CS for SB 7004 First Engrossed
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to deregulation of public
3 schools/assessment and accountability, instruction,
4 and education choice; amending s. 1002.31, F.S.;
5 revising how often a school district or charter school
6 must update its school capacity determination;
7 deleting a requirement relating to school capacity
8 determination by district school boards; amending s.
9 1002.3105, F.S.; deleting a requirement that a
10 performance contract be completed if a student
11 participates in an Academically Challenging Curriculum
12 to Enhance Learning option; providing that a
13 performance contract may be used at the discretion of
14 the principal; repealing s. 1002.311, F.S., relating
15 to single-gender programs; amending s. 1002.34, F.S.;
16 deleting a requirement for the Commissioner of
17 Education to provide for an annual comparative
18 evaluation of charter technical career centers and
19 public technical centers; amending s. 1002.45, F.S.;
20 deleting the requirement that a notification to
21 parents regarding virtual instruction be written;
22 providing construction; amending s. 1002.53, F.S.;
23 deleting a requirement for a school district to
24 provide for admission of certain students to a summer
25 prekindergarten program; amending s. 1002.61, F.S.;
26 authorizing, rather than requiring, a school district
27 to administer the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education
28 Program; providing that a student is eligible for
29 summer reading camp under certain conditions; amending
30 s. 1002.63, F.S.; deleting a requirement for an early
31 learning coalition to verify that certain public
32 schools comply with specified provisions; amending s.
33 1002.71, F.S.; deleting a requirement for school
34 district funding for certain programs; deleting a
35 requirement for district school board attendance
36 policies for Voluntary Prekindergarten Education
37 Programs; requiring a school district to certify its
38 attendance records for a Voluntary Prekindergarten
39 Education Program; amending s. 1003.4282, F.S.;
40 revising requirements for assessments needed for a
41 student to earn a high school diploma; deleting a
42 requirement for a student who transfers into a public
43 high school to take specified assessments; revising
44 the courses for which the transferring course final
45 grade must be honored for a transfer student under
46 certain conditions; amending s. 1003.433, F.S.;
47 deleting requirements that must be met by students who
48 transfer to a public school for 11th or 12th grade;
49 amending s. 1003.435, F.S.; deleting an exception for
50 the high school equivalency diploma program; requiring
51 school districts to adopt a policy that allows
52 specified students to take the high school equivalency
53 examination; amending s. 1003.4935, F.S.; deleting a
54 requirement that the Department of Education collect
55 and report certain data relating to a middle school
56 career and professional academy or career-themed
57 course; repealing s. 1003.4995, F.S., relating to the
58 fine arts report prepared by the Commissioner of
59 Education; repealing s. 1003.4996, F.S., relating to
60 the Competency-Based Education Pilot Program; amending
61 s. 1003.49965, F.S.; authorizing, rather than
62 requiring, a school district to hold an Art in the
63 Capitol Competition; amending s. 1003.51, F.S.;
64 deleting a requirement regarding assessment procedures
65 for Department of Juvenile Justice education programs;
66 revising requirements for which assessment results
67 must be included in a student’s discharge packet;
68 revising requirements for when a district school board
69 must face sanctions for unsatisfactory performance in
70 its Department of Juvenile Justice programs; amending
71 s. 1003.621, F.S.; deleting a requirement for
72 academically high-performing school districts to
73 submit an annual report to the State Board of
74 Education and the Legislature; amending s. 1006.28,
75 F.S.; revising the definition of the term “adequate
76 instructional materials”; revising a timeframe
77 requirement for each district school superintendent to
78 notify the department about instructional materials;
79 deleting a requirement for such notification;
80 authorizing, rather than requiring, a school principal
81 to collect the purchase price of instructional
82 materials lost, destroyed, or damaged by a student;
83 amending s. 1006.283, F.S.; revising a timeframe
84 requirement for a district school superintendent to
85 certify to the Department of Education that
86 instructional materials are aligned with state
87 standards; amending s. 1006.33, F.S.; requiring the
88 Department of Education to advertise bids or proposals
89 for instructional materials within a specified
90 timeframe beginning in a specified instructional
91 materials adoption cycle; requiring the department to
92 publish specifications for subject areas within a
93 specified timeframe; amending s. 1006.34, F.S.;
94 requiring the commissioner to publish a list of
95 adopted instructional materials within a specified
96 timeframe beginning in a specified instructional
97 materials adoption cycle; amending s. 1006.40, F.S.;
98 authorizing district school boards to approve an
