Bill No. SB 1436
Proposed Committee Substitute by the Committee on Appropriations
(Appropriations Subcommittee on Education)
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to the Florida Postsecondary Academic
3 Library Network; amending ss. 257.02 and 295.22, F.S.;
4 conforming provisions to changes made by the act;
5 amending s. 1004.013, F.S.; revising provisions
6 relating to the awareness of certain postsecondary
7 education programs and initiatives; amending s.
8 1006.73, F.S.; deleting provisions relating to the
9 Florida Academic Library Services Cooperative;
10 providing responsibilities for the Florida
11 Postsecondary Academic Library Network; providing that
12 the Board of Governors and the Department of Education
13 will oversee a host entity chosen to deliver certain
14 services; providing the services to be provided by the
15 host entity; transferring responsibility for the
16 statewide Internet-based catalog of distance learning
17 courses to the host entity; providing requirements for
18 such catalog; transferring responsibility for certain
19 statewide online student advising services to the host
20 entity; providing requirements for such services;
21 requiring the host entity to annually submit a certain
22 report by a specified date; providing requirements for
23 such report; requiring the chancellors of the State
24 University System and the Florida College System to
25 provide a certain report; providing that specified
26 entities have responsibility for the governance and
27 administration of the provided services; requiring
28 specified entities to issue a recommendation and
29 report on expanding organizations who may access the
30 provided services; repealing s. 1006.735, F.S.,
31 relating to the Complete Florida Plus Program;
32 amending s. 1007.01, F.S.; conforming a cross
33 reference; amending s. 1007.27, F.S.; conforming a
34 provision to changes made by the act; amending ss.
35 1009.23 and 1009.24, F.S.; conforming cross
36 references; revising a requirement to include a
37 certain graphic on specified websites; providing an
38 effective date.
40 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
42 Section 1. Subsection (1) of section 257.02, Florida
43 Statutes, is amended to read:
44 257.02 State Library Council.—
45 (1) There shall be a State Library Council to advise and
46 assist the division with planning, policy, and priorities
47 related to the development of statewide information services.
48 The council shall consist of nine members who shall be appointed
49 by the Secretary of State. Of the nine members, three members
50 must represent Florida public libraries, two members must
51 represent the Florida Postsecondary Academic Library Network
52 Services Cooperative, one member must represent a multitype
53 library cooperative, one member must represent a school library
54 media center, one member must represent the Independent Colleges
55 and Universities of Florida, and one member must represent a
56 Florida library professional association. Members shall be
57 appointed for 4-year terms. A vacancy on the council shall be
58 filled for the period of the unexpired term. A person may not be
59 appointed to serve more than two consecutive terms as a member
60 of the council. The secretary may remove from office any council
61 member for malfeasance, misfeasance, neglect of duty,
62 incompetence, permanent inability to perform official duties, or
63 pleading guilty or nolo contendere to, or being found guilty of,
64 a felony.
65 Section 2. Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section
66 295.22, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
67 295.22 Veterans Employment and Training Services Program.—
68 (3) ADMINISTRATION.—Florida Is For Veterans, Inc., shall
69 administer the Veterans Employment and Training Services Program
70 and perform all of the following functions:
71 (b) Assist veterans who reside in or relocate to this state
72 and who are seeking employment. The corporation shall offer
73 skills assessments to veterans and assist them in establishing
74 employment goals and applying for and achieving gainful
75 employment.
76 1. Assessment may include skill match information, skill
77 gap analysis, resume creation, translation of military skills
78 into civilian workforce skills, and translation of military
79 achievements and experience into generally understood civilian
80 workforce skills.
81 2. Assistance may include providing the veteran with
82 information on current workforce demand by industry or
83 geographic region, creating employment goals, and aiding or
84 teaching general knowledge related to completing applications.
85 The corporation may provide information related to industry
86 certifications approved by the Department of Education under s.
87 1008.44 as well as information related to earning academic
88 college credit at public postsecondary educational institutions
89 for college-level training and education acquired in the
90 military under s. 1004.096.
