990005                                                            No.   4

                               CHAMBER ACTION
           SENATE                     .                    HOUSE
                                                   ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW


Representative(s): Carlos Smith
offered the following amendment:

In Section: 98 On Page: 407 Specific Appropriation:  
Provides $52,044,343 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund 
to the Department of State for cultural and museum grants and reduces 
funding by the same amount for the State Transportation Trust Fund. This 
appropriation is contingent upon the Department of Financial Services 
receiving and depositing into the General Revenue Fund at least half of 
the state's allocation of the federal Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery 
Fund (Public Law 117-2).
                                             |   DELETE   |   INSERT   |

        In Section 98  On Page 407

DELETE the following:

The  Chief  Financial  Officer  shall  transfer  $2,000,000,000 from the
General  Revenue  Fund  to  the  State  Transportation Trust Fund in the
Department  of  Transportation  to offset revenue losses associated with
the  COVID-19  pandemic.  The  department  shall  place  a  priority  on
restoring funding for projects in the Work Program that were deferred or
deleted under Executive Order 20-275 issued on October 23, 2020.

and insert in lieu thereof:

The nonrecurring sum of $33,686,949 from the General Revenue Fund is 
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appropriated to the Department of State to fully fund the Cultural and Museum Grants General Program Support ranked list referenced in Specific Appropriation 3107. CULTURAL FACILITIES PROGRAM The nonrecurring sum of $14,757,394 from the General Revenue Fund is appropriated to the Department of State to fully fund the Cultural Facilities Program referenced in Specific Appropriation 3112A. CULTURAL ENDOWMENT PROGRAM The nonrecurring sum of $3,600,000 from the General Revenue Fund is appropriated to the Department of State to fully fund the Cultural Endowment Program. STATE TRANSPORTATION TRUST FUND The Chief Financial Officer shall transfer $1,947,955,657 from the General Revenue Fund to the State Transportation Trust Fund in the Department of Transportation to offset revenue losses associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The department shall place a priority on restoring funding for projects in the Work Program that were deferred or deleted under Executive Order 20-275 issued on October 23, 2020.
Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items.

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