99 exemption to the purchase of certain instructional
100 materials; revising the timeframe between purchases of
101 instructional materials; amending s. 1008.212, F.S.;
102 providing that certain assessments are not subject to
103 specified requirements; amending s. 1008.22, F.S.;
104 deleting a requirement that a student pass a certain
105 assessment to earn a high school diploma; deleting
106 requirements relating to a uniform calendar that must
107 be published by the commissioner each year; revising a
108 time requirement for each school district to establish
109 schedules for the administration of statewide,
110 standardized assessments; revising the information
111 that must be included with the schedules; conforming
112 provisions to changes made by the act; deleting a
113 requirement for the commissioner to identify which SAT
114 and ACT scores would satisfy graduation requirements;
115 deleting a requirement for the commissioner to
116 identify comparative scores for the Algebra I end-of-
117 course assessment; amending s. 1008.25, F.S.; revising
118 the criteria for the student progression plan to
119 include instructional support for students referred
120 from a specified program; requiring school districts
121 to specify retention requirements for students in
122 kindergarten through grade 2; requiring that the plan
123 incorporate specified parental notification
124 requirements, include an opportunity for parental
125 input on the retention decision, and include certain
126 information; requiring district school boards to
127 include the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education
128 Program in a certain allocation of resources;
129 requiring that the individualized progress monitoring
130 plan for specified students be developed within a
131 specified timeframe; providing conditions for parents
132 to request supports for students identified as having
133 a substantial deficiency in reading or mathematics;
134 requiring the department to adopt additional
135 alternative assessments for good cause promotion;
136 requiring two administrations of the coordinated
137 screening and progress monitoring system for students
138 in a summer prekindergarten program; conforming cross
139 references; amending s. 1008.33, F.S.; prohibiting a
140 school from being required to use a certain parameter
141 as the sole determining factor to recruit
142 instructional personnel; providing requirements for a
143 rule adopted by the State Board of Education; revising
144 the date by which a school district must submit a
145 memorandum of understanding to the Department of
146 Education; increasing the length of time for which
147 certain school districts must continue a turnaround
148 plan; revising an authorization for the state board to
149 allow a school additional time before implementing a
150 turnaround option; revising requirements for schools
151 that complete a plan cycle; providing additional
152 options for a school that completes a plan cycle but
153 does not meet certain requirements; providing that
154 implementation of a turnaround option is not required
155 under certain conditions; amending s. 1008.332, F.S.;
156 revising a provision of the No Child Left Behind Act
157 to conform to the Every Student Succeeds Act; deleting
158 a requirement for certain committee members to
159 annually report to specified entities; amending s.
160 1008.34, F.S.; requiring that certain changes made by
161 the state board to the school grades model or school
162 grading scale go into effect in the following school
163 year or later; conforming cross-references; amending
164 s. 1008.345, F.S.; deleting a requirement for the
165 Department of Education to develop an annual feedback
166 report; deleting a requirement for the Commissioner of
167 Education to review specified feedback reports and
168 submit findings to the State Board of Education;
169 deleting certain requirements for a report the
170 commissioner produces annually for the state board;
171 conforming a cross-reference; amending s. 1000.05,
172 F.S.; conforming cross-references; providing effective
173 dates.
175 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
177 Section 1. Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section
178 1002.31, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
179 1002.31 Controlled open enrollment; public school parental
180 choice.—
181 (2)
182 (b) Each school district and charter school capacity
183 determinations for its schools, by grade level, must be updated
184 at least twice annually every 12 weeks and be identified on the
185 school district and charter school’s websites. In determining
186 the capacity of each district school, the district school board
187 shall incorporate the specifications, plans, elements, and
188 commitments contained in the school district educational
189 facilities plan and the long-term work programs required under
190 s. 1013.35. Each charter school governing board shall determine
191 capacity based upon its charter school contract. Each virtual
192 charter school and each school district with a contract with an
193 approved virtual instruction program provider shall determine
194 capacity based upon the enrollment requirements established
195 under s. 1002.45(1)(e)4.
