Florida Senate - 2020                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS for SB 668
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: RCS            .                                
                  02/03/2020           .                                

       The Committee on Governmental Oversight and Accountability
       (Book) recommended the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with directory and title amendments)
    3         Between lines 94 and 95
    4  insert:
    5         (20)“Summer day camp” has the same meaning as provided in
    6  s. 409.175.
    7         (21)“Summer 24-hour camp” has the same meaning as provided
    8  in s. 409.175.
    9         Section 2. Section 402.3132, Florida Statutes, is created
   10  to read:
   11         402.3132 Summer day camp and summer 24-hour camp.—
   12         (1)The provisions of ss. 402.301-402.319, except for the
   13  requirements regarding screening of child care personnel, shall
   14  not apply to a summer day camp or summer 24-hour camp. However,
   15  a summer day camp or summer 24-hour camp shall meet minimum
   16  requirements, if applicable of the local governing body as to
   17  health, sanitation, and safety and shall meet the screening
   18  requirements pursuant to ss. 402.305 and 402.3055. Failure by a
   19  summer day camp or summer 24-hour camp to comply with such
   20  screening requirements shall result in the loss of the summer
   21  day camp’s or summer 24-hour camp’s ability to operate.
   22         (2)The department or local licensing agency may commence
   23  and maintain all proper and necessary actions and proceedings
   24  for any or all of the following purposes:
   25         (a)To protect the health, sanitation, safety, and well
   26  being of all children under care.
   27         (b)To enforce its rules and regulations.
   28         (c)To make application for injunction to the proper
   29  circuit court, and the judge of that court shall have
   30  jurisdiction upon hearing and for cause shown to grant a
   31  temporary or permanent injunction, or both, restraining any
   32  person or entity from violating or continuing to violate any of
   33  the screening of child care personnel provisions of ss. 402.305
   34  402.3055.
   35         (d)To impose an administrative fine, not to exceed $100
   36  per violation, per day, for each violation of the screening of
   37  child care personnel provisions pursuant to ss. 402.305
   38  402.3055.
   39         (3) All summer camps or 24-hour summer camps must register
   40  with the department and be included in the department’s summer
   41  camp listing in order to be recognized as meeting the provisions
   42  of this section.
   44  ====== D I R E C T O R Y  C L A U S E  A M E N D M E N T ======
   45  And the directory clause is amended as follows:
   46         Delete lines 13 - 17
   47  and insert:
   48         Section 1. Present subsections (9) through (18) of section
   49  402.302, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsections (10)
   50  through (19), respectively, new subsections (9), (20), and (21)
   51  are added to that section, and subsection (2) of that section is
   52  amended, to read:
   54  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   55  And the title is amended as follows:
   56         Delete lines 2 - 9
   57  and insert:
   58         An act relating to government-sponsored recreation
   59         programs and registration of summer camps and
   60         overnight summer camps; amending 402.302, F.S.;
   61         revising the definition of the term "child care
   62         facility" to exclude government-sponsored recreation
   63         programs; defining the terms “government-sponsored
   64         recreation program”, “summer day camp”, and “summer
   65         24-hour camp”; creating s. 402.3132, F.S.;
   66         establishing minimum requirements and enforcement of
   67         rules and regulations related to summer day camps and
   68         summer 24-hour camps; amending ss. 39.201, 402.305,
   69         and 1002.82, F.S.; conforming cross references;
   70         providing and effective date.