.
  639         c. Must monitor the compliance of a private school with
  640  paragraph (8)(e) if the scholarship-funding organization
  641  provided the majority of the scholarship funding to the school.
  642  For each private school subject to paragraph (8)(e), the
  643  appropriate scholarship-funding organization shall notify the
  644  Commissioner of Education by October 30, 2011, and annually
  645  thereafter of:
  646         (I) A private school’s failure to submit a report required
  647  under paragraph (8)(e); or
  648         (II) Any material exceptions set forth in the report
  649  required under paragraph (8)(e).
  650         2. Must seek input from the accrediting associations that
  651  are members of the Florida Association of Academic Nonpublic
  652  Schools when jointly developing the agreed-upon procedures and
  653  guidelines under sub-subparagraph 1.a. and conducting a review
  654  of those procedures and guidelines under sub-subparagraph 1.b.
  656  Information and documentation provided to the Department of
  657  Education and the Auditor General relating to the identity of a
  658  taxpayer that provides an eligible contribution under this
  659  section shall remain confidential at all times in accordance
  660  with s. 213.053.
  662  private school may be sectarian or nonsectarian and must:
  663         (a) Comply with all requirements for private schools
  664  participating in state school choice scholarship programs
  665  pursuant to s. 1002.421.
  666         (b) Provide to the eligible nonprofit scholarship-funding
  667  organization, upon request, all documentation required for the
  668  student’s participation, including the private school’s and
  669  student’s fee schedules.
  670         (c) Be academically accountable to the parent for meeting
  671  the educational needs of the student by:
  672         1. At a minimum, annually providing to the parent a written
  673  explanation of the student’s progress.
  674         2. Annually administering or making provision for students
  675  participating in the scholarship program in grades 3 through 10
  676  to take one of the nationally norm-referenced tests identified
  677  by the Department of Education or the statewide assessments
  678  pursuant to s. 1008.22. Students with disabilities for whom
  679  standardized testing is not appropriate are exempt from this
  680  requirement. A participating private school must report a
  681  student’s scores to the parent. A participating private school
  682  must annually report by August 15 the scores of all
  683  participating students to the Learning System Institute
  684  described in paragraph (9)(j).
  685         3. Cooperating with the scholarship student whose parent
  686  chooses to have the student participate in the statewide
  687  assessments pursuant to s. 1008.22 or, if a private school
  688  chooses to offer the statewide assessments, administering the
  689  assessments at the school.
  690         a. A participating private school may choose to offer and
  691  administer the statewide assessments to all students who attend
  692  the private school in grades 3 through 10.
  693         b. A participating private school must submit a request in
  694  writing to the Department of Education by March 1 of each year
  695  in order to administer the statewide assessments in the
  696  subsequent school year.
  697         (d) Employ or contract with teachers who have regular and
  698  direct contact with each student receiving a scholarship under
  699  this section at the school’s physical location.
  700         (e) Provide a report from an independent certified public
  701  accountant who performs the agreed-upon procedures developed
  702  under paragraph (6)(o) if the private school receives more than
  703  $250,000 in funds from scholarships awarded under this chapter
  704  section in a state fiscal year. A private school subject to this
  705  paragraph must annually submit the report by September 15 to the
  706  scholarship-funding organization that awarded the majority of
  707  the school’s scholarship funds. The agreed-upon procedures must
  708  be conducted in accordance with attestation standards
  709  established by the American Institute of Certified Public
  710  Accountants.
  712  If a private school fails or refuses is unable to meet the
  713  requirements of this subsection or has consecutive years of
  714  material exceptions listed in the report required under
  715  paragraph (e), the commissioner may determine that the private
  716  school is ineligible to participate in the scholarship program
  717  as determined by the Department of Education.
  718         (9) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OBLIGATIONS.—The Department of
  719  Education shall:
  720         (n)1. Conduct site visits to private schools participating
  721  in the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program as authorized
  722  under s. 1002.421(7). The purposes purpose of the site visits
  723  are is solely to verify compliance with the provisions of
  724  subsection (11) aimed at protecting the health, safety, and
  725  welfare of students and to verify the information reported by
  726  the schools concerning the enrollment and attendance of
  727  students, the credentials of teachers, background screening of
  728  teachers, and teachers’ fingerprinting results. The Department
  729  of Education may not make more than seven site visits each year;
  730  however, The department may make followup additional site visits
  731  at any time to any school that, pursuant to subsection (11), has
  732  received a notice of noncompliance or a notice of proposed
  733  action within the previous 2 years.
  734         2. Annually, by December 15, report to the Governor, the
  735  President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of
  736  Representatives the Department of Education’s actions with
  737  respect to implementing accountability in the scholarship
  738  program under this section and s. 1002.421, any substantiated
  739  allegations or violations of law or rule by an eligible private
  740  school under this program concerning the enrollment and
  741  attendance of students, the credentials of teachers, background
  742  screening of teachers, and teachers’ fingerprinting results and
  743  the corrective action taken by the Department of Education.
  744         Section 10. Present subsection (7) of section 1002.421,
  745  Florida Statutes, is amended and redesignated as subsection
  746  (11), a new subsection (7) and subsections (8), (9), and (10)
  747  are added to that section, and subsection (1), paragraphs (h)
  748  and (i) of subsection (2), and subsections (4) and (5) of that
  749  section are amended, to read:
  750         1002.421 Accountability of private schools participating in
  751  state school choice scholarship programs.—
  752         (1)(a) A Florida private school participating in the
  753  Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program established pursuant to
  754  s. 1002.395 or an educational scholarship program established
  755  pursuant to this chapter must comply with all requirements of
  756  this section in addition to private school requirements outlined
  757  in s. 1002.42, specific requirements identified within
  758  respective scholarship program laws, and other provisions of
  759  Florida law that apply to private schools.
  760         (b) For purposes of this section, the term “owner or
  761  operator” includes an owner, operator, superintendent, or
  762  principal of an eligible private school or a person with
  763  equivalent decisionmaking authority over an eligible private
  764  school.
  765         (2) A private school participating in a scholarship program
  766  must be a Florida private school as defined in s. 1002.01(2),
  767  must be registered in accordance with s. 1002.42, and must:
  768         (h) Employ or contract with teachers who:
  769         1. Unless otherwise specified under this paragraph, hold
  770  baccalaureate or higher degrees, have at least 3 years of
  771  teaching experience in public or private schools, or have
  772  objectively identified special skills, knowledge, or expertise
  773  that qualifies them to provide instruction in subjects taught.
  774         2. Hold baccalaureate or higher degrees from a regionally
  775  or nationally accredited college or university in the United
  776  States or from a recognized college or university in another
  777  country. This subparagraph applies to full-time teachers hired
  778  after July 1, 2018, who are teaching students in grade 2 or
  779  above.
  781  The private school must report to the department, in a format
  782  developed by the department, the qualifications of each teacher
  783  hired by the school, including, but not limited to, an
  784  explanation of the objectively identified special skills or
  785  expertise of such teachers, as applicable. Additionally, the
  786  private school must provide to the parent of each scholarship
  787  student, on the school’s website or on a written form provided
  788  by the school, the qualifications of each classroom teacher.
  789         (i) Require each employee and contracted personnel with
  790  direct student contact, upon employment or engagement to provide
  791  services, to undergo a state and national background screening,
  792  pursuant to s. 943.0542, by electronically filing with the
  793  Department of Law Enforcement a complete set of fingerprints
  794  taken by an authorized law enforcement agency or an employee of
  795  the private school, a school district, or a private company who
  796  is trained to take fingerprints and deny employment to or
  797  terminate an employee if he or she fails to meet the screening
  798  standards under s. 435.04. Results of the screening shall be
  799  provided to the participating private school. For purposes of
  800  this paragraph:
  801         1. An “employee or contracted personnel with direct student
  802  contact” means any employee or contracted personnel who has
  803  unsupervised access to a scholarship student for whom the
  804  private school is responsible.
  805         2. The costs of fingerprinting and the background check
  806  shall not be borne by the state.
  807         3. Continued employment of an employee or contracted
  808  personnel after notification that he or she has failed the
  809  background screening under this paragraph shall cause a private
  810  school to be ineligible for participation in a scholarship
  811  program.
  812         4. An employee or contracted personnel holding a valid
  813  Florida teaching certificate who has been fingerprinted pursuant
  814  to s. 1012.32 and who is not ineligible for employment pursuant
  815  to s. 1012.315 is not required to comply with the provisions of
  816  this paragraph.
  817         (4) A private school that accepts scholarship students
  818  under this chapter s. 1002.39 or s. 1002.395 must:
  819         (a) Disqualify instructional personnel and school
  820  administrators, as defined in s. 1012.01, from employment in any
  821  position that requires direct contact with students if the
  822  personnel or administrators are ineligible for such employment
  823  under s. 1012.315.
  824         (b) Adopt and faithfully implement policies establishing
  825  standards of ethical conduct for instructional personnel and
  826  school administrators. The policies must require all
  827  instructional personnel and school administrators, as defined in
  828  s. 1012.01, to complete training on the standards; establish the
  829  duty of instructional personnel and school administrators to
  830  report, and procedures for reporting, alleged misconduct by
  831  other instructional personnel and school administrators which
  832  affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student; and include
  833  an explanation of the liability protections provided under ss.
