Florida Senate - 2022 SB 96 By Senator Burgess 20-01463-22 202296__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the Emergency Preparedness and 3 Response Fund; amending s. 11.90, F.S.; authorizing 4 the Legislative Budget Commission to convene to 5 transfer or appropriate certain funds to the Emergency 6 Preparedness and Response Fund; amending s. 252.37, 7 F.S.; revising legislative intent; authorizing the 8 Governor to transfer and expend moneys from the 9 Emergency Preparedness and Response Fund; authorizing 10 the Governor to request that additional funds be 11 transferred or appropriated to the Emergency 12 Preparedness and Response Fund, subject to approval by 13 the Legislative Budget Commission, under specified 14 conditions; providing a transfer of funds; providing a 15 contingent effective date. 16 17 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 18 19 Section 1. Subsection (8) is added to section 11.90, 20 Florida Statutes, to read: 21 11.90 Legislative Budget Commission.— 22 (8) The commission may convene to transfer or appropriate 23 unappropriated surplus funds to the Emergency Preparedness and 24 Response Fund created under s. 252.3711. 25 Section 2. Subsection (2) of section 252.37, Florida 26 Statutes, is amended to read: 27 252.37 Financing.— 28 (2)(a) It is the legislative intent that the first recourse 29 be made to funds specificallyregularlyappropriated to state 30 and local agencies for disaster relief or response. 31 (b) If the Governor finds that the demands placed upon 32 these funds in coping with a particular disaster declared by the 33 Governor as a state of emergency are unreasonably great, she or 34 he may make funds available by transferring and expending moneys 35appropriated for other purposes, by transferring and expending36moneys out of any unappropriated surplus funds, orfrom the 37 Emergency Preparedness and ResponseBudget StabilizationFund 38 created under s. 252.3711. The Governor may request that 39 additional funds be transferred or appropriated to the Emergency 40 Preparedness and Response Fund by a budget amendment, subject to 41 approval of the Legislative Budget Commission. 42 (c) Following the expiration or termination of the state of 43 emergency, the Governor may transfer moneys with a budget 44 amendment, subject to approval by the Legislative Budget 45 Commission, to satisfy the budget authority granted for such 46 emergency. The transfers and expenditures supporting the 47 amendment must be directly related to the declared disaster or 48 emergency. 49 Section 3. The Chief Financial Officer shall immediately 50 transfer the nonrecurring sum of $1 billion from the General 51 Revenue Fund to the Emergency Preparedness and Response Fund in 52 the Executive Office of the Governor to be used for preparing 53 for or responding to a disaster declared by the Governor as a 54 state of emergency. 55 Section 4. This act shall take effect on the same date that 56 SB _____ or similar legislation takes effect, if such 57 legislation is adopted in the same legislative session or an 58 extension thereof and becomes a law.