Florida Senate - 2023 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. HB 411
Senate . House
Floor: 1/RE/2R .
04/27/2023 06:00 PM .
Senator Ingoglia moved the following:
1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
3 Before line 12
4 insert:
5 Section 1. Subsection (3) of section 124.01, Florida
6 Statutes, is amended to read:
7 124.01 Division of counties into districts; county
8 commissioners.—
9 (3) The board of county commissioners shall, from time to
10 time, fix the boundaries of the county commissioners’ above
11 districts so as to keep them as nearly equal in proportion to
12 population as practicable, possible; provided, that changes made
13 in the boundaries of county commissioner districts pursuant to
14 this section are shall be made only in odd-numbered years.
15 Districts may not be drawn with the intent to favor or disfavor
16 a candidate for county commission or an incumbent county
17 commissioner based on the candidate’s or incumbent’s residential
18 address. Any ordinance enacted or adopted by a county on or
19 after July 1, 2023, which is in conflict with this subsection is
20 void.
21 Section 2. Section 166.0321, Florida Statutes, is created
22 to read:
23 166.0321 Division of municipalities into districts.—Each
24 municipality shall, from time to time, fix the boundaries of its
25 districts so as to keep them as nearly equal in proportion to
26 their respective populations as practicable, provided that such
27 changes are made only in odd-numbered years. Districts may not
28 be drawn with the intent to favor or disfavor a candidate for
29 member of the governing body or an incumbent member of the
30 governing body based on the candidate’s or incumbent’s
31 residential address. Any ordinance enacted or adopted by a
32 municipality on or after July 1, 2023, which is in conflict with
33 this section is void.
34 Section 3. Subsection (2) of section 1001.36, Florida
35 Statutes, is amended to read:
36 1001.36 District school board member residence areas.—
37 (2) A Any district school board may make any change that it
38 deems necessary in the boundaries of any district school board
39 member residence area at any meeting of the district school
40 board, provided that such changes are shall be made only in odd
41 numbered years and that no change that would affect the
42 residence qualifications of any incumbent member disqualifies
43 shall disqualify such incumbent member during the term for which
44 he or she is elected. Residence areas may not be drawn with the
45 intent to favor or disfavor a candidate for district school
46 board member or an incumbent district school board member based
47 on the candidate’s or incumbent’s residential address. Any
48 resolution adopted by a district school board on or after July
49 1, 2023, which is in conflict with this subsection is void.
51 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================
52 And the title is amended as follows:
53 Delete line 2
54 and insert:
55 An act relating to residency of local elected
56 officials; amending s. 124.01, F.S.; prohibiting the
57 consideration of the residential addresses of certain
58 persons during the district-drawing process for boards
59 of county commissioners; providing construction;
60 creating s. 166.0321, F.S.; requiring municipalities
61 to fix the boundaries of their districts in a certain
62 manner; specifying that district changes may be made
63 only in odd-numbered years; prohibiting the
64 consideration of the residential addresses of certain
65 persons during the district-drawing process; providing
66 construction; amending s. 1001.36, F.S.; prohibiting
67 the consideration of the residential addresses of
68 certain persons during the residence-area-drawing
69 process for district school boards; providing
70 construction;