  834  39.203 and 768.095. A private school, or any of its employees,
  835  may not enter into a confidentiality agreement regarding
  836  terminated or dismissed instructional personnel or school
  837  administrators, or personnel or administrators who resign in
  838  lieu of termination, based in whole or in part on misconduct
  839  that affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student, and
  840  may not provide the instructional personnel or school
  841  administrators with employment references or discuss the
  842  personnel’s or administrators’ performance with prospective
  843  employers in another educational setting, without disclosing the
  844  personnel’s or administrators’ misconduct. Any part of an
  845  agreement or contract that has the purpose or effect of
  846  concealing misconduct by instructional personnel or school
  847  administrators which affects the health, safety, or welfare of a
  848  student is void, is contrary to public policy, and may not be
  849  enforced.
  850         (c) Before employing instructional personnel or school
  851  administrators in any position that requires direct contact with
  852  students, conduct employment history checks of each of the
  853  personnel’s or administrators’ previous employers, screen the
  854  personnel or administrators through use of the educator
  855  screening tools described in s. 1001.10(5), and document the
  856  findings. If unable to contact a previous employer, the private
  857  school must document efforts to contact the employer.
  859  The department shall suspend the payment of funds under this
  860  chapter ss. 1002.39 and 1002.395 to a private school that
  861  knowingly fails or refuses to comply with this subsection, and
  862  shall prohibit the school from enrolling new scholarship
  863  students, for 1 fiscal year and until the school complies.
  864         (5) The failure or refusal inability of a private school to
  865  meet the requirements of this section shall constitute a basis
  866  for the ineligibility of the private school to participate in a
  867  scholarship program as determined by the department.
  868  Additionally, a private school is ineligible to participate in a
  869  state scholarship program under this chapter if the owner or
  870  operator of the private school was a debtor in a voluntary or
  871  involuntary bankruptcy petition within the most recent 5 years.
  872         (7)(a)The department must annually visit at least 5
  873  percent, and may annually visit up to 7 percent, of the private
  874  schools that participate in the state scholarship programs under
  875  this chapter. Site visits required under subsection (8) are not
  876  included in the annual site visits authorized under this
  877  paragraph.
  878         (b) The purposes of the site visits are to verify
  879  compliance with the provisions of this section aimed at
  880  protecting the health, safety, and welfare of students and to
  881  verify the information reported by the schools concerning the
  882  enrollment and attendance of students, the credentials of
  883  teachers, background screening of teachers, and teachers’
  884  fingerprinting results, as required by rules of the State Board
  885  of Education and this section.
  886         (c) The department may make followup site visits at any
  887  time to any school that has received a notice of noncompliance
  888  or a notice of proposed action within the previous 2 years, or
  889  for a cause that affects the health, safety, and welfare of a
  890  student.
  891         (8)(a)The department shall visit each private school that
  892  notifies the department of the school’s intent to participate in
  893  a state scholarship program under this chapter.
  894         (b) The purpose of the site visit is to determine that the
  895  school meets the applicable state and local health, safety, and
  896  welfare codes and rules pursuant to this section.
  897         (9) The Division of State Fire Marshal shall annually
  898  provide to the department a fire safety inspection report,
  899  prepared by the local fire departments or by entities with whom
  900  they contract to perform fire safety inspections of private
  901  schools, for each private school that participates in a state
  902  scholarship program under this chapter.
  903         (10) If a private school that participates in a state
  904  scholarship program under this chapter receives more than
  905  $250,000 in funds from the scholarships awarded under this
  906  chapter in a state fiscal year, the school must provide to the
  907  department a report of the balance sheet and statement of income
  908  expenditures in accordance with generally accepted accounting
  909  procedures from an independent certified public accountant who
  910  performs the agreed-upon procedures.
  911         (11)(7) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules
  912  pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to administer and enforce
  913  this section.
  914         Section 11. Paragraph (d) of subsection (2) of section
  915  1003.41, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (f) is
  916  added to that subsection, to read:
  917         1003.41 Next Generation Sunshine State Standards.—
  918         (2) Next Generation Sunshine State Standards must meet the
  919  following requirements:
  920         (d) Social Studies standards must establish specific
  921  curricular content for, at a minimum, geography, United States
  922  and world history, government, civics, humanities, and
  923  economics, including financial literacy. Financial literacy
  924  includes the knowledge, understanding, skills, behaviors,
  925  attitudes, and values that will enable a student to make
  926  responsible and effective financial decisions on a daily basis.
  927  Financial literacy instruction shall be an integral part of
  928  instruction throughout the entire economics course and include
  929  information regarding earning income; buying goods and services;
  930  saving and financial investing; taxes; the use of credit and
  931  credit cards; budgeting and debt management, including student
  932  loans and secured loans; banking and financial services;
  933  planning for one’s financial future, including higher education
  934  and career planning; credit reports and scores; and fraud and
  935  identity theft prevention. The requirements for financial
  936  literacy specified under this paragraph do not apply to students
  937  entering grade 9 in the 2018-2019 school year and thereafter.
  938         (f) Effective for students entering grade 9 in the 2018
  939  2019 school year and thereafter, financial literacy standards
  940  must establish specific curricular content for, at a minimum,
  941  personal financial literacy and money management. Financial
  942  literacy includes instruction in the areas specified in s.
  943  1003.4282(3)(h).
  944         Section 12. Paragraphs (d) and (g) of subsection (3) of
  945  section 1003.4282, Florida Statutes, are amended, and paragraph
  946  (h) is added to that subsection, to read:
  947         1003.4282 Requirements for a standard high school diploma.—
  950         (d) Three credits in social studies.—A student must earn
  951  one credit in United States History; one credit in World
  952  History; one-half credit in economics, which must include
  953  financial literacy; and one-half credit in United States
  954  Government. The United States History EOC assessment constitutes
  955  30 percent of the student’s final course grade. However, for a
  956  student entering grade 9 in the 2018-2019 school year or
  957  thereafter, financial literacy is not a required component of
  958  the one-half credit in economics.
  959         (g) Eight Credits in Electives.—School districts must
  960  develop and offer coordinated electives so that a student may
  961  develop knowledge and skills in his or her area of interest,
  962  such as electives with a STEM or liberal arts focus. Such
  963  electives must include opportunities for students to earn
  964  college credit, including industry-certified career education
  965  programs or series of career-themed courses that result in
  966  industry certification or articulate into the award of college
  967  credit, or career education courses for which there is a
  968  statewide or local articulation agreement and which lead to
  969  college credit. A student entering grade 9 before the 2018-2019
  970  school year must earn eight credits in electives. A student
  971  entering grade 9 in the 2018-2019 school year or thereafter must
  972  earn seven and one-half credits in electives.
  973         (h) One-half credit in personal financial literacy.
  974  Beginning with students entering grade 9 in the 2018-2019 school
  975  year, each student shall earn one-half credit in personal
  976  financial literacy and money management. This instruction must
  977  include discussion of or instruction in the following:
  978         1. Types of bank accounts offered, opening and managing a
  979  bank account, and assessing the quality of a depository
  980  institution’s services.
  981         2. Balancing a checkbook.
  982         3. Basic principles of money management, such as spending,
  983  credit, credit scores, and managing debt, including retail and
  984  credit card debt.
  985         4. Completing a loan application.
  986         5. Receiving an inheritance and related implications.
  987         6. Basic principles of personal insurance policies.
  988         7. Computing federal income taxes.
  989         8. Local tax assessments.
  990         9. Computing interest rates by various mechanisms.
  991         10. Simple contracts.
  992         11. Contesting an incorrect billing statement.
  993         12. Types of savings and investments.
  994         13. State and federal laws concerning finance.
  995         Section 13. Section 1006.061, Florida Statutes, is amended
  996  to read:
  997         1006.061 Child abuse, abandonment, and neglect policy.—Each
  998  district school board, charter school, and private school that
  999  accepts scholarship students under s. 1002.385, s. 1002.39, or
 1000  s. 1002.395, or another state scholarship program under chapter
 1001  1002 shall:
 1002         (1) Post in a prominent place in each school a notice that,
 1003  pursuant to chapter 39, all employees and agents of the district
 1004  school board, charter school, or private school have an
 1005  affirmative duty to report all actual or suspected cases of
 1006  child abuse, abandonment, or neglect; have immunity from
 1007  liability if they report such cases in good faith; and have a
 1008  duty to comply with child protective investigations and all
 1009  other provisions of law relating to child abuse, abandonment,
 1010  and neglect. The notice shall also include the statewide toll
 1011  free telephone number of the central abuse hotline.
 1012         (2) Post in a prominent place at each school site and on
 1013  each school’s Internet website, if available, the policies and
 1014  procedures for reporting alleged misconduct by instructional
 1015  personnel or school administrators which affects the health,
 1016  safety, or welfare of a student; the contact person to whom the
 1017  report is made; and the penalties imposed on instructional
 1018  personnel or school administrators who fail to report suspected
 1019  or actual child abuse or alleged misconduct by other
 1020  instructional personnel or school administrators.
 1021         (3) Require the principal of the charter school or private
 1022  school, or the district school superintendent, or the
 1023  superintendent’s designee, at the request of the Department of
 1024  Children and Families, to act as a liaison to the Department of
 1025  Children and Families and the child protection team, as defined
 1026  in s. 39.01, when in a case of suspected child abuse,
 1027  abandonment, or neglect or an unlawful sexual offense involving
 1028  a child the case is referred to such a team; except that this
 1029  does not relieve or restrict the Department of Children and
 1030  Families from discharging its duty and responsibility under the
 1031  law to investigate and report every suspected or actual case of
 1032  child abuse, abandonment, or neglect or unlawful sexual offense
 1033  involving a child.
