Florida Senate - 2022                          SENATOR AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 914
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                Floor: 1/AD/2R         .                                
             02/17/2022 03:17 PM       .                                

       Senator Harrell moved the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with directory and title amendments)
    3         Between lines 71 and 72
    4  insert:
    5         (3)(a) Any operator who is the owner or registrant of the
    6  vehicle he or she is operating and person who violates this
    7  section commits a nonmoving traffic infraction subject to the
    8  penalty provided in chapter 318 and shall be required to furnish
    9  proof of security as provided in this section. If any operator
   10  who is the owner or registrant of the vehicle he or she is
   11  operating and who is person charged with a violation of this
   12  section fails to furnish proof at or before the scheduled court
   13  appearance date that security was in effect at the time of the
   14  violation, the court shall, upon conviction, notify the
   15  department to suspend the registration and driver license of
   16  such operator person. If the court fails to order the suspension
   17  of such operator’s the person’s registration and driver license
   18  for a conviction of this section at the time of sentencing, the
   19  department shall, upon receiving notice of the conviction from
   20  the court, suspend such operator’s the person’s registration and
   21  driver license for the violation of this section. Such license
   22  and registration may be reinstated only as provided in s.
   23  324.0221.
   24         (b)Any operator who is not the owner or registrant of the
   25  vehicle he or she is operating and who violates this section
   26  commits a nonmoving traffic infraction subject to the penalty
   27  provided in chapter 318.
   28         (4) Any operator person presenting proof of insurance as
   29  required in subsection (1) who knows that the insurance as
   30  represented by such proof of insurance is not currently in force
   31  is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as
   32  provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
   33         Section 3. Paragraph (a) of subsection (8) of section
   34  322.051, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
   35         322.051 Identification cards.—
   36         (8)(a) The department shall, upon receipt of the required
   37  fee, issue to each qualified applicant for an identification
   38  card a color photographic or digital image identification card
   39  bearing a fullface photograph or digital image of the
   40  identification cardholder. Notwithstanding chapter 761 or s.
   41  761.05, the requirement for a fullface photograph or digital
   42  image of the identification cardholder may not be waived. A
   43  space shall be provided upon which the identification cardholder
   44  shall affix his or her usual signature, as required in s.
   45  322.14, in the presence of an authorized agent of the department
   46  so as to ensure that such signature becomes a part of the
   47  identification card. Beginning November 1, 2023, each
   48  distinguishing number assigned to an original, renewal, or
   49  replacement identification card must have a minimum of four
   50  randomly generated digits.
   51         Section 4. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section
   52  322.14, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
   53         322.14 Licenses issued to drivers.—
   54         (1)(a) The department shall, upon successful completion of
   55  all required examinations and payment of the required fee, issue
   56  to every qualified applicant a printed driver license that must
   57  bear a color photograph or digital image of the licensee; the
   58  name of the state; a distinguishing number assigned to the
   59  licensee, which, beginning November 1, 2023, must have a minimum
   60  of four randomly generated digits on each original, renewal, or
   61  replacement driver license; and the licensee’s full name, date
   62  of birth, and residence address; a brief description of the
   63  licensee, including, but not limited to, the licensee’s gender
   64  and height; and the dates of issuance and expiration of the
   65  license. A space shall be provided upon which the licensee shall
   66  affix his or her usual signature. A license is invalid until it
   67  has been signed by the licensee except that the signature of the
   68  licensee is not required if it appears thereon in facsimile or
   69  if the licensee is not present within the state at the time of
   70  issuance.
   72  ====== D I R E C T O R Y  C L A U S E  A M E N D M E N T ======
   73  And the directory clause is amended as follows:
   74         Delete lines 59 - 60
   75  and insert:
   76         Section 2. Subsections (2), (3), and (4) of section
   77  316.646, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
   79  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   80  And the title is amended as follows:
   81         Delete line 12
   82  and insert:
   83         or certain other persons; removing a requirement for
   84         certain motor vehicle operators to subsequently
   85         furnish proof of security after a certain violation;
   86         amending ss. 322.051 and 322.14, F.S.; requiring that
   87         distinguishing numbers assigned to identification
   88         cards and driver licenses, respectively, have a
   89         specified minimum number of randomly generated digits
   90         beginning on a specified date; amending s. 319.141,
   91         F.S.;