196 Section 2. Paragraphs (c) and (d) of subsection (4) of
197 section 1002.3105, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
198 1002.3105 Academically Challenging Curriculum to Enhance
199 Learning (ACCEL) options.—
201 (c) If a student participates in an ACCEL option pursuant
202 to the parental request under subparagraph (b)1., a performance
203 contract is not required but may be used at the discretion of
204 the principal must be executed by the student, the parent, and
205 the principal. At a minimum, the performance contract must
206 require compliance with:
207 1. Minimum student attendance requirements.
208 2. Minimum student conduct requirements.
209 3. ACCEL option requirements established by the principal,
210 which may include participation in extracurricular activities,
211 educational outings, field trips, interscholastic competitions,
212 and other activities related to the ACCEL option selected.
213 (d) If a principal initiates a student’s participation in
214 an ACCEL option, the student’s parent must be notified. A
215 performance contract, pursuant to paragraph (c), is not required
216 when a principal initiates participation but may be used at the
217 discretion of the principal.
218 Section 3. Section 1002.311, Florida Statutes, is repealed.
219 Section 4. Subsection (19) of section 1002.34, Florida
220 Statutes, is amended to read:
221 1002.34 Charter technical career centers.—
222 (19) EVALUATION; REPORT.—The Commissioner of Education
223 shall provide for an annual comparative evaluation of charter
224 technical career centers and public technical centers. The
225 evaluation may be conducted in cooperation with the sponsor,
226 through private contracts, or by department staff. At a minimum,
227 the comparative evaluation must address the demographic and
228 socioeconomic characteristics of the students served, the types
229 and costs of services provided, and the outcomes achieved. By
230 December 30 of each year, the Commissioner of Education shall
231 submit to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker
232 of the House of Representatives, and the Senate and House
233 committees that have responsibility for secondary and
234 postsecondary career and technical education a report of the
235 comparative evaluation completed for the previous school year.
236 Section 5. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) and paragraph
237 (d) of subsection (3) of section 1002.45, Florida Statutes, are
238 amended to read:
239 1002.45 Virtual instruction programs.—
240 (1) PROGRAM.—
241 (b)1. Each school district shall provide at least one
242 option for part-time and full-time virtual instruction for
243 students residing within the school district. All school
244 districts must provide parents with timely written notification
245 of at least one open enrollment period for full-time students of
246 90 days or more which ends 30 days before the first day of the
247 school year. A school district virtual instruction program shall
248 consist of the following:
249 a. Full-time and part-time virtual instruction for students
250 enrolled in kindergarten through grade 12.
251 b. Full-time or part-time virtual instruction for students
252 enrolled in dropout prevention and academic intervention
253 programs under s. 1003.53, Department of Juvenile Justice
254 education programs under s. 1003.52, core-curricula courses to
255 meet class size requirements under s. 1003.03, or Florida
256 College System institutions under this section.
257 2. Each virtual instruction program established under
258 paragraph (c) by a school district either directly or through a
259 contract with an approved virtual instruction program provider
260 shall operate under its own Master School Identification Number
261 as prescribed by the department.
263 instruction program under this section must:
264 (d) Provide each full-time student enrolled in the virtual
265 instruction program who qualifies for free or reduced-price
266 school lunches under the National School Lunch Act, or who is on
267 the direct certification list, and who does not have a computer
268 or Internet access in his or her home with:
269 1. All equipment necessary for participants in the virtual
270 instruction program, including, but not limited to, a computer,
271 computer monitor, and printer, if a printer is necessary to
272 participate in the virtual instruction program; and
273 2. Access to or reimbursement for all Internet services
274 necessary for online delivery of instruction.
276 This paragraph does not prohibit a school district virtual
277 instruction program from providing such equipment to any student
278 enrolled in a virtual instruction program.
