Florida Senate - 2022                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 608
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: RCS            .                                
                  11/30/2021           .                                

       The Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (Brodeur)
       recommended the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete lines 92 - 156
    4  and insert:
    5         (4) Notwithstanding subsection (3), a county may elect to
    6  establish and implement an alternative evaluation and
    7  rehabilitation program to identify and reduce extraneous flow
    8  from leaking sanitary sewer laterals.
    9         Section 2. Section 166.0481, Florida Statutes, is amended
   10  to read:
   11         166.0481 Municipal sanitary sewer lateral inspections
   12  inspection programs for municipalities.—
   13         (1) As used in this section, the term:
   14         (a)“Continuous monolithic pipe system” means a pipe system
   15  without any joints or seams, including all points where the pipe
   16  connects to the structure, mainline, and cleanout.
   17         (b) “Sanitary sewer lateral” means a privately owned
   18  pipeline connecting a property to the main sewer line which is
   19  maintained and repaired by the property owner.
   20         (2) A municipality may access any sanitary sewer lateral
   21  within its jurisdiction to investigate, clean, repair,
   22  recondition, or replace the sanitary sewer lateral.
   23         (3)By July 1, 2022, Each municipality is encouraged to
   24  establish an evaluation and rehabilitation program for sanitary
   25  sewer laterals on residential and commercial properties within
   26  the municipality’s jurisdiction to identify and reduce
   27  extraneous flow from leaking sanitary sewer laterals. At a
   28  minimum, the program may do all of the following:
   29         (a) Establish a system to identify defective, damaged, or
   30  deteriorated sanitary sewer laterals on residential and
   31  commercial properties within the jurisdiction of the
   32  municipality. If a municipality identifies a defective, damaged,
   33  or deteriorated sanitary sewer lateral and initiates a program
   34  to eliminate extraneous flow, the municipality:
   35         1.Must notify the property owner of the issue by certified
   36  mail, return receipt requested. The notice must specify that
   37  within 14 days after receiving the notice, the municipality
   38  intends to access the owner’s property to address the defective,
   39  damaged, or deteriorated sanitary sewer lateral. The notice must
   40  identify the issue, inform the property owner that he or she
   41  will be indemnified and held harmless in the repair process, and
   42  provide a proposed timeline and plan for the duration of the
   43  project, including start and completion dates.
   44         2.Is responsible for any repair work done on the private
   45  property. If any disruption of the property is necessary to
   46  access the sanitary sewer lateral, the municipality must ensure
   47  that the property is restored to at least its pre-work condition
   48  after the repair is complete. Any repair work done to a sanitary
   49  sewer lateral must meet all of the following requirements:
   50         a.Provide one continuous monolithic pipe system. The
   51  connections for the structure, mainline, and cleanout must be
   52  installed and integrated into the continuous monolithic pipe
   53  system by a Florida-licensed plumber; and
   54         b.Be inspected using a lateral launch or similar CCTV
   55  camera system conducted by a Pipeline Assessment Certification
   56  Program (PACP)- and Lateral Assessment and Certification Program
   57  (LACP)-certified camera operator. The contractor must produce
   58  and provide the county with a PACP- and LACP-certified report
   59  describing the conditions in the continuous monolithic pipe
   60  system and the respective connections to the main sewer pipe and
   61  the structure.
   62         (b) Consider economical methods for the municipality a
   63  property owner to repair or replace a defective, damaged, or
   64  deteriorated sanitary sewer lateral.
   65         (c) Establish and maintain a publicly accessible database
   66  to store information concerning properties where a defective,
   67  damaged, or deteriorated sanitary sewer lateral has been
   68  identified. For each property, the database must include, but is
   69  not limited to, the address of the property, the names of any
   70  persons the municipality notified concerning the faulty sanitary
   71  sewer lateral, and the date and method of such notification.
   72         (d)Use state or local funds allocated for the purpose of
   73  environmental preservation or the protection of water quality.
   74         (4) Notwithstanding subsection (3), a municipality may
   75  elect to establish and implement an alternative evaluation and
   76  rehabilitation program to identify and reduce extraneous flow
   77  from leaking sanitary sewer laterals.
   79  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   80  And the title is amended as follows:
   81         Delete line 22
   82  and insert:
   83         protection of water quality; providing that counties
   84         and municipalities may establish and implement
   85         alternative evaluation and rehabilitation programs to
   86         identify and reduce extraneous flow from leaking
   87         sanitary sewer laterals; providing an effective