Florida Senate - 2020                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 1440
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: RCS            .                                
                  02/05/2020           .                                

       The Committee on Children, Families, and Elder Affairs (Powell)
       recommended the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete everything after the enacting clause
    4  and insert:
    5         Section 1. Subsection (4) is added to section 394.493,
    6  Florida Statutes, to read:
    7         394.493 Target populations for child and adolescent mental
    8  health services funded through the department.—
    9         (4)Beginning with fiscal year 2020-2021 through fiscal
   10  year 2021-2022, the department and the Agency for Health Care
   11  Administration shall identify children and adolescents who are
   12  the highest utilizers of crisis stabilization services. The
   13  department and agency shall collaboratively take appropriate
   14  action within available resources to meet the behavioral health
   15  needs of such children and adolescents more effectively, and
   16  shall jointly submit to the Legislature a quarterly report
   17  listing the actions taken by both agencies to better serve such
   18  children and adolescents.
   19         Section 2. Paragraph (q) is added to subsection (4) of
   20  section 394.495, Florida Statutes, and subsection (7) is added
   21  to that section, to read:
   22         394.495 Child and adolescent mental health system of care;
   23  programs and services.—
   24         (4) The array of services may include, but is not limited
   25  to:
   26         (q)Crisis response services provided through mobile
   27  response teams.
   28         (7)(a)The department shall contract with managing entities
   29  for mobile response teams throughout the state to provide
   30  immediate, onsite behavioral health crisis services to children,
   31  adolescents, and young adults ages 18 to 25, inclusive, who:
   32         1.Have an emotional disturbance;
   33         2.Are experiencing an acute mental or emotional crisis;
   34         3.Are experiencing escalating emotional or behavioral
   35  reactions and symptoms that impact their ability to function
   36  typically within the family, living situation, or community
   37  environment; or
   38         4.Are served by the child welfare system and are
   39  experiencing or are at high risk of placement instability.
   40         (b)A mobile response team shall, at a minimum:
   41         1.Respond to new requests for services within 60 minutes
   42  after such requests are made.
   43         2.Respond to a crisis in the location where the crisis is
   44  occurring.
   45         3.Provide behavioral health crisis-oriented services that
   46  are responsive to the needs of the child, adolescent, or young
   47  adult and his or her family.
   48         4.Provide evidence-based practices to children,
   49  adolescents, young adults, and families to enable them to
   50  independently and effectively deescalate and respond to
   51  behavioral challenges that they are facing and to reduce the
   52  potential for future crises.
   53         5.Provide screening, standardized assessments, early
   54  identification, and referrals to community services.
   55         6.Engage the child, adolescent, or young adult and his or
   56  her family as active participants in every phase of the
   57  treatment process whenever possible.
   58         7.Develop a care plan for the child, adolescent, or young
   59  adult.
   60         8.Provide care coordination by facilitating the transition
   61  to ongoing services.
   62         9.Ensure there is a process in place for informed consent
   63  and confidentiality compliance measures.
   64         10.Promote information sharing and the use of innovative
   65  technology.
   66         11.Coordinate with the managing entity within the service
   67  location and other key entities providing services and supports
   68  to the child, adolescent, or young adult and his or her family,
   69  including, but not limited to, the child, adolescent, or young
   70  adult’s school, the local educational multiagency network for
   71  severely emotionally disturbed students under s. 1006.04, the
   72  child welfare system, and the juvenile justice system.
   73         (c)When procuring mobile response teams, the managing
   74  entity must, at a minimum:
   75         1.Collaborate with local sheriff’s offices and public
   76  schools in the planning, development, evaluation, and selection
   77  processes.
   78         2.Require that services be made available 24 hours per
   79  day, 7 days per week, with onsite response time to the location
   80  of the referred crisis within 60 minutes after the request for
   81  services is made.
   82         3.Require the provider to establish response protocols
   83  with local law enforcement agencies, local community-based care
   84  lead agencies as defined in s. 409.986(3), the child welfare
   85  system, and the Department of Juvenile Justice. The response
   86  protocol with a school district shall be consistent with the
   87  model response protocol developed under s. 1004.44.
