Florida Senate - 2020                          SENATOR AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS for CS for SB 404
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                Floor: 1/F/2R          .                                
             01/29/2020 04:16 PM       .                                

       Senator Stewart moved the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Between lines 284 and 285
    4  insert:
    5         Section 3. Paragraph (n) of subsection (2) of section
    6  1003.42, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
    7         1003.42 Required instruction.—
    8         (2) Members of the instructional staff of the public
    9  schools, subject to the rules of the State Board of Education
   10  and the district school board, shall teach efficiently and
   11  faithfully, using the books and materials required that meet the
   12  highest standards for professionalism and historical accuracy,
   13  following the prescribed courses of study, and employing
   14  approved methods of instruction, the following:
   15         (n) Comprehensive health education that addresses concepts
   16  of community health; consumer health; environmental health;
   17  family life, including an awareness of the benefits of sexual
   18  abstinence as the expected standard and the consequences of
   19  teenage pregnancy; the full range of contraceptive methods
   20  available to prevent teenage pregnancy; mental and emotional
   21  health; injury prevention and safety; Internet safety;
   22  nutrition; personal health; prevention and control of disease;
   23  and substance use and abuse. The health education curriculum for
   24  students in grades 7 through 12 shall include a teen dating
   25  violence and abuse component that includes, but is not limited
   26  to, the definition of dating violence and abuse, the warning
   27  signs of dating violence and abusive behavior, the
   28  characteristics of healthy relationships, measures to prevent
   29  and stop dating violence and abuse, and community resources
   30  available to victims of dating violence and abuse. The
   31  Department of Health, in consultation with the department, shall
   32  develop instructional materials regarding the full range of
   33  contraceptive methods available to prevent teenage pregnancy,
   34  including the efficacy of each method, which must be in easily
   35  comprehensible language and include only medically accurate,
   36  evidence-based information. School districts shall include the
   37  instructional materials in their health education curriculum.
   39  The State Board of Education is encouraged to adopt standards
   40  and pursue assessment of the requirements of this subsection. A
   41  character development program that incorporates the values of
   42  the recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor and that is
   43  offered as part of a social studies, English Language Arts, or
   44  other schoolwide character building and veteran awareness
   45  initiative meets the requirements of paragraphs (s) and (t).
   47  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   48  And the title is amended as follows:
   49         Delete line 18
   50  and insert:
   51         made by the act; amending s. 1003.42, F.S.; revising
   52         the requirements for comprehensive health education
   53         provided in public schools to include coverage of the
   54         full range of contraceptive methods available to
   55         prevent teenage pregnancy; requiring the Department of
   56         Health, in consultation with the Department of
   57         Education, to develop instructional materials;
   58         providing requirements for the materials; requiring
   59         school districts to include the materials in their
   60         health education curriculum; amending s. 27.511, F.S.;
   61         conforming