Florida Senate - 2020 SB 904
By Senator Hooper
16-01007A-20 2020904__
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to sinkhole and catastrophic ground
3 cover collapse insurance; amending s. 627.706, F.S.;
4 revising the definition of the term “catastrophic
5 ground cover collapse” for insurance coverage
6 purposes; specifying circumstances under which
7 settling or cracking of a foundation, structure, or
8 building constitutes a loss resulting from a
9 catastrophic ground cover collapse; defining the term
10 “dangerous”; providing applicability; providing an
11 effective date.
13 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
15 Section 1. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section
16 627.706, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
17 627.706 Sinkhole insurance; catastrophic ground cover
18 collapse; definitions.—
19 (2) As used in ss. 627.706-627.7074, and as used in
20 connection with any policy providing coverage for a catastrophic
21 ground cover collapse or for sinkhole losses, the term:
22 (a) “Catastrophic ground cover collapse” means geological
23 activity that results in all the following:
24 1. The imminent abrupt collapse of the ground cover or;
25 2. a depression in the ground cover clearly visible to the
26 naked eye; and
27 2.a.3. Structural damage to the covered building, including
28 the foundation; or and
29 b.4. The insured structure being:
30 (I) Condemned and ordered to be vacated by the governmental
31 agency authorized by law to issue such an order for that
32 structure; or
33 (II) Declared dangerous and a real and imminent threat to
34 public safety by a professional engineer licensed in this state
35 in a written notice to the governmental agency authorized by law
36 with code enforcement for that structure.
38 Contents coverage applies if there is a loss resulting from a
39 catastrophic ground cover collapse. Damage consisting merely of
40 the settling or cracking of a foundation, structure, or building
41 does not constitute a loss resulting from a catastrophic ground
42 cover collapse unless the structure or building has been ordered
43 to be vacated or the structure or building has been declared
44 dangerous by a professional engineer licensed in this state or
45 by the governmental agency authorized by law with code
46 enforcement for that structure or building. As used in this
47 paragraph, the term “dangerous” has the same meaning as provided
48 in the Florida Building Code, Building Volume, Sixth Edition.
49 Section 2. The amendment made by this act to s. 627.706,
50 Florida Statutes, applies to new and renewal property insurance
51 policies issued on or after July 1, 2021.
52 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2020.