   88         4.Require access to a board-certified or board-eligible
   89  psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner.
   90         5.Require mobile response teams to refer children,
   91  adolescents, or young adults and their families to an array of
   92  crisis response services that address individual and family
   93  needs, including screening, standardized assessments, early
   94  identification, and community services as necessary to address
   95  the immediate crisis event.
   96         Section 3. Section 394.4955, Florida Statutes, is created
   97  to read:
   98         394.4955Coordinated system of care; child and adolescent
   99  mental health treatment and support.—
  100         (1)Pursuant to s. 394.9082(5)(d), each managing entity
  101  shall develop a plan that promotes the development and effective
  102  implementation of a coordinated system of care which integrates
  103  services provided through providers funded by the state’s child
  104  serving systems and facilitates access by children and
  105  adolescents, as resources permit, to needed mental health
  106  treatment and services at any point of entry regardless of the
  107  time of year, intensity, or complexity of the need, and other
  108  systems with which such children and adolescents are involved,
  109  as well as treatment and services available through other
  110  systems for which they would qualify.
  111         (2)(a)The managing entity shall lead a planning process
  112  that includes, but is not limited to, children and adolescents
  113  with behavioral health needs and their families; behavioral
  114  health service providers; law enforcement agencies; school
  115  districts or superintendents; the multiagency network for
  116  students with emotional or behavioral disabilities; the
  117  department; and representatives of the child welfare and
  118  juvenile justice systems, early learning coalitions, the Agency
  119  for Health Care Administration, Medicaid managed medical
  120  assistance plans, the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, the
  121  Department of Juvenile Justice, and other community partners. An
  122  organization receiving state funding must participate in the
  123  planning process if requested by the managing entity.
  124         (b)The managing entity and collaborating organizations
  125  shall take into consideration the geographical distribution of
  126  the population, needs, and resources, and create separate plans
  127  on an individual county or multi-county basis, as needed, to
  128  maximize collaboration and communication at the local level.
  129         (c)To the extent permitted by available resources, the
  130  coordinated system of care shall include the array of services
  131  listed in s. 394.495.
  132         (d)Each plan shall integrate with the local plan developed
  133  under s. 394.4573.
  134         (3)By July 1, 2021, the managing entity shall complete the
  135  plans developed under this section and submit them to the
  136  department. By July 1, 2022, the entities involved in the
  137  planning process shall implement the coordinated system of care
  138  specified in each plan. The managing entity and collaborating
  139  organizations shall review and update the plans, as necessary,
  140  at least every 3 years thereafter.
  141         (4)The managing entity and collaborating organizations
  142  shall create integrated service delivery approaches within
  143  current resources that facilitate parents and caregivers
  144  obtaining services and support by making referrals to
  145  specialized treatment providers, if necessary, with follow up to
  146  ensure services are received.
  147         (5)The managing entity and collaborating organizations
  148  shall document each coordinated system of care for children and
  149  adolescents through written memoranda of understanding or other
  150  binding arrangements.
  151         (6)The managing entity shall identify gaps in the arrays
  152  of services for children and adolescents listed in s. 394.495
  153  available under each plan and include relevant information in
  154  its annual needs assessment required by s. 394.9082.
  155         Section 4. Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) and paragraphs
  156  (b) and (d) of subsection (5) of section 394.9082, Florida
  157  Statutes, are amended, and paragraph (t) is added to subsection
  158  (5) of that section, to read:
  159         394.9082 Behavioral health managing entities.—
  160         (3) DEPARTMENT DUTIES.—The department shall:
  161         (c) Define the priority populations that will benefit from
  162  receiving care coordination. In defining such populations, the
  163  department shall take into account the availability of resources
  164  and consider:
  165         1. The number and duration of involuntary admissions within
  166  a specified time.
  167         2. The degree of involvement with the criminal justice
  168  system and the risk to public safety posed by the individual.