279 Section 6. Paragraph (b) of subsection (6) of section
280 1002.53, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
281 1002.53 Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program;
282 eligibility and enrollment.—
283 (6)
284 (b) A parent may enroll his or her child with any public
285 school within the school district which is eligible to deliver
286 the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program under this part,
287 subject to available space. Each school district may limit the
288 number of students admitted by any public school for enrollment
289 in the school-year program; however, the school district must
290 provide for the admission of every eligible child within the
291 district whose parent enrolls the child in a summer
292 prekindergarten program delivered by a public school under s.
293 1002.61.
294 Section 7. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) and paragraph
295 (a) of subsection (10) of section 1002.61, Florida Statutes, are
296 amended, and subsection (11) is added to that section, to read:
297 1002.61 Summer prekindergarten program delivered by public
298 schools and private prekindergarten providers.—
299 (1)(a) Each school district may shall administer the
300 Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program at the district
301 level for students enrolled under s. 1002.53(3)(b) in a summer
302 prekindergarten program delivered by a public school.
303 (10)(a) Each early learning coalition shall verify that
304 each private prekindergarten provider and public school
305 delivering the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program
306 within the coalition’s county or multicounty region complies
307 with this part.
308 (11) A student who did not attend the school year Voluntary
309 Prekindergarten Education Program and lacks access to summer
310 prekindergarten in the county in which he or she resides is
311 eligible to enroll in the summer reading camp provided by the
312 district school board under s. 1008.25.
313 Section 8. Subsection (9) of section 1002.63, Florida
314 Statutes, is amended to read:
315 1002.63 School-year prekindergarten program delivered by
316 public schools.—
317 (9)(a) Each early learning coalition shall verify that each
318 public school delivering the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education
319 Program within the coalition’s service area complies with this
320 part.
321 (b) If a public school fails or refuses to comply with this
322 part or engages in misconduct, the department must shall require
323 that the school district to remove the school from eligibility
324 to deliver the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program and
325 receive state funds under this part for a period of at least 2
326 years but no more than 5 years.
327 Section 9. Paragraph (d) of subsection (3), paragraph (b)
328 of subsection (6), and subsection (7) of section 1002.71,
329 Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
330 1002.71 Funding; financial and attendance reporting.—
331 (3)
332 (d) For programs offered by school districts pursuant to s.
333 1002.61, each district’s funding shall be based on a student
334 enrollment that is evenly divisible by 12. If the result of
335 dividing a district’s student enrollment by 12 is not a whole
336 number, the district’s enrollment calculation shall be adjusted
337 by adding the minimum number of students to produce a student
338 enrollment calculation that is evenly divisible by 12.
339 (6)
340 (b)1. Each private prekindergarten provider’s and district
341 school board’s attendance policy must require the parent of each
342 student in the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program to
343 verify, each month, the student’s attendance on the prior
344 month’s certified student attendance.
345 2. The parent must submit the verification of the student’s
346 attendance to the private prekindergarten provider or public
347 school on forms prescribed by the department. The forms must
348 include, in addition to the verification of the student’s
349 attendance, a certification, in substantially the following
350 form, that the parent continues to choose the private
351 prekindergarten provider or public school in accordance with s.
352 1002.53 and directs that payments for the program be made to the
353 provider or school:
358 I, ...(Name of Parent)..., swear (or affirm) that my child,
359 ...(Name of Student)..., attended the Voluntary Prekindergarten
360 Education Program on the days listed above and certify that I
361 continue to choose ...(Name of Provider or School)... to deliver
362 the program for my child and direct that program funds be paid
363 to the provider or school for my child.
364 ...(Signature of Parent)...
365 ...(Date)...
367 3. The private prekindergarten provider or public school
368 must keep each original signed form for at least 2 years. Each
369 private prekindergarten provider must permit the early learning
370 coalition, and each public school must permit the school
371 district, to inspect the original signed forms during normal
372 business hours. The department shall adopt procedures for early
373 learning coalitions and school districts to review the original
374 signed forms against the certified student attendance. The
375 review procedures must shall provide for the use of selective
376 inspection techniques, including, but not limited to, random
377 sampling. Each early learning coalition and the school districts
378 must comply with the review procedures.
