Florida Senate - 2024 SB 1630 By Senator Torres 25-01590-24 20241630__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to climate resilience; creating s. 3 380.0939, F.S.; defining terms; requiring the 4 Department of Environmental Protection to establish 5 the Blue Communities Program for a specified purpose; 6 providing duties of the program; authorizing the 7 department to delegate and integrate certain 8 initiatives; providing blue community eligibility 9 requirements; requiring the department to establish a 10 Blue Communities Fund for specified purposes; 11 requiring the department to administer and oversee the 12 Blue Communities Program, adopt rules, adopt a funding 13 structure, and submit reports containing specified 14 information to the Legislature by a specified date; 15 creating s. 380.245, F.S.; providing a short title; 16 defining terms; establishing an advisory board within 17 the department; providing for membership; establishing 18 the Ocean State Climate Adaptation and Resilience 19 Grant Fund within the department; specifying sources 20 and uses of funding; specifying factors to be 21 considered in determining the eligibility and 22 prioritization of projects; specifying eligibility 23 requirements for projects; prohibiting grant funds 24 from being used for certain purposes; providing for a 25 grant disbursement process and the submittal of 26 reports to the Legislature at specified intervals by 27 the department and the Florida Oceans and Coastal 28 Council; requiring the department and the council to 29 adopt rules; creating s. 377.8061, F.S.; providing a 30 short title; providing legislative findings regarding 31 the purpose of the Florida Carbon Sequestration Act; 32 creating the Carbon Sequestration Advisory Council 33 within the Department of Agriculture and Consumer 34 Services; providing for membership and expenses of the 35 council; requiring the department to provide meeting 36 space and certain assistance; specifying duties of the 37 council; requiring the department, in consultation 38 with the council, to submit a report to the 39 Legislature by a specified date; specifying report 40 contents; requiring a second report by a specified 41 date which includes a certain assessment conducted in 42 consultation with the council; providing requirements 43 for the assessment; authorizing the department to 44 contract with the Natural Resources Conservation 45 Service for certain purposes; authorizing the 46 department to apply for and accept certain sources of 47 public and private funds; creating the Carbon 48 Sequestration Assessment Cash Account within the Land 49 Acquisition Trust Fund for specified purposes; 50 requiring the Chief Financial Officer to credit 51 certain moneys received to the account; creating s. 52 379.27, F.S.; providing legislative findings; 53 providing a purpose; establishing the Ocean 54 Stewardship Special Account within the Land 55 Acquisition Trust Fund to be administered by the Fish 56 and Wildlife Conservation Commission for specified 57 purposes; specifying sources and uses of funding; 58 providing for administrative procedures; requiring 59 owners of certain commercial vessels and operators of 60 rental watercraft or water sports equipment to collect 61 an ocean stewardship user fee from passengers or 62 customers, respectively; specifying the fee amount; 63 requiring such fees to be deposited into the Ocean 64 Stewardship Special Account; requiring the department 65 to adopt rules; providing an effective date. 66 67 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 68 69 Section 1. Section 380.0939, Florida Statutes, is created 70 to read: 71 380.0939 The Blue Communities Program.— 72 (1) For purposes of this section, the term: 73 (a) “Coastal waters” has the same meaning as in s. 373.019. 74 (b) “Department” means the Department of Environmental 75 Protection. 76 (c) “Eutrophication” means a condition of coastal or fresh 77 waters that have elevated nutrient concentrations which cause a 78 dense growth of plant life and death of animal life from lack of 79 oxygen. 80 (d) “Nutrient pollution” means excess amounts of nutrients 81 from point and nonpoint sources which can lead to 82 eutrophication. 83 (e) “Program” means the Blue Communities Program created 84 under this section. 85 (f) “Watershed” has the same meaning as in s. 373.403(12). 86 (2)(a) The Blue Communities Program is established within 87 the department to incentivize local action to reduce nutrient 88 pollution and ocean acidification in the ocean, coastal waters, 89 fresh waters, and watersheds. The program shall provide 90 technical and financial assistance, in the form of grants and 91 loans, to local governments that qualify as blue communities 92 under this section. 