Florida Senate - 2020                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 62
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                 Comm: UNFAV           .                                
                  01/31/2020           .                                

       Appropriations Subcommittee on Education (Pizzo) recommended the
    1         Senate Amendment to Amendment (424324) (with title
    2  amendment)
    4         Delete lines 1039 - 1060
    5  and insert:
    6         (22)TEACHER SALARY INCREASE ALLOCATION.—The Teacher Salary
    7  Increase Allocation is established for the purpose of affording
    8  school districts the opportunity to raise the salaries of
    9  instructional personnel as defined in s. 1012.01(2) and
   10  educational support employees as defined in s. 1012.40(1)(a) in
   11  an effort to address challenges with retention and recruitment
   12  of instructional personnel and educational support employees in
   13  the state’s K-20 education system. Subject to annual
   14  appropriation, beginning with the 2020-2021 state fiscal year
   15  and continuing through the 2028-2029 state fiscal year, funds
   16  may be provided to each school district to increase the minimum
   17  base salary of such instructional personnel as defined in s.
   18  1012.01(2) and education support employees as defined in s.
   19  1012.40(1)(a) to address challenges with retention and
   20  recruitment of instructional personnel and education support
   21  employees in the state’s K-20 education system. The Allocation
   22  must be funded at a level sufficient to provide a 4.5 percent
   23  annual salary increase for all instructional personnel and
   24  educational support employees, plus a cost-of-living adjustment,
   25  beginning with the 2020-2021 fiscal year and continuing through
   26  the 2028-2029 fiscal year. This section may not be construed to
   27  abridge the membership of any such instructional personnel or
   28  educational support employees in any labor organization or to
   29  impact the right of such instructional personnel and educational
   30  support employees to bargain collectively through a labor
   31  organization, and the voluntary salary increases provided under
   32  this section may not be construed to interfere with the right of
   33  school boards to set the wages, hours, and terms and conditions
   34  of employment for all school board employees.
   35         (a)Beginning with the 2020-2021 fiscal year, funding
   36  sufficient to provide at least the 4.5 percent annual salary
   37  increase and the cost of living adjustment authorized by this
   38  section, must be calculated using aggregate data on the payments
   39  disbursed to such instructional personnel and educational
   40  support employees, as reported by the Department of Education.
   41  Subject to s. 6, Art. I of the State Constitution, for each year
   42  during which a school district provides the salary increase and
   43  the cost of living adjustment authorized by this subsection, or
   44  when a school district and appropriate bargaining units agree to
   45  a salary increase, the school district must receive funds as
   46  authorized under this section to cover the incremental cost to
   47  the district of the raise. Funds provided pursuant to this
   48  subsection must be incorporated into the base student allocation
   49  for the subsequent fiscal year.
   50         (b)Teacher Salary Increase Allocation funds must be
   51  distributed through the FEFP.
   52         (c)Each district school board, in consultation with each
   53  charter school governing board in that district, may provide
   54  salary increases for charter school instructional personnel and
   55  education support employees under this section if the
   56  participating charter school reports pay schedules adopted
   57  pursuant to s. 1012.22, documents expenditures related to
   58  categorical funds to the department at least 30 days before the
   59  start of each legislative session, and agrees to return all
   60  funds received under this section if a participating charter
   61  school’s pay schedules do not reflect that instructional
   62  personnel and educational support employees actually received
   63  the 4.5 percent raise. A participating charter school that fails
   64  to report pay schedules shall return all funds received under
   65  this section.
   66         (d)The Legislature intends that any financial penalty
   67  assessed against a charter school governing board pursuant to
   68  paragraph (c) directly impact funding for that charter school
   69  and not impact funding for the district school board.
   71  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   72  And the title is amended as follows:
   73         Delete lines 1378 - 1381
   74  and insert:
   75         allocation; establishing the Teacher Salary Increase
   76         Allocation; providing that funds may be provided to
   77         allow each school district to increase the minimum
   78         base salary of certain instructional personnel and
   79         educational support employees; requiring that any
   80         allocation be funded at a certain level; providing
   81         construction; establishing a minimum for any salary
   82         increases and cost of living adjustments funded under
   83         the allocation; providing construction; providing for
   84         the calculation of necessary funding; requiring that
   85         school districts that provide such salary increases
   86         and cost of living adjustments receive funds to cover
   87         the incremental costs of such increases; requiring
   88         that funds provided under the allocation be
   89         incorporated in the base student allocation for the
   90         subsequent fiscal year; requiring that the funds for
   91         the teacher salary allocation be distributed through
   92         the Florida Education Finance Program; providing that
   93         each district school board in consultation with each
   94         charter school governing board may provide salary
   95         increases for charter school instructional personnel
   96         and educational support employees under certain
   97         conditions; providing requirements for the provision
   98         of such funds; requiring the return of allocation
   99         funds and payment of a penalty by participating
  100         charter schools in certain circumstances; providing
  101         legislative intent related to such penalties; amending
  102         s. 1013.62; requiring state