  169         3. Whether the individual has recently resided in or is
  170  currently awaiting admission to or discharge from a treatment
  171  facility as defined in s. 394.455.
  172         4. The degree of utilization of behavioral health services.
  173         5. Whether the individual is a parent or caregiver who is
  174  involved with the child welfare system.
  175         6.Whether the individual is an adolescent, as defined in
  176  s. 394.492, who requires assistance in transitioning to services
  177  provided in the adult system of care.
  178         (5) MANAGING ENTITY DUTIES.—A managing entity shall:
  179         (b) Conduct a community behavioral health care needs
  180  assessment every 3 years in the geographic area served by the
  181  managing entity which identifies needs by subregion. The process
  182  for conducting the needs assessment shall include an opportunity
  183  for public participation. The assessment shall include, at a
  184  minimum, the information the department needs for its annual
  185  report to the Governor and Legislature pursuant to s. 394.4573.
  186  The assessment shall also include a list and descriptions of any
  187  gaps in the arrays of services for children or adolescents
  188  identified pursuant to s. 394.4955 and recommendations for
  189  addressing such gaps. The managing entity shall provide the
  190  needs assessment to the department.
  191         (d) Promote the development and effective implementation of
  192  a coordinated system of care pursuant to ss. 394.4573 and
  193  394.495 s. 394.4573.
  194         (t)Promote the use of available crisis intervention
  195  services by requiring contracted providers to provide contact
  196  information for mobile response teams established under s.
  197  394.495 to parents and caregivers of children, adolescents, and
  198  young adults between ages 18 and 25, inclusive, who receive
  199  safety-net behavioral health services.
  200         Section 5. Paragraph (b) of subsection (14) of section
  201  409.175, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  202         409.175 Licensure of family foster homes, residential
  203  child-caring agencies, and child-placing agencies; public
  204  records exemption.—
  205         (14)
  206         (b) As a condition of licensure, foster parents shall
  207  successfully complete preservice training. The preservice
  208  training shall be uniform statewide and shall include, but not
  209  be limited to, such areas as:
  210         1. Orientation regarding agency purpose, objectives,
  211  resources, policies, and services;
  212         2. Role of the foster parent as a treatment team member;
  213         3. Transition of a child into and out of foster care,
  214  including issues of separation, loss, and attachment;
  215         4. Management of difficult child behavior that can be
  216  intensified by placement, by prior abuse or neglect, and by
  217  prior placement disruptions;
  218         5. Prevention of placement disruptions;
  219         6. Care of children at various developmental levels,
  220  including appropriate discipline; and
  221         7. Effects of foster parenting on the family of the foster
  222  parent; and
  223         8.Information about and contact information for the local
  224  mobile response team as a means for addressing a behavioral
  225  health crisis or preventing placement disruption.
  226         Section 6. Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section
  227  409.967, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  228         409.967 Managed care plan accountability.—
  229         (2) The agency shall establish such contract requirements
  230  as are necessary for the operation of the statewide managed care
  231  program. In addition to any other provisions the agency may deem
  232  necessary, the contract must require:
  233         (c) Access.—
  234         1. The agency shall establish specific standards for the
  235  number, type, and regional distribution of providers in managed
  236  care plan networks to ensure access to care for both adults and
  237  children. Each plan must maintain a regionwide network of
  238  providers in sufficient numbers to meet the access standards for
  239  specific medical services for all recipients enrolled in the
  240  plan. The exclusive use of mail-order pharmacies may not be
  241  sufficient to meet network access standards. Consistent with the
  242  standards established by the agency, provider networks may
  243  include providers located outside the region. A plan may
  244  contract with a new hospital facility before the date the
  245  hospital becomes operational if the hospital has commenced
  246  construction, will be licensed and operational by January 1,
  247  2013, and a final order has issued in any civil or
  248  administrative challenge. Each plan shall establish and maintain
  249  an accurate and complete electronic database of contracted
  250  providers, including information about licensure or
  251  registration, locations and hours of operation, specialty
  252  credentials and other certifications, specific performance
  253  indicators, and such other information as the agency deems
  254  necessary. The database must be available online to both the
  255  agency and the public and have the capability to compare the
  256  availability of providers to network adequacy standards and to
  257  accept and display feedback from each provider’s patients. Each
  258  plan shall submit quarterly reports to the agency identifying
  259  the number of enrollees assigned to each primary care provider.