91 3. The corporation shall encourage veterans to register
92 with the state’s job bank system and may refer veterans to local
93 one-stop career centers for further services. The corporation
94 shall provide each veteran with information about state
95 workforce programs and shall consolidate information about all
96 available resources on one website that, if possible, includes a
97 hyperlink to each resource’s website and contact information, if
98 available. If appropriate, a veteran shall be encouraged to
99 participate in the Complete Florida Degree Program established
100 under s. 1006.735.
101 4. Assessment and assistance may be in person or by
102 electronic means, as determined by the corporation to be most
103 efficient and best meet the needs of veterans.
104 Section 3. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section
105 1004.013, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
106 1004.013 SAIL to 60 Initiative.—
107 (2) The State Board of Education and the Board of Governors
108 shall work collaboratively to, at a minimum:
109 (a) Increase the awareness and use of:
110 1. The student advising system established under s. 1006.73
111 s. 1006.735(4)(b).
112 2. The Complete Florida Degree Initiative established under
113 s. 1006.735(2) that facilitates degree completion for the
114 state’s adult learners. The Chancellor of the State University
115 System and the Chancellor of the Florida College System shall
116 consult with the Complete Florida Degree Initiative to identify
117 barriers to program expansion and develop recommendations to
118 increase the number of participating institutions and students
119 served by the program. The recommendations must consider, at a
120 minimum, methods for increasing outreach efforts to help
121 students complete the “last mile” by providing financial
122 assistance to students who are within 12 credit hours of
123 completing their first associate or baccalaureate degree, but
124 have separated from their institution of enrollment for more
125 than one semester. Recommendations must be submitted to the
126 Board of Governors, the State Board of Education, and the
127 Governor no later than October 1, 2019.
128 2.3. Summer bridge programs at state universities and
129 Florida College System institutions that help students
130 transition to postsecondary education.
131 Section 4. Section 1006.73, Florida Statutes, is amended to
132 read:
133 (Substantial rewording of section. See
134 s. 1006.73, F.S., for present text.)
135 1006.73 Florida Postsecondary Academic Library Network.—
136 (1) PURPOSE.—The Board of Governors and the Department of
137 Education shall jointly oversee the host entity in accordance
138 with subsection (5) which will deliver the following services to
139 public postsecondary education institutions in this state,
140 which, for the purposes of this section, means all Florida
141 College System and State University System institutions:
142 (a) Provide information regarding and access to distance
143 learning courses and degree programs offered by public
144 postsecondary education institutions within this state.
145 (b) Coordinate with the Florida College System and the
146 State University System to identify and provide online academic
147 support services and resources when the multi-institutional
148 provision of such services and resources is more cost effective
149 or operationally effective.
150 (c) Administer a single library automation system and
151 associated resources and services that all public postsecondary
152 institutions shall use to support learning, teaching, and
153 research needs and develop automated library management tools
154 that shall include, but are not limited to, the following
155 services and functions:
156 1. A shared Internet-based catalog and discovery tool that
157 allows a user to search and, if authorized, access the aggregate
158 library holdings of this state’s public postsecondary education
159 institutions. The catalog and discovery tool shall allow a user
160 to search the library holdings of one institution, selected
161 institutions, or all institutions and, to the extent feasible,
162 shall include an interlibrary loan function that ensures an
163 authorized user can access the required library holding.
164 2. An Internet-based searchable collection of electronic
165 resources which shall include, but not be limited to, full-text
166 journals, articles, databases, and electronic books licensed
167 pursuant to paragraph (d).
168 3. An integrated library management system and its
169 associated services that all public postsecondary education
170 institution academic libraries shall use for purposes of
171 acquiring, cataloging, circulating, and tracking library
172 material.
173 4. A statewide searchable database that includes an
174 inventory of digital archives and collections held by public
175 postsecondary education institutions.
