Florida Senate - 2023                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 858
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: RCS            .                                
                  04/04/2023           .                                

       The Committee on Health Policy (Torres) recommended the
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete everything after the enacting clause
    4  and insert:
    5         Section 1. Paragraph (d) of subsection (2) of section
    6  288.0001, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
    7         288.0001 Economic Development Programs Evaluation.—The
    8  Office of Economic and Demographic Research and the Office of
    9  Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability (OPPAGA)
   10  shall develop and present to the Governor, the President of the
   11  Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the
   12  chairs of the legislative appropriations committees the Economic
   13  Development Programs Evaluation.
   14         (2) The Office of Economic and Demographic Research and
   15  OPPAGA shall provide a detailed analysis of economic development
   16  programs as provided in the following schedule:
   17         (d) By January 1, 2019, and every 3 years thereafter, an
   18  analysis of the program grant and entrepreneur initiative
   19  programs established under s. 295.22(2) s. 295.22(3)(d) and (e).
   20         Section 2. Subsections (1) and (5) of section 292.05,
   21  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
   22         292.05 Duties of Department of Veterans’ Affairs.—
   23         (1) The Department of Veterans’ Affairs shall provide
   24  assistance to all former, present, and future members of the
   25  Armed Forces of the United States and their spouses and
   26  dependents in preparing claims for and securing such
   27  compensation, hospitalization, career training, and other
   28  benefits or privileges to which such persons or any of them are
   29  or may become entitled under any federal or state law or
   30  regulation by reason of their service in the Armed Forces of the
   31  United States. All services rendered under this subsection shall
   32  be without charge to the claimant.
   33         (5) The department shall conduct an ongoing study on the
   34  problems and needs of those residents of this state who are
   35  veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States and the
   36  problems and needs of their spouses and dependents. The study
   37  shall include, but not be limited to:
   38         (a) A survey of existing state and federal programs
   39  available for such persons that specifies the extent to which
   40  such programs presently are being implemented, with
   41  recommendations for the improved implementation, extension, or
   42  improvement of such programs.
   43         (b) A survey of the needs of such persons in the areas of
   44  social services, health care, education, and employment, and any
   45  other areas of determined need, with recommendations regarding
   46  federal, state, and community services that would meet those
   47  needs.
   48         (c) A survey of federal, state, public, and private moneys
   49  available that could be used to defray the costs of state or
   50  community services needed for such persons.
   51         Section 3. Subsection (2), paragraph (b) of subsection (3),
   52  paragraph (g) of subsection (4), and paragraph (a) of subsection
   53  (8) of section 295.21, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
   54         295.21 Florida Is For Veterans, Inc.—
   55         (2) PURPOSE.—The purpose of the corporation is to promote
   56  Florida as a veteran-friendly state that seeks to provide
   57  veterans and their spouses with employment opportunities and
   58  that promotes the hiring of veterans and their spouses by the
   59  business community. The corporation shall encourage retired and
   60  recently separated military personnel to remain in the state or
   61  to make the state their permanent residence. The corporation
   62  shall promote the value of military skill sets to businesses in
   63  the state, assist in tailoring the training of veterans and
   64  their spouses to match the needs of the employment marketplace,
   65  and enhance the entrepreneurial skills of veterans and their
   66  spouses.
   67         (3) DUTIES.—The corporation shall:
   68         (b) Advise the Florida Tourism Industry Marketing
   69  Corporation, pursuant to s. 295.23, on:
   70         1. The target market as identified in paragraph (a).
   71         2. Development and implementation of a marketing campaign
   72  to encourage members of the target market to remain in the state
   73  or to make the state their permanent residence.
   74         3. Methods for disseminating information to the target
   75  market that relates to the interests and needs of veterans and
   76  their spouses of all ages and facilitates veterans’ knowledge of
   77  and access to benefits.
   78         (4) GOVERNANCE.—
   79         (g) A majority of the members of the board of directors
   80  constitutes a quorum. Board Council meetings may be held via
   81  teleconference or other electronic means.