93 (b) The department may delegate certain initiatives within 94 the program to departments, divisions, or offices. The 95 department may also integrate certain initiatives within the 96 program with existing programs, including the total maximum 97 daily load program as set forth in s. 403.067. 98 (3) To qualify as a blue community, a local government 99 must: 100 (a) File an application with the department in a form and 101 manner prescribed by the department. 102 (b) Adopt at least five of the following initiatives: 103 1. A liquid hazardous waste program which advertises 104 detergents, cleaning products, and other hazardous or nutrient 105 dense liquids that cannot safely be thrown away, flushed, or 106 poured down drains, and annually collects and properly disposes 107 of such liquids. 108 2. A model groundwater protection regulation proposed by 109 the applicable water management district that limits the total 110 area of land covered by impervious surfaces to reduce runoff, 111 particularly in areas closest to coastal waters. 112 3. A water conservation ordinance as set forth in s. 113 166.048. 114 4. An ordinance contained within the “Florida-Friendly 115 Landscape Guidance Models for Ordinances, Covenants, and 116 Restrictions” manual developed by the department. 117 5. A shell collection system for local businesses to return 118 carbonate-containing shells to the ocean. 119 6. A shellfish or seagrass regenerative ocean farming 120 operation or shellfish or seagrass restoration project which is 121 consistent with work conducted by the Seagrass Restoration 122 Technology Development Initiative. 123 7. A water quality monitoring system for waterbodies for 124 which total maximum daily loads have not been established that 125 includes monitoring levels of pH, phosphorus, and nitrogen. 126 8. A plan to eliminate municipal-owned sanitary sewer or 127 combined sewer overflows. 128 9. A stormwater utility program to fund upgrades to 129 stormwater infrastructure as set forth in s. 403.0893. 130 (c) Develop a blue community plan that prioritizes 131 implementation in environmental justice communities and outlines 132 specific metrics for each implemented initiative. 133 (d) Report the expenditures and results of the blue 134 community plan to the Executive Office of the Governor and the 135 applicable committees of the Legislature every 2 years after the 136 date the application is approved by the department. 137 (4) The department shall establish the Blue Communities 138 Fund, which shall be used to finance the program and all or a 139 portion of the costs of studying, designing, constructing, and 140 implementing ocean acidification mitigation programs. The 141 department may integrate this fund with other similar funds. 142 Funds shall be appropriated annually by the state and include, 143 among other sources, moneys obtained from: 144 (a) The Land Acquisition Trust Fund. 145 (b) The sales tax on fertilizers. 146 (c) Other sources of revenue related to carbon reduction, 147 the fishing industry, and environmental protection. 148 (5) The department must provide administration and 149 oversight to the program, including by: 150 (a) Adopting rules and guidelines for the administration 151 and enforcement of this section, including establishing 152 applicant criteria, detailing operations and requirements of the 153 structure in paragraph (b), funding priority, and application 154 forms and procedures. 155 (b) Adopting a structure for communities to receive funding 156 that provides greater amounts of funding to communities that 157 adopt a greater number of initiatives. 158 (c) Submitting an annual report by September 1 to the 159 President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of 160 Representatives, and the chairs of the appropriations committees 161 of the Legislature detailing expenditures and results relative 162 to the program. 163 Section 2. Section 380.245, Florida Statutes, is created, 164 to read: 165 380.245 Ocean state climate adaptation and resilience.— 166 (1) This section may be cited as the “Ocean State Climate 167 Adaptation and Resilience Act.” 168 (2) For purposes of this section, the term: 169 (a) “Adaptation and resilience projects” or “projects” 170 means those projects on public land that protect or enhance 171 coastal or riverine habitats to address climate change impacts. 172 Adaptation and resilience projects include projects that reduce 173 the vulnerability of low-lying infrastructure on public land 174 through measures that include removal and relocation of 175 infrastructure, restoration of river and stream floodplains, 176 including the regrading of banks, revegetation, acquisition of 177 that area of land necessary to maintain and preserve public 178 access, and redesigning, resizing, and replacing culverts and 179 bridge spans at existing wetland crossings. 180 (b) “Climate change impacts” means and includes, but is not 181 limited to, flooding, erosion, sea-level rise, and storm surge. 