 1034         (4)(a) Post in a prominent place in a clearly visible
 1035  location and public area of the school which is readily
 1036  accessible to and widely used by students a sign in English and
 1037  Spanish that contains:
 1038         1. The statewide toll-free telephone number of the central
 1039  abuse hotline as provided in chapter 39;
 1040         2. Instructions to call 911 for emergencies; and
 1041         3. Directions for accessing the Department of Children and
 1042  Families Internet website for more information on reporting
 1043  abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
 1044         (b) The information in paragraph (a) must be put on at
 1045  least one poster in each school, on a sheet that measures at
 1046  least 11 inches by 17 inches, produced in large print, and
 1047  placed at student eye level for easy viewing.
 1049  The Department of Education shall develop, and publish on the
 1050  department’s Internet website, sample notices suitable for
 1051  posting in accordance with subsections (1), (2), and (4).
 1052         Section 14. Section 1007.273, Florida Statutes, is amended
 1053  to read:
 1054         1007.273 Structured high school acceleration programs
 1055  Collegiate high school program.—
 1056         (1) Each Florida College System institution shall work with
 1057  each district school board in its designated service area to
 1058  establish one or more structured programs, including, but not
 1059  limited to, collegiate high school programs. As used in this
 1060  section, the term “structured program” means a structured high
 1061  school acceleration program.
 1062         (1)(2)PURPOSE.—At a minimum, structured collegiate high
 1063  school programs must include an option for public school
 1064  students in grade 11 or grade 12 participating in the structured
 1065  program, for at least 1 full school year, to earn CAPE industry
 1066  certifications pursuant to s. 1008.44, and to successfully
 1067  complete at least 30 credit hours through the dual enrollment
 1068  program under s. 1007.271. The structured program must
 1069  prioritize dual enrollment courses that are applicable toward
 1070  general education core courses or common prerequisite course
 1071  requirements under s. 1007.25 over dual enrollment courses
 1072  applicable as electives toward at least the first year of
 1073  college for an associate degree or baccalaureate degree while
 1074  enrolled in the structured program. A district school board may
 1075  not limit the number of eligible public school students who may
 1076  enroll in such structured programs.
 1078         (a) Each district school board and its local Florida
 1079  College System institution shall execute a contract to establish
 1080  one or more structured collegiate high school programs at a
 1081  mutually agreed upon location or locations. Beginning with the
 1082  2015-2016 school year, If the local Florida College System
 1083  institution does not establish a structured program with a
 1084  district school board in its designated service area, another
 1085  Florida College System institution may execute a contract with
 1086  that district school board to establish the structured program.
 1087  The contract must be executed by January 1 of each school year
 1088  for implementation of the structured program during the next
 1089  school year. By August 1, 2018, a contract entered into before
 1090  January 1, 2018, for the 2018-2019 school year must be modified
 1091  to include the provisions of paragraph (b).
 1092         (b) The contract must:
 1093         1.(a) Identify the grade levels to be included in the
 1094  structured collegiate high school program; which must, at a
 1095  minimum, include grade 12.
 1096         2.(b) Describe the structured collegiate high school
 1097  program, including a list of the meta-major academic pathways
 1098  approved pursuant to s. 1008.30(4), which are available to
 1099  participating students through the partner Florida College
 1100  System institution or other eligible partner postsecondary
 1101  institutions; the delineation of courses that must, at a
 1102  minimum, include general education core courses and common
 1103  prerequisite course requirements pursuant to s. 1007.25; and
 1104  industry certifications offered, including online course
 1105  availability; the high school and college credits earned for
 1106  each postsecondary course completed and industry certification
 1107  earned; student eligibility criteria; and the enrollment process
 1108  and relevant deadlines;.
 1109         3.(c) Describe the methods, medium, and process by which
 1110  students and their parents are annually informed about the
 1111  availability of the structured collegiate high school program,
 1112  the return on investment associated with participation in the
 1113  structured program, and the information described in
 1114  subparagraphs 1. and 2.; paragraphs (a) and (b).
 1115         4.(d) Identify the delivery methods for instruction and the
 1116  instructors for all courses;.
 1117         5.(e) Identify student advising services and progress
 1118  monitoring mechanisms;.
 1119         6.(f) Establish a program review and reporting mechanism
 1120  regarding student performance outcomes; and.
 1121         7.(g) Describe the terms of funding arrangements to
 1122  implement the structured collegiate high school program pursuant
 1123  to paragraph (5)(a).
 1125         (a)(4) Each student participating in a structured
 1126  collegiate high school program must enter into a student
 1127  performance contract which must be signed by the student, the
 1128  parent, and a representative of the school district and the
 1129  applicable Florida College System institution, state university,
 1130  or other institution participating pursuant to subsection (4)
 1131  (5). The performance contract must, at a minimum, specify
 1132  include the schedule of courses, by semester, and industry
 1133  certifications to be taken by the student, if any; student
 1134  attendance requirements;, and course grade requirements; and the
 1135  applicability of such courses to an associate degree or a
 1136  baccalaureate degree.
 1137         (b) By September 1 of each school year, each district
 1138  school board must notify each student enrolled in grades 9, 10,
 1139  11, and 12 in a public school within the school district about
 1140  the structured program, including, but not limited to:
 1141         1. The method for earning college credit through
 1142  participation in the structured program. The notification must
 1143  include website links to the dual enrollment course equivalency
 1144  list approved by the State Board of Education; the common degree
 1145  program prerequisite requirements published by the Articulation
 1146  Coordinating Committee pursuant to s. 1007.01(3)(f); the
 1147  industry certification articulation agreements adopted by the
 1148  State Board of Education in rule; and the approved meta-major
 1149  academic pathways of the partner Florida College System
 1150  institution and other eligible partner postsecondary
 1151  institutions participating pursuant to subsection (4); and
 1152         2. The estimated cost savings to students and their
 1153  families resulting from students successfully completing 30
 1154  credit hours applicable toward general education core courses or
 1155  common prerequisite course requirements before graduating from
 1156  high school versus the cost of earning such credit hours after
 1157  graduating from high school.
 1159  to executing a contract with the local Florida College System
 1160  institution under this section, a district school board may
 1161  execute a contract to establish a structured collegiate high
 1162  school program with a state university or an institution that is
 1163  eligible to participate in the William L. Boyd, IV, Florida
 1164  Resident Access Grant Program, that is a nonprofit independent
 1165  college or university located and chartered in this state, and
 1166  that is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern
 1167  Association of Colleges and Schools to grant baccalaureate
 1168  degrees. Such university or institution must meet the
 1169  requirements specified under subsections (2) (3) and (3). A
 1170  charter school may execute a contract directly with the local
 1171  Florida College System institution or another institution as
 1172  authorized under this section to establish a structured program
 1173  at a mutually agreed upon location (4).
 1174         (5) FUNDING.—
 1175         (a)(6) The structured collegiate high school program shall
 1176  be funded pursuant to ss. 1007.271 and 1011.62. The State Board
 1177  of Education shall enforce compliance with this section by
 1178  withholding the transfer of funds for the school districts and
 1179  the Florida College System institutions in accordance with s.
 1180  1008.32. Annually, by December 31, the State Board of Education
 1181  shall enforce compliance with this section by withholding the
 1182  transfer of funds for the Florida College System institutions in
 1183  accordance with s. 1008.32
 1184         (b) A student who enrolls in the structured program and
 1185  successfully completes at least 30 college credit hours during a
 1186  school year through the dual enrollment program under s.
 1187  1007.271 generates a 0.5 full-time equivalent (FTE) bonus. A
 1188  student who enrolls in the structured program and successfully
 1189  completes an additional 30 college credit hours during a school
 1190  year, resulting in at least 60 college credit hours through the
 1191  dual enrollment program under s. 1007.271 applicable toward
 1192  fulfilling the requirements for an associate in arts degree or
 1193  an associate in science degree or a baccalaureate degree
 1194  pursuant to the student performance contract under subsection
 1195  (3), before graduating from high school, generates an additional
 1196  0.5 FTE bonus. Each district school board that is a contractual
 1197  partner with a Florida College System institution or other
 1198  eligible postsecondary institution shall report to the
 1199  commissioner the total FTE bonus for each structured program for
 1200  the students from that school district. The total FTE bonus
 1201  shall be added to each school district’s total weighted FTE for
 1202  funding in the subsequent fiscal year.
 1203         (c) For any industry certification a student attains under
 1204  this section, the FTE bonus shall be calculated and awarded in
 1205  accordance with s. 1011.62(1)(o).
 1206         (6) REPORTING REQUIREMENTS.—
 1207         (a) By September 1 of each school year, each district
 1208  school superintendent shall report to the commissioner, at a
 1209  minimum, the following information on each structured program
 1210  administered during the prior school year:
 1211         1. The number of students in public schools within the
 1212  school district who enrolled in the structured program, and the
 1213  partnering postsecondary institutions pursuant to subsections
 1214  (2) and (4);
 1215         2. The total and average number of dual enrollment courses
 1216  completed, high school and college credits earned, standard high
 1217  school diplomas and associate and baccalaureate degrees awarded,
 1218  and the number of industry certifications attained, if any, by
 1219  the students who enrolled in the structured program;
 1220         3. The projected student enrollment in the structured
 1221  program during the next school year; and
 1222         4. Any barriers to executing contracts to establish one or
 1223  more structured programs.
 1224         (b) By November 30 of each school year, the commissioner
 1225  must report to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and
 1226  the Speaker of the House of Representatives the status of
 1227  structured programs, including, at a minimum, a summary of
 1228  student enrollment and completion information pursuant to this
 1229  subsection; barriers, if any, to establishing such programs; and
 1230  recommendations for expanding access to such programs statewide.