   82         (8) ANNUAL REPORT.—The corporation shall submit an annual
   83  progress report and work plan by December 1 to the Governor, the
   84  President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of
   85  Representatives. The report must include:
   86         (a) Status and summary of findings regarding the target
   87  market, veteran and spouse benefits, and any identified gaps in
   88  services.
   89         Section 4. Subsections (1), (2), and (3) of section 295.22,
   90  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
   91         295.22 Veterans Employment and Training Services Program.—
   92         (1) LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS AND INTENT.—The Legislature finds
   93  that the state has a compelling interest in ensuring that each
   94  veteran or his or her spouse who is a resident of the state
   95  finds employment that meets his or her professional goals and
   96  receives the training or education necessary to meet those
   97  goals. The Legislature also finds that connecting dedicated,
   98  well-trained veterans with businesses that need a dedicated,
   99  well-trained workforce is of paramount importance. The
  100  Legislature recognizes that veterans or their spouses may not
  101  currently have the skills to meet the workforce needs of Florida
  102  employers and may require assistance in obtaining additional
  103  workforce training or in transitioning their skills to meet the
  104  demands of the marketplace. It is the intent of the Legislature
  105  that the Veterans Employment and Training Services Program
  106  coordinate and meet the needs of veterans and their spouses and
  107  the business community to enhance the economy of this state.
  108         (2) CREATION.—The Veterans Employment and Training Services
  109  Program is created within the Department of Veterans’ Affairs to
  110  assist in linking veterans or their spouses in search of
  111  employment with businesses seeking to hire dedicated, well
  112  trained workers. The purpose of the program is to meet the
  113  workforce demands of businesses in the state by facilitating
  114  access to training and education in high-demand fields for
  115  veterans or their spouses.
  116         (3) ADMINISTRATION.—Florida Is For Veterans, Inc., shall
  117  administer the Veterans Employment and Training Services Program
  118  and perform all of the following functions:
  119         (a) Conduct marketing and recruiting efforts directed at
  120  veterans or their spouses who reside in or who have an interest
  121  in relocating to this state and who are seeking employment.
  122  Marketing must include information related to how a veteran’s
  123  military experience can be valuable to a business. Such efforts
  124  may include attending veteran job fairs and events, hosting
  125  events for veterans and their spouses or the business community,
  126  and using digital and social media and direct mail campaigns.
  127  The corporation shall also include such marketing as part of its
  128  main marketing campaign.
  129         (b) Assist veterans or their spouses who reside in or
  130  relocate to this state and who are seeking employment. The
  131  corporation shall offer skills assessments to veterans or their
  132  spouses and assist them in establishing employment goals and
  133  applying for and achieving gainful employment.
  134         1. Assessment may include skill match information, skill
  135  gap analysis, resume creation, translation of military skills
  136  into civilian workforce skills, and translation of military
  137  achievements and experience into generally understood civilian
  138  workforce skills.
  139         2. Assistance may include providing the veteran or his or
  140  her spouse with information on current workforce demand by
  141  industry or geographic region, creating employment goals, and
  142  aiding or teaching general knowledge related to completing
  143  applications. The corporation may provide information related to
  144  industry certifications approved by the Department of Education
  145  under s. 1008.44 as well as information related to earning
  146  academic college credit at public postsecondary educational
  147  institutions for college-level training and education acquired
  148  in the military under s. 1004.096.
  149         3. The corporation shall encourage veterans or their
  150  spouses to register with the state’s job bank system and may
  151  refer veterans to local one-stop career centers for further
  152  services. The corporation shall provide each veteran with
  153  information about state workforce programs and shall consolidate
  154  information about all available resources on one website that,
  155  if possible, includes a hyperlink to each resource’s website and
  156  contact information, if available.
  157         4. Assessment and assistance may be in person or by
  158  electronic means, as determined by the corporation to be most
  159  efficient and best meet the needs of veterans or their spouses.
  160         (c) Assist Florida businesses in recruiting and hiring
  161  veterans and veterans’ spouses. The corporation shall provide
  162  services to Florida businesses to meet their hiring needs by
  163  connecting businesses with suitable veteran applicants for
  164  employment. Suitable applicants include veterans or veterans’
  165  spouses who have appropriate job skills or may need additional
  166  training to meet the specific needs of a business. The
  167  corporation shall also provide information about the state and
  168  federal benefits of hiring veterans.
