Florida Senate - 2020                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 312
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                   Comm: WD            .                                
                  12/11/2019           .                                

       The Committee on Banking and Insurance (Brandes) recommended the
    1         Senate Amendment to Amendment (199336) (with title
    2  amendment)
    4         Between lines 151 and 152
    5  insert:
    6         Section 3. Section 627.7288, Florida Statutes, is amended
    7  to read:
    8         627.7288 Comprehensive coverage; deductibles for deductible
    9  not to apply to motor vehicle glass.—
   10         (1) The deductible provisions of any policy of motor
   11  vehicle insurance, delivered or issued in this state by an
   12  authorized insurer, providing comprehensive coverage or combined
   13  additional coverage are not shall not be applicable to damage to
   14  the windshield of any motor vehicle covered under such policy.
   15         (2)An insurer may offer a separate deductible for damage
   16  to the glass of any motor vehicle covered under a motor vehicle
   17  insurance policy delivered or issued by the insurer in this
   18  state.
   20  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   21  And the title is amended as follows:
   22         Delete line 180
   23  and insert:
   24         certain procedures relating to disputes; amending s.
   25         627.7288, F.S.; authorizing insurers to offer separate
   26         deductibles for damage to motor vehicle glass;
   27         providing an