Florida Senate - 2022                                     SB 670
       By Senator Cruz
       18-00265-22                                            2022670__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to emergency drills in public schools;
    3         amending s. 1006.07, F.S.; revising district school
    4         board duties relating to fire drills and emergency
    5         drills; expanding requirements for district school
    6         board procedures relating to drills for active
    7         assailant and hostage situations; requiring district
    8         school boards to establish procedures to provide
    9         advance notification of drills for active assailant
   10         and hostage situations to parents and to provide
   11         parents with an option to excuse their students from
   12         drills requiring evacuation from a building; requiring
   13         such procedures to allow certain students to elect to
   14         remain on school premises during drills requiring
   15         evacuation from a building and remain excused from the
   16         drills; requiring such procedures to address the needs
   17         of exceptional education students; providing an
   18         effective date.
   20  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   22         Section 1. Subsection (4) of section 1006.07, Florida
   23  Statutes, is amended to read:
   24         1006.07 District school board duties relating to student
   25  discipline and school safety.—The district school board shall
   26  provide for the proper accounting for all students, for the
   27  attendance and control of students at school, and for proper
   28  attention to health, safety, and other matters relating to the
   29  welfare of students, including:
   31         (a) Formulate and prescribe policies and procedures, in
   32  consultation with the appropriate public safety agencies, for
   33  fire drills and emergency drills for other and for actual
   34  emergencies, including, but not limited to, fires, natural
   35  disasters, active assailant and hostage situations, and bomb
   36  threats, for all students and faculty at all public schools of
   37  the district comprised of grades K-12.
   38         (b)Require public elementary schools to conduct at least
   39  six fire drills and six emergency drills each school year. Four
   40  of the six fire drills must involve evacuating a building to a
   41  designated meeting location outside of the building. Meeting
   42  locations must vary between drills to minimize drill fatigue and
   43  the creation of unnecessary exposure to active threats or
   44  assailants. Two of the six fire drills may constitute fire
   45  prevention training with content designed by the Division of
   46  State Fire Marshal or the Department of Education, but only
   47  after a minimum of two evacuation drills have occurred. Four of
   48  the six emergency drills must address active threats, including,
   49  but not limited to, active assailants, hostage situations, or
   50  bomb threats. Two of the six emergency drills must address
   51  natural disasters.
   52         (c) Require public middle and high schools to conduct at
   53  least four fire drills and six emergency drills each school
   54  year. Three of the four fire drills must involve evacuating a
   55  building to a designated meeting location outside of the
   56  building. Meeting locations must vary between drills to minimize
   57  drill fatigue and the creation of unnecessary exposure to active
   58  threats or assailants. One of the four fire drills may
   59  constitute fire prevention training with content designed by the
   60  Division of State Fire Marshal or the Department of Education,
   61  but only after a minimum of two evacuation drills have occurred.
   62  Four of the six emergency drills must address active threats,
   63  including, but not limited to, active assailants, hostage
   64  situations, or bomb threats. Two of the six emergency drills
   65  must address natural disasters.
   66         (d) Require district school drills to be conducted in
   67  developmentally appropriate and age-appropriate manners, consist
   68  of unique sets of circumstances that require faculty and
   69  students to consider the response to specific threats, and be
   70  delivered using plain language.
   71         (e)Require district school drills for active assailant and
   72  hostage situations to shall be conducted in accordance with
   73  developmentally appropriate and age-appropriate procedures at
   74  least as often as other emergency drills. Procedures relating to
   75  such drills must be developed in consultation with at least one
   76  mental health professional and be consistent with guidance
   77  provided by the National Association of School Psychologists.
   78  Law enforcement officers must be physically present and directly
   79  involved in the execution of all such drills.
   80         (f)Adopt District school board policies that shall include
   81  commonly used alarm system responses for specific types of
   82  emergencies and verification by each school that drills have
   83  been provided as required by law and fire protection codes and
   84  may provide accommodations for drills conducted by exceptional
   85  student education centers. District school boards shall
   86  establish emergency response and emergency preparedness policies
   87  and procedures that include, but are not limited to, identifying
   88  the individuals responsible for contacting the primary emergency
   89  response agency and the emergency response agency that is
   90  responsible for notifying the school district for each type of
   91  emergency.
   92         (g) Establish procedures to provide notification of drills
   93  to parents before a drill occurs. The procedures must provide a
   94  parent with the option to excuse his or her student from any
   95  drills that require evacuation from a building. The procedures
   96  also must allow a student whose parent has excused him or her
   97  from a drill that requires evacuation from a building to remain
   98  on the school premises during the drill and remain excused from
   99  the drill.
  100         (h)(b) Provide timely notification to parents of threats
  101  pursuant to policies adopted under subsection (7) and the
  102  following unlawful acts or significant emergencies that occur on
  103  school grounds, during school transportation, or during school
  104  sponsored activities:
  105         1. Weapons possession or use when there is intended harm
  106  toward another person, hostage, and active assailant situations.
  107  The active assailant situation training for each school must
  108  engage the participation of the district school safety
  109  specialist, threat assessment team members, faculty, staff, and
  110  students and must be conducted by the law enforcement agency or
  111  agencies that are designated as first responders to the school’s
  112  campus.
  113         2. Murder, homicide, or manslaughter.
  114         3. Sex offenses, including rape, sexual assault, or sexual
  115  misconduct with a student by school personnel.
  116         4. Natural emergencies, including hurricanes, tornadoes,
  117  and severe storms.
  118         5. Exposure as a result of a manmade emergency.
  119         (i)(c)Require Beginning with the 2021-2022 school year,
  120  each public school, including charter schools, to shall
  121  implement a mobile panic alert system capable of connecting
  122  diverse emergency services technologies to ensure real-time
  123  coordination between multiple first responder agencies. Such
  124  system, known as “Alyssa’s Alert,” must integrate with local
  125  public safety answering point infrastructure to transmit 911
  126  calls and mobile activations.
  127         (j)(d) In addition to the requirements of paragraph (i)
  128  paragraph (c), a public school district may implement additional
  129  strategies or systems to ensure real-time coordination between
  130  multiple first responder agencies in a school security
  131  emergency.
  132         (k)(e) For the 2020-2021 fiscal year and subject to the
  133  appropriation of funds in the General Appropriations Act for
  134  this purpose, the department shall issue a competitive
  135  solicitation to contract for a mobile panic alert system that
  136  may be used by each school district. The department shall
  137  consult with the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public
  138  Safety Commission, the Department of Law Enforcement, and the
  139  Division of Emergency Management in the development of the
  140  competitive solicitation for the mobile panic alert system.
  141         (l)(f) Establish a schedule to test the functionality and
  142  coverage capacity of all emergency communication systems and
  143  determine if adequate signal strength is available in all areas
  144  of the school’s campus.
  145         (m) Require all district school drills to address the needs
  146  of exceptional education students.
  147         Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2022.