  169         (d) Create a grant program to provide funding to assist
  170  veterans in meeting the workforce-skill needs of businesses
  171  seeking to hire, promote, or generally improve specialized
  172  skills of veterans, establish criteria for approval of requests
  173  for funding, and maximize the use of funding for this program.
  174  Grant funds may be used only in the absence of available
  175  veteran-specific federally funded programs. Grants may fund
  176  specialized training specific to a particular business.
  177         1. If grant funds are used to provide a technical
  178  certificate, a licensure, or a degree, funds may be allocated
  179  only upon a review that includes, but is not limited to,
  180  documentation of accreditation and licensure. Instruction funded
  181  through the program terminates when participants demonstrate
  182  competence at the level specified in the request but may not
  183  exceed 12 months. Preference shall be given to target industry
  184  businesses, as defined in s. 288.106, and to businesses in the
  185  defense supply, cloud virtualization, health care, or commercial
  186  aviation manufacturing industries.
  187         2. Costs and expenditures shall be limited to $8,000 per
  188  veteran trainee. Qualified businesses must cover the entire cost
  189  for all of the training provided before receiving reimbursement
  190  from the corporation equal to 50 percent of the cost to train a
  191  veteran who is a permanent, full-time employee. Eligible costs
  192  and expenditures include:
  193         a. Tuition and fees.
  194         b. Books and classroom materials.
  195         c. Rental fees for facilities.
  196         3. Before funds are allocated for a request pursuant to
  197  this section, the corporation shall prepare a grant agreement
  198  between the business requesting funds and the corporation. Such
  199  agreement must include, but need not be limited to:
  200         a. Identification of the personnel necessary to conduct the
  201  instructional program, instructional program description, and
  202  any vendors used to conduct the instructional program.
  203         b. Identification of the estimated duration of the
  204  instructional program.
  205         c. Identification of all direct, training-related costs.
  206         d. Identification of special program requirements that are
  207  not otherwise addressed in the agreement.
  208         e. Permission to access aggregate information specific to
  209  the wages and performance of participants upon the completion of
  210  instruction for evaluation purposes. The agreement must specify
  211  that any evaluation published subsequent to the instruction may
  212  not identify the employer or any individual participant.
  213         4. A business may receive a grant under the Quick-Response
  214  Training Program created under s. 288.047 and a grant under this
  215  section for the same veteran trainee. If a business receives
  216  funds under both programs, one grant agreement may be entered
  217  into with CareerSource Florida, Inc., as the grant
  218  administrator.
  219         (e) Contract with one or more entities to administer an
  220  entrepreneur initiative program for veterans in this state which
  221  connects business leaders in the state with veterans seeking to
  222  become entrepreneurs.
  223         1. The corporation shall award each contract in accordance
  224  with the competitive bidding requirements in s. 287.057 to one
  225  or more public or private entities that:
  226         a. Demonstrate the ability to implement the program and the
  227  commitment of resources, including financial resources, to such
  228  programs.
  229         b. Have a demonstrated experience working with veteran
  230  entrepreneurs.
  231         c. As determined by the corporation, have been recognized
  232  for their performance in assisting entrepreneurs to launch
  233  successful businesses in the state.
  234         2. Each contract must include performance metrics,
  235  including a focus on employment and business creation. The
  236  entity may also work with a university or college offering
  237  related programs to refer veterans or to provide services. The
  238  entrepreneur initiative program may include activities and
  239  assistance such as peer-to-peer learning sessions, mentoring,
  240  technical assistance, business roundtables, networking
  241  opportunities, support of student organizations, speaker series,
  242  or other tools within a virtual environment.
