Florida Senate - 2021 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for CS for SB 48
Senate . House
Floor: NC/2R .
04/22/2021 04:28 PM .
Senator Thurston moved the following:
1 Senate Amendment to Amendment (268914) (with title
2 amendment)
4 Between lines 1359 and 1360
5 insert:
6 Section 6. Paragraph (h) of subsection (1) of section
7 1002.421, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
8 1002.421 State school choice scholarship program
9 accountability and oversight.—
11 school participating in an educational scholarship program
12 established pursuant to this chapter must be a private school as
13 defined in s. 1002.01(2) in this state, be registered, and be in
14 compliance with all requirements of this section in addition to
15 private school requirements outlined in s. 1002.42, specific
16 requirements identified within respective scholarship program
17 laws, and other provisions of Florida law that apply to private
18 schools, and must:
19 (h) Employ or contract with teachers who hold baccalaureate
20 or higher degrees or, have at least 3 years of teaching
21 experience in public or private schools, or have special skills,
22 knowledge, or expertise that qualifies them to provide
23 instruction in subjects taught.
25 The department shall suspend the payment of funds to a private
26 school that knowingly fails to comply with this subsection, and
27 shall prohibit the school from enrolling new scholarship
28 students, for 1 fiscal year and until the school complies. If a
29 private school fails to meet the requirements of this subsection
30 or has consecutive years of material exceptions listed in the
31 report required under paragraph (q), the commissioner may
32 determine that the private school is ineligible to participate
33 in a scholarship program.
35 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================
36 And the title is amended as follows:
37 Delete line 1531
38 and insert:
39 Credit Scholarship Program; amending s. 1002.421,
40 F.S.; deleting a provision authorizing private schools
41 participating in an educational scholarship program to
42 employ or contract with teachers based on them having
43 special skills, knowledge, or expertise that qualifies
44 them to provide instruction; amending ss. 1002.40,