Florida Senate - 2023 Committee Amendment
SPB2500 AED 12
The Committee on Appropriations (Perry) recommended the following
Section: 02 EXPLANATION:
On Page: 028 Inserts proviso language to provide $250,000 in
nonrecurring general revenue funds for the
Spec App: 96 Transparency Tool at the Florida Department of
Education and reduces the same amount from the
Tutoring Program.
NET IMPACT ON: Total Funds General Revenue Trust Funds
Recurring - 0 0 0
Non-Recurring - 0 0 0
Positions & Amount Positions & Amount
Public Schools, Division Of
Program: State Grants/K-12 Program - Non
FEFP 48250400
In Section 02 On Page 028
96 Special Categories 104026
Grants And Aids - Strategic Statewide
Initiatives IOEB
1000 General Revenue Fund 114,447,241 114,197,241
CA -250,000 FSI1NR -250,000
Following Specific Appropriation 96, DELETE:
From the funds in Specific Appropriation 96, $31,716,373 in
nonrecurring funds is provided for the Science of Reading Literacy and
Tutoring Program. These funds are to be used to provide additional
reading literacy support to students in kindergarten through grade 5
enrolled in a public school who either scored below Level 3 on the final
English Language Arts (ELA) assessment in the prior year or who the
district has determined through progress monitoring to be below grade
level and in need of additional reading intervention.
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From the funds in Specific Appropriation 96, $31,466,373 in
nonrecurring funds is provided for the Science of Reading Literacy and
Tutoring Program. These funds are to be used to provide additional
reading literacy support to students in kindergarten through grade 5
enrolled in a public school who either scored below Level 3 on the final
English Language Arts (ELA) assessment in the prior year or who the
district has determined through progress monitoring to be below grade
level and in need of additional reading intervention.
State Board Of Education 48800000
In Section 02 On Page 043
134 Special Categories 100777
Contracted Services IOEA
1000 General Revenue Fund 20,610,810 20,860,810
CA 250,000 FSI1NR 250,000
At the end of existing proviso language, following Specific
Appropriation 134, INSERT:
From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 134 $250,000 in
nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the
Department of Education for the procurement of a statewide curriculum
and library transparency tool. The department shall procure a statewide
curriculum transparency tool that will provide parents, teachers,
students, and community members with access to school district
instructional materials and library books. The tool must be an
enterprise content management system and a SaaS-based web software
solution that can be completely configured, branded, and deployed
specifically for the Florida Department of Education for use by all 67
school districts. The platform must allow for the discovery, display,
review, and ability to provide comments on a wide range of digital
educational content, including but not limited to instructional
materials, library books, classroom library materials, lesson plans,
assessment content, curriculum standards, and teacher professional
development. The tool must also provide parents with the ability to
"opt-out" of individual books in school and classroom library through a
secure and confidential platform.
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