 1231         Section 15. Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) and subsection
 1232  (4) of section 1008.33, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
 1233         1008.33 Authority to enforce public school improvement.—
 1234         (3)
 1235         (c) The state board shall adopt by rule a differentiated
 1236  matrix of intervention and support strategies for assisting
 1237  traditional public schools identified under this section and
 1238  rules for implementing s. 1002.33(9)(n), relating to charter
 1239  schools.
 1240         1. The intervention and support strategies must address
 1241  efforts to improve student performance through one or more of
 1242  the following strategies: and may include
 1243         a. Improvement planning;
 1244         b. Leadership quality improvement;
 1245         c. Educator quality improvement;
 1246         d. Professional development;
 1247         e. Curriculum review, pacing, and alignment across grade
 1248  levels to improve background knowledge in social studies,
 1249  science, and the arts; and
 1250         f. The use of continuous improvement and monitoring plans
 1251  and processes.
 1252         2.In addition, The state board may prescribe reporting
 1253  requirements to review and monitor the progress of the schools.
 1254  The rule must define the intervention and support strategies for
 1255  school improvement for schools earning a grade of “D” or “F” and
 1256  the roles for the district and department.
 1257         (4)(a) The state board shall apply intensive intervention
 1258  and support strategies tailored to the needs of schools earning
 1259  two consecutive grades of “D” or a grade of “F.” In the first
 1260  full school year after a school initially earns two consecutive
 1261  grades of “D” or a grade of “F,” the school district must
 1262  immediately implement intervention and support strategies
 1263  prescribed in rule under paragraph (3)(c) and, by September 1,
 1264  provide the department with the memorandum of understanding
 1265  negotiated pursuant to s. 1001.42(21) and, by October 1, a
 1266  district-managed turnaround plan for approval by the state
 1267  board. The district-managed turnaround plan may include a
 1268  proposal for the district to implement an extended school day, a
 1269  summer program, or a combination of an extended school day and
 1270  summer program. Upon approval by the state board, the school
 1271  district must implement the plan for the remainder of the school
 1272  year and continue the plan for 1 full school year. The state
 1273  board may allow a school an additional year of implementation
 1274  before the school must implement a turnaround option required
 1275  under paragraph (b) if it determines that the school is likely
 1276  to improve to a grade of “C” or higher after the first full
 1277  school year of implementation.
 1278         (b) Unless an additional year of implementation is provided
 1279  pursuant to paragraph (a), a school that has completed 2 school
 1280  years of a district-managed turnaround plan required under
 1281  paragraph (a) and has not improved its school grade to a “C” or
 1282  higher, pursuant to s. 1008.34, earns three consecutive grades
 1283  below a “C” must implement one of the following options:
 1284         1. Reassign students to another school and monitor the
 1285  progress of each reassigned student.;
 1286         2. Close the school and reopen the school as one or more
 1287  charter schools, each with a governing board that has a
 1288  demonstrated record of effectiveness. Such charter schools are
 1289  eligible for funding from the hope supplemental services
 1290  allocation established by s. 1011.62(16).; or
 1291         3. Contract with an outside entity that has a demonstrated
 1292  record of effectiveness to operate the school. An outside entity
 1293  may include:
 1294         a. A district-managed charter school in which all
 1295  instructional personnel are not employees of the school
 1296  district, but are employees of an independent governing board
 1297  composed of members who did not participate in the review or
 1298  approval of the charter. A district-managed charter school is
 1299  eligible for funding from the hope supplemental services
 1300  allocation established by s. 1011.62(16); or
 1301         b. A hope operator that submits to a school district a
 1302  notice of intent of a performance-based agreement pursuant to s.
 1303  1002.333. A school of hope established pursuant to this sub
 1304  subparagraph is eligible for funding from the hope supplemental
 1305  services allocation for up to 5 years, beginning in the school
 1306  year in which the school of hope is established, if the school
 1307  of hope:
 1308         (I) Is established at the district-owned facilities of the
 1309  persistently low-performing school;
 1310         (II) Gives priority enrollment to students who are enrolled
 1311  in, or are eligible to attend and are living in the attendance
 1312  area of, the persistently low-performing school that the school
 1313  of hope operates, consistent with the enrollment lottery
 1314  exemption provided under s. 1002.333(5)(c); and
 1315         (III) Meets the requirements of its performance-based
 1316  agreement pursuant to s. 1002.333.
 1317         4. Implement a franchise model school in which a highly
 1318  effective principal, pursuant to s. 1012.34, leads the
 1319  persistently low-performing school in addition to the
 1320  principal’s currently assigned school. The franchise model
 1321  school principal may allocate resources and personnel between
 1322  the schools he or she leads. The persistently low-performing
 1323  school is eligible for funding from the hope supplemental
 1324  services allocation established under s. 1011.62(16).
 1325         (c) Implementation of the turnaround option is no longer
 1326  required if the school improves to a grade of “C” or higher.
 1327         (d) If a school earning two consecutive grades of “D” or a
 1328  grade of “F” does not improve to a grade of “C” or higher after
 1329  2 full school years of implementing the turnaround option
 1330  selected by the school district under paragraph (b), the school
 1331  district must implement another turnaround option.
 1332  Implementation of the turnaround option must begin the school
 1333  year following the implementation period of the existing
 1334  turnaround option, unless the state board determines that the
 1335  school is likely to improve to a grade of “C” or higher if
 1336  additional time is provided to implement the existing turnaround
 1337  option.
 1338         Section 16. Present subsections (16) and (17) of section
 1339  1011.62, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsections (19)
 1340  and (20), respectively, new subsections (16) and (17) and
 1341  subsection (18) are added to that section, and paragraph (a) of
 1342  subsection (4) and subsection (14) of that section are amended,
 1343  to read:
 1344         1011.62 Funds for operation of schools.—If the annual
 1345  allocation from the Florida Education Finance Program to each
 1346  district for operation of schools is not determined in the
 1347  annual appropriations act or the substantive bill implementing
 1348  the annual appropriations act, it shall be determined as
 1349  follows:
 1351  Legislature shall prescribe the aggregate required local effort
 1352  for all school districts collectively as an item in the General
 1353  Appropriations Act for each fiscal year. The amount that each
 1354  district shall provide annually toward the cost of the Florida
 1355  Education Finance Program for kindergarten through grade 12
 1356  programs shall be calculated as follows:
 1357         (a) Estimated taxable value calculations.—
 1358         1.a. Not later than 2 working days before July 19, the
 1359  Department of Revenue shall certify to the Commissioner of
 1360  Education its most recent estimate of the taxable value for
 1361  school purposes in each school district and the total for all
 1362  school districts in the state for the current calendar year
 1363  based on the latest available data obtained from the local
 1364  property appraisers. The value certified shall be the taxable
 1365  value for school purposes for that year, and no further
 1366  adjustments shall be made, except those made pursuant to
 1367  paragraphs (c) and (d), or an assessment roll change required by
 1368  final judicial decisions as specified in paragraph (19)(b)
 1369  (16)(b). Not later than July 19, the Commissioner of Education
 1370  shall compute a millage rate, rounded to the next highest one
 1371  one-thousandth of a mill, which, when applied to 96 percent of
 1372  the estimated state total taxable value for school purposes,
 1373  would generate the prescribed aggregate required local effort
 1374  for that year for all districts. The Commissioner of Education
 1375  shall certify to each district school board the millage rate,
 1376  computed as prescribed in this subparagraph, as the minimum
 1377  millage rate necessary to provide the district required local
 1378  effort for that year.
 1379         b. The General Appropriations Act shall direct the
 1380  computation of the statewide adjusted aggregate amount for
 1381  required local effort for all school districts collectively from
 1382  ad valorem taxes to ensure that no school district’s revenue
 1383  from required local effort millage will produce more than 90
 1384  percent of the district’s total Florida Education Finance
 1385  Program calculation as calculated and adopted by the
 1386  Legislature, and the adjustment of the required local effort
 1387  millage rate of each district that produces more than 90 percent
 1388  of its total Florida Education Finance Program entitlement to a
 1389  level that will produce only 90 percent of its total Florida
 1390  Education Finance Program entitlement in the July calculation.
 1391         2. On the same date as the certification in sub
 1392  subparagraph 1.a., the Department of Revenue shall certify to
 1393  the Commissioner of Education for each district:
 1394         a. Each year for which the property appraiser has certified
 1395  the taxable value pursuant to s. 193.122(2) or (3), if
 1396  applicable, since the prior certification under sub-subparagraph
 1397  1.a.
 1398         b. For each year identified in sub-subparagraph a., the
 1399  taxable value certified by the appraiser pursuant to s.
 1400  193.122(2) or (3), if applicable, since the prior certification
 1401  under sub-subparagraph 1.a. This is the certification that
 1402  reflects all final administrative actions of the value
 1403  adjustment board.
 1404         (14) QUALITY ASSURANCE GUARANTEE.—The Legislature may
 1405  annually in the General Appropriations Act determine a
 1406  percentage increase in funds per K-12 unweighted FTE as a
 1407  minimum guarantee to each school district. The guarantee shall
 1408  be calculated from prior year base funding per unweighted FTE
 1409  student which shall include the adjusted FTE dollars as provided
 1410  in subsection (19) (16), quality guarantee funds, and actual
 1411  nonvoted discretionary local effort from taxes. From the base
 1412  funding per unweighted FTE, the increase shall be calculated for
 1413  the current year. The current year funds from which the
 1414  guarantee shall be determined shall include the adjusted FTE
 1415  dollars as provided in subsection (19) (16) and potential
 1416  nonvoted discretionary local effort from taxes. A comparison of
 1417  current year funds per unweighted FTE to prior year funds per
 1418  unweighted FTE shall be computed. For those school districts
 1419  which have less than the legislatively assigned percentage
 1420  increase, funds shall be provided to guarantee the assigned
 1421  percentage increase in funds per unweighted FTE student. Should
 1422  appropriated funds be less than the sum of this calculated
 1423  amount for all districts, the commissioner shall prorate each
 1424  district’s allocation. This provision shall be implemented to
 1425  the extent specifically funded.
