Florida Senate - 2023 Committee Amendment
SPB2500 ATD 94
The Committee on Appropriations (Hooper) recommended the following
Section: 06 EXPLANATION:
On Page: 410 Provides funding of $250,000 in nonrecurring general
revenue funds for the Nassau County - County Rd. 108
Spec App: 3237 Extension (SF 1750) and reduces by the same amount
the Department of State Historic Properties Fixed
Captal Outaly.
NET IMPACT ON: Total Funds General Revenue Trust Funds
Recurring - 0 0 0
Non-Recurring - 0 0 0
Positions & Amount Positions & Amount
Program: Historical Resources
Historical Resources Preservation And
Exhibition 45200700
In Section 06 On Page 410
3237 Grants And Aids To Local Governments And 140020
Nonstate Entities - Fixed Capital Outlay
Grants And Aids - Special Categories -
Acquisition, Restoration Of Historic
Properties IOEM
1000 General Revenue Fund 22,583,279 22,333,279
CA -250,000 FSI1NR -250,000
Immediately following Specific Appropriation 3237, DELETE:
From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3237, $10,000,000 in
nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the
Department of State for maintenance, repairs, and restoration of
historic properties.
From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3237, $9,750,000 in
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nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the
Department of State for maintenance, repairs, and restoration of
historic properties.
Transportation Systems Operations
Program: Highway Operations 55150200
In Section 05 On Page 295
2042A Fixed Capital Outlay 088862
Local Transportation Projects IOEK
1000 General Revenue Fund 166,631,861 166,881,861
CA 250,000 FSI1NR 250,000
Nassau County - County Rd. 108 Extension (SF 1750)...........250,000
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