379 (7) The department shall require that administrative
380 expenditures be kept to the minimum necessary for efficient and
381 effective administration of the Voluntary Prekindergarten
382 Education Program. Administrative policies and procedures must
383 shall be revised, to the maximum extent practicable, be revised
384 to incorporate the use of automation and electronic submission
385 of forms, including those required for child eligibility and
386 enrollment, provider and class registration, and monthly
387 certification of attendance for payment. A school district may
388 use its automated daily attendance reporting system for the
389 purpose of maintaining and transmitting attendance records to
390 the early learning coalition in a mutually agreed-upon format.
391 Each school district shall certify the correctness of attendance
392 data submitted to the single point of entry system described in
393 paragraph (5)(a) as required by the department. In addition,
394 actions must shall be taken to reduce paperwork, eliminate the
395 duplication of reports, and eliminate other duplicative
396 activities. Each early learning coalition may retain and expend
397 no more than 4.0 percent of the funds paid by the coalition to
398 private prekindergarten providers and public schools under
399 paragraph (5)(b). Funds retained by an early learning coalition
400 under this subsection may be used only for administering the
401 Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program and may not be used
402 for the school readiness program or other programs.
403 Section 10. Effective upon becoming a law, paragraphs (a)
404 and (b) of subsection (3), paragraph (c) of subsection (5), and
405 subsection (6) of section 1003.4282, Florida Statutes, are
406 amended to read:
407 1003.4282 Requirements for a standard high school diploma.—
410 (a) Four credits in English Language Arts (ELA).—The four
411 credits must be in ELA I, II, III, and IV. A student must pass
412 the statewide, standardized grade 10 ELA assessment, or earn a
413 concordant score, in order to earn a standard high school
414 diploma. A student’s performance on the statewide, standardized
415 grade 10 ELA assessment constitutes 30 percent of the student’s
416 final course grade.
417 (b) Four credits in mathematics.—
418 1. A student must earn one credit in Algebra I and one
419 credit in Geometry. A student’s performance on the statewide,
420 standardized Algebra I end-of-course (EOC) assessment
421 constitutes 30 percent of the student’s final course grade. A
422 student must pass the statewide, standardized Algebra I EOC
423 assessment, or earn a comparative score, in order to earn a
424 standard high school diploma. A student’s performance on the
425 statewide, standardized Geometry EOC assessment constitutes 30
426 percent of the student’s final course grade.
427 2. A student who earns an industry certification for which
428 there is a statewide college credit articulation agreement
429 approved by the State Board of Education may substitute the
430 certification for one mathematics credit. Substitution may occur
431 for up to two mathematics credits, except for Algebra I and
432 Geometry. A student may earn two mathematics credits by
433 successfully completing Algebra I through two full-year courses.
434 A certified school counselor or the principal’s designee shall
435 must advise the student that admission to a state university may
436 require the student to earn 3 additional mathematics credits
437 that are at least as rigorous as Algebra I.
438 3. A student who earns a computer science credit may
439 substitute the credit for up to one credit of the mathematics
440 requirement, with the exception of Algebra I and Geometry, if
441 the commissioner identifies the computer science credit as being
442 equivalent in rigor to the mathematics credit. An identified
443 computer science credit may not be used to substitute for both a
444 mathematics and a science credit. A student who earns an
445 industry certification in 3D rapid prototype printing may
446 satisfy up to two credits of the mathematics requirement, with
447 the exception of Algebra I, if the commissioner identifies the
448 certification as being equivalent in rigor to the mathematics
449 credit or credits.
451 (c) A student who earns the required 24 credits, or the
452 required 18 credits under s. 1002.3105(5), but fails to pass the
453 assessments required under s. 1008.22(3) or achieve a 2.0 GPA
454 shall be awarded a certificate of completion in a form
455 prescribed by the State Board of Education. However, a student
456 who is otherwise entitled to a certificate of completion may
457 elect to remain in high school either as a full-time student or
458 a part-time student for up to 1 additional year and receive
459 special instruction designed to remedy his or her identified
460 deficiencies.