 1427  supplemental services allocation is created to provide district
 1428  managed turnaround schools, as required under s. 1008.33(4)(a),
 1429  charter schools authorized under s. 1008.33(4)(b)2., district
 1430  managed charter schools authorized under s. 1008.33(4)(b)3.a.,
 1431  schools of hope authorized under s. 1008.33(4)(b)3.b., and
 1432  franchise model schools as authorized under s. 1008.33(4)(b)4.,
 1433  with funds to offer services designed to improve the overall
 1434  academic and community welfare of the schools’ students and
 1435  their families.
 1436         (a) Services funded by the allocation may include, but are
 1437  not limited to, tutorial and after-school programs, student
 1438  counseling, nutrition education, and parental counseling. In
 1439  addition, services may also include models that develop a
 1440  culture that encourages students to complete high school and to
 1441  attend college or career training, set high academic
 1442  expectations, inspire character development, and include an
 1443  extended school day and school year.
 1444         (b) Prior to distribution of the allocation, a school
 1445  district, for a district turnaround school and persistently low
 1446  performing schools that use a franchise model; a hope operator,
 1447  for a school of hope; or the charter school governing board for
 1448  a charter school, as applicable, shall develop and submit a plan
 1449  for implementation to its respective governing body for approval
 1450  no later than August 1 of the fiscal year.
 1451         (c) At a minimum, the plans required under paragraph (b)
 1452  must:
 1453         1. Establish comprehensive support services that develop
 1454  family and community partnerships;
 1455         2. Establish clearly defined and measurable high academic
 1456  and character standards;
 1457         3. Increase parental involvement and engagement in the
 1458  child’s education;
 1459         4. Describe how instructional personnel will be identified,
 1460  recruited, retained, and rewarded;
 1461         5. Provide professional development that focuses on
 1462  academic rigor, direct instruction, and creating high academic
 1463  and character standards; and
 1464         6. Provide focused instruction to improve student academic
 1465  proficiency, which may include additional instruction time
 1466  beyond the normal school day or school year.
 1467         (d) Each school district and hope operator shall submit
 1468  approved plans to the commissioner by September 1 of each fiscal
 1469  year.
 1470         (e) For the 2018-2019 fiscal year, a school that is
 1471  selected to receive funding in the 2017-2018 fiscal year
 1472  pursuant to s. 1002.333(10)(c) shall receive $2,000 per FTE. A
 1473  district-managed turnaround school required under s.
 1474  1008.33(4)(a), charter school authorized under s.
 1475  1008.33(4)(b)2., district-managed charter school authorized
 1476  under s. 1008.33(4)(b)3.a., school of hope authorized under s.
 1477  1008.33(4)(b)3.b., and franchise model school authorized under
 1478  s. 1008.33(4)(b)4. are eligible for the remaining funds based on
 1479  the school’s unweighted FTE, up to $2,000 per FTE or as provided
 1480  in the General Appropriations Act.
 1481         (f) For the 2019-2020 fiscal year and thereafter, each
 1482  school district’s allocation shall be based on the unweighted
 1483  FTE student enrollment at the eligible schools and a per-FTE
 1484  funding amount of up to $2,000 per FTE or as provided in the
 1485  General Appropriations Act. If the calculated funds for
 1486  unweighted FTE student enrollment at the eligible schools exceed
 1487  the per-FTE funds appropriated, the allocation of funds to each
 1488  school district must be prorated based on each school district’s
 1489  share of the total unweighted FTE student enrollment for the
 1490  eligible schools.
 1491         (17)MENTAL HEALTH ASSISTANCE ALLOCATION.The mental health
 1492  assistance allocation is created to provide supplemental funding
 1493  to assist school districts in establishing or expanding
 1494  comprehensive school-based mental health programs that increase
 1495  awareness of mental health issues among children and school-age
 1496  youth; train educators and other school staff in detecting and
 1497  responding to mental health issues; and connect children, youth,
 1498  and families who may experience behavioral health issues with
 1499  appropriate services. These funds may be allocated annually in
 1500  the General Appropriations Act to each eligible school district
 1501  and developmental research school based on each entity’s
 1502  proportionate share of Florida Education Finance Program base
 1503  funding. The district funding allocation must include a minimum
 1504  amount as specified in the General Appropriations Act. Upon
 1505  submission and approval of a plan that includes the elements
 1506  specified in paragraph (b), charter schools are also entitled to
 1507  a proportionate share of district funding for this program. The
 1508  allocated funds may not supplant funds that are provided for
 1509  this purpose from other operating funds and may not be used to
 1510  increase salaries or provide bonuses.
 1511         (a)Prior to the distribution of the allocation:
 1512         1. The district must annually develop and submit a detailed
 1513  plan outlining the local program and planned expenditures to the
 1514  district school board for approval.
 1515         2. A charter school must annually develop and submit a
 1516  detailed plan outlining the local program and planned
 1517  expenditures of the funds in the plan to its governing body for
 1518  approval. After the plan is approved by the governing body, it
 1519  must be provided to its school district for submission to the
 1520  commissioner.
 1521         (b) The plans required under paragraph (a) must include, at
 1522  a minimum, all of the following elements:
 1523         1. A collaborative effort or partnership between the school
 1524  district and at least one local community program or agency
 1525  involved in mental health to provide or to improve prevention,
 1526  diagnosis, and treatment services for students;
 1527         2. Programs to assist students in dealing with bullying,
 1528  trauma, and violence;
 1529         3. Strategies or programs to reduce the likelihood of at
 1530  risk students developing social, emotional, or behavioral health
 1531  problems or substance use disorders;
 1532         4. Strategies to improve the early identification of
 1533  social, emotional, or behavioral problems or substance use
 1534  disorders and to improve the provision of early intervention
 1535  services;
 1536         5. Strategies to enhance the availability of school-based
 1537  crisis intervention services and appropriate referrals for
 1538  students in need of mental health services; and
 1539         6. Training opportunities for school personnel in the
 1540  techniques and supports needed to identify students who have
 1541  trauma histories and who have or are at risk of having a mental
 1542  illness, and in the use of referral mechanisms that effectively
 1543  link such students to appropriate treatment and intervention
 1544  services in the school and in the community.
 1545         (c)The districts shall submit approved plans to the
 1546  commissioner by August 1 of each fiscal year.
 1547         (d) Beginning September 30, 2019, and by each September 30
 1548  thereafter, each entity that receives an allocation under this
 1549  subsection shall submit to the commissioner, in a format
 1550  prescribed by the department, a final report on its program
 1551  outcomes and its expenditures for each element of the program.
 1552         (18) FUNDING COMPRESSION ALLOCATION.—The Legislature may
 1553  provide an annual funding compression allocation in the General
 1554  Appropriations Act. The allocation is created to provide
 1555  additional funding to school districts and developmental
 1556  research schools whose total funds per FTE in the prior year
 1557  were less than the statewide average. Using the most recent
 1558  prior year FEFP calculation for each eligible school district,
 1559  the total funds per FTE shall be subtracted from the state
 1560  average funds per FTE, not including any adjustments made
 1561  pursuant to paragraph (19)(b). The resulting funds per FTE
 1562  difference, or a portion thereof, as designated in the General
 1563  Appropriations Act, shall then be multiplied by the school
 1564  district’s total unweighted FTE to provide the allocation. If
 1565  the calculated funds are greater than the amount included in the
 1566  General Appropriations Act, they must be prorated to the
 1567  appropriation amount based on each participating school
 1568  district’s share.
 1569         Section 17. Subsection (5) of section 1011.69, Florida
 1570  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1571         1011.69 Equity in School-Level Funding Act.—
 1572         (5) After providing Title I, Part A, Basic funds to schools
 1573  above the 75 percent poverty threshold, which may include high
 1574  schools above the 50 percent threshold as allowed by federal
 1575  law, school districts shall provide any remaining Title I, Part
 1576  A, Basic funds directly to all eligible schools as provided in
 1577  this subsection. For purposes of this subsection, an eligible
 1578  school is a school that is eligible to receive Title I funds,
 1579  including a charter school. The threshold for identifying
 1580  eligible schools may not exceed the threshold established by a
 1581  school district for the 2016-2017 school year or the statewide
 1582  percentage of economically disadvantaged students, as determined
 1583  annually.
 1584         (a) Prior to the allocation of Title I funds to eligible
 1585  schools, a school district may withhold funds only as follows:
 1586         1. One percent for parent involvement, in addition to the
 1587  one percent the district must reserve under federal law for
 1588  allocations to eligible schools for parent involvement;
 1589         2. A necessary and reasonable amount for administration;,
 1590         3.which includes The district’s approved indirect cost
 1591  rate, not to exceed a total of 8 percent; and
 1592         4.3. A reasonable and necessary amount to provide:
 1593         a. Homeless programs;
 1594         b. Delinquent and neglected programs;
 1595         c. Prekindergarten programs and activities;
 1596         d. Private school equitable services; and
 1597         e. Transportation for foster care children to their school
 1598  of origin or choice programs; and.
