Florida Senate - 2019 CS for SB 1620 By the Committee on Health Policy; and Senators Gainer and Passidomo 588-04018-19 20191620c1 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to health care licensure requirements; 3 creating s. 456.0231, F.S.; defining the term 4 “physician”; exempting certain physicians from 5 specified licensing requirements when providing 6 certain services to veterans in this state; requiring 7 such physicians to submit specified documentation to 8 the Department of Health; requiring an exempted 9 physician to attest that he or she will provide 10 medical services only to veterans under certain 11 conditions; authorizing the department to adopt rules; 12 providing an effective date. 13 14 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 15 16 Section 1. Section 456.0231, Florida Statutes, is created 17 to read: 18 456.0231 Exemption from health care licensure requirements 19 for physicians who treat veterans.— 20 (1) As used in this section, the term “physician” means a 21 person who holds an active, unencumbered license to practice 22 allopathic medicine or osteopathic medicine issued by another 23 state; the District of Columbia; or a possession, commonwealth, 24 or territory of the United States. 25 (2) A physician must submit to the department all of the 26 following to be exempt from the licensure requirements of 27 chapters 458 and 459: 28 (a) Proof that he or she holds an active, unencumbered 29 license to practice allopathic medicine or osteopathic medicine 30 issued by another state; the District of Columbia; or a 31 possession, commonwealth, or territory of the United States. 32 (b) Proof of current employment with the United States 33 Department of Veterans Affairs. 34 (3) As a condition of receiving the health care licensure 35 requirement exemption, the physician shall attest that he or she 36 will provide only medical services to veterans: 37 (a) At United States Department of Veterans Affairs 38 facilities or outreach locations; 39 (b) Pursuant to his or her employment with the United 40 States Department of Veterans Affairs; and 41 (c) In hospitals licensed under chapter 395. 42 (4) The department shall notify the physician within 15 43 business days after receipt of the documentation of eligibility 44 for the exemption required by subsection (2) that the physician 45 is exempt from the licensure requirements of chapters 458 and 46 459. 47 (5) The department may adopt rules to administer this 48 section. 49 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2019.