  243         (f) As the state’s principal assistance organization under
  244  the United States Department of Defense’s SkillBridge program
  245  for qualified businesses in this state and for transitioning
  246  servicemembers who reside in, or who wish to reside in, this
  247  state, the corporation shall:
  248         1. Establish and maintain, as applicable, its certification
  249  for the SkillBridge program or any other similar workforce
  250  training and transition programs established by the United
  251  States Department of Defense;
  252         2. Educate businesses, business associations, and
  253  transitioning servicemembers on the SkillBridge program and its
  254  benefits, and educate military command and personnel within the
  255  state on the opportunities available to transitioning
  256  servicemembers through the SkillBridge program;
  257         3. Assist businesses in obtaining approval for skilled
  258  workforce training curricula under the SkillBridge program,
  259  including, but not limited to, apprenticeships, internships, or
  260  fellowships; and
  261         4. Match transitioning servicemembers who are deemed
  262  eligible for SkillBridge participation by their military command
  263  with training opportunities offered by the corporation or
  264  participating businesses, with the intent of having
  265  transitioning servicemembers achieve gainful employment in this
  266  state upon completion of their SkillBridge training.
  267         (g)Assist veterans and their spouses in accessing
  268  training, education, and employment in health care professions.
  269         (h)Coordinate with the Office of Veteran Licensure
  270  Services within the Department of Health to assist veterans and
  271  their spouses in obtaining licensure pursuant to s. 456.024.
  272         Section 5. Subsection (13) of section 456.013, Florida
  273  Statutes, is amended to read:
  274         456.013 Department; general licensing provisions.—
  275         (13)The department shall waive the initial licensing fee,
  276  the initial application fee, and the initial unlicensed activity
  277  fee for a military veteran or his or her spouse at the time of
  278  discharge, if he or she applies to the department for an initial
  279  license within 60 months after the veteran is honorably
  280  discharged from any branch of the United States Armed Forces.
  281  The applicant must apply for the fee waiver using a form
  282  prescribed by the department and must submit supporting
  283  documentation as required by the department.
  284         Section 6. Section 456.024, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  285  read:
  286         456.024 Members of Armed Forces and veterans in good
  287  standing with administrative boards or the department; spouses;
  288  licensure.—
  289         (1) A Any member of the United States Armed Forces of the
  290  United States now or hereafter on active duty who, at the time
  291  of becoming such a member, was in good standing with a health
  292  care practitioner any administrative board of the state, or the
  293  department when there is no board, and was entitled to practice
  294  a health care or engage in his or her profession or vocation in
  295  this the state shall be kept in good standing by such
  296  administrative board, or the department when there is no board,
  297  without registering, paying dues or fees, or performing any
  298  other act on his or her part to be performed, as long as the
  299  member is he or she is a member of the Armed Forces of the
  300  United States on active duty and for a period of 6 months after
  301  discharge and from active duty as a member of the Armed Forces
  302  of the United States, provided he or she is not practicing
  303  engaged in his or her licensed profession or vocation in the
  304  private sector for profit.
  305         (2) The department shall waive the initial licensing fee,
  306  the initial application fee, and the initial unlicensed activity
  307  fee for a veteran or his or her spouse if the veteran is
  308  honorably discharged from any branch of the United States Armed
  309  Forces. The applicant must apply for the fee waiver using a form
  310  prescribed by the department and must submit supporting
  311  documentation as required by the department. The applicant may
  312  apply for a fee waiver up to 6 months before discharge.
  313         (3) The boards listed in s. 20.43, or the department when
  314  there is no board, shall adopt rules exempting the spouses of
  315  members of the Armed Forces of the United States from licensure
  316  renewal provisions, but only in cases of absence from the state
  317  because of their spouses’ duties with the Armed Forces.
  318         (4)(a)(3)(a) A person is eligible for licensure as a health
  319  care practitioner in this state if he or she:
  320         1. Serves or has served as a health care practitioner in
  321  the United States Armed Forces, the United States Reserve
  322  Forces, or the National Guard;
  323         2. Serves or has served on active duty with the United
  324  States Armed Forces as a health care practitioner in the United
  325  States Public Health Service; or
  326         3. Is a health care practitioner in another state, the
  327  District of Columbia, or a possession or territory of the United
  328  States and is the spouse of a person serving on active duty with
  329  the United States Armed Forces.