 1599         5. A necessary and reasonable amount for eligible schools
 1600  to provide:
 1601         a. Extended learning opportunities, such as summer school,
 1602  before-school and after-school programs, and additional class
 1603  periods of instruction during the school day; and
 1604         b. Supplemental academic and enrichment services, staff
 1605  development, and planning and curriculum, as well as wrap-around
 1606  services.
 1607         (b) All remaining Title I funds shall be distributed to all
 1608  eligible schools in accordance with federal law and regulation.
 1609  To maximize the efficient use of resources, school districts may
 1610  allow eligible schools, not including charter schools, to An
 1611  eligible school may use funds under this subsection for
 1612  district-level to participate in discretionary educational
 1613  services provided by the school district.
 1614         Section 18. Subsection (5) of section 1011.71, Florida
 1615  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1616         1011.71 District school tax.—
 1617         (5) Effective July 1, 2008, A school district may expend,
 1618  subject to the provisions of s. 200.065, up to $150 $100 per
 1619  unweighted full-time equivalent student from the revenue
 1620  generated by the millage levy authorized by subsection (2) to
 1621  fund, in addition to expenditures authorized in paragraphs
 1622  (2)(a)-(j), expenses for the following:
 1623         (a) The purchase, lease-purchase, or lease of driver’s
 1624  education vehicles; motor vehicles used for the maintenance or
 1625  operation of plants and equipment; security vehicles; or
 1626  vehicles used in storing or distributing materials and
 1627  equipment.
 1628         (b) Payment of the cost of premiums, as defined in s.
 1629  627.403, for property and casualty insurance necessary to insure
 1630  school district educational and ancillary plants. As used in
 1631  this paragraph, casualty insurance has the same meaning as in s.
 1632  624.605(1)(d), (f), (g), (h), and (m). Operating revenues that
 1633  are made available through the payment of property and casualty
 1634  insurance premiums from revenues generated under this subsection
 1635  may be expended only for nonrecurring operational expenditures
 1636  of the school district.
 1637         Section 19. Section 1012.315, Florida Statutes, is amended
 1638  to read:
 1639         1012.315 Disqualification from employment.—A person is
 1640  ineligible for educator certification, and instructional
 1641  personnel and school administrators, as defined in s. 1012.01,
 1642  are ineligible for employment in any position that requires
 1643  direct contact with students in a district school system,
 1644  charter school, or private school that accepts scholarship
 1645  students under s. 1002.385, s. 1002.39, or s. 1002.395, or
 1646  another state scholarship program under chapter 1002, if the
 1647  person, instructional personnel, or school administrator has
 1648  been convicted of:
 1649         (1) Any felony offense prohibited under any of the
 1650  following statutes:
 1651         (a) Section 393.135, relating to sexual misconduct with
 1652  certain developmentally disabled clients and reporting of such
 1653  sexual misconduct.
 1654         (b) Section 394.4593, relating to sexual misconduct with
 1655  certain mental health patients and reporting of such sexual
 1656  misconduct.
 1657         (c) Section 415.111, relating to adult abuse, neglect, or
 1658  exploitation of aged persons or disabled adults.
 1659         (d) Section 782.04, relating to murder.
 1660         (e) Section 782.07, relating to manslaughter, aggravated
 1661  manslaughter of an elderly person or disabled adult, aggravated
 1662  manslaughter of a child, or aggravated manslaughter of an
 1663  officer, a firefighter, an emergency medical technician, or a
 1664  paramedic.
 1665         (f) Section 784.021, relating to aggravated assault.
 1666         (g) Section 784.045, relating to aggravated battery.
 1667         (h) Section 784.075, relating to battery on a detention or
 1668  commitment facility staff member or a juvenile probation
 1669  officer.
 1670         (i) Section 787.01, relating to kidnapping.
 1671         (j) Section 787.02, relating to false imprisonment.
 1672         (k) Section 787.025, relating to luring or enticing a
 1673  child.
 1674         (l) Section 787.04(2), relating to leading, taking,
 1675  enticing, or removing a minor beyond the state limits, or
 1676  concealing the location of a minor, with criminal intent pending
 1677  custody proceedings.
 1678         (m) Section 787.04(3), relating to leading, taking,
 1679  enticing, or removing a minor beyond the state limits, or
 1680  concealing the location of a minor, with criminal intent pending
 1681  dependency proceedings or proceedings concerning alleged abuse
 1682  or neglect of a minor.
 1683         (n) Section 790.115(1), relating to exhibiting firearms or
 1684  weapons at a school-sponsored event, on school property, or
 1685  within 1,000 feet of a school.
 1686         (o) Section 790.115(2)(b), relating to possessing an
 1687  electric weapon or device, destructive device, or other weapon
 1688  at a school-sponsored event or on school property.
 1689         (p) Section 794.011, relating to sexual battery.
 1690         (q) Former s. 794.041, relating to sexual activity with or
 1691  solicitation of a child by a person in familial or custodial
 1692  authority.
 1693         (r) Section 794.05, relating to unlawful sexual activity
 1694  with certain minors.
 1695         (s) Section 794.08, relating to female genital mutilation.
 1696         (t) Chapter 796, relating to prostitution.
 1697         (u) Chapter 800, relating to lewdness and indecent
 1698  exposure.
 1699         (v) Section 806.01, relating to arson.
 1700         (w) Section 810.14, relating to voyeurism.
 1701         (x) Section 810.145, relating to video voyeurism.
 1702         (y) Section 812.014(6), relating to coordinating the
 1703  commission of theft in excess of $3,000.
 1704         (z) Section 812.0145, relating to theft from persons 65
 1705  years of age or older.
 1706         (aa) Section 812.019, relating to dealing in stolen
 1707  property.
 1708         (bb) Section 812.13, relating to robbery.
 1709         (cc) Section 812.131, relating to robbery by sudden
 1710  snatching.
 1711         (dd) Section 812.133, relating to carjacking.
 1712         (ee) Section 812.135, relating to home-invasion robbery.
 1713         (ff) Section 817.563, relating to fraudulent sale of
 1714  controlled substances.
 1715         (gg) Section 825.102, relating to abuse, aggravated abuse,
 1716  or neglect of an elderly person or disabled adult.
 1717         (hh) Section 825.103, relating to exploitation of an
 1718  elderly person or disabled adult.
 1719         (ii) Section 825.1025, relating to lewd or lascivious
 1720  offenses committed upon or in the presence of an elderly person
 1721  or disabled person.
 1722         (jj) Section 826.04, relating to incest.
 1723         (kk) Section 827.03, relating to child abuse, aggravated
 1724  child abuse, or neglect of a child.
 1725         (ll) Section 827.04, relating to contributing to the
 1726  delinquency or dependency of a child.
 1727         (mm) Section 827.071, relating to sexual performance by a
 1728  child.
 1729         (nn) Section 843.01, relating to resisting arrest with
 1730  violence.
 1731         (oo) Chapter 847, relating to obscenity.
 1732         (pp) Section 874.05, relating to causing, encouraging,
 1733  soliciting, or recruiting another to join a criminal street
 1734  gang.
 1735         (qq) Chapter 893, relating to drug abuse prevention and
 1736  control, if the offense was a felony of the second degree or
 1737  greater severity.
 1738         (rr) Section 916.1075, relating to sexual misconduct with
 1739  certain forensic clients and reporting of such sexual
 1740  misconduct.
 1741         (ss) Section 944.47, relating to introduction, removal, or
 1742  possession of contraband at a correctional facility.
 1743         (tt) Section 985.701, relating to sexual misconduct in
 1744  juvenile justice programs.
 1745         (uu) Section 985.711, relating to introduction, removal, or
 1746  possession of contraband at a juvenile detention facility or
 1747  commitment program.
 1748         (2) Any misdemeanor offense prohibited under any of the
 1749  following statutes:
 1750         (a) Section 784.03, relating to battery, if the victim of
 1751  the offense was a minor.
 1752         (b) Section 787.025, relating to luring or enticing a
 1753  child.
 1754         (3) Any criminal act committed in another state or under
 1755  federal law which, if committed in this state, constitutes an
 1756  offense prohibited under any statute listed in subsection (1) or
 1757  subsection (2).
 1758         (4) Any delinquent act committed in this state or any
 1759  delinquent or criminal act committed in another state or under
 1760  federal law which, if committed in this state, qualifies an
 1761  individual for inclusion on the Registered Juvenile Sex Offender
 1762  List under s. 943.0435(1)(h)1.d.
 1763         Section 20. Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of section
 1764  1012.731, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1765         1012.731 The Florida Best and Brightest Teacher Scholarship
 1766  Program.—
 1767         (3)
 1768         (c) Notwithstanding the requirements of this subsection,
 1769  for the 2017-2018, 2018-2019, and 2019-2020 school years, any
 1770  classroom teacher who:
 1771         1. Was evaluated as highly effective pursuant to s. 1012.34
 1772  in the school year immediately preceding the year in which the
 1773  scholarship will be awarded shall receive a scholarship of
 1774  $1200, including a classroom teacher who received an award
 1775  pursuant to paragraph (a).
 1776         2. Was evaluated as effective pursuant to s. 1012.34 in the
 1777  school year immediately preceding the year in which the
 1778  scholarship will be awarded a scholarship of up to $800. If the
 1779  number of eligible classroom teachers under this subparagraph
 1780  exceeds the total allocation, the department shall prorate the
 1781  per-teacher scholarship amount.