182 (c) “Council” means the Florida Oceans and Coastal Council 183 created under chapter 161. 184 (d) “Department” means the Department of Environmental 185 Protection. 186 (e) “Director” means the director of the Division of Water 187 Resource Management. 188 (f) “Infrastructure” means roads, parking lots, and other 189 paved surfaces, shoreline protection structures, buildings, 190 water control structures, culverts, other structures, and 191 remnants of development. 192 (g) “Public lands” has the same meaning as in s. 317.0003. 193 (h) “Shoreline protection structures” means revetments, 194 bulkheads, seawalls and floodwalls, breakwaters, jetties, and 195 other structures, the purpose or effect of which is to control 196 the erosion of coastal or river features, and includes any sheet 197 pile, concrete, or stone walls. 198 (3) An advisory board is established to consist of four 199 members, as follows: 200 (a) One member shall be the Secretary of Environmental 201 Protection or his or her designee. 202 (b) One member shall be the director or his or her 203 designee. 204 (c) One member shall be the director of the relevant state 205 planning unit within the Department of Commerce or his or her 206 designee. 207 (d) One member shall be the director of the Division of 208 Emergency Management or his or her designee. 209 (4)(a) There is established the Ocean State Climate 210 Adaptation and Resilience Grant Fund (“OSCAR Grant Fund”) within 211 the department. 212 (b) The OSCAR Grant Fund shall consist of: 213 1. Appropriations from the Legislature. 214 2. Funding received from federal, state, or other sources, 215 including bond funds, for the purposes of the grant fund. 216 3. Funding received from any private donor for the OSCAR 217 Grant Fund. 218 4. Any interest earned on the OSCAR Grant Fund. 219 (c) The OSCAR Grant Fund shall be used to carry out the 220 purposes of this section, as follows: 221 1. The administrative expenses required to carry out the 222 activities of the program as described in this section may not 223 exceed $50,000 each for the council and the department annually, 224 which sum may not include the cost of issuing bonds or notes, if 225 any. The department and the council must submit annual budget 226 requests for their administrative and implementation costs of 227 the program to the Legislature. 228 2. The planning, design, engineering, construction, and 229 monitoring of projects which must be approved by the department 230 and the council upon recommendation of the advisory board. Only 231 grants approved through the process established by the 232 department and the council are eligible for funding under this 233 section. Subject to the availability of funds in the grant fund, 234 the Legislative Budget Commission shall award funding upon 235 receipt of written approval of the department and the council. 236 (d) Factors to be taken into consideration by the advisory 237 board in determining the eligibility of projects for financial 238 assistance and in prioritizing the selection of projects must 239 include: 240 1. Consistency with the following, if applicable: 241 a. The council’s most recent projections for sea-level 242 rise. 243 b. A coastal habitat restoration strategy. 244 c. Consistency with the applicable best management 245 practices plan. 246 d. Other applicable state and federal laws. 247 2. The ability and authority of the applicant to carry out 248 and properly maintain the project. 249 3. Whether the project will enhance public access to public 250 land. 251 4. The severity to, or the risk or extent of, 252 infrastructure degradation on public land. 253 5. The extent of the use by the public of the public land. 254 6. The proposed milestones to ensure that the project is 255 completed as designed and approved. 256 7. Whether the adaptation and resilience project can also 257 be shown to create or replace habitat losses that benefit fish 258 and wildlife resources. 259 8. Potential water quality improvements. 260 9. Potential improvements to fish and wildlife habitats for 261 rare or endangered species under the federal Endangered Species 262 Act, 16 U.S.C. s. 1531 et seq. 263 10. The level and extent of collaboration with partners 264 such as other municipalities, counties, nongovernmental 265 organizations, watershed councils, and federal agencies. 266 11. Overall potential benefits to the public and estimated 267 timeframe for the public to realize such benefits. 268 (5)(a) The OSCAR Grant Fund shall be used solely for 269 adaptation and resilience projects as set forth in this section. 270 (b) The grant fund may not be used for: 271 1. Mitigating any current, planned, or future projects that 272 degrade, fill, or otherwise destroy coastal, estuarine, or 273 riverine habitats. 