462 the 2012-2013 school year, if a student transfers to a Florida
463 public high school from out of country, out of state, a private
464 school, or a home education program and the student’s transcript
465 shows a credit in Algebra I, the student must pass the
466 statewide, standardized Algebra I EOC assessment in order to
467 earn a standard high school diploma unless the student earned a
468 comparative score, passed a statewide assessment in Algebra I
469 administered by the transferring entity, or passed the statewide
470 mathematics assessment the transferring entity uses to satisfy
471 the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act,
472 as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), 20 U.S.C.
473 ss. 6301 et seq. If a student’s transcript shows a credit in
474 high school reading or English Language Arts II or III, in order
475 to earn a standard high school diploma, the student must take
476 and pass the statewide, standardized grade 10 ELA assessment, or
477 earn a concordant score. If a transfer student’s transcript
478 shows a final course grade and course credit in Algebra I,
479 Geometry, Biology I, or United States History, or the equivalent
480 of a grade 10 ELA course, the transferring course final grade
481 and credit must shall be honored without the student taking the
482 requisite statewide, standardized EOC assessment and without the
483 assessment results constituting 30 percent of the student’s
484 final course grade.
485 Section 11. Effective upon becoming a law, section
486 1003.433, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
487 1003.433 Learning opportunities for out-of-state and out
488 of-country transfer students and students needing additional
489 instruction to meet high school graduation requirements.—
490 (1) Students who enter a Florida public school at the 11th
491 or 12th grade from out of state or out of country may shall not
492 be required to spend additional time in a Florida public school
493 in order to meet the high school course requirements if the
494 student has met all requirements of the school district, state,
495 or country from which he or she is transferring. Such students
496 who are not proficient in English should receive immediate and
497 intensive instruction in English language acquisition. However,
498 to receive a standard high school diploma, a transfer student
499 must earn a 2.0 grade point average and meet the requirements
500 under s. 1008.22.
501 (2) Students who earn the required 24 credits for the
502 standard high school diploma except for passage of any must-pass
503 assessment under s. 1003.4282 or s. 1008.22 or an alternate
504 assessment by the end of grade 12 must be provided the following
505 learning opportunities:
506 (a) Participation in an accelerated high school equivalency
507 diploma preparation program during the summer.
508 (b) Upon receipt of a certificate of completion, be allowed
509 to take the College Placement Test and be admitted to
510 developmental education or credit courses at a Florida College
511 System institution, as appropriate.
512 (c) Participation in an adult general education program as
513 provided in s. 1004.93 for such time as the student requires to
514 master English, reading, mathematics, or any other subject
515 required for high school graduation. A student attending an
516 adult general education program shall have the opportunity to
517 take any must-pass assessment under s. 1003.4282 or s. 1008.22
518 an unlimited number of times in order to receive a standard high
519 school diploma.
520 (3) Students who have been enrolled in an ESOL program for
521 less than 2 school years and have met all requirements for the
522 standard high school diploma except for passage of any must-pass
523 assessment under s. 1003.4282 or s. 1008.22 or alternate
524 assessment may:
525 (a) Receive immersion English language instruction during
526 the summer following their senior year. Students receiving such
527 instruction are eligible to take the required assessment or
528 alternate assessment and receive a standard high school diploma
529 upon passage of the required assessment or alternate assessment.
530 This paragraph shall be implemented to the extent funding is
531 provided in the General Appropriations Act.
532 (b) Beginning with the 2022-2023 school year, meet the
533 requirement to pass the statewide, standardized grade 10 English
534 Language Arts assessment by satisfactorily demonstrating grade
535 level expectations on formative assessments, in accordance with
536 state board rule.
537 Section 12. Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section
538 1003.435, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
539 1003.435 High school equivalency diploma program.—
540 (4)(a) A candidate for a high school equivalency diploma
541 must shall be at least 18 years of age on the date of the
542 examination, except that in extraordinary circumstances, as
543 provided for in rules of the district school board of the
544 district in which the candidate resides or attends school, a
545 candidate may take the examination after reaching the age of 16
546 with the written permission of his or her parent or guardian.
