Florida Senate - 2019                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SPB 7086
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: FAV            .                                
                  03/25/2019           .                                

       The Committee on Criminal Justice (Brandes and Perry)
       recommended the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete lines 308 - 348
    4  and insert:
    5         5. Payment of all:
    6         a. Restitution ordered by the court as a condition of the
    7  sentence, regardless of whether such restitution is converted to
    8  a civil lien;
    9         b. Fees ordered by the court as part of the sentence or
   10  that are ordered as a condition of probation, community control,
   11  or parole; and
   12         c. Fines ordered by the court as part of the sentence or
   13  that are ordered as a part of probation, community control, or
   14  parole.
   15         d. Unless expressly stated, a financial obligation required
   16  to be paid in accordance with this subparagraph is deemed
   17  completed if such obligation has been converted to a civil lien.
   18         (b) “Felony sexual offense” means either of the following:
   19         1. Any felony offense that serves as a predicate to
   20  registration as a sexual offender in accordance with s.
   21  943.0435; or
   22         2. Any similar offense committed in another jurisdiction
   23  which would be an offense listed in this paragraph if it had
   24  been committed in this state.
   25         (c) “Murder” means any of the following:
   26         1. A violation of any of the following sections which
   27  results in the actual killing of a human being:
   28         a. Section 782.04(1) or (2).
   29         b. Section 782.09.
   30         2. An attempt to kill a human being in violation of s.
   31  782.04(1) or (2).
   32         3. Any similar offense committed in another jurisdiction
   33  which would be an offense listed in this paragraph if it had
   34  been committed in this state.
   35         (3) The department may adopt rules to implement this
   36  section for the purpose of verifying registered voters,
   37  applicants, or potential applicants who have been convicted of a
   38  felony, but who may be eligible for restoration of voting rights
   39  under s. 4, Art. VI, of the State Constitution.
   40         Section 6. Section 98.0752, Florida Statutes, is created to
   41  read:
   42         98.0752Restoration of Voting Rights Work Group.—The
   43  Restoration of Voting Rights Work Group is created within the
   44  Department of State for the purpose of conducting a
   45  comprehensive review of the department's process of verifying
   46  registered voters, applicants, or potential applicants who have
   47  been convicted of a felony, but who may be eligible for
   48  restoration of voting rights under s. 4, Art. VI, of the State
   49  Constitution.
   50         (1) MEMBERSHIP.—The work group is composed of the following
   51  members:
   52         (a) The Secretary of State or his or her designee, who
   53  shall serve as chair for the work group.
   54         (b) The Secretary of Corrections or his or her designee.
   55         (c) The Commissioner of the Department of Law Enforcement
   56  or his or her designee.
   57         (d) The Chairman of the Florida Commission on Offender
   58  Review or his or her designee.
   59         (e) Two clerks of the circuit court appointed by the
   60  Florida Court Clerks and Comptrollers.
   61         (f) Two supervisors of elections appointed by the Florida
   62  State Association of Supervisors of Elections.
   63         (2) TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP.—Appointments to the work group
   64  shall be made within 30 days of the effective date of this act.
   65  All members shall serve for the duration of the work group. Any
   66  vacancy shall be filled by the original appointing authority for
   67  the remainder of the work group.
   68         (3) DUTIES.—
   69         (a) The work group is authorized and directed to study,
   70  evaluate, analyze, and undertake a comprehensive review of the
   71  Department of State's process of verifying registered voters,
   72  applicants, or potential applicants who have been convicted of a
   73  felony, but who may be eligible for restoration of voting rights
   74  under s. 4, Art. VI, of the State Constitution, to develop
   75  recommendations for the Legislature, related to:
   76         1. The consolidation of all relevant data necessary to
   77  verify the eligibility of a registered voter, applicant, or
   78  potential applicant for restoration of voting rights under s. 4,
   79  Art. VI, of the State Constitution. If any entity is recommended
   80  to manage the consolidated relevant data, the recommendations
   81  must provide the feasibility of such entity to manage the
   82  consolidated relevant data and a timeline for implementation of
   83  such consolidation.
   84         2. Informing a registered voter, applicant, or potential
   85  applicant of the entity or entities which are custodians of the
   86  relevant data necessary for verifying his or her eligibility for
   87  restoration of voting rights under s. 4, Art. VI, of the State
   88  Constitution.
   89         3. Any other relevant policies or procedures for verifying
   90  the eligibility of a registered voter, applicant, or potential
   91  applicant for restoration of voting rights under s. 4, Art. VI,
   92  of the State Constitution.
   93         (4) REPORT.—The work group shall submit a report of its
   94  findings, conclusions, and recommendations for the Legislature
   95  to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
   96  Representatives by November 1, 2019. Upon submission of the
   97  report, the work group is dissolved and discharged of further
   98  duties.
   99         (5) STAFFING.—The Department of State to provide support
  100  for the work group in performing its duties.
  101         (6) PER DIEM AND TRAVEL EXPENSES.—Work group members shall
  102  serve without compensation but are entitled to receive
  103  reimbursement for per diem and travel expenses as provided in s.
  104  112.061.
  105         (7) EXPIRATION.—This section expires January 31, 2020.
  106  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
  107  And the title is amended as follows:
  108         Delete lines 22 - 23
  109  and insert:
  110         definitions; authorizing the Department of State to
  111         adopt rules for certain purposes; creating s. 98.0752,
  112         F.S.; creating the Restoration of Voting Rights Work
  113         Group within the Department of State; specifying
  114         membership of the work group; establishing the manner
  115         of appointments and the terms of membership;
  116         prescribing the duties of the work group; requiring
  117         the work group to submit a report to the Legislature
  118         by a specified date; providing for staffing;
  119         authorizing reimbursement for per diem and travel
  120         expenses; providing for expiration; amending s.
  121         940.061, F.S.;