274 2. Fulfilling any liability for restoration required by any 275 local, state, or federal agency pursuant to an environmental or 276 a public health enforcement action. 277 3. With the exception of culverts, elevating, repairing, or 278 replacing infrastructure, or constructing new infrastructure, in 279 its existing location that is experiencing climate change 280 impacts. 281 4. Constructing new, or repairing existing, shoreline 282 protection structures; provided, however, that existing 283 shoreline protection structures on public parks may be repaired. 284 5. Constructing roads or bridges. 285 (6)(a) The department and the council shall establish and 286 execute a process, at least annually, for the solicitation, 287 evaluation, and award of grant funds for projects that meet the 288 requirements in this section. The department and the council 289 shall forward their respective written notification of approval 290 of a project application to the Legislative Budget Commission. 291 (b) The department and the council shall jointly submit a 292 report to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the 293 House of Representatives no later than the 10th day following 294 the convening of each regular session. The report shall include 295 the following: 296 1. The amount of grant funds awarded during the preceding 297 fiscal year. 298 2. A brief summary of the projects that received funding 299 and a timeline of implementation of such projects. 300 3. Any other information requested by the Legislature. 301 (7) The council and the department shall adopt rules 302 necessary to administer and enforce this section. 303 Section 3. Section 377.8061, Florida Statutes, is created, 304 to read: 305 377.8061 Carbon sequestration; council creation; duties; 306 report.— 307 (1) This section may be cited as the “Florida Carbon 308 Sequestration Act.” 309 (2) The Legislature finds that: 310 (a) Increasing levels of carbon dioxide and other 311 greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have led to a growing 312 interest in national and international forums for implementing 313 measures to slow and reverse the buildup of such atmospheric 314 constituents. These measures may include the establishment of 315 systems of trading in credits for the adoption of practices, 316 technologies, or other measures which decrease net emissions of 317 carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. 318 (b) Improved agricultural production methods, soil 319 conservation practices, and other methods of stewardship of soil 320 resources have great potential to increase carbon sequestration 321 on agricultural lands and help offset carbon dioxide emissions 322 from other sectors of the economy. 323 (c) It is in the interest of agricultural producers and the 324 public in general that the Department of Agriculture and 325 Consumer Services document and quantify carbon sequestration and 326 greenhouse emissions reductions associated with agricultural 327 practices, management systems, and land uses occurring on 328 agricultural lands in this state. 329 (d) Efforts to quantify and verify carbon sequestration on 330 agricultural land will enhance the ability of the state’s 331 agricultural landowners to participate in any system of carbon 332 or greenhouse emissions marketing or trading. 333 (3)(a) There is created the Carbon Sequestration Advisory 334 Council, an advisory council as defined in s. 20.03, is 335 established within the department. The council shall consist of 336 the following members appointed by the Governor: 337 1. The Commissioner of Agriculture or his or her designee. 338 2. The Secretary of Environmental Protection or his or her 339 designee. 340 3. The executive director of the Fish and Wildlife 341 Conservation Commission or his or her designee. 342 4. One member representing the Natural Resources 343 Conservation Service of the United States Department of 344 Agriculture. 345 5. One member representing Florida State University. 346 6. One member representing the Florida Energy Systems 347 Consortium. 348 7. One member representing an entity which generates 349 electrical energy. 350 8. Two members who are producers of field crops, at least 351 one of whom actively employs a minimum tillage management system 352 in his or her farming operation. 353 9. Two members who are producers of livestock, at least one 354 of whom is actively involved in range management. 355 10. One member with expertise in greenhouse emissions 356 marketing or trading. 357 11. One member representing natural resources districts. 358 12. One member representing the ethanol industry. 359 (b) Members of the council shall serve without compensation 360 but shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses 361 as provided by law. 362 (c) The department shall provide meeting space, staffing, 363 and other assistance to the council. 