Florida Senate - 2021 CS for SB 1478 By the Committee on Banking and Insurance; and Senator Gibson 597-02914-21 20211478c1 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to consumer finance loans; amending s. 3 516.03, F.S.; authorizing an applicant for a license 4 to make and collect loans under the Florida Consumer 5 Finance Act to provide certain documents in lieu of 6 evidence of liquid assets; amending s. 516.031, F.S.; 7 prohibiting a person licensed to make and collect 8 consumer finance loans from charging prepayment 9 penalties for loans; amending s. 516.05, F.S.; 10 authorizing an applicant for a license to make and 11 collect consumer finance loans or a licensee to 12 provide a surety bond, certificate of deposit, or 13 letter of credit in lieu of evidence of liquid assets; 14 providing requirements for such bonds, certificates of 15 deposit, and letters of credit; providing rulemaking 16 authority; amending s. 516.07, F.S.; amending grounds 17 for denial of license or disciplinary action; amending 18 s. 516.36, F.S.; providing requirements for loan 19 terms; amending s. 559.952, F.S.; revising exceptions 20 for a licensee during the Financial Technology Sandbox 21 period; providing an effective date. 22 23 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 24 25 Section 1. Subsection (1) of section 516.03, Florida 26 Statutes, is amended to read: 27 516.03 Application for license; fees; etc.— 28 (1) APPLICATION.—Application for a license to make loans 29 under this chapter shall be in the form prescribed by rule of 30 the commission. The commission may require each applicant to 31 provide any information reasonably necessary to determine the 32 applicant’s eligibility for licensure. The applicant shall also 33 provide information that the office requires concerning any 34 officer, director, control person, member, partner, or joint 35 venturer of the applicant or any person having the same or 36 substantially similar status or performing substantially similar 37 functions or concerning any individual who is the ultimate 38 equitable owner of a 10-percent or greater interest in the 39 applicant. The office may require information concerning any 40 such applicant or person, including, but not limited to, his or 41 her full name and any other names by which he or she may have 42 been known, age, social security number, residential history, 43 qualifications, educational and business history, and 44 disciplinary and criminal history. The applicant must provide 45 evidence of liquid assets of at least $25,000 or documents 46 satisfying the requirements of s. 516.05(10). At the time of 47 making such application the applicant shall pay to the office a 48 nonrefundable biennial license fee of $625. Applications, except 49 for applications to renew or reactivate a license, must also be 50 accompanied by a nonrefundable investigation fee of $200. An 51 application is considered received for purposes of s. 120.60 52 upon receipt of a completed application form as prescribed by 53 commission rule, a nonrefundable application fee of $625, and 54 any other fee prescribed by law. The commission may adopt rules 55 requiring electronic submission of any form, document, or fee 56 required by this act if such rules reasonably accommodate 57 technological or financial hardship. The commission may 58 prescribe by rule requirements and procedures for obtaining an 59 exemption due to a technological or financial hardship. 60 Section 2. Subsection (6) is added to section 516.031, 61 Florida Statutes, to read: 62 516.031 Finance charge; maximum rates.— 63 (6) PREPAYMENT PENALTIES PROHIBITED.—A licensee may not 64 require a borrower to pay a prepayment penalty for paying all or 65 part of the loan principal before the date on which the payment 66 is due. 67 Section 3. Subsection (10) is added to section 516.05, 68 Florida Statutes, to read: 69 516.05 License.— 70 (10)(a) In lieu of the $25,000 liquid asset requirement in 71 s. 516.03(1): 72 1. An applicant or a licensee may provide to the office a 73 surety bond in the amount of at least $25,000, issued by a 74 bonding company or insurance company authorized to do business 75 in this state. 76 2. A company with at least one currently licensed location 77 must provide to the office a rider or surety bond in the amount 78 of at least $5,000 for each additional license, issued by a 79 bonding company or insurance company authorized to do business 80 in this state. However, in no event may the aggregate amount of 81 the surety bond required for a company with multiple licenses 82 exceed $100,000. 83 (b) In lieu of a surety bond, the applicant or the licensee 84 may provide evidence of a certificate of deposit or an 85 irrevocable letter of credit in the same amount of the surety 86 bond required under paragraph (a). The certificate of deposit 87 must be deposited in a financial institution, as defined in s. 88 655.005(1)(i). 89 (c) The original surety bond, certificate of deposit, or 90 letter of credit must be filed with the office, and the office 91 must be named as beneficiary. The surety bond, certificate of 92 deposit, or letter of credit must be for the use and benefit of 93 any borrower who is injured by acts of a licensee involving 94 fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit, including willful 95 imposition of illegal or excessive charges, or 96 misrepresentation, circumvention, or concealment of any matter 97 required to be stated or furnished to a borrower, where such 98 acts are in connection with a loan made under this chapter. The 99 office, or any claimant, may bring an action in a court of 100 competent jurisdiction on the surety bond, certificate of 101 deposit, or letter of credit. The surety bond, certificate of 102 deposit, or letter of credit must be payable on a pro rata 103 basis, but the aggregate amount may not exceed the amount of the 104 surety bond, certificate of deposit, or letter of credit. 