  331  The department shall develop an application form, and each
  332  board, or the department if there is no board, shall waive the
  333  application fee, licensure fee, and unlicensed activity fee for
  334  such applicants. For purposes of this subsection, “health care
  335  practitioner” means a health care practitioner as defined in s.
  336  456.001 and a person licensed under part III of chapter 401 or
  337  part IV of chapter 468.
  338         (b) The board, or the department if there is no board,
  339  shall issue a license to practice in this state to a person who:
  340         1. Submits a complete application.
  341         2. If he or she is a member of the United States Armed
  342  Forces, the United States Reserve Forces, or the National Guard,
  343  submits proof that he or she has received an honorable discharge
  344  within 6 months before, or will receive an honorable discharge
  345  within 6 months after, the date of submission of the
  346  application.
  347         3.a. Holds an active, unencumbered license issued by
  348  another state, the District of Columbia, or a possession or
  349  territory of the United States and who has not had disciplinary
  350  action taken against him or her in the 5 years preceding the
  351  date of submission of the application;
  352         b. Is a military health care practitioner in a profession
  353  for which licensure in a state or jurisdiction is not required
  354  to practice in the United States Armed Forces, if he or she
  355  submits to the department evidence of military training or
  356  experience substantially equivalent to the requirements for
  357  licensure in this state in that profession and evidence that he
  358  or she has obtained a passing score on the appropriate
  359  examination of a national or regional standards organization if
  360  required for licensure in this state; or
  361         c. Is the spouse of a person serving on active duty in the
  362  United States Armed Forces and is a health care practitioner in
  363  a profession for which licensure in another state or
  364  jurisdiction is not required, if he or she submits to the
  365  department evidence of training or experience substantially
  366  equivalent to the requirements for licensure in this state in
  367  that profession and evidence that he or she has obtained a
  368  passing score on the appropriate examination of a national or
  369  regional standards organization if required for licensure in
  370  this state.
  371         4. Attests that he or she is not, at the time of submission
  372  of the application, the subject of a disciplinary proceeding in
  373  a jurisdiction in which he or she holds a license or by the
  374  United States Department of Defense for reasons related to the
  375  practice of the profession for which he or she is applying.
  376         5. Actively practiced the profession for which he or she is
  377  applying for the 3 years preceding the date of submission of the
  378  application.
  379         6. Submits a set of fingerprints for a background screening
  380  pursuant to s. 456.0135, if required for the profession for
  381  which he or she is applying.
  383  The department shall verify information submitted by the
  384  applicant under this subsection using the National Practitioner
  385  Data Bank.
  386         (c) Each applicant who meets the requirements of this
  387  subsection shall be licensed with all rights and
  388  responsibilities as defined by law. The applicable board, or the
  389  department if there is no board, may deny an application if the
  390  applicant has been convicted of or pled guilty or nolo
  391  contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a any felony or
  392  misdemeanor related to the practice of a health care profession
  393  regulated by this state.
  394         (d) An applicant for initial licensure under this
  395  subsection must submit the information required by ss.
  396  456.039(1) and 456.0391(1) no later than 1 year after the
  397  license is issued.
  398         (5)(a)(4)(a) The board, or the department if there is no
  399  board, shall issue a professional license to the spouse of an
  400  active duty member of the United States Armed Forces of the
  401  United States who submits all of the following to the
  402  department:
  403         1. A completed application upon a form prepared and
  404  furnished by the department in accordance with the board’s
  405  rules.;
  406         2. Proof that the applicant is married to a member of the
  407  United States Armed Forces of the United States who is on active
  408  duty.;
  409         3. Proof that the applicant holds a valid license for the
  410  profession issued by another state, the District of Columbia, or
  411  a possession or territory of the United States, and is not the
  412  subject of any disciplinary proceeding in any jurisdiction in
  413  which the applicant holds a license to practice a profession
  414  regulated by this chapter.;
  415         4. Proof that the applicant’s spouse is assigned to a duty
  416  station in this state pursuant to the member’s official active
  417  duty military orders.; and
  418         5. Proof that the applicant would otherwise be entitled to
  419  full licensure under the appropriate practice act, and is
  420  eligible to take the respective licensure examination as
  421  required in Florida.