  260  The agency shall conduct, or contract for, systematic and
  261  continuous testing of the provider network databases maintained
  262  by each plan to confirm accuracy, confirm that behavioral health
  263  providers are accepting enrollees, and confirm that enrollees
  264  have access to behavioral health services.
  265         2. Each managed care plan must publish any prescribed drug
  266  formulary or preferred drug list on the plan’s website in a
  267  manner that is accessible to and searchable by enrollees and
  268  providers. The plan must update the list within 24 hours after
  269  making a change. Each plan must ensure that the prior
  270  authorization process for prescribed drugs is readily accessible
  271  to health care providers, including posting appropriate contact
  272  information on its website and providing timely responses to
  273  providers. For Medicaid recipients diagnosed with hemophilia who
  274  have been prescribed anti-hemophilic-factor replacement
  275  products, the agency shall provide for those products and
  276  hemophilia overlay services through the agency’s hemophilia
  277  disease management program.
  278         3. Managed care plans, and their fiscal agents or
  279  intermediaries, must accept prior authorization requests for any
  280  service electronically.
  281         4. Managed care plans serving children in the care and
  282  custody of the Department of Children and Families must maintain
  283  complete medical, dental, and behavioral health encounter
  284  information and participate in making such information available
  285  to the department or the applicable contracted community-based
  286  care lead agency for use in providing comprehensive and
  287  coordinated case management. The agency and the department shall
  288  establish an interagency agreement to provide guidance for the
  289  format, confidentiality, recipient, scope, and method of
  290  information to be made available and the deadlines for
  291  submission of the data. The scope of information available to
  292  the department shall be the data that managed care plans are
  293  required to submit to the agency. The agency shall determine the
  294  plan’s compliance with standards for access to medical, dental,
  295  and behavioral health services; the use of medications; and
  296  followup on all medically necessary services recommended as a
  297  result of early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and
  298  treatment.
  299         Section 7. Paragraph (f) of subsection (1) of section
  300  409.988, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  301         409.988 Lead agency duties; general provisions.—
  302         (1) DUTIES.—A lead agency:
  303         (f) Shall ensure that all individuals providing care for
  304  dependent children receive:
  305         1. Appropriate training and meet the minimum employment
  306  standards established by the department.
  307         2.Contact information for the local mobile response team
  308  established under s. 394.495.
  309         Section 8. Subsection (4) of section 985.601, Florida
  310  Statutes, is amended to read:
  311         985.601 Administering the juvenile justice continuum.—
  312         (4) The department shall maintain continuing cooperation
  313  with the Department of Education, the Department of Children and
  314  Families, the Department of Economic Opportunity, and the
  315  Department of Corrections for the purpose of participating in
  316  agreements with respect to dropout prevention and the reduction
  317  of suspensions, expulsions, and truancy; increased access to and
  318  participation in high school equivalency diploma, vocational,
  319  and alternative education programs; and employment training and
  320  placement assistance. The cooperative agreements between the
  321  departments shall include an interdepartmental plan to cooperate
  322  in accomplishing the reduction of inappropriate transfers of
  323  children into the adult criminal justice and correctional
  324  systems. As part of its continuing cooperation, the department
  325  shall participate in the planning process for promoting a
  326  coordinated system of care for children and adolescents pursuant
  327  to s. 394.4955.
  328         Section 9. Subsection (5) is added to section 1003.02,
  329  Florida Statutes, to read:
  330         1003.02 District school board operation and control of
  331  public K-12 education within the school district.—As provided in
  332  part II of chapter 1001, district school boards are
  333  constitutionally and statutorily charged with the operation and
  334  control of public K-12 education within their school district.
