Florida Senate - 2021 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SB 406
Senate . House
Comm: RCS .
04/08/2021 .
Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Environment, and
General Government (Rodrigues) recommended the following:
1 Senate Amendment
3 Delete lines 30 - 117
4 and insert:
5 31, 1976, The Governor shall appoint four not fewer than five
6 persons from Collier County and one person from Lee County who
7 reside within the Big Cypress Basin residing in the area to
8 serve as members of the governing board of the basin, effective
9 at the time of transfer and subject to confirmation by the
10 Senate as provided in subsection (4).
11 (a) The initial boundaries of the Big Cypress Basin shall
12 be established by resolution of the governing board of Central
13 and Southern Florida Flood Control District, after notice and
14 hearing, and generally shall encompass the Big Cypress Swamp and
15 southwestern coastal area hydrologic cataloging unit, as
16 indicated on River Basin and Hydrologic Unit Map of Florida
17 1975, Florida Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Geology
18 Map Series No. 72.
19 (b) At 11:59 p.m. on July 1, 2022, the governing board of
20 the South Florida Water Management District shall establish the
21 boundary of the Big Cypress Basin as the scientific boundary
22 recommended in the Big Cypress Basin Boundary Delineation study
23 that the district presented to the Legislature on January 12,
24 2021, except that the new basin boundary may include only
25 counties that have at least 25 percent of their jurisdiction
26 delineated within the boundary If the governing board shall fail
27 to establish the initial boundaries on or before December 31,
28 1976, the initial boundaries shall be the same boundaries as
29 described for the Big Cypress Basin of the Ridge and Lower Gulf
30 Coast District.
31 (c) The governing board of the South Florida Water
32 Management District subsequently may change the boundaries of
33 the basin, but may not abolish the basin.
34 Section 2. Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section
35 373.503, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
36 373.503 Manner of taxation.—
37 (3) The districts may levy ad valorem taxes on property
38 within the district solely for the purposes of this chapter and
39 of chapter 25270, 1949, Laws of Florida, as amended, and chapter
40 61-691, Laws of Florida, as amended. If appropriate, taxes
41 levied by each governing board may be separated by the governing
42 board into a millage necessary for the purposes of the district
43 and a millage necessary for financing basin functions specified
44 in s. 373.0695.
45 (b) The apportionment in The South Florida Water Management
46 District shall ensure that:
47 1. The apportionment within the district is be a maximum of
48 40 percent for district purposes and a maximum of 60 percent for
49 basin purposes; and
50 2. The basin ad valorem taxes levied within the counties
51 that comprise the Big Cypress Basin are used for projects and
52 flood control operations and maintenance within the counties in
53 which they were collected, respectively.
54 Section 3. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
55 made by this act to section 373.503, Florida Statutes, in a
56 reference thereto, section 373.0697, Florida Statutes, is
57 reenacted to read:
58 373.0697 Basin taxes.—The respective basins may, pursuant
59 to s. 9(b), Art. VII of the State Constitution, by resolution
60 request the governing board of the district to levy ad valorem
61 taxes within such basin. Upon receipt of such request, a basin
62 tax levy shall be made by the governing board of the district to
63 finance basin functions enumerated in s. 373.0695,
64 notwithstanding the provisions of any other general or special
65 law to the contrary, and subject to the provisions of s.
66 373.503(3).
67 (1) The amount of money to be raised by said tax levy shall
68 be determined by the adoption of an annual budget by the
69 district board of governors, and the average millage for the
70 basin shall be that amount required to raise the amount called
71 for by the annual budget when applied to the total assessment of
72 the basin as determined for county taxing purposes. However, no
73 such tax shall be levied within the basin unless and until the
74 annual budget and required tax levy shall have been approved by
75 formal action of the basin board, and no county in the district
76 shall be taxed under this provision at a rate to exceed 1 mill.
77 (2) The taxes provided for in this section shall be
78 extended by the county property appraiser on the county tax roll
79 in each county within, or partly within, the basin and shall be
80 collected by the tax collector in the same manner and time as
81 county taxes, and the proceeds therefrom paid to the district
82 for basin purposes. Said taxes shall be a lien, until paid, on
83 the property against which assessed and enforceable in like
84 manner as county taxes. The property appraisers, tax collectors,
85 and clerks of the circuit court of the respective counties shall
86 be entitled to compensation for services performed in connection
87 with such taxes at the same rates as apply to county taxes.
88 (3) It is hereby determined that the taxes authorized by
89 this subsection are in proportion to the benefits to be derived
90 by the several parcels of real estate within the basin from the
91 works authorized herein.
92 Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 2022.