Florida Senate - 2018                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS for SB 732
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                   Comm: RS            .                                
                  02/09/2018           .                                

       Appropriations Subcommittee on Pre-K - 12 Education (Baxley)
       recommended the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with directory and title amendments)
    3         Delete lines 402 - 499
    4  and insert:
    5         1007.271 Dual enrollment programs.—
    6         (3) Student eligibility requirements for initial enrollment
    7  in college credit dual enrollment courses must include a 3.0
    8  unweighted high school grade point average and the minimum score
    9  on a common placement test adopted by the State Board of
   10  Education which indicates that the student is ready for college
   11  level coursework. Student eligibility requirements for continued
   12  enrollment in college credit dual enrollment courses must
   13  include the maintenance of a 3.0 unweighted high school grade
   14  point average and the minimum postsecondary grade point average
   15  established by the postsecondary institution. Regardless of
   16  meeting student eligibility requirements for continued
   17  enrollment, a student may lose the opportunity to participate in
   18  a dual enrollment course if the student is disruptive to the
   19  learning process such that the progress of other students or the
   20  efficient administration of the course is hindered. Student
   21  eligibility requirements for initial and continued enrollment in
   22  career certificate dual enrollment courses must include a 2.0
   23  unweighted high school grade point average. Exceptions to the
   24  required grade point averages may be granted on an individual
   25  student basis if the educational entities agree and the terms of
   26  the agreement are contained within the dual enrollment
   27  articulation agreement established pursuant to subsection (21).
   28  Florida College System institution boards of trustees may
   29  establish additional initial student eligibility requirements,
   30  which shall be included in the dual enrollment articulation
   31  agreement, to ensure student readiness for postsecondary
   32  instruction. Additional requirements included in the agreement
   33  may not arbitrarily prohibit students who have demonstrated the
   34  ability to master advanced courses from participating in dual
   35  enrollment courses or limit the number of dual enrollment
   36  courses in which a student may enroll based solely upon
   37  enrollment by the student at an independent postsecondary
   38  institution.
   39         (13)
   40         (b) Each postsecondary institution eligible to participate
   41  in the dual enrollment program pursuant to s. 1011.62(1)(i) must
   42  enter into a home education articulation agreement with each
   43  home education student seeking enrollment in a dual enrollment
   44  course and the student’s parent. By August 1 of each year, the
   45  eligible postsecondary institution shall complete and submit the
   46  home education articulation agreement to the Department of
   47  Education. The home education articulation agreement must
   48  include, at a minimum:
   49         1. A delineation of courses and programs available to
   50  dually enrolled home education students. Courses and programs
   51  may be added, revised, or deleted at any time by the
   52  postsecondary institution. Any course or program limitations may
   53  not exceed the limitations for other dually enrolled students.
   54         2. The initial and continued eligibility requirements for
   55  home education student participation, not to exceed those
   56  required of other dually enrolled students. A high school grade
   57  point average may not be required for home education students
   58  who meet the minimum score on a common placement test adopted by
   59  the State Board of Education which indicates that the student is
   60  ready for college-level coursework; however, home education
   61  student eligibility requirements for continued enrollment in
   62  dual enrollment courses must include the maintenance of the
   63  minimum postsecondary grade point average established by the
   64  postsecondary institution.
   65         3. The student’s responsibilities for providing his or her
   66  own instructional materials and transportation.
   67         4. A copy of the statement on transfer guarantees developed
   68  by the Department of Education under subsection (15).
   70  ====== D I R E C T O R Y  C L A U S E  A M E N D M E N T ======
   71  And the directory clause is amended as follows:
   72         Delete lines 400 - 401
   73  and insert:
   74         Section 6. Subsection (3) and paragraph (b) of subsection
   75  (13) of section 1007.271, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
   77  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   78  And the title is amended as follows:
   79         Delete lines 39 - 48
   80  and insert:
   81         the dual enrollment articulation agreement from
   82         including course enrollment limitations for certain
   83         students; prohibiting dual enrollment course and
   84         program limitations for home education students from
   85         exceeding limitations for other students; providing an
   86         exemption from the grade point average requirement for
   87         initial enrollment in a dual enrollment program for
   88         certain home education students; amending s. 1002.385,
   89         F.S.; conforming