Florida Senate - 2019                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 540
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                   Comm: RS            .                                
                  02/19/2019           .                                

       The Committee on Criminal Justice (Book) recommended the
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete lines 71 - 109
    4  and insert:
    5  eight hour educational program designed to effectively train
    6  them in the identification, prevention, and reporting of
    7  suspected human trafficking.
    8         (b)By January 1, 2020, implement an effective employee
    9  protocol or employee code of conduct to prevent, detect, and
   10  report suspected human trafficking.
   11         (2) The division shall impose an administrative fine of up
   12  to $1,000 per day on a public lodging establishment for the
   13  following violations:
   14         (a) The administrative fine must be assessed up to the
   15  maximum amount per day for each employee of the public lodging
   16  establishment who does not meet the educational program
   17  requirements of this section.
   18         (b) The administrative fine must be assessed up to the
   19  maximum amount per day for each day the public lodging
   20  establishment fails to comply with paragraph (1)(b).
   21         Section 2. Section 787.08, Florida Statutes, is created to
   22  read:
   23         787.08 Direct-support organization.—
   24         (1) The Department of Children and Families, in
   25  consultation with the Department of Law Enforcement and the
   26  Attorney General, shall establish a direct-support organization
   27  that is:
   28         (a) A Florida corporation, not for profit, incorporated
   29  under chapter 617 and approved by the Secretary of State.
   30         (b) Organized and operated exclusively to solicit funds;
   31  request and receive grants, gifts, and bequests of money;
   32  acquire, receive, hold, invest, and administer, in its own name,
   33  property and funds; and make expenditures in support of the
   34  purposes specified in this section.
   35         (c) Certified by the department, after review, to be
   36  operating in a manner consistent with the purposes of the
   37  organization and in the best interests of the state.
   38         (2) The direct-support organization shall focus on human
   39  trafficking issues within the state by forming strategic
   40  partnerships to foster the development of community and private
   41  sector resources and serving as a liaison with state agencies,
   42  other state governments, and the public and private sectors.
   43  Additionally, the direct-support organization shall assist
   44  agencies in creating training on the detection of human
   45  trafficking and the best practices of intervention and treatment
   46  for survivors of human trafficking. The direct-support
   47  organization shall also provide resources for such training, and
   48  strategize the funding of inpatient care for victims of human
   49  trafficking in treatment centers throughout the state.
   51  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   52  And the title is amended as follows:
   53         Delete lines 5 - 20
   54  and insert:
   55         employees with an eight hour educational program and
   56         create certain policies relating to human trafficking
   57         by a specified date; requiring the Division of Hotels
   58         and Restaurants of the Department of Business and
   59         Professional Regulation to impose fines on public
   60         lodging establishments for failure to comply with such
   61         requirements; creating s. 787.08, F.S.; requiring the
   62         Department of Children and Families, in consultation
   63         with the Department of Law Enforcement and the
   64         Attorney General, to establish a certain direct
   65         support organization; providing requirements for the
   66         direct-support organization; requiring the direct
   67         support organization to focus on human trafficking
   68         issues by forming strategic partnerships and serving
   69         as a liaison with specified public and private sector
   70         partners; requiring the direct-support organization to
   71         assist agencies in creating training on certain
   72         topics; requiring the direct-support organization to
   73         provide resources for such training and strategize the
   74         funding of inpatient care for victims of human
   75         trafficking in treatment centers throughout the state;
   76         requiring the direct-support organization