Florida Senate - 2021                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS for SB 1530
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: RCS            .                                
                  04/08/2021           .                                

       Appropriations Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice (Book)
       recommended the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete everything after the enacting clause
    4  and insert:
    5         Section 1. Section 154.012, Florida Statutes, is created to
    6  read:
    7         154.012 Sexual assault response teams; membership; duties.—
    8         (1)The health department in every county in this state, or
    9  its designee, shall participate in the local sexual assault
   10  response team coordinated by the certified rape crisis center
   11  serving the county if such a team exists. If a local sexual
   12  assault response team does not exist, the certified rape crisis
   13  center serving the county may coordinate with community partners
   14  to establish a local or a regional team. The purpose of the
   15  sexual assault response team is to ensure a coordinated
   16  multidisciplinary response to sexual violence.
   17         (2)Each team shall develop a written protocol to govern
   18  the team’s response to sexual assault which includes:
   19         (a)The role and responsibilities of each team member.
   20         (b)Procedural issues regarding the immediate crisis and
   21  health care and law enforcement responses and followup services
   22  provided to a victim.
   23         (c)Procedures for the preservation, secure storage, and
   24  destruction of evidence from a sexual assault evidence kit,
   25  including length of storage, site of storage, and chain of
   26  custody.
   27         (d)Procedures for maintaining the confidentiality of the
   28  victim regarding the forensic medical examination.
   29         (3)Membership of each team shall be determined by the
   30  certified rape crisis center in collaboration with community
   31  partners. At a minimum, membership should include the following
   32  persons or their designees:
   33         (a)The director of the local certified rape crisis center;
   34         (b)A representative from the county health department;
   35         (c) The state attorney;
   36         (d)The chief of police;
   37         (e)The county sheriff;
   38         (f)Forensic sexual assault nurse examiners; and
   39         (g)A representative from local hospital emergency
   40  departments.
   41         (4)The Florida Council Against Sexual Violence shall
   42  provide technical assistance relating to the development and
   43  implementation of the teams.
   44         (5)Each team shall promote and support the use of
   45  qualified sexual assault forensic examiners who have
   46  successfully completed a minimum of 40 hours of specialized
   47  training in the provision of trauma-informed medical care and in
   48  the collection of evidence for sexual assault victims.
   49         Section 2. Subsection (7) is added to section 943.17,
   50  Florida Statutes, to read:
   51         943.17 Basic recruit, advanced, and career development
   52  training programs; participation; cost; evaluation.—The
   53  commission shall, by rule, design, implement, maintain,
   54  evaluate, and revise entry requirements and job-related
   55  curricula and performance standards for basic recruit, advanced,
   56  and career development training programs and courses. The rules
   57  shall include, but are not limited to, a methodology to assess
   58  relevance of the subject matter to the job, student performance,
   59  and instructor competency.
   60         (7)The commission, in consultation with the Florida
   61  Council Against Sexual Violence, shall establish minimum
   62  standards for basic and advanced career development training
   63  programs for law enforcement officers that include a culturally
   64  responsive trauma-informed response to sexual assault. After
   65  July 1, 2022, every basic skills course required for law
   66  enforcement officers to obtain initial and continuing education
   67  certification must include training on culturally responsive
   68  trauma-informed interviewing of sexual assault victims and
   69  investigations of alleged sexual assaults.
   70         Section 3. Section 943.1724, Florida Statutes, is created
   71  to read:
   72         943.1724Training on sexual assault.—
   73         (1)The commission shall incorporate a culturally
   74  responsive trauma-informed response to sexual assault into the
   75  course curriculum required for a law enforcement officer to
   76  obtain initial certification.
   77         (2)Each law enforcement officer must successfully complete
   78  training on sexual violence and interviewing and investigations
   79  of sexual assault victims, with an emphasis on culturally
   80  responsive trauma-informed interviewing of sexual assault
   81  victims and alleged sexual assault investigations as a part of
   82  the basic recruit training, as required under s. 943.13(9),
   83  training required under s. 943.131(4)(a), or as a part of
   84  continuing training or education required under s. 943.135(1),
   85  before July 1, 2024. If an officer fails to complete the
   86  required training, his or her certification must be placed on
   87  inactive status until the employing agency notifies the
   88  commission that the officer has completed the training.
   89         Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 2021.
   91  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   92  And the title is amended as follows:
   93         Delete everything before the enacting clause
   94  and insert:
   95                        A bill to be entitled                      
   96         An act relating to victims of sexual offenses;
   97         creating s. 154.012, F.S.; requiring counties to
   98         establish sexual assault response teams; providing for
   99         duties, membership, and technical assistance;
  100         requiring teams to promote the use of sexual assault
  101         forensic examiners meeting certain requirements;
  102         amending s. 943.17, F.S.; requiring the Criminal
  103         Justice Standards and Training Commission, in
  104         consultation with the Florida Council Against Sexual
  105         Violence, to establish minimum standards for basic and
  106         advanced career development training programs for law
  107         enforcement officers that include a culturally
  108         responsive trauma-informed response to sexual assault;
  109         requiring every basic skills course for law
  110         enforcement officers to include certain training by a
  111         specified date; creating s. 943.1724, F.S.; requiring
  112         the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission
  113         to incorporate a culturally responsive trauma-informed
  114         response to sexual assault into a certain course
  115         curriculum; requiring each certified law enforcement
  116         officer to successfully complete a specified number of
  117         hours of training on sexual violence and interviewing
  118         of sexual assault victims and investigations of
  119         alleged sexual assault within a specified timeframe;
  120         providing requirements for current law enforcement
  121         officers; providing an effective date.