Florida Senate - 2018                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. PCS (859872) for CS for SB 852
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: RCS            .                                
                  03/02/2018           .                                

       The Committee on Appropriations (Brandes) recommended the
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete lines 94 - 147
    4  and insert:
    5         2. An independent special district with powers that include
    6  or are related to infrastructure development or transportation
    7  systems and services.
    8         3.A metropolitan planning organization or transportation
    9  planning organization. Each entity responsible for deploying or
   10  operating the project on behalf of a metropolitan planning
   11  organization or transportation planning organization must submit
   12  a letter to the department detailing its commitment to the
   13  implementation, operation, and maintenance of the project.
   14         4.A state university.
   15         (b)An applicant for a Florida Smart City Challenge Grant
   16  must have in place a plan or framework for the implementation of
   17  the proposed project in at least one of the following
   18  categories:
   19         1.Autonomous vehicle deployment or demonstration.
   20         2.Connected vehicle technology deployment.
   21         3.Shared mobility services innovation and deployment.
   22         4.Acceleration of the use of plug-in electric vehicles and
   23  electric charging infrastructure, including deployment of grid
   24  integrated vehicles.
   25         (4)PROPOSALS.—By September 1, 2018, the Department of
   26  Transportation shall issue a request for proposals for the award
   27  of a Florida Smart City Challenge Grant. Each proposal submitted
   28  to the department must include:
   29         (a)A statement by the applicant certifying that the
   30  project will be implemented and operational within 5 years after
   31  receipt of the grant.
   32         (b)A plan for fulfilling documentation requirements under
   33  the department’s Statewide Systems Engineering Management Plan
   34  within such 5-year period.
   35         (c)A description of how operation and maintenance costs
   36  for the project will be funded in order to ensure that the
   37  department’s investment in the project is sustained.
   38         (d)A plan for evaluation of the project and the methods by
   39  which such evaluation will be shared with residents of the area
   40  served by the project.
   41         (e)The procedure for integrating the project’s
   42  transportation-related data into the department’s Data
   43  Integration and Video Aggregation System.
   44         (5)AWARD OF GRANTS.—The Department of Transportation shall
   45  award a Florida Smart City Challenge Grant to at least three
   46  recipients. Each award may not exceed $6 million. The department
   47  shall distribute the award to each recipient by January 1, 2019.
   48         (a)The grant may fund up to 50 percent of project costs.
   49  At least 10 percent of project costs must be funded by the grant
   50  recipient. An additional minimum of 10 percent of project costs
   51  must be funded by the private sector. Grant funds must be used
   52  exclusively for startup costs, including, but not limited to,
   53  acquisition of hardware, software, and assets associated with
   54  implementation of the project, and may not be used for costs
   55  associated with operation or maintenance of the project.
   56         (b)In selecting grant recipients, the department shall
   57  give priority to those proposals that demonstrate the
   58  availability of matching funds from partner organizations to
   59  fund project costs and that include a plan for documenting the
   60  acquisition and expenditure of such matching funds.
   61         1.The department shall give further priority to those
   62  proposals that include larger amounts of matching funds from
   63  private-sector
   65  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   66  And the title is amended as follows:
   67         Delete line 5
   68  and insert:
   69         Florida Smart City Challenge Grant Program within the
   70         Department of Transportation;