364 (4) The council shall: 365 (a) Advise and assist the department in conducting the 366 assessment and preparing any reports required by this section. 367 (b) Recommend policies or programs to enhance the ability 368 of agricultural landowners to participate in systems of carbon 369 trading. Such recommendations shall include potential policies 370 or programs designed to optimize economic benefits to 371 agricultural producers participating in carbon trading 372 transactions. Such policies or programs may include identifying 373 existing, or the potential of creating, nonprofit organizations 374 or other public or private entities capable of serving as 375 assemblers of carbon credits or as intermediaries on behalf of 376 producers in carbon trading systems. 377 (c) Encourage the production of educational and advisory 378 materials regarding carbon sequestration on agricultural lands 379 and participation in systems of carbon or greenhouse emissions 380 trading. 381 (d) Identify and recommend areas of research needed to 382 better understand and quantify the processes of carbon 383 sequestration on agricultural lands. 384 (5)(a) On or before December 1, 2025, the department, in 385 consultation with the Carbon Sequestration Advisory Council, 386 shall submit a report to the Legislature. 387 (b) The report shall include all of the following: 388 1. The potential for, and the potential forms of, 389 greenhouse emissions regulation. 390 2. The potential for development of a system or systems of 391 carbon emissions trading or markets for carbon sequestered on 392 agricultural land. 393 3. Agricultural practices, management systems, or land uses 394 which increase stored soil carbon and minimize carbon dioxide or 395 other greenhouse emissions associated with agricultural 396 production. 397 4. Methods for measuring and modeling net carbon 398 sequestration and greenhouse emissions reduction associated with 399 various agricultural practices, management systems, or land uses 400 occurring on agricultural land. 401 5. Areas of scientific uncertainty with respect to 402 quantifying and understanding greenhouse emission reductions or 403 soil carbon sequestration associated with agricultural 404 activities. 405 6. Any recommendations of the advisory council developed 406 pursuant to this section. 407 (6)(a) The department shall, in consultation with the 408 Carbon Sequestration Advisory Council and taking into account 409 the report submitted under subsection (5), assess agricultural 410 lands for past carbon sequestration and future carbon 411 sequestration potential. The assessment shall seek to quantify 412 carbon sequestration associated with various agricultural 413 practices, management systems, and land uses occurring on 414 agricultural lands. 415 (b) On or before July 1, 2026, the department shall publish 416 a report of its findings. The department may, from time to time, 417 update such findings as advancements in understanding of the 418 processes of carbon sequestration as new data becomes available. 419 (c) The assessment shall be conducted in a manner that 420 provides a means for owners of agricultural land to estimate 421 past and future net carbon sequestration resulting from 422 agricultural practices, conservation measures, management 423 systems, and land uses occurring on their property. 424 (d) The department may contract with the Natural Resources 425 Conservation Service of the United States Department of 426 Agriculture to conduct assessment activities required in this 427 section. 428 (e) The department may apply for and accept grants, gifts, 429 or other sources of public and private funds to carry out the 430 purposes of this section. 431 (7) The Carbon Sequestration Assessment Cash Account is 432 created within the Land Acquisition Trust Fund within the 433 department and used to carry out the purposes of this section. 434 The Chief Financial Officer shall credit to the cash account any 435 money appropriated to the fund by the Legislature and any money 436 received as gifts, grants, or other contributions from public or 437 private sources obtained for the purposes of implementing this 438 section. 439 Section 4. Section 379.27, Florida Statutes, is created, to 440 read: 441 379.27 Ocean stewardship; purposes; funding.— 442 (1)(a) The Legislature finds that Florida’s ocean waters 443 and its marine resources are some of the state’s most 444 ecologically, economically, and culturally valuable 445 environmental assets. 