  422         (b) The applicant must also submit to the Department of Law
  423  Enforcement a complete set of fingerprints. The Department of
  424  Law Enforcement shall conduct a statewide criminal history check
  425  and forward the fingerprints to the Federal Bureau of
  426  Investigation for a national criminal history check.
  427         (c) Each board, or the department if there is no board,
  428  shall review the results of the state and federal criminal
  429  history checks according to the level 2 screening standards in
  430  s. 435.04 when granting an exemption and when granting or
  431  denying the license.
  432         (d) The applicant shall pay the cost of fingerprint
  433  processing. If the fingerprints are submitted through an
  434  authorized agency or vendor, the agency or vendor shall collect
  435  the required processing fees and remit the fees to the
  436  Department of Law Enforcement.
  437         (e) The department shall waive the applicant’s licensure
  438  application fee.
  439         (f) An applicant for a license under this subsection is
  440  subject to the requirements under s. 456.013(3)(a) and (c).
  441         (g) An applicant shall be deemed ineligible for a license
  442  pursuant to this section if the applicant:
  443         1. Has been convicted of or pled nolo contendere to,
  444  regardless of adjudication, any felony or misdemeanor related to
  445  the practice of a health care profession;
  446         2. Has had a health care provider license revoked or
  447  suspended from another of the United States, the District of
  448  Columbia, or a United States territory;
  449         3. Has been reported to the National Practitioner Data
  450  Bank, unless the applicant has successfully appealed to have his
  451  or her name removed from the data bank; or
  452         4. Has previously failed the Florida examination required
  453  to receive a license to practice the profession for which the
  454  applicant is seeking a license.
  455         (h) The board, or the department if there is no board, may
  456  revoke a license upon finding that the individual violated the
  457  profession’s governing practice act.
  458         (i) The board, or the department if there is no board,
  459  shall expedite all applications submitted by a spouse of an
  460  active duty member or veteran of the United States Armed Forces
  461  of the United States pursuant to this subsection and shall issue
  462  a license within 7 days after receipt of all required
  463  documentation for such application.
  464         (6)(5) The spouse of a person serving on active duty with
  465  the United States Armed Forces shall have a defense to any
  466  citation and related cause of action brought under s. 456.065 if
  467  the following conditions are met:
  468         (a) The spouse holds an active, unencumbered license issued
  469  by another state or jurisdiction to provide health care services
  470  for which there is no equivalent license in this state.
  471         (b) The spouse is providing health care services within the
  472  scope of practice of the out-of-state license.
  473         (c) The training or experience required by the out-of-state
  474  license is substantially similar to the license requirements to
  475  practice a similar health care profession in this state.
  476         Section 7. Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) and subsection
  477  (6) of section 456.0241, Florida Statutes, are amended, and a
  478  new subsection (7) is added to that section, to read:
  479         456.0241 Temporary certificate for active duty military
  480  health care practitioners.—
  481         (2) The department may issue a temporary certificate to an
  482  active duty military health care practitioner to practice in a
  483  regulated profession in this state if the applicant:
  484         (b) Submits a complete application and a nonrefundable
  485  application fee.
  487  The department shall verify information submitted by the
  488  applicant under this subsection using the National Practitioner
  489  Data Bank.
  490         (6)The department shall, by rule, set an application fee
  491  not to exceed $50 and a renewal fee not to exceed $50.
  492         (7)The department shall waive the temporary licensing fee.
  493         Section 8. Section 456.0242, Florida Statutes, is created
  494  to read:
  495         456.0242Office of Veteran Licensure Services.—
  496         (1)The Office of Veteran Licensure Services is established
  497  within the Division of Medical Quality Assurance. The office
  498  shall assist active duty members of the United States Armed
  499  Forces, the United States Reserve Forces, and the National
  500  Guard, veterans, and the spouses of veterans who seek to become
  501  a licensed health care practitioner in this state.
  502         (2)The office shall be headed by an executive director,
  503  designated by the department, who must be a veteran.