176 (d) In collaboration with library staff from Florida
177 College System institutions and state universities, coordinate
178 the negotiation of statewide licensing of electronic library
179 resources and preferred pricing agreements, issue purchase
180 orders, and enter into contracts for the acquisition of library
181 support services, electronic resources, and other goods and
182 services necessary to carry out its duties under this section.
183 (e) Promote and provide recommendations concerning the use
184 and distribution of open-access textbooks and education
185 resources and innovative pricing techniques that comply with all
186 applicable laws in regard to copyrighted material as a method
187 for reducing costs.
188 (f) Provide appropriate help desk support, training, and
189 consultation services to institutions and students.
191 COURSES.—There is established a statewide Internet-based catalog
192 of distance learning courses, degree programs, and resources
193 offered by public postsecondary education institutions which is
194 intended to assist in the coordination and collaboration of
195 articulation and access pursuant to parts II and III of chapter
196 1007. The host entity is responsible for developing and
197 disseminating operational procedures and technical guidelines
198 for the catalog, to be followed by all participating
199 institutions. Operating procedures and technical guidelines will
200 address the following:
201 (a) Specific information concerning the distance learning
202 course or degree program, including, but not limited to, course
203 number, classification of instructional programs number, and
204 information on the availability of the course or degree program;
205 any prerequisite course or technology competency or skill; the
206 availability of academic support services and financial aid
207 resources; and course costs, fees, and payment policies.
208 (b) Definitions and descriptions of the catalog’s search
209 and retrieval options that, at a minimum, will allow users to
210 search by academic term or course start date; institution,
211 multiple institutions, or all institutions; and course or
212 program delivery methods, course type, course availability,
213 subject or discipline, and course number or classification of
214 instructional programs number.
215 (c) An Internet-based analytic tool that allows for the
216 collection and analysis of data as to usage of resources
217 accessed or interaction with constituent institutions whose
218 courses and programs are listed in the catalog.
219 (d) Frequent review and updates to institution catalogs to
220 ensure that distance learning courses and degree programs comply
221 with operational procedures.
223 SUPPORT.—The following online services and support shall be made
224 available on a statewide basis:
225 (a) A streamlined online admissions application process,
226 which shall be used by all public postsecondary institutions,
227 for undergraduate transient students currently enrolled and
228 pursuing a degree at a public postsecondary education
229 institution who enroll in a course offered by a public
230 postsecondary education institution that is not the student’s
231 degree-granting institution, which shall:
232 1. Use the transient student admissions application
233 available through the statewide computer-assisted student
234 advising system established pursuant to paragraph (b). This
235 admissions application is the only application required for
236 enrollment of a transient student as described in this
237 paragraph.
238 2. Implement the financial aid procedures required by the
239 transient student admissions application process.
240 3. Transfer credit awarded by the institution offering the
241 course to the transient student’s degree-granting institution.
242 4. Provide an interface between the institutional advising
243 system and the statewide computer-assisted student advising
244 system established pursuant to paragraph (b) in order to
245 electronically send, receive, and process transient student
246 admissions application.
247 (b) A K-20 statewide computer-assisted student advising
248 system that shall support career and education planning for the
249 K-12 system and the process of advising, registering, and
250 certifying postsecondary students for graduation and that shall
251 include a degree audit and an articulation component. Florida
252 College System institutions and state universities shall
253 interface institutional advising systems with the statewide
254 computer-assisted student advising system. At a minimum, the
255 statewide computer-assisted student advising system shall:
256 1. Allow a student to access the system at any time.
257 2. Support K-12 career and education planning.
258 3. Allow a student to search public postsecondary education
259 institutions and identify course options that will meet the
260 requirements of a selected path toward a degree.
261 4. Audit transcripts of students enrolled in a public
262 postsecondary education institution to assess current academic
263 standing, the requirements for a student to transfer to another
264 institution, and all requirements necessary for graduation.
265 5. Serve as the official statewide repository for the
266 common prerequisite manual, admissions information for
267 transferring programs, foreign language requirements, residency
268 requirements, and statewide articulation agreements.