 1783  This paragraph expires July 1, 2020.
 1784         Section 21. Subsections (2), (3), and (4) of section
 1785  1012.732, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
 1786         1012.732 The Florida Best and Brightest Principal
 1787  Scholarship Program.—
 1788         (2) There is created the Florida Best and Brightest
 1789  Principal Scholarship Program to be administered by the
 1790  Department of Education. The program shall provide categorical
 1791  funding for scholarships to be awarded to school principals, as
 1792  defined in s. 1012.01(3)(c)1., who are serving as a franchise
 1793  model school principal or who have recruited and retained a high
 1794  percentage of best and brightest teachers.
 1795         (3)(a) A school principal identified pursuant to s.
 1796  1012.731(4)(c) is eligible to receive a scholarship under this
 1797  section if he or she has served as school principal at his or
 1798  her school for at least 2 consecutive school years including the
 1799  current school year and his or her school has a ratio of best
 1800  and brightest teachers to other classroom teachers that is at
 1801  the 80th percentile or higher for schools within the same grade
 1802  group, statewide, including elementary schools, middle schools,
 1803  high schools, and schools with a combination of grade levels.
 1804         (b) A principal of a franchise model school, as defined in
 1805  s. 1002.334, is eligible to receive a scholarship under this
 1806  section.
 1807         (4) Annually, by February 1, the department shall identify
 1808  eligible school principals and disburse funds to each school
 1809  district for each eligible school principal to receive a
 1810  scholarship.
 1811         (a) A scholarship of $10,000 $5,000 must be awarded to each
 1812  franchise model school principal who is every eligible under
 1813  paragraph (3)(b).
 1814         (b)A scholarship of $5,000 must be awarded to each school
 1815  principal assigned to a Title I school and a scholarship of
 1816  $4,000 to each every eligible school principal who is not
 1817  assigned to a Title I school and who is eligible under paragraph
 1818  (3)(a).
 1819         Section 22. Paragraph (e) of subsection (1) of section
 1820  1012.796, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1821         1012.796 Complaints against teachers and administrators;
 1822  procedure; penalties.—
 1823         (1)
 1824         (e) If allegations arise against an employee who is
 1825  certified under s. 1012.56 and employed in an educator
 1826  certificated position in any public school, charter school or
 1827  governing board thereof, or private school that accepts
 1828  scholarship students under s. 1002.385, s. 1002.39, or s.
 1829  1002.395, or another state scholarship program under chapter
 1830  1002, the school shall file in writing with the department a
 1831  legally sufficient complaint within 30 days after the date on
 1832  which the subject matter of the complaint came to the attention
 1833  of the school. A complaint is legally sufficient if it contains
 1834  ultimate facts that show a violation has occurred as provided in
 1835  s. 1012.795 and defined by rule of the State Board of Education.
 1836  The school shall include all known information relating to the
 1837  complaint with the filing of the complaint. This paragraph does
 1838  not limit or restrict the power and duty of the department to
 1839  investigate complaints, regardless of the school’s untimely
 1840  filing, or failure to file, complaints and followup reports.
 1841         Section 23. Present paragraphs (a) through (d) of
 1842  subsection (1) of section 1013.31, Florida Statutes, are
 1843  redesignated as paragraphs (b) through (e), respectively, and a
 1844  new paragraph (a) is added to that subsection, to read:
 1845         1013.31 Educational plant survey; localized need
 1846  assessment; PECO project funding.—
 1847         (1) At least every 5 years, each board shall arrange for an
 1848  educational plant survey, to aid in formulating plans for
 1849  housing the educational program and student population, faculty,
 1850  administrators, staff, and auxiliary and ancillary services of
 1851  the district or campus, including consideration of the local
 1852  comprehensive plan. The Department of Education shall document
 1853  the need for additional career and adult education programs and
 1854  the continuation of existing programs before facility
 1855  construction or renovation related to career or adult education
 1856  may be included in the educational plant survey of a school
 1857  district or Florida College System institution that delivers
 1858  career or adult education programs. Information used by the
 1859  Department of Education to establish facility needs must
 1860  include, but need not be limited to, labor market data, needs
 1861  analysis, and information submitted by the school district or
 1862  Florida College System institution.
 1863         (a) Educational plant survey and localized need assessment
 1864  for capital outlay purposes.A district may only use funds from
 1865  the following sources for educational, auxiliary, and ancillary
 1866  plant capital outlay purposes without needing a survey
 1867  recommendation:
 1868         1. The local capital outlay improvement fund, consisting of
 1869  funds that come from and are a part of the district’s basic
 1870  operating budget;
 1871         2. If a board decides to build an educational, auxiliary,
 1872  or ancillary facility without a survey recommendation and the
 1873  taxpayers approve a bond referendum, the voted bond referendum;
 1874         3. One-half cent sales surtax revenue;
 1875         4. One cent local governmental surtax revenue;
 1876         5. Impact fees; and
 1877         6. Private gifts or donations.
 1878         Section 24. Paragraph (e) is added to subsection (2) of
 1879  section 1013.385, Florida Statutes, to read:
 1880         1013.385 School district construction flexibility.—
 1881         (2) A resolution adopted under this section may propose
 1882  implementation of exceptions to requirements of the uniform
 1883  statewide building code for the planning and construction of
 1884  public educational and ancillary plants adopted pursuant to ss.
 1885  553.73 and 1013.37 relating to:
 1886         (e) Any other provisions that limit the ability of a school
 1887  to operate in a facility on the same basis as a charter school
 1888  pursuant to s. 1002.33(18) if the regional planning council
 1889  determines that there is sufficient shelter capacity within the
 1890  school district as documented in the Statewide Emergency Shelter
 1891  Plan.
 1892         Section 25. Subsection (3) of section 1013.62, Florida
 1893  Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (c) is added to subsection
 1894  (1) of that section, to read:
 1895         1013.62 Charter schools capital outlay funding.—
 1896         (1) Charter school capital outlay funding shall consist of
 1897  revenue resulting from the discretionary millage authorized in
 1898  s. 1011.71(2) and state funds when such funds are appropriated
 1899  in the General Appropriations Act.
 1900         (c)It is the intent of the Legislature that the public
 1901  interest be protected by prohibiting personal financial
 1902  enrichment by owners, operators, managers, real estate
 1903  developers, and other affiliated parties of charter schools.
 1904  Therefore, a charter school is not eligible for a funding
 1905  allocation unless the chair of the governing board and the chief
 1906  administrative officer of the charter school annually certify
 1907  under oath that the funds will be used solely and exclusively
 1908  for constructing, renovating, or improving charter school
 1909  facilities that are:
 1910         1. Owned by a school district, a political subdivision of
 1911  the state, a municipality, a Florida College System institution,
 1912  or a state university;
 1913         2. Owned by an organization that is qualified as an exempt
 1914  organization under s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
 1915  whose articles of incorporation specify that, upon the
 1916  organization’s dissolution, the subject property will be
 1917  transferred to a school district, a political subdivision of the
 1918  state, a municipality, a Florida College System institution, or
 1919  a state university; or
 1920         3. Owned by and leased, at a fair market value in the
 1921  school district in which the charter school is located, from a
 1922  person or entity that is not an affiliated party of the charter
 1923  school. For the purposes of this subparagraph, the term
 1924  “affiliated party of the charter school” means the applicant for
 1925  the charter school pursuant to s. 1002.33; the governing board
 1926  of the charter school or a member of the governing board; the
 1927  charter school owner; the charter school principal; an employee
 1928  of the charter school; an independent contractor of the charter
 1929  school or the governing board of the charter school; a relative,
 1930  as defined in s. 1002.33(24)(a)2., of a charter school governing
 1931  board member, a charter school owner, a charter school
 1932  principal, a charter school employee, or an independent
 1933  contractor of a charter school or charter school governing
 1934  board; a subsidiary corporation, a service corporation, an
 1935  affiliated corporation, a parent corporation, a limited
 1936  liability company, a limited partnership, a trust, a
 1937  partnership, or a related party that, individually or through
 1938  one or more entities, shares common ownership or control and
 1939  directly or indirectly manages, administers, controls, or
 1940  oversees the operation of the charter school; or any person or
 1941  entity, individually or through one or more entities that share
 1942  common ownership, which directly or indirectly manages,
 1943  administers, controls, or oversees the operation of any of the
 1944  foregoing.
 1945         (3) If the school board levies the discretionary millage
 1946  authorized in s. 1011.71(2), the department shall use the
 1947  following calculation methodology to determine the amount of
 1948  revenue that a school district must distribute to each eligible
 1949  charter school:
 1950         (a) Reduce the total discretionary millage revenue by the
 1951  school district’s annual debt service obligation incurred as of
 1952  March 1, 2017, and any amount of participation requirement
 1953  pursuant to s. 1013.64(2)(a)8. that is being satisfied by
 1954  revenues raised by the discretionary millage.
 1955         (b) Divide the school district’s adjusted discretionary
 1956  millage revenue by the district’s total capital outlay full-time
 1957  equivalent membership and the total number of unweighted full
 1958  time equivalent students of each eligible charter school to
 1959  determine a capital outlay allocation per full-time equivalent
 1960  student.
 1961         (c) Multiply the capital outlay allocation per full-time
 1962  equivalent student by the total number of full-time equivalent
 1963  students for all of each eligible charter schools within the
 1964  district school to determine the total charter school capital
 1965  outlay allocation for each district charter school.
 1966         (d) If applicable, reduce the capital outlay allocation
 1967  identified in paragraph (c) by the total amount of state funds
 1968  allocated pursuant to subsection (2) to all each eligible
 1969  charter schools within a district school in subsection (2) to
 1970  determine the net total maximum calculated capital outlay
 1971  allocation from local funds. If state funds are not allocated
 1972  pursuant to subsection (2), the amount determined in paragraph
 1973  (c) is equal to the net total calculated capital outlay
 1974  allocation from local funds for each district.
