Florida Senate - 2018 CS for SB 992 By the Committee on Appropriations; and Senator Book 576-04126-18 2018992c1 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the C-51 reservoir project; 3 amending s. 373.4598, F.S.; revising requirements 4 relating to the operation of water storage and use for 5 Phase I and Phase II of the C-51 reservoir project if 6 state funds are appropriated for such phases; 7 authorizing the South Florida Water Management 8 District to enter into certain capacity allocation 9 agreements and to request a waiver for repayment of 10 certain loans; authorizing the Department of 11 Environmental Protection to waive such loan repayment 12 under certain conditions; specifying that the district 13 is not responsible for repayment of such waived loans; 14 providing an effective date. 15 16 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 17 18 Section 1. Paragraph (d) of subsection (9) of section 19 373.4598, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (f) is 20 added to that subsection, to read: 21 373.4598 Water storage reservoirs.— 22 (9) C-51 RESERVOIR PROJECT.— 23 (d) If state funds are appropriated for Phase I or Phase II 24 of the C-51 reservoir project: 25 1. The district, to the extent practicable, mustshall26 operate either Phase I or Phase II of the reservoir project to 27 maximize the reduction of high-volume Lake Okeechobee regulatory 28 releases to the St. Lucie or Caloosahatchee estuaries, in 29 addition to maximizing the reduction of harmful discharges 30providing reliefto the Lake Worth Lagoon. However, the 31 operation of Phase I of the C-51 reservoir project must be in 32 accordance with any operation and maintenance agreement adopted 33 by the district; 34 2. Water made available by Phase I or Phase II of the 35 reservoir mustshallbe used for natural systems in addition to 36 any permittedallocatedamounts for water supply; and 37 3.AnyWater received from Lake Okeechobee may onlynotbe 38 available to support consumptive use permits if such use is in 39 accordance with district rules. 40 (f) The district may enter into a capacity allocation 41 agreement with a water supply entity for a pro rata share of 42 unreserved capacity in the water storage facility and may 43 request the department to waive repayment of all or a portion of 44 the loan issued pursuant to s. 373.475. The department may 45 authorize such waiver if, in its determination, it has received 46 reasonable value for such waiver. The district is not 47 responsible for repaying any portion of a loan issued pursuant 48 to s. 373.475 which is waived pursuant to this paragraph. 49 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2018.