105 (d) The surety bond, certificate of deposit, or letter of 106 credit may not be canceled by the licensee, bonding or insurance 107 company, or financial institution except upon notice to the 108 office by certified mail. A cancellation may not take effect 109 until 30 calendar days after receipt by the office of the 110 written notice. 111 (e) The bonding or insurance company or financial 112 institution must, within 10 calendar days after it pays a claim, 113 give written notice to the office by certified mail of such 114 payment with details sufficient to identify the claimant and the 115 claim or judgment paid. 116 (f) If the principal sum of the surety bond, certificate of 117 deposit, or letter of credit is reduced by one or more 118 recoveries or payments, the licensee must furnish to the office 119 a new or additional surety bond, certificate of deposit, or 120 letter of credit so that the total or aggregate principal sum 121 equals the amount required under this subsection. Alternatively, 122 a licensee may furnish an endorsement executed by the bonding or 123 insurance company or financial institution reinstating the 124 required principal amount. 125 (g) The required surety bond, certificate of deposit, or 126 letter of credit must remain in place for 2 years after the 127 licensee ceases licensed operations in this state. During the 2 128 year period, the office may allow for a reduction or elimination 129 of the surety bond, certificate of deposit, or letter of credit 130 to the extent the licensee’s outstanding consumer finance loans 131 in this state are reduced. 132 (h) The commission may prescribe by rule forms and 133 procedures to implement this subsection. 134 Section 4. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 135 516.07, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 136 516.07 Grounds for denial of license or for disciplinary 137 action.— 138 (1) The following acts are violations of this chapter and 139 constitute grounds for denial of an application for a license to 140 make consumer finance loans and grounds for any of the 141 disciplinary actions specified in subsection (2): 142 (b) Failure to maintain liquid assets of at least $25,000 143 or a surety bond, certificate of deposit, or letter of credit in 144 the amount required by s. 516.05(10) at all times for the 145 operation of business at a licensed location or proposed 146 location. 147 Section 5. Section 516.36, Florida Statutes, is amended to 148 read: 149 516.36 Installment requirement.— 150 (1) Every loan made pursuant to this chapter must be repaid 151 in periodic installments as nearly equal as mathematically 152 practicable, except that the final payment may be less than the 153 amount of the prior installments. Installments may be due every 154 2 weeks, semimonthly, or monthly. This section does not apply to 155 lines of credit. 156 (2) Every loan, including a refinancing, made pursuant to 157 this chapter on or after October 1, 2021, must have a minimum 158 loan term of 6 months. 159 Section 6. Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section 160 559.952, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 161 559.952 Financial Technology Sandbox.— 162 (4) EXCEPTIONS TO GENERAL LAW AND WAIVERS OF RULE 163 REQUIREMENTS.— 164 (a) Notwithstanding any other law, upon approval of a 165 Financial Technology Sandbox application, the following 166 provisions and corresponding rule requirements are not 167 applicable to the licensee during the sandbox period: 168 1. Section 516.03(1), except for the application fee, the 169 investigation fee, the requirement to provide the social 170 security numbers of control persons, evidence of liquid assets 171 of at least $25,000 or documents satisfying the requirements of 172 s. 516.05(10), and the office’s authority to investigate the 173 applicant’s background. The office may prorate the license 174 renewal fee for an extension granted under subsection (7). 175 2. Section 516.05(1) and (2), except that the office shall 176 investigate the applicant’s background. 177 3. Section 560.109, only to the extent that the section 178 requires the office to examine a licensee at least once every 5 179 years. 180 4. Section 560.118(2). 181 5. Section 560.125(1), only to the extent that the 182 subsection would prohibit a licensee from engaging in the 183 business of a money transmitter or payment instrument seller 184 during the sandbox period. 185 6. Section 560.125(2), only to the extent that the 186 subsection would prohibit a licensee from appointing an 187 authorized vendor during the sandbox period. Any authorized 188 vendor of such a licensee during the sandbox period remains 189 liable to the holder or remitter. 190 7. Section 560.128. 191 8. Section 560.141, except for s. 560.141(1)(a)1., 3., 7. 192 10. and (b), (c), and (d). 193 9. Section 560.142(1) and (2), except that the office may 194 prorate, but may not entirely eliminate, the license renewal 195 fees in s. 560.143 for an extension granted under subsection 196 (7). 197 10. Section 560.143(2), only to the extent necessary for 198 proration of the renewal fee under subparagraph 9. 199 11. Section 560.204(1), only to the extent that the 200 subsection would prohibit a licensee from engaging in, or 201 advertising that it engages in, the selling or issuing of 202 payment instruments or in the activity of a money transmitter 203 during the sandbox period. 204 12. Section 560.205(2). 205 13. Section 560.208(2). 206 14. Section 560.209, only to the extent that the office may 207 modify, but may not entirely eliminate, the net worth, corporate 208 surety bond, and collateral deposit amounts required under that 209 section. The modified amounts must be in such lower amounts that 210 the office determines to be commensurate with the factors under 211 paragraph (5)(c) and the maximum number of consumers authorized 212 to receive the financial product or service under this section. 213 Section 7. This act shall take effect October 1, 2021.