547 School districts shall adopt a policy to allow for such written
548 permission by a parent or guardian.
549 Section 13. Subsection (3) of section 1003.4935, Florida
550 Statutes, is amended to read:
551 1003.4935 Middle grades career and professional academy
552 courses and career-themed courses.—
553 (3) Beginning with the 2012-2013 school year, if a school
554 district implements a middle school career and professional
555 academy or a career-themed course, the Department of Education
556 shall collect and report student achievement data pursuant to
557 performance factors identified under s. 1003.492(3) for students
558 enrolled in an academy or a career-themed course.
559 Section 14. Section 1003.4995, Florida Statutes, is
560 repealed.
561 Section 15. Section 1003.4996, Florida Statutes, is
562 repealed.
563 Section 16. Subsection (2) of section 1003.49965, Florida
564 Statutes, is amended to read:
565 1003.49965 Art in the Capitol Competition.—
566 (2) A Each school district may shall annually hold an Art
567 in the Capitol Competition for all public, private, and home
568 education students in grades 6 through 8. Submissions must shall
569 be judged by a selection committee consisting of art teachers
570 whose students have not submitted artwork for consideration.
571 Section 17. Paragraphs (g) and (r) of subsection (2) of
572 section 1003.51, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
573 1003.51 Other public educational services.—
574 (2) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules
575 articulating expectations for effective education programs for
576 students in Department of Juvenile Justice programs, including,
577 but not limited to, education programs in juvenile justice
578 prevention, day treatment, residential, and detention programs.
579 The rule shall establish policies and standards for education
580 programs for students in Department of Juvenile Justice programs
581 and shall include the following:
582 (g) Assessment procedures, which:
583 1. For prevention, day treatment, and residential programs,
584 include appropriate academic and career assessments administered
585 at program entry and exit that are selected by the Department of
586 Education in partnership with representatives from the
587 Department of Juvenile Justice, district school boards, and
588 education providers. Assessments must be completed within the
589 first 10 school days after a student’s entry into the program.
590 2. provide for determination of the areas of academic need
591 and strategies for appropriate intervention and instruction for
592 each student in a detention facility within 5 school days after
593 the student’s entry into the program and administer a research
594 based assessment that will assist the student in determining his
595 or her educational and career options and goals within 22 school
596 days after the student’s entry into the program.
598 The results of the these assessments required under this
599 paragraph and under s. 1003.52(3)(d), together with a portfolio
600 depicting the student’s academic and career accomplishments,
601 must shall be included in the discharge packet assembled for
602 each student.
603 (r) A series of graduated sanctions for district school
604 boards whose educational programs in Department of Juvenile
605 Justice programs are considered to be unsatisfactory and for
606 instances in which district school boards fail to meet standards
607 prescribed by law, rule, or State Board of Education policy.
608 These sanctions must shall include the option of requiring a
609 district school board to contract with a provider or another
610 district school board if the educational program at the
611 Department of Juvenile Justice program is performing below
612 minimum standards and, after 6 months, is still performing below
613 minimum standards.
614 Section 18. Subsection (4) of section 1003.621, Florida
615 Statutes, is amended to read:
616 1003.621 Academically high-performing school districts.—It
617 is the intent of the Legislature to recognize and reward school
618 districts that demonstrate the ability to consistently maintain
619 or improve their high-performing status. The purpose of this
620 section is to provide high-performing school districts with
621 flexibility in meeting the specific requirements in statute and
622 rules of the State Board of Education.
623 (4) REPORTS.—The academically high-performing school
624 district shall submit to the State Board of Education and the
625 Legislature an annual report on December 1 which delineates the
626 performance of the school district relative to the academic
627 performance of students at each grade level in reading, writing,
628 mathematics, science, and any other subject that is included as
629 a part of the statewide assessment program in s. 1008.22. The
630 annual report shall be submitted in a format prescribed by the
631 Department of Education and shall include:
632 (a) Longitudinal performance of students on statewide,
633 standardized assessments taken under s. 1008.22;
634 (b) Longitudinal performance of students by grade level and
635 subgroup on statewide, standardized assessments taken under s.
