Florida Senate - 2021                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 620
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: RCS            .                                
                  03/02/2021           .                                

       The Committee on Criminal Justice (Bracy) recommended the
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete everything after the enacting clause
    4  and insert:
    5         Section 1. Subsection (6) is added to section 947.002,
    6  Florida Statutes, to read
    7         947.002 Intent.—
    8         (6) The commission shall consider an inmate’s institutional
    9  achievements, lack of disciplinary report, and all indications
   10  of the lack of risk to the public in the decision to parole an
   11  inmates from the incarceration portion of the inmate's sentence.
   12         Section 2. Section 947.136, Florida Statutes, is created to
   13  read:
   14         947.136 Long-Term Inmate Program.—
   15         (1) The commission and the department shall jointly develop
   16  a long-term inmate program, housed within the department, for
   17  inmates who are eligible for parole under this chapter to
   18  prepare such inmates for reintegration into the community.
   19         (2) The long-term inmate program shall be a voluntary
   20  program that provides evidence-based programming to inmates who
   21  are within 3 years of their presumptive parole release date as
   22  established by the commission under s. 947.172.
   23         (3)Inmates must be referred by the commission for
   24  participation in the long-term inmate prior to the department
   25  placing the inmate into the program. An inmate who meets the
   26  following criteria may be referred by the commission for
   27  placement into the long-term inmate program:
   28         (a)Does not have factors, as identified in rule, which
   29  would preclude placement at an institution operating a long-term
   30  inmate program.
   31         (b)Must be serving a parole-eligible sentence. Inmates who
   32  have subsequently received a parole-ineligible sentence may be
   33  considered for participation on a case-by-case basis.
   34         (4) To successfully complete the long-term inmate program,
   35  inmates participating must, at a minimum:
   36         (a) Complete at least 250 hours of community service
   37  projects, as approved by the department.
   38         (b) Participate in at least 100 hours of enrichment
   39  programs, as defined by rule.
   40         (c) Complete an evidence-based curriculum, as provided in
   41  rule that, at a minimum, address:
   42         1. Anger management;
   43         2. Criminal thinking;
   44         3. Educational and vocational needs;
   45         4. Family relationships;
   46         5. Lifestyle and wellness;
   47         6. Substance use disorder treatment; and
   48         7. Victim impact.
   49         (5) Inmates participating in the long-term inmate program
   50  are expected to perform their duties and assignments as
   51  instructed by their assignment supervisor. Inmates who fail to
   52  complete duties and assignments as instructed may be removed
   53  from the program.
   54         (6) Upon successful completion of the program, an inmate
   55  shall be awarded a certificate of completion. Successful
   56  completion of the program does not guarantee that an inmate will
   57  be paroled and program participation may not extend the length
   58  of the inmate's sentence.
   59         (7)  The commission and the department shall adopt rules as
   60  necessary to implement the long-term inmate program.
   61         Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2021.
   63  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   64  And the title is amended as follows:
   65         Delete everything before the enacting clause
   66  and insert:
   67                        A bill to be entitled                      
   68         An act relating to long-term inmates; amending s.
   69         947.002, F.S.; revising legislative intent concerning
   70         the granting of parole; creating s. 947.136, F.S.;
   71         requiring the Commission on Offender Review and the
   72         Department of Corrections to jointly develop a
   73         voluntary long-term inmate program; requiring the
   74         program to provide evidence-based programming to
   75         certain inmates; establishing eligibility for referral
   76         for participation in the program; providing program
   77         requirements; providing that inmates may be removed
   78         from the program under certain circumstances;
   79         requiring a certificate of completion upon successful
   80         completion of the program; providing that successful
   81         completion of the program does not guarantee parole;
   82         requiring commission and the department to adopt
   83         rules; providing an effective date.