Florida Senate - 2018 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS/CS/HB 731, 1st Eng.
Senate . House
Floor: NC/2R .
03/08/2018 04:05 PM .
Senator Hukill moved the following:
2 Senate Substitute for Amendment (201978) (with title
3 amendment)
5 Between lines 352 and 353
6 insert:
7 Section 5. Section 1003.4996, Florida Statutes, is amended
8 to read:
9 1003.4996 Mastery-Based Competency-Based Education Pilot
10 Program.—Beginning with the 2016-2017 school year, The Mastery
11 Based Competency-Based Education Pilot Program is created within
12 the Department of Education to be administered for a period of 5
13 years. The purpose of the pilot program is to provide an
14 educational environment that allows students to advance to
15 higher levels of learning upon the mastery of concepts and
16 skills through statutory exemptions relating to student
17 progression and the awarding of credits.
18 (1) PARTICIPATION.—The P.K. Yonge Developmental Research
19 School and public school districts, including, but not limited
20 to, the Lake, Palm Beach, Pinellas, and Seminole County School
21 Districts, may submit an application in a format prescribed by
22 the department for approval to participate in the pilot program.
23 The department may choose up to 10 public school districts to
24 participate in the pilot program.
25 (2) APPLICATION.—The application to participate in the
26 pilot program must, at a minimum, include:
27 (a) The vision and timelines for the implementation of
28 mastery-based competency-based education within the school
29 district, including a list of the schools that will participate
30 in the pilot program during the first school year and the list
31 of schools that will be integrated into the program in
32 subsequent school years.
33 (b) The annual goals and performance outcomes for
34 participating schools, including, but not limited to:
35 1. Student performance as defined in s. 1008.34.
36 2. Promotion and retention rates.
37 3. Graduation rates.
38 4. Indicators of college and career readiness.
39 (c) A communication plan for parents and other
40 stakeholders, including local businesses and community members.
41 (d) The scope of and timelines for professional development
42 for school instructional and administrative personnel.
43 (e) A plan for student progression based on the mastery of
44 content, including mechanisms that determine and ensure that a
45 student has satisfied the requirements for grade-level promotion
46 and content mastery.
47 (f) A plan for using technology and digital and blended
48 learning to enhance student achievement and facilitate the
49 mastery-based competency-based education system.
50 (g) The proposed allocation of resources for the pilot
51 program at the school and district levels.
52 (h) The recruitment and selection of participating schools.
53 (i) The rules to be waived for participating schools
54 pursuant to subsection (3) to implement the pilot program.
55 (3) EXEMPTION FROM RULES.—In addition to the waivers
56 authorized in s. 1001.10(3), the State Board of Education may
57 authorize the commissioner to grant an additional waiver of
58 rules relating to student progression and the awarding of
59 credits.
60 (4) STUDENT FUNDING.—Students enrolled in a participating
61 school shall be reported for and generate funding pursuant to s.
62 1011.62.
63 (5) DEPARTMENT DUTIES.—The department shall:
64 (a) Compile the student and staff schedules of
65 participating schools before and after implementation of the
66 pilot program.
67 (b) Provide participating schools with access to statewide,
68 standardized assessments required under s. 1008.22.
69 (c) Annually, by June 1, provide to the Governor, the
70 President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of
71 Representatives a report summarizing the activities and
72 accomplishments of the pilot program and any recommendations for
73 statutory revisions.
74 (6) RULES.—The State Board of Education shall adopt rules
75 to administer this section.
77 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================
78 And the title is amended as follows:
79 Delete line 38
80 and insert:
81 compulsory school attendance; amending s. 1003.4996,
82 F.S.; renaming the Competency-Based Education Pilot
83 Program as the Mastery-Based Education Pilot Program;
84 authorizing public school districts to submit
85 applications for the program; authorizing the
86 department to choose a specified number of school
87 districts to participate in the program; amending s.
88 1006.15,