269 6. Provide information relating to career descriptions and
270 corresponding educational requirements, admissions requirements,
271 and available sources of student financial assistance.
272 7. Provide the admissions application for transient
273 students pursuant to paragraph (a) which must include the
274 electronic transfer and receipt of information and records for:
275 a. Admissions and readmissions.
276 b. Financial aid.
277 c. Transfer of credit awarded by the institution offering
278 the course to the transient student’s degree-granting
279 institution using the Florida Automated System for Transferring
280 Educational Records (the “FASTER System”).
281 (c) A method for identifying and evaluating new
282 technologies and instructional methods for improving distance
283 learning instruction and development for faculty, student
284 learning outcomes, student access, the efficient delivery of
285 student support services, and the overall quality of
286 postsecondary distance learning courses and degree programs.
287 (d) Negotiation of statewide licensing resources and
288 preferred pricing agreements, issuing purchase orders, and
289 entering into contracts for the acquisition of distance learning
290 resources, student and support services, electronic resources,
291 and other goods and services necessary to carry out duties under
292 this section.
293 (4) REPORTING.—Beginning December 31, 2021, and each year
294 thereafter, the host entity shall submit a report to the
295 chancellors of the State University System and the Florida
296 College System regarding the implementation and operation of all
297 components described in this section, including, but not limited
298 to, usage information collected under paragraph (2)(c),
299 information and associated costs relating to the services and
300 functions of the program, and the implementation and operation
301 of the automated library services. The chancellors will provide
302 an annual report on the performance of the host entity in
303 delivering the services and any recommendations for changes
304 needed to this section to the Governor, the President of the
305 Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Board
306 of Governors, and the State Board of Education.
307 (5) GOVERNANCE AND ADMINISTRATION.—The Office of the Board
308 of Governors and the Department of Education shall have joint
309 responsibility for determining the host entity for the services
310 described in this section and shall share in the receipt and
311 administration of an associated appropriation as described in
312 the General Appropriations Act. The chancellors of the Florida
313 College System and the Board of Governors shall provide
314 oversight for successful delivery by the host entity of the
315 services described in this section.
318 NETWORK.—By June 1, 2022, the Commissioner of Education and the
319 Chancellor of the State University System shall provide a joint
320 recommendation for a process by which school district career
321 centers operated under s. 1001.44 and charter technical career
322 centers under s. 1002.34 would access appropriate postsecondary
323 distance learning, student support services, and library assets
324 described in this section. The recommendation must include an
325 analysis of the resources necessary to expand access and assets
326 to centers and their students.
327 Section 5. Section 1006.735, Florida Statutes, is repealed.
328 Section 6. Paragraph (h) of subsection (3) of section
329 1007.01, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
330 1007.01 Articulation; legislative intent; purpose; role of
331 the State Board of Education and the Board of Governors;
332 Articulation Coordinating Committee.—
333 (3) The Commissioner of Education, in consultation with the
334 Chancellor of the State University System, shall establish the
335 Articulation Coordinating Committee, which shall make
336 recommendations related to statewide articulation policies and
337 issues regarding access, quality, and reporting of data
338 maintained by the K-20 data warehouse, established pursuant to
339 ss. 1001.10 and 1008.31, to the Higher Education Coordination
340 Council, the State Board of Education, and the Board of
341 Governors. The committee shall consist of two members each
342 representing the State University System, the Florida College
343 System, public career and technical education, K-12 education,
344 and nonpublic postsecondary education and one member
345 representing students. The chair shall be elected from the
346 membership. The Office of K-20 Articulation shall provide
347 administrative support for the committee. The committee shall:
348 (h) Recommend roles and responsibilities of public
349 education entities in interfacing with the single, statewide
350 computer-assisted student advising system established pursuant
351 to s. 1006.73 s. 1006.735.
