Florida Senate - 2024 (PROPOSED BILL) SPB 2512 FOR CONSIDERATION By the Committee on Appropriations 576-02320-24 20242512pb 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to correctional facilities capital 3 improvement; creating s. 944.751, F.S.; providing 4 legislative intent; requiring the deposit of 5 appropriated funds and any net proceeds from the sale 6 of bonds issued under the act into the Correctional 7 Facilities Capital Improvement Trust Fund; requiring 8 that such funds be used for specified purposes; 9 requiring the Department of Corrections to include 10 recommendations for the use of such funds in its 11 annual legislative budget requests; requiring the 12 department to contract with a construction management 13 entity for projects exceeding a certain dollar amount; 14 authorizing the Division of Bond Finance of the State 15 Board of Administration to issue bonds for specified 16 purposes; prohibiting the issuance of such bonds 17 unless certain conditions are met, with an exception; 18 creating a financing oversight committee consisting of 19 specified persons for a specified purpose; requiring 20 that the committee make a certain recommendation; 21 providing a contingent effective date. 22 23 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 24 25 Section 1. Section 944.751, Florida Statutes, is created to 26 read: 27 944.751 Correctional facilities capital improvement.— 28 (1) LEGISLATIVE INTENT.—The Legislature recognizes the 29 critical fixed capital outlay needs of the department. 30 Therefore, it is the intent of the Legislature to provide 31 funding through cash payments or proceeds of bonds distributed 32 under this section to address these needs. 33 (2) DEPOSIT OF FUNDS.— 34 (a) Beginning in the 2024-2025 fiscal year, and each fiscal 35 year through the 2054-2055 fiscal year, the sum of $100 million 36 is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund and shall be 37 transferred by the Chief Financial Officer by July 1 of each 38 fiscal year to the Correctional Facilities Capital Improvement 39 Trust Fund. 40 (b) Additionally, any proceeds from the sale of bonds 41 issued pursuant to this section, less the costs of issuance and 42 other costs with respect to the bonds, must be deposited into 43 the Correctional Facilities Capital Improvement Trust Fund and 44 used in accordance with this section. 45 (3) USE OF FUNDS.—Amounts available in the trust fund must 46 be used each fiscal year in the following order of priority: 47 (a) First, for the payment of debt service or funding of 48 debt service reserve funds, rebate obligations, or other amounts 49 payable with respect to bonds issued pursuant to this section; 50 and 51 (b) Then, to address the department’s critical facility 52 needs, including, but not limited to, the construction of new 53 facilities or the maintenance and repair of existing facilities 54 of the department as appropriated in the General Appropriations 55 Act. 56 (4) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS.— 57 (a) The department shall include recommendations for the 58 use of funds in its annual legislative budget request. 59 (b) For any project costing more than $5 million, the 60 department shall contract with a construction management entity 61 that will be responsible for scheduling and coordinating both 62 the design and construction phases of the project. 63 (5) BONDING AUTHORITY.— 64 (a) The Division of Bond Finance of the State Board of 65 Administration is authorized to issue bonds to finance the cost 66 of constructing new correctional facilities or expanding 67 existing correctional facilities. 68 (b) Bonds issued pursuant to this section are payable from 69 the funds appropriated and transferred pursuant to this section. 70 (c) The department shall request that the Division of Bond 71 Finance issue bonds authorized by this section in accordance 72 with the General Appropriations Act. The Division of Bond 73 Finance shall issue such bonds pursuant to the State Bond Act. 74 (d) Except for bonds issued to refund previously issued 75 bonds, no series of bonds may be issued pursuant to this section 76 unless such bonds are approved and the debt service for the 77 remainder of the fiscal year in which the bonds are issued is 78 specifically appropriated in the General Appropriations Act. 79 (6) FINANCING OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE.—To ensure that the 80 funds, including any bond proceeds, are spent in an efficient 81 and responsible manner, a financing oversight committee is 82 created. 83 (a) The committee must include a representative from the 84 Senate, the House of Representatives, the Office of Policy and 85 Budget in the Executive Office of the Governor, the department, 86 and the Division of Bond Finance. 87 (b) The committee shall recommend the most cost-beneficial 88 and effective financing methods to meet the capital facility 89 needs of the department. 90 Section 2. This act shall take effect on the same date that 91 SB 2510 or similar legislation takes effect, if such legislation 92 is adopted in the same legislative session or an extension 93 thereof and becomes a law.