636 1008.22;
637 (c) Longitudinal performance regarding efforts to close the
638 achievement gap;
639 (d)1. Number and percentage of students who take an
640 Advanced Placement Examination; and
641 2. Longitudinal performance regarding students who take an
642 Advanced Placement Examination by demographic group,
643 specifically by age, gender, race, and Hispanic origin, and by
644 participation in the National School Lunch Program;
645 (e) Evidence of compliance with subsection (1); and
646 (f) A description of each waiver and the status of each
647 waiver.
648 Section 19. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1), paragraph (b)
649 of subsection (3), and paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of
650 section 1006.28, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
651 1006.28 Duties of district school board, district school
652 superintendent; and school principal regarding K-12
653 instructional materials.—
655 (a) As used in this section, the term:
656 1. “Adequate instructional materials” means a sufficient
657 number of student or site licenses or sets of materials that are
658 available in bound, unbound, kit, or package form and may
659 consist of hardbacked or softbacked textbooks, electronic
660 content, consumables, learning laboratories, manipulatives,
661 electronic media, and computer courseware or software that serve
662 as the basis for instruction for each student in the core
663 subject areas of mathematics, language arts, social studies,
664 science, reading, and literature.
665 2. “Instructional materials” has the same meaning as in s.
666 1006.29(2).
667 3. “Library media center” means any collection of books,
668 ebooks, periodicals, or videos maintained and accessible on the
669 site of a school, including in classrooms.
671 (b) Each district school superintendent shall annually
672 notify the department by April 1 of each year the state-adopted
673 instructional materials that will be requisitioned for use in
674 his or her school district. The notification shall include a
675 district school board plan for instructional materials use to
676 assist in determining if adequate instructional materials have
677 been requisitioned.
678 (4) SCHOOL PRINCIPAL.—The school principal has the
679 following duties for the management and care of materials at the
680 school:
681 (b) Money collected for lost or damaged instructional
682 materials; enforcement.—The school principal may shall collect
683 from each student or the student’s parent the purchase price of
684 any instructional material the student has lost, destroyed, or
685 unnecessarily damaged and to report and transmit the money
686 collected to the district school superintendent. The failure to
687 collect such sum upon reasonable effort by the school principal
688 may result in the suspension of the student from participation
689 in extracurricular activities or satisfaction of the debt by the
690 student through community service activities at the school site
691 as determined by the school principal, pursuant to policies
692 adopted by district school board rule.
693 Section 20. Subsection (1) of section 1006.283, Florida
694 Statutes, is amended to read:
695 1006.283 District school board instructional materials
696 review process.—
697 (1) A district school board or consortium of school
698 districts may implement an instructional materials program that
699 includes the review, recommendation, adoption, and purchase of
700 instructional materials. The district school superintendent
701 shall annually certify to the department by March 31 of each
702 year that all instructional materials for core courses used by
703 the district are aligned with applicable state standards. A list
704 of the core instructional materials that will be used or
705 purchased for use by the school district shall be included in
706 the certification.
707 Section 21. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section
708 1006.33, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
709 1006.33 Bids or proposals; advertisement and its contents.—
710 (1)(a)1. Beginning on or before May 15 of any year in which
711 an instructional materials adoption is to be initiated, the
712 department shall advertise in the Florida Administrative
713 Register 4 weeks preceding the date on which the bids shall be
714 received, that at a certain designated time, not later than June
715 15, sealed bids or proposals to be deposited with the department
716 will be received from publishers or manufacturers for the
717 furnishing of instructional materials proposed to be adopted as
718 listed in the advertisement beginning April 1 following the
719 adoption.
720 2. Beginning with the 2026 instructional materials adoption
721 cycle, on or before October 15 of any year and 2 years before
722 any instructional materials adoption period, the department
723 shall advertise in the Florida Administrative Register 4 weeks
724 preceding the date on which the bids must be received that at a
725 certain designated time not later than November 15, sealed bids
726 or proposals to be deposited with the department will be
727 received from publishers or manufacturers for the furnishing of
728 instructional materials proposed to be adopted as listed in the
729 advertisement beginning April 1 