  335  The district school boards must establish, organize, and operate
  336  their public K-12 schools and educational programs, employees,
  337  and facilities. Their responsibilities include staff
  338  development, public K-12 school student education including
  339  education for exceptional students and students in juvenile
  340  justice programs, special programs, adult education programs,
  341  and career education programs. Additionally, district school
  342  boards must:
  343         (5)Participate in the planning process for promoting a
  344  coordinated system of care for children and adolescents pursuant
  345  to s. 394.4955.
  346         Section 10. Present subsection (4) of section 1004.44,
  347  Florida Statutes, is redesignated as subsection (5), and a new
  348  subsection (4) is added to that section, to read:
  349         1004.44 Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute.
  350  There is established the Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health
  351  Institute within the University of South Florida.
  352         (4)By August 1, 2020, the institute shall develop a model
  353  response protocol for schools to use mobile response teams
  354  established under s. 394.495. In developing the protocol, the
  355  institute shall, at a minimum, consult with school districts
  356  that effectively use such teams, school districts that use such
  357  teams less often, local law enforcement agencies, the Department
  358  of Children and Families, managing entities as defined in s.
  359  394.9082(2), and mobile response team providers.
  360         Section 11. Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section
  361  1006.04, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  362         1006.04 Educational multiagency services for students with
  363  severe emotional disturbance.—
  364         (1)
  365         (c) The multiagency network shall:
  366         1. Support and represent the needs of students in each
  367  school district in joint planning with fiscal agents of
  368  children’s mental health funds, including the expansion of
  369  school-based mental health services, transition services, and
  370  integrated education and treatment programs.
  371         2. Improve coordination of services for children with or at
  372  risk of emotional or behavioral disabilities and their families
  373  by assisting multi-agency collaborative initiatives to identify
  374  critical issues and barriers of mutual concern and develop local
  375  response systems that increase home and school connections and
  376  family engagement.
  377         3. Increase parent and youth involvement and development
  378  with local systems of care.
  379         4. Facilitate student and family access to effective
  380  services and programs for students with and at risk of emotional
  381  or behavioral disabilities that include necessary educational,
  382  residential, and mental health treatment services, enabling
  383  these students to learn appropriate behaviors, reduce
  384  dependency, and fully participate in all aspects of school and
  385  community living.
  386         5.Participate in the planning process for promoting a
  387  coordinated system of care for children and adolescents pursuant
  388  to s. 394.4955.
  389         Section 12. Paragraph (b) of subsection (16) of section
  390  1011.62, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  391         1011.62 Funds for operation of schools.—If the annual
  392  allocation from the Florida Education Finance Program to each
  393  district for operation of schools is not determined in the
  394  annual appropriations act or the substantive bill implementing
  395  the annual appropriations act, it shall be determined as
  396  follows:
  397         (16) MENTAL HEALTH ASSISTANCE ALLOCATION.—The mental health
  398  assistance allocation is created to provide funding to assist
  399  school districts in establishing or expanding school-based
  400  mental health care; train educators and other school staff in
  401  detecting and responding to mental health issues; and connect
  402  children, youth, and families who may experience behavioral
  403  health issues with appropriate services. These funds shall be
  404  allocated annually in the General Appropriations Act or other
  405  law to each eligible school district. Each school district shall
  406  receive a minimum of $100,000, with the remaining balance
  407  allocated based on each school district’s proportionate share of
  408  the state’s total unweighted full-time equivalent student
  409  enrollment. Charter schools that submit a plan separate from the
  410  school district are entitled to a proportionate share of
  411  district funding. The allocated funds may not supplant funds
  412  that are provided for this purpose from other operating funds
  413  and may not be used to increase salaries or provide bonuses.
  414  School districts are encouraged to maximize third-party health
  415  insurance benefits and Medicaid claiming for services, where
  416  appropriate.
