Florida Senate - 2024 Committee Amendment
SPB2500 AED 5
The Committee on Appropriations (Avila) recommended the following
Section: 02 EXPLANATION:
On Page: 013 Provides $350,000 in nonrecurring general revenue
funds for Keiser University - Increasing Access to
Spec App: 57 Nursing Education: Mobile & Campus Clinical
Simulation Labs (SF 2196). Reduces funding by the
same amount from the University of Miami - Medical
Training and Simulation Laboratory (SF 1686).
NET IMPACT ON: Total Funds General Revenue Trust Funds
Recurring - 0 0 0
Non-Recurring - 0 0 0
Positions & Amount Positions & Amount
Program: Private Colleges And
Universities 48190000
In Section 02 On Page 013
57 Special Categories 100842
Grants And Aids - Medical Training And
Simulation Laboratory IOEB
1000 General Revenue Fund 3,850,000 3,500,000
CA -350,000 FSI1NR -350,000
Following Specific Appropriation 57, DELETE:
From the funds in Specific Appropriation 57, $3,500,000 in recurring
funds and $350,000 in nonrecurring funds are appropriated for a base
appropriations project for the University of Miami Medical Training and
Simulation Laboratory (SF 1686).
From the funds in Specific Appropriation 57, $3,500,000 in recurring
funds is appropriated for a base appropriations project for the
University of Miami Medical Training and Simulation Laboratory.
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In Section 02 On Page 014
59 Special Categories 102130
Grants And Aids - Private Colleges And
Universities IOEB
1000 General Revenue Fund 6,955,422 7,305,422
CA 350,000 FSI1NR 350,000
Keiser University - Increasing Access to Nursing Education:
Mobile & Campus Clinical Simulation Labs (SF 2196)..........350,000
995063 Log:0030 HRG/HRG 01/30/24 02:20:30 AM Senate Page: 2