Florida Senate - 2019                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 642
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: RCS            .                                
                  03/04/2019           .                                

       The Committee on Criminal Justice (Brandes) recommended the
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete lines 242 - 261
    4  and insert:
    5         (10)(6)(a) The department shall notify every inmate, in no
    6  less than 18-point type in the inmate’s release documents:,
    7         (a) Of all outstanding terms of the inmate’s sentence at
    8  the time of release, including, but not limited to, a term of
    9  supervision and any conditions required upon release from
   10  imprisonment or unpaid restitution, court costs, fees, or fines.
   11  This paragraph does not apply to inmates who are being released
   12  from the custody of the department to any type of supervision
   13  monitored by the department.
   14         (b)1. In no less than 18-point type, that the inmate may be
   15  sentenced pursuant to s. 775.082(9) if the inmate commits any
   16  felony offense described in s. 775.082(9) within 3 years after
   17  the inmate’s release. This notice must be prefaced by the word
   18  “WARNING” in boldfaced type.
   19         2.(b)Nothing in This section does not preclude precludes
   20  the sentencing of a person pursuant to s. 775.082(9), and nor
   21  shall evidence that the department failed to provide this notice
   22  does not prohibit a person from being sentenced pursuant to s.
   23  775.082(9). The state is shall not be required to demonstrate
   24  that a person received any notice from the department in order
   25  for the court to impose a sentence pursuant to s. 775.082(9).
   26         (11) The department shall adopt rules to implement this
   27  section.
   28         Section 6. Section 948.041, Florida Statutes, is created to
   29  read:
   30         948.041Notification of outstanding terms of sentence upon
   31  termination of probation or community control.—Upon the
   32  termination of an offender’s term of probation or community
   33  control, the department shall notify the offender in writing of
   34  all outstanding terms of the offender’s sentence at the time of
   35  termination, including, but not limited to, uncompleted
   36  conditions, unpaid restitution, court costs, fees, or fines.
   37         Section 7. Section 951.30, Florida Statutes, is created to
   38  read:
   39         951.30 Notification of outstanding terms of sentence upon
   40  release.—
   41         (1) A county detention facility shall notify a prisoner in
   42  writing upon the discharge of such prisoner of all outstanding
   43  terms of the prisoner’s sentence at the time of release,
   44  including, but not limited to, a term of supervision and any
   45  conditions required upon release from imprisonment or unpaid
   46  restitution, court costs, fees, or fines. Such notification
   47  shall be included in the documentation provided to the prisoner
   48  at release.
   49         (2) This section does not apply to prisoners who are
   50  discharged from a county detention facility to the custody or
   51  control of the Department of Corrections.
   53  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   54  And the title is amended as follows:
   55         Delete lines 37 - 38
   56  and insert:
   57         documents; providing an exception to the notification
   58         requirement for inmates who are released to any type
   59         of supervision monitored by the Department of
   60         Corrections; requiring the department to adopt certain
   61         rules; creating s. 948.041, F.S.; requiring the
   62         department to provide notification in writing to an
   63         offender, upon the termination of his or her term of
   64         probation or community control, of all outstanding
   65         terms of sentence; creating s. 951.30, F.S.; requiring
   66         each county detention facility to notify a prisoner in
   67         writing, upon such prisoner’s release, of all
   68         outstanding terms of sentence; providing an exception
   69         to the notification requirement for prisoners who are
   70         released into the custody or control of the Department
   71         of Corrections; amending s. 944.801, F.S.; authorizing
   72         the