446 (b) The Legislature further finds that the increasing 447 popularity of marine ecotourism requires greater measures to 448 ensure the continued health of marine ecosystems. The broad 449 range of recently documented anthropogenic impacts on coral reef 450 health, including coral bleaching, vessel groundings, anchoring 451 and mooring, diving activities, poaching, land- and water-based 452 pollutant discharges, and other direct and indirect uses of the 453 state’s coral reefs, indicate that the state may need a more 454 consistent and reliable source of funding to manage, protect, 455 and restore its marine resources. A sustainable funding source 456 is especially critical to create a cohesive network of nearshore 457 marine managed areas that benefits fisheries and ecosystem 458 resilience. 459 (2) The purpose of this section is to establish the Ocean 460 Stewardship Special Account for the collection and use of moneys 461 for the conservation, restoration, and enhancement of the 462 state’s marine resources, and to authorize the Fish and Wildlife 463 Conservation Commission to collect fees for the use and 464 enjoyment of the state’s ocean resources. 465 (3)(a) There is established the Ocean Stewardship Special 466 Account within the Land Acquisition Trust Fund to be 467 administered by the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 468 (b) The following shall be deposited into the Ocean 469 Stewardship Special Account: 470 1. Moneys collected as user fees pursuant to subsection 471 (7). 472 2. Revenues due to the state from leases of any lands, 473 facilities, equipment, and other property owned by the 474 Department of Environmental Protection and used for or dedicated 475 to the management, research, restoration, or enhancement of 476 aquatic resources. 477 3. Moneys collected for the purposes of compensatory 478 mitigation from federal- or state-permitted impacts to the 479 marine environment. 480 4. Grants, awards, donations, gifts, transfers, or money 481 derived from private or public sources, except: 482 a. Monetary contributions or moneys collected from the sale 483 of nonmonetary gifts to benefit sport fish or sport fishing. 484 b. Monetary contributions or moneys collected from the sale 485 of nonmonetary gifts to benefit aquatic life used for commercial 486 purposes or fishing for commercial purposes. 487 5. Moneys derived from interest or dividends on the account 488 or other income from any source provided in this section. 489 (4) The account shall be used to: 490 (a) Develop and carry out marine resource conservation, 491 restoration, enhancement, research, regulatory measures, 492 enforcement actions, educational activities, or any other 493 management measure intended to conserve, restore, and enhance 494 marine resources under the jurisdiction of the state. 495 (b) Develop and carry out restoration and compensatory 496 mitigation measures for impacts to the marine environment, 497 including impacts to the marine environment from federal- or 498 state-permitted actions. 499 (c) Install, maintain, and replace day use mooring buoys 500 and other infrastructure to reduce impacts to the marine 501 ecosystem. 502 (5)(a) The Ocean Stewardship Special Account shall be held 503 separate and apart from all other moneys, funds, and accounts in 504 the department, provided that any moneys received from the 505 Federal Government, through federal programs, or from private 506 contributions shall be deposited and accounted for in accordance 507 with conditions established by the agency or private entity from 508 which the moneys were received. Any balance remaining in the 509 account at the end of any fiscal year shall be carried forward 510 in the account for the next fiscal year. 511 (b) The proceeds of the Ocean Stewardship Special Account 512 may not be used as security for, or pledged to the payment of 513 principal or interest on, any bonds or instruments of 514 indebtedness. 515 (c) This section does not prohibit the use of general funds 516 or the funds of other programs and activities to implement or 517 enforce other laws to manage and conserve the state’s ocean 518 waters and resources. 519 (6)(a) All owners of commercial vessels that are required 520 to be registered and all operators of watercraft or water sports 521 equipment who rent watercraft or water sports equipment shall 522 collect an ocean stewardship user fee from each passenger 523 carried or customer who rents watercraft or water sports 524 equipment. 525 (b) The ocean stewardship user fee shall be $1 per 526 passenger or customer and shall be adjusted every 5 years to 527 match changes in the Consumer Price Index in the Miami area as 528 reported by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, 529 provided that the fee may not be adjusted more than 10 percent 530 every 5 years. 531 (c) All fees collected pursuant to this subsection shall be 532 transferred to the department on a monthly basis and shall be 533 deposited into the Ocean Stewardship Special Account for use as 534 specified in this section. 535 (7) The department shall adopt rules to implement this 536 section. 537 Section 5. This act shall take effect July 1, 2024.