  417         (b) The plans required under paragraph (a) must be focused
  418  on a multitiered system of supports to deliver evidence-based
  419  mental health care assessment, diagnosis, intervention,
  420  treatment, and recovery services to students with one or more
  421  mental health or co-occurring substance abuse diagnoses and to
  422  students at high risk of such diagnoses. The provision of these
  423  services must be coordinated with a student’s primary mental
  424  health care provider and with other mental health providers
  425  involved in the student’s care. At a minimum, the plans must
  426  include the following elements:
  427         1. Direct employment of school-based mental health services
  428  providers to expand and enhance school-based student services
  429  and to reduce the ratio of students to staff in order to better
  430  align with nationally recommended ratio models. These providers
  431  include, but are not limited to, certified school counselors,
  432  school psychologists, school social workers, and other licensed
  433  mental health professionals. The plan also must identify
  434  strategies to increase the amount of time that school-based
  435  student services personnel spend providing direct services to
  436  students, which may include the review and revision of district
  437  staffing resource allocations based on school or student mental
  438  health assistance needs.
  439         2.An interagency agreement or memorandum of understanding
  440  with the managing entity, as defined in s. 394.9082(2), that
  441  facilitates referrals of students to community-based services
  442  and coordinates care for students served by school-based and
  443  community-based providers. Such agreement or memorandum of
  444  understanding must address the sharing of records and
  445  information as authorized under s. 1006.07(7)(d) to coordinate
  446  care and increase access to appropriate services.
  447         3.2. Contracts or interagency agreements with one or more
  448  local community behavioral health providers or providers of
  449  Community Action Team services to provide a behavioral health
  450  staff presence and services at district schools. Services may
  451  include, but are not limited to, mental health screenings and
  452  assessments, individual counseling, family counseling, group
  453  counseling, psychiatric or psychological services, trauma
  454  informed care, mobile crisis services, and behavior
  455  modification. These behavioral health services may be provided
  456  on or off the school campus and may be supplemented by
  457  telehealth.
  458         4.3. Policies and procedures, including contracts with
  459  service providers, which will ensure that:
  460         a.Parents of students are provided information about
  461  behavioral health services available through the students’
  462  school or local community-based behavioral health services
  463  providers, including, but not limited to, the mobile response
  464  team as established in s. 394.495 serving their area. A school
  465  may meet this requirement by providing information about and
  466  Internet addresses for web-based directories or guides of local
  467  behavioral health services as long as such directories or guides
  468  are easily navigated and understood by individuals unfamiliar
  469  with behavioral health delivery systems or services and include
  470  specific contact information for local behavioral health
  471  providers.
  472         b.School districts use the services of the mobile response
  473  teams to the extent that such services are available. Each
  474  school district shall establish policies and procedures to carry
  475  out the model response protocol developed under s. 1004.44.
  476         c. Students who are referred to a school-based or
  477  community-based mental health service provider for mental health
  478  screening for the identification of mental health concerns and
  479  ensure that the assessment of students at risk for mental health
  480  disorders occurs within 15 days of referral. School-based mental
  481  health services must be initiated within 15 days after
  482  identification and assessment, and support by community-based
  483  mental health service providers for students who are referred
  484  for community-based mental health services must be initiated
  485  within 30 days after the school or district makes a referral.
  486         d.Referrals to behavioral health services available
  487  through other delivery systems or payors for which a student or
  488  individuals living in the household of a student receiving
  489  services under this subsection may qualify, if such services
  490  appear to be needed or enhancements in those individuals’
  491  behavioral health would contribute to the improved well-being of
  492  the student.
  493         5.4. Strategies or programs to reduce the likelihood of at
  494  risk students developing social, emotional, or behavioral health
  495  problems, depression, anxiety disorders, suicidal tendencies, or
  496  substance use disorders.
  497         6.5. Strategies to improve the early identification of
  498  social, emotional, or behavioral problems or substance use
  499  disorders, to improve the provision of early intervention
  500  services, and to assist students in dealing with trauma and
  501  violence.