352 Section 7. Subsection (1) of section 1007.27, Florida
353 Statutes, is amended to read:
354 1007.27 Articulated acceleration mechanisms.—
355 (1) It is the intent of the Legislature that a variety of
356 articulated acceleration mechanisms be available for secondary
357 and postsecondary students attending public educational
358 institutions. It is intended that articulated acceleration serve
359 to shorten the time necessary for a student to complete the
360 requirements associated with the conference of a high school
361 diploma and a postsecondary degree, broaden the scope of
362 curricular options available to students, or increase the depth
363 of study available for a particular subject. Articulated
364 acceleration mechanisms shall include, but are not limited to,
365 dual enrollment and early admission as provided for in s.
366 1007.271, advanced placement, credit by examination, the
367 International Baccalaureate Program, and the Advanced
368 International Certificate of Education Program. Credit earned
369 through the Florida Virtual School shall provide additional
370 opportunities for early graduation and acceleration. Students of
371 Florida public secondary schools enrolled pursuant to this
372 subsection shall be deemed authorized users of the state-funded
373 electronic library resources that are licensed for Florida
374 College System institutions and state universities by the
375 Florida Postsecondary Academic Library Network Services
376 Cooperative. Verification of eligibility shall be in accordance
377 with rules established by the State Board of Education and
378 regulations established by the Board of Governors and processes
379 implemented by Florida College System institutions and state
380 universities.
381 Section 8. Paragraphs (a) and (c) of subsection (16) and
382 subsection (17) of section 1009.23, Florida Statutes, are
383 amended to read:
384 1009.23 Florida College System institution student fees.—
385 (16)(a) Each Florida College System institution may assess
386 a student who enrolls in a course listed in the distance
387 learning catalog, established pursuant to s. 1006.73 s.
388 1006.735, a per-credit-hour distance learning course user fee.
389 For purposes of assessing this fee, a distance learning course
390 is a course in which at least 80 percent of the direct
391 instruction of the course is delivered using some form of
392 technology when the student and instructor are separated by time
393 or space, or both.
394 (c) If an institution assesses the distance learning fee,
395 the institution must provide a link to the catalog within the
396 advising and distance learning sections of the institution’s
397 website, using a graphic and description provided by the
398 Complete Florida Plus Program, to inform students of the
399 catalog.
400 (17) Each Florida College System institution that accepts
401 transient students, pursuant to s. 1006.73 s. 1006.735, may
402 establish a transient student fee not to exceed $5 per course
403 for processing the transient student admissions application.
404 Section 9. Paragraph (t) of subsection (14) and paragraphs
405 (a) and (c) of subsection (17) of section 1009.24, Florida
406 Statutes, are amended to read:
407 1009.24 State university student fees.—
408 (14) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (15), each
409 university board of trustees is authorized to establish the
410 following fees:
411 (t) A transient student fee that may not exceed $5 per
412 course for accepting a transient student and processing the
413 transient student admissions application pursuant to s. 1006.73
414 s. 1006.735.
416 With the exception of housing rental rates and except as
417 otherwise provided, fees assessed pursuant to paragraphs (h)-(s)
418 shall be based on reasonable costs of services. The Board of
419 Governors shall adopt regulations and timetables necessary to
420 implement the fees and fines authorized under this subsection.
421 The fees assessed under this subsection may be used for debt
422 only as authorized under s. 1010.62.
423 (17)(a) A state university may assess a student who enrolls
424 in a course listed in the distance learning catalog, established
425 pursuant to s. 1006.73 s. 1006.735, a per-credit-hour distance
426 learning course fee. For purposes of assessing this fee, a
427 distance learning course is a course in which at least 80
428 percent of the direct instruction of the course is delivered
429 using some form of technology when the student and instructor
430 are separated by time or space, or both.
431 (c) If an institution assesses the distance learning fee,
432 the institution must provide a link to the catalog within the
433 advising and distance learning sections of the institution’s
434 website, using a graphic and description provided by the
435 Complete Florida Plus Program, informing students of the
436 catalog.
437 Section 10. This act shall take effect July 1, 2021.