  504         (3)The office shall:
  505         (a)Provide information, guidance, direction, and
  506  assistance with the licensure process.
  507         (b)Coordinate with each board, or the department if there
  508  is no board, to expedite all applications submitted pursuant to
  509  s. 456.024.
  510         (c)Refer an individual requesting assistance with resume
  511  writing and proofreading, job application completion, and
  512  interviewing skills and techniques to Florida Is For Veterans,
  513  Inc.
  514         (d)Refer an individual requesting information about
  515  educational or employment opportunities in health care
  516  professions to Florida Is For Veterans, Inc.
  517         (e)Submit a report by November 11 of each year to the
  518  Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the
  519  House of Representatives. The report must categorize each
  520  individual as an active duty member, a veteran, or a veteran’s
  521  spouse and must include, but is not limited to:
  522         1.The number of individuals served.
  523         2.The educational and training background of each
  524  individual seeking licensure.
  525         3.Each health care license an individual holds in another
  526  state, irrespective of the current status of such license.
  527         4.The number of licensure applications received.
  528         5.The average number of calendar days required to license
  529  a qualified applicant.
  530         6.The number of referrals made for vocational assistance.
  531         (4)The department may adopt rules necessary to implement
  532  this section.
  533         Section 9. For the 2023-2024 fiscal year, four full-time
  534  equivalent positions with associated salary rate of 223,879 are
  535  authorized and the sums of $380,209 in recurring funds and
  536  $19,356 in nonrecurring funds from the Medical Quality Assurance
  537  Trust Fund are appropriated to the Department of Health for the
  538  purpose of implementing this act.
  539         Section 10. This act shall take effect July 1, 2023.
  541  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
  542  And the title is amended as follows:
  543         Delete everything before the enacting clause
  544  and insert:
  545                        A bill to be entitled                      
  546         An act relating to benefits, training, and employment
  547         for veterans and their spouses; amending s. 288.0001,
  548         F.S.; requiring the Economic Development Programs
  549         Evaluation to include a periodic analysis of the
  550         Veterans Employment and Training Services Program;
  551         amending ss. 292.05 and 295.21, F.S.; revising the
  552         duties of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and
  553         Florida Is For Veterans, Inc., respectively, to
  554         include provision of certain assistance to veterans’
  555         spouses; amending s. 295.22, F.S.; revising
  556         legislative findings and intent; revising the purpose
  557         and duties of the Veterans Employment and Training
  558         Services Program to include provision of certain
  559         assistance to veterans’ spouses; requiring priority
  560         for the award of certain grants to be given to
  561         businesses in the health care industry; removing
  562         provisions authorizing grant administration by
  563         CareerSource Florida, Inc.; requiring Florida Is For
  564         Veterans, Inc., to assist veterans or their spouses in
  565         accessing employment and licensure in health care
  566         professions; amending s. 456.013, F.S.; deleting
  567         provisions relating to the waiver of certain fees for
  568         veterans or their spouses; amending s. 456.024, F.S.;
  569         requiring the Department of Health to waive certain
  570         fees for veterans and their spouses under certain
  571         circumstances; providing requirements for application
  572         for such waiver; deleting a limitation on the period
  573         in which a member of the United States Armed Forces
  574         must receive an honorable discharge from service in
  575         order to be issued a license to practice a health care
  576         profession in this state; requiring the appropriate
  577         board or the department to expedite health care
  578         licensure applications submitted by veterans and to
  579         issue a license within a specified period; amending s.
  580         456.0241, F.S.; deleting provisions relating to
  581         application and renewal fees for temporary
  582         certification of an active duty military health care
  583         practitioner to practice in a regulated profession in
  584         this state; requiring the department to waive the
  585         temporary licensing fee; creating s. 456.0242, F.S.;
  586         establishing the Office of Veteran Licensure Services
  587         within the Division of Medical Quality Assurance;
  588         requiring the office to designate a veteran as
  589         executive director of the office; providing duties of
  590         the office; requiring an annual report to the Governor
  591         and Legislature; providing report requirements;
  592         authorizing the department to adopt rules; providing
  593         appropriations and authorizing positions; providing an
  594         effective date.