 1975         (e) For each charter school within each district, the net
 1976  capital outlay amount from local funds shall be calculated in
 1977  the same manner as the state funds in paragraphs (2)(a)-(d),
 1978  except that the base charter school per weighted FTE allocation
 1979  amount shall be determined by dividing the net total capital
 1980  outlay amount from local funds by the total weighted FTE for all
 1981  eligible charter schools within the district. The per weighted
 1982  FTE allocation amount from local funds shall be multiplied by
 1983  the weighted FTE for each charter school to determine each
 1984  charter school’s capital outlay allocation from local funds.
 1985         (f)(e) School districts shall distribute capital outlay
 1986  funds to charter schools no later than February 1 of each year,
 1987  beginning on February 1, 2018, for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.
 1988         Section 26. For the 2018-2019 fiscal year, the sum of
 1989  $596,560 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and
 1990  the sum of $392,134 in nonrecurring funds from the General
 1991  Revenue Fund are appropriated to the Department of Education to
 1992  implement this act as follows: the sum of $596,560 in recurring
 1993  funds and $142,134 in nonrecurring funds shall be used to
 1994  implement the additional oversight requirements pursuant to s.
 1995  1002.421, Florida Statutes, and the sum of $250,000 in
 1996  nonrecurring funds shall be used to issue a competitive grant
 1997  award pursuant to s. 1002.395(9), Florida Statutes.
 1998         Section 27. This act shall take effect July 1, 2018.
 2000  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
 2001  And the title is amended as follows:
 2002         Delete everything before the enacting clause
 2003  and insert:
 2004                        A bill to be entitled                      
 2005         An act relating to education; amending s. 1001.10,
 2006         F.S.; revising the private schools to which the
 2007         Department of Education is required to provide
 2008         technical assistance and authorized staff; amending s.
 2009         1001.4205, F.S.; authorizing a member of the State
 2010         Legislature to visit any district school, including
 2011         any charter school, in his or her legislative
 2012         district; amending s. 1002.33, F.S.; extending the
 2013         period of time for which a charter school may defer
 2014         its opening for specified reasons; amending s.
 2015         1002.331, F.S.; revising the requirements for a
 2016         charter school to be considered a high-performing
 2017         charter school; amending s. 1002.333, F.S.; redefining
 2018         the terms “persistently low-performing school” and
 2019         “school of hope”; revising the required contents of a
 2020         school of hope notice of intent and performance-based
 2021         agreement; revising school of hope facility
 2022         requirements; specifying that certain schools of hope
 2023         are eligible to receive hope supplemental service
 2024         allocation funds; requiring the State Board of
 2025         Education to provide awards to all eligible schools
 2026         that meet certain requirements; prohibiting a school
 2027         of hope operator or owner from serving as the
 2028         principal of a school of hope that he or she manages;
 2029         conforming cross-references; creating s. 1002.334,
 2030         F.S.; defining the term “franchise model school”;
 2031         authorizing specified schools to use a franchise model
 2032         school as a turnaround option; specifying requirements
 2033         for a franchise model school principal; amending s.
 2034         1002.385, F.S.; revising the meaning of a rare disease
 2035         within the definition of a “disability” for purposes
 2036         of the Gardiner Scholarship Program; specifying that
 2037         the failure or refusal, rather than the inability of,
 2038         a private school to meet certain requirements
 2039         constitutes a basis for program ineligibility;
 2040         amending s. 1002.39, F.S.; revising the purpose of
 2041         department site visits at private schools
 2042         participating in the John M. McKay Scholarships for
 2043         Students with Disabilities Program; authorizing the
 2044         department to make followup site visits at any time to
 2045         certain private schools; requiring participating
 2046         private schools to provide a specified report from an
 2047         independent certified public accountant under certain
 2048         circumstances; specifying that the failure or refusal,
 2049         rather than the inability of, a private school to meet
 2050         certain requirements constitutes a basis for program
 2051         ineligibility; conforming provisions to changes made
 2052         by the act; amending s. 1002.395, F.S.; revising
 2053         obligations of eligible nonprofit scholarship-funding
 2054         organizations participating in the Florida Tax Credit
 2055         Scholarship Program; specifying that the failure or
 2056         refusal, rather than the inability of, a private
 2057         school to meet certain requirements constitutes a
 2058         basis for program ineligibility; revising the purpose
 2059         of department site visits at private schools
 2060         participating in the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship
 2061         Program; authorizing the department to make followup
 2062         site visits at any time to certain private schools;
 2063         conforming provisions to changes made by the act;
 2064         amending s. 1002.421, F.S.; defining the term “owner
 2065         or operator”; requiring a private school to employ or
 2066         contract with teachers who meet certain qualifications
 2067         and provide information about such qualifications to
 2068         the department and parents; revising the conditions
 2069         under which a private school employee may be exempted
 2070         from background screening requirements; specifying
 2071         that a private school is ineligible to participate in
 2072         certain scholarship programs under certain
 2073         circumstances; requiring the department to annually
 2074         visit a certain percentage of certain private schools;
 2075         authorizing the department to make certain followup
 2076         site visits at any time; requiring the Division of
 2077         State Fire Marshal to annually provide the department
 2078         with fire safety inspection reports for certain
 2079         private schools; requiring that certain private
 2080         schools provide the department with a report from an
 2081         independent certified public accountant under certain
 2082         circumstances; amending s. 1003.41, F.S.; revising the
 2083         requirements for the Next Generation Sunshine State
 2084         Standards to include financial literacy; amending s.
 2085         1003.4282, F.S.; revising the required credits for a
 2086         standard high school diploma to include one-half
 2087         credit of instruction in personal financial literacy
 2088         and money management and seven and one-half, rather
 2089         than eight, credits in electives; amending s.
 2090         1006.061, F.S.; revising the applicability of certain
 2091         child abuse, abandonment, and neglect provisions;
 2092         amending s. 1007.273, F.S.; defining the term
 2093         “structured program”; providing additional options for
 2094         students participating in a structured program;
 2095         prohibiting a district school board from limiting the
 2096         number of public school students who may participate
 2097         in a structured program; revising contract
 2098         requirements; requiring each district school board to
 2099         annually notify students in certain grades of certain
 2100         information about the structured program by a
 2101         specified date; revising provisions relating to
 2102         funding; requiring the state board to enforce
 2103         compliance with certain provisions by a specified date
 2104         each year; providing reporting requirements; amending
 2105         s. 1008.33, F.S.; revising the turnaround options
 2106         available for certain schools; amending s. 1011.62,
 2107         F.S.; creating the hope supplemental services
 2108         allocation; providing the purpose of the allocation;
 2109         specifying the services that may be funded by the
 2110         allocation; providing that implementation plans may
 2111         include certain models; providing requirements for
 2112         implementation plans; providing for the allocation of
 2113         funds in specified fiscal years; creating the mental
 2114         health assistance allocation; providing the purpose of
 2115         the allocation; providing for the annual allocation of
 2116         such funds on a specified basis; prohibiting the use
 2117         of allocated funds to supplant funds provided from
 2118         other operating funds, to increase salaries, or to
 2119         provide bonuses; providing requirements for school
 2120         districts and charter schools; providing that required
 2121         plans must include certain elements; requiring school
 2122         districts to annually submit approved plans to the
 2123         Commissioner of Education by a specified date;
 2124         requiring that entities that receive such allocations
 2125         annually submit a final report on program outcomes and
 2126         specific expenditures to the commissioner by a
 2127         specified date; creating the funding compression
 2128         allocation; providing the purpose of the allocation;
 2129         authorizing funding for the annual allocation;
 2130         providing the calculation for the allocation; amending
 2131         s. 1011.69, F.S.; authorizing certain high schools to
 2132         receive Title I funds; providing that a school
 2133         district may withhold Title I funds for specified
 2134         purposes; authorizing certain schools to use Title I
 2135         funds for specified purposes; amending s. 1011.71,
 2136         F.S.; increasing the amount that a school district may
 2137         expend from a specified millage levy for certain
 2138         expenses; amending s. 1012.315, F.S.; revising the
 2139         applicability of certain provisions related to
 2140         disqualification from employment for the conviction of
 2141         specified offenses; amending s. 1012.731, F.S.;
 2142         deleting Florida Best and Brightest Teacher
 2143         Scholarship Program scholarship awards authorized for
 2144         specific school years; amending s. 1012.732, F.S.;
 2145         specifying that a franchise model school principal is
 2146         eligible to receive a Florida Best and Brightest
 2147         Principal scholarship; requiring specified awards for
 2148         eligible principals; amending s. 1012.796, F.S.;
 2149         revising the applicability of a requirement that
 2150         certain private schools file specified reports with
 2151         the department for certain allegations against its
 2152         employees; amending s. 1013.31, F.S.; authorizing a
 2153         district to use certain sources of funds for
 2154         educational, auxiliary, and ancillary plant capital
 2155         outlay purposes without needing a survey
 2156         recommendation; amending s. 1013.385, F.S.; providing
 2157         additional exceptions to certain building code
 2158         regulations for school districts; amending s. 1013.62,
 2159         F.S.; providing legislative intent; prohibiting a
 2160         charter school from being eligible for capital outlay
 2161         funds unless the chair of the governing board and the
 2162         chief administrative officer of the charter school
 2163         annually certify certain information; defining the
 2164         term “affiliated party of the charter school”;
 2165         revising the Department of Education’s calculation
 2166         methodology for a school district’s distribution of
 2167         discretionary millage to its eligible charter schools;
 2168         providing appropriations; providing an effective date.