Florida Senate - 2022 PROPOSED COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Bill No. CS for SB 160 Ì915896`Î915896 576-03088-22 Proposed Committee Substitute by the Committee on Appropriations (Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development) 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to transportation-related facility 3 designations; providing honorary designations of 4 certain transportation facilities in specified 5 counties; directing the Department of Transportation 6 to erect suitable markers; providing an effective 7 date. 8 9 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 10 11 Section 1. Transportation facility designations; Department 12 of Transportation to erect suitable markers.— 13 (1) That portion of S.R. 715/Bacom Point Road between W. 14 Morgan Road and S.W. 14th Street in Palm Beach County is 15 designated as “Deputy Sheriff Donta Manuel and Deputy Sheriff 16 Jonathan Wallace Highway.” 17 (2) That portion of S.R. 423/John Young Parkway between 18 S.R. 408 and Orange Center Boulevard in Orange County is 19 designated as “Rep. Alzo Reddick Road.” 20 (3) Bridge number 100850 on S.R. 60/Courtney Campbell 21 Causeway over Old Tampa Bay in Hillsborough County is designated 22 as “Virginia Creighton Bridge.” 23 (4) The intersection of S.W. 23rd Avenue and S.W. 8th 24 Street in Miami-Dade County is designated as “Arturo Diaz 25 Artiles Plaza.” 26 (5) That portion of W. Columbus Drive between N. Himes 27 Avenue and N. MacDill Avenue in Hillsborough County is 28 designated as “Maximino Capdevila and Coralia Capdevila Road.” 29 (6) That portion of S.R. 19 between C.R. 48 and Lane Park 30 Cutoff Road in Lake County is designated as “Sergeant First 31 Class Michael C. Aten Memorial Highway.” 32 (7) Bridge number 720684 on I-95 over the Trout River in 33 Jacksonville/Duval County is designated as “Warren Alvarez 34 Memorial Bridge.” 35 (8) That portion of U.S. 27/S.R. 25 between the Polk County 36 line and the Glades County line in Highlands County is 37 designated as “Deputy William Gentry, Jr., Highway.” 38 (9) That portion of S.R. 100 in Clay County between the 39 Bradford County line and the Putnam County line is designated as 40 “Veterans Honor Highway.” 41 (10) Upon completion of construction, the interchange at 42 First Coast Expressway/S.R. 23 and Henley Road in Clay County is 43 designated as “Sergeant Eric John Twisdale Memorial 44 Interchange.” 45 (11) That portion of S.R. A1A between the northern terminus 46 and southern terminus of Galt Ocean Drive in Broward County is 47 designated as “Pio Ieraci Memorial Drive.” 48 (12) That portion of S.R. 520/W. King Street between S.R. 49 501/Clearlake Road and S.R. 519/Fiske Boulevard in Brevard 50 County is designated as “Sgt. George Lee Taylor, Sr., Memorial 51 Highway.” 52 (13) That portion of S.R. 519/Fiske Boulevard between Rosa 53 L. Jones Drive and I-95 in Brevard County is designated as “Dr. 54 Martin Luther King, Jr., Boulevard.” 55 (14) That portion of U.S. 90 between Canal Street and 56 Stewart Street in Santa Rosa County is designated as “Reverend 57 Murray Hamilton, Sr., Highway.” 58 (15) That portion of S.R. 87 between E. Bay Boulevard and 59 U.S. 98 in Santa Rosa County is designated as “Ira Mae Wells 60 Bruce Memorial Highway.” 61 (16) That portion of Bayfront Parkway between Tarragona 62 Street and N. 17th Avenue in Escambia County is designated as 63 “Pensacola Police Fallen Heroes Highway.” 64 (17) The Cow Key Channel Bridge, bridge numbers 900086 and 65 900125, between milepost 4.100 and milepost 4.169 on Overseas 66 Highway in Monroe County is designated as “Cheryl H. Cates 67 Memorial Bridge.” 68 (18) That portion of S.R. 953/NW 42nd Avenue/Le Jeune Road 69 between N.W. 11th Street and N.W. 14th Street in Miami-Dade 70 County is designated as “Oswaldo Payá Way.” 71 (19) The Department of Transportation is directed to erect 72 suitable markers designating the transportation facilities as 73 described in this section. 74 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2022.