Florida Senate - 2021                          SENATOR AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 2512
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                Floor: 1/AD/2R         .                                
             04/07/2021 12:41 PM       .                                

       Senator Albritton moved the following:
    1         Senate Amendment 
    3         Delete lines 83 - 131
    4  and insert:
    5         (c) An amount equaling 4.5 Eleven and twenty-four
    6  hundredths percent of the remainder in each fiscal year shall be
    7  paid into the State Treasury to the credit of the State Housing
    8  Trust Fund. Of such funds, the first $35 million shall be
    9  transferred annually, subject to any distribution required under
   10  subsection (5), to the State Economic Enhancement and
   11  Development Trust Fund within the Department of Economic
   12  Opportunity. The funds remainder shall be used as follows:
   13         1. Half of that amount shall be used for the purposes for
   14  which the State Housing Trust Fund was created and exists by
   15  law.
   16         2. Half of that amount shall be paid into the State
   17  Treasury to the credit of the Local Government Housing Trust
   18  Fund and used for the purposes for which the Local Government
   19  Housing Trust Fund was created and exists by law.
   20         (d) An amount equaling 5.20254 Twelve and ninety-three
   21  hundredths percent of the remainder in each fiscal year shall be
   22  paid into the State Treasury to the credit of the State Housing
   23  Trust Fund. Of such funds, the first $40 million shall be
   24  transferred annually, subject to any distribution required under
   25  subsection (5), to the State Economic Enhancement and
   26  Development Trust Fund within the Department of Economic
   27  Opportunity. The remainder shall be used as follows:
   28         1. Twelve and one-half percent of that amount shall be
   29  deposited into the State Housing Trust Fund and expended by the
   30  Department of Economic Opportunity and the Florida Housing
   31  Finance Corporation for the purposes for which the State Housing
   32  Trust Fund was created and exists by law.
   33         2. Eighty-seven and one-half percent of that amount shall
   34  be distributed to the Local Government Housing Trust Fund and
   35  used for the purposes for which the Local Government Housing
   36  Trust Fund was created and exists by law. Funds from this
   37  category may also be used to provide for state and local
   38  services to assist the homeless.
   39         (e) The lesser of 0.017 percent of the remainder or
   40  $300,000 in each fiscal year shall be paid into the State
   41  Treasury to the credit of the General Inspection Trust Fund to
   42  be used to fund oyster management and restoration programs as
   43  provided in s. 379.362(3).
   44         (f) A total of $75 million shall be paid into the State
   45  Treasury to the credit of the State Economic Enhancement and
   46  Development Trust Fund within the Department of Economic
   47  Opportunity.
   48         (g)An amount equaling 5.4175 percent of the remainder
   49  shall be paid into the Resilient Florida Trust Fund to be used
   50  for the purposes for which the Resilient Florida Trust Fund was
   51  created and exists by law. Funds may be used for planning and
   52  project grants.
   53         (h)An amount equaling 5.4175 percent of the remainder