  502         Section 13. The Department of Children and Families and the
  503  Agency for Health Care Administration shall assess the quality
  504  of care provided in crisis stabilization units to children and
  505  adolescents who are high utilizers of crisis stabilization
  506  services. The department and agency shall review current
  507  standards of care for such settings applicable to licensure
  508  under chapters 394 and 408, Florida Statutes, and designation
  509  under s. 394.461, Florida Statutes; compare the standards to
  510  other states’ standards and relevant national standards; and
  511  make recommendations for improvements to such standards. The
  512  assessment and recommendations shall address, at a minimum,
  513  efforts by each facility to gather and assess information
  514  regarding each child or adolescent, to coordinate with other
  515  providers treating the child or adolescent, and to create
  516  discharge plans that comprehensively and effectively address the
  517  needs of the child or adolescent to avoid or reduce his or her
  518  future use of crisis stabilization services. The department and
  519  agency shall jointly submit a report of their findings and
  520  recommendations to the Governor, the President of the Senate,
  521  and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by November 15,
  522  2020.
  523         Section 14. This act shall take effect July 1, 2020.
  525  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
  526  And the title is amended as follows:
  527         Delete everything before the enacting clause
  528  and insert:
  529                        A bill to be entitled                      
  530         An act relating to children’s mental health; amending
  531         s. 394.493, F.S.; requiring the Department of Children
  532         and Families and the Agency for Health Care
  533         Administration to identify certain children and
  534         adolescents who use crisis stabilization services
  535         during specified fiscal years; requiring the
  536         department and agency to collaboratively meet the
  537         behavioral health needs of such children and
  538         adolescents and submit a quarterly report to the
  539         Legislature; amending s. 394.495, F.S.; including
  540         crisis response services provided through mobile
  541         response teams in the array of services available to
  542         children and adolescents; requiring the department to
  543         contract with managing entities for mobile response
  544         teams to provide certain services to certain children,
  545         adolescents, and young adults; providing requirements
  546         for such mobile response teams; providing requirements
  547         for managing entities when procuring mobile response
  548         teams; creating s. 394.4955, F.S.; requiring managing
  549         entities to develop a plan promoting the development
  550         of a coordinated system of care for certain services;
  551         providing requirements for the planning process;
  552         requiring each managing entity to submit such plan by
  553         a specified date; requiring the entities involved in
  554         the planning process to implement such plan by a
  555         specified date; requiring that such plan be reviewed
  556         and updated periodically; amending s. 394.9082, F.S.;
  557         revising the duties of the department relating to
  558         priority populations that will benefit from care
  559         coordination; requiring that a managing entity’s
  560         behavioral health care needs assessment include
  561         certain information regarding gaps in certain
  562         services; requiring a managing entity to promote the
  563         use of available crisis intervention services;
  564         amending s. 409.175, F.S.; revising requirements
  565         relating to preservice training for foster parents;
  566         amending s. 409.967, F.S.; requiring the agency to
  567         conduct, or contract for, the testing of provider
  568         network databases maintained by Medicaid managed care
  569         plans for specified purposes; amending s. 409.988,
  570         F.S.; revising the duties of a lead agency relating to
  571         individuals providing care for dependent children;
  572         amending s. 985.601, F.S.; requiring the Department of
  573         Juvenile Justice to participate in the planning
  574         process for promoting a coordinated system of care for
  575         children and adolescents; amending s. 1003.02, F.S.;
  576         requiring each district school board to participate in
  577         the planning process for promoting a coordinated
  578         system of care; amending s. 1004.44, F.S.; requiring
  579         the Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute
  580         to develop, in consultation with other entities, a
  581         model response protocol for schools; amending s.
  582         1006.04, F.S.; requiring the educational multiagency
  583         network to participate in the planning process for
  584         promoting a coordinated system of care; amending s.
  585         1011.62, F.S.; revising the elements of a plan
  586         required for school district funding under the mental
  587         health assistance allocation; requiring the Department
  588         of Children and Families and the Agency for Health
  589         Care Administration to assess the quality of care
  590         provided in crisis stabilization units to certain
  591         children and adolescents; requiring the department and
  592         agency to review current standards of care for certain
  593         settings and make recommendations; requiring the
  594         department and agency to jointly submit a report to
  595         the Governor and the Legislature by a specified date;
  596         providing an effective date.