Florida Senate - 2022                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 364
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: RCS            .                                
                  01/26/2022           .                                

       The Committee on Transportation (Bean) recommended the
    1         Senate Amendment to Amendment (758812) (with title
    2  amendment)
    4         Between lines 202 and 203
    5  insert:
    7         (a)The department shall develop a Down Syndrome Awareness
    8  license plate as provided in this section and s. 320.08053. The
    9  plate must bear the colors and design approved by the
   10  department. The word “Florida” must appear at the top of the
   11  plate, and the words “Down Syndrome Awareness” must appear at
   12  the bottom of the plate.
   13         (b)The annual use fees from the sale of the plate shall be
   14  distributed to Our City Beautiful, Inc., a Florida nonprofit
   15  corporation. Up to 10 percent of the fees may be used for
   16  administrative costs and marketing of the plate. Of the
   17  remaining fees:
   18         1.Fifty percent shall be used to build and maintain
   19  HOLLAND, an affordable housing project for independent living
   20  for persons with Down syndrome or other intellectual disability.
   21         2.Fifteen percent shall be dedicated to Our City Beautiful
   22  World Changer scholarships for Florida residents 18 years of age
   23  or older with Down syndrome who wish to further their education
   24  at postsecondary educational institutions located in this state.
   25         3.Thirty-five percent shall be used for grants to other
   26  nonprofit organizations within this state to support housing,
   27  educational scholarships, and employment assistance programs for
   28  persons with Down syndrome or other intellectual disability.
   29         Section 3. Subsection (12) of section 320.08056, Florida
   30  Statutes, is amended to read:
   31         320.08056 Specialty license plates.—
   32         (12) Notwithstanding s. 320.08058(3)(a), the department, in
   33  cooperation with the independent colleges or universities as
   34  described in s. 1009.89, shall create a standard template
   35  specialty license plate with a unique logo or graphic
   36  identifying each independent college or university. Each
   37  independent college or university may elect to use this standard
   38  template specialty license plate in lieu of its own specialty
   39  license plate. Annual use fees from the sale of these license
   40  plates shall be distributed to the independent college or
   41  university for which the logo or graphic is displayed on the
   42  license plate and shall be used as provided in s. 320.08058(3).
   43  Independent colleges or universities opting to use the standard
   44  template specialty license plate shall have their plate sales
   45  combined with previous individual independent college or
   46  university license plate sales for purposes of meeting the
   47  minimum license plate sales threshold in paragraph (8)(a) and
   48  for determining the license plate limit in s. 320.08053(3)(b).
   49  Specialty license plates created pursuant to this subsection
   50  must be ordered directly from the department. If the independent
   51  college or university elects to use the standard template
   52  specialty license plate, the department shall discontinue the
   53  existing specialty license plate.
   55  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   56  And the title is amended as follows:
   57         Delete lines 234 - 236
   58  and insert:
   59         Learn to Fly, Florida Swims, Ethical Ecotourism, and
   60         Down Syndrome Awareness license plates; providing for
   61         distribution and use of fees collected from the sale
   62         of such license plates; amending s. 320.08056, F.S.;
   63         revising the calculation of certain independent
   64         college and university combined specialty license
   65         plate sales for certain determinations;