Florida Senate - 2019                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS for SB 1308
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: RCS            .                                
                  04/11/2019           .                                

       Appropriations Subcommittee on Education (Perry) recommended the
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete lines 105 - 135
    4  and insert:
    5         (7)The articulation agreement must specifically provide
    6  for a reverse transfer agreement for Florida College System
    7  students enrolled in courses creditable toward an associate in
    8  arts degree who transfer to a state university before earning an
    9  associate in arts degree pursuant to s. 1007.25.
   10         Section 3. Present subsection (12) of section 1007.25,
   11  Florida Statutes, is redesignated as subsection (13), a new
   12  subsection (12) is added to that section, and subsection (11) of
   13  that section is amended, to read:
   14         1007.25 General education courses; common prerequisites;
   15  other degree requirements.—
   16         (11) Students at state universities may request associate
   17  in arts degrees certificates if they have successfully completed
   18  the minimum requirements for the degree of associate in arts
   19  (A.A.). The university must grant the student an associate in
   20  arts degree if the student has successfully completed minimum
   21  requirements for college-level communication and computation
   22  skills adopted by the State Board of Education and 60 academic
   23  semester hours or the equivalent within a degree program area,
   24  including 36 semester hours in general education courses in the
   25  subject areas of communication, mathematics, social sciences,
   26  humanities, and natural sciences, consistent with the general
   27  education requirements of this section and those specified in
   28  the articulation agreement pursuant to s. 1007.23. Each student
   29  enrolled in a university must be awarded an A.A. degree as
   30  follows:
   31         (a) If the student completed at least 25 percent of the
   32  required semester hours toward the A.A. degree at a Florida
   33  College System institution, the university must notify the
   34  Florida College System institution of the student’s eligibility.
   35  The institution shall verify eligibility, accept the credits
   36  required for the A.A. degree, and award the degree.
   37         (b) If the student did not complete at least 25 percent of
   38  the required semester hours for the A.A. degree at a Florida
   39  College System institution but completed at least 25 percent of
   40  the semester hours toward the A.A. degree at the state
   41  university, the state university must award the degree.
   42         (12) If a student was previously enrolled in a state
   43  university and has successfully completed the minimum
   44  requirements for the A.A. degree as determined by the state
   45  university, upon the student’s failure to enroll before his or
   46  her graduation in a fall or spring semester, the student must be
   47  awarded an A.A. degree, unless the student declines to receive
   48  the degree. Each state university student who qualifies under
   49  this subsection must be awarded an A.A. degree as follows:
   50         (a) If the student completed at least 25 percent of the
   51  required semester hours toward the A.A. degree at a Florida
   52  College System institution, the university must notify that
   53  Florida College System institution of the student’s eligibility.
   54  The institution must verify eligibility, accept the credits
   55  required for the A.A. degree, and award the degree.
   56         (b) If the student did not complete at least 25 percent of
   57  the required semester hours for the A.A. degree at a Florida
   58  College System institution, but completed at least 25 percent of
   59  the required semester hours toward the A.A. degree at the state
   60  university, the state university must award the degree.
   62  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   63  And the title is amended as follows:
   64         Delete lines 14 - 17
   65  and insert:
   66         reverse transfer agreement; amending s. 1007.25, F.S.;
   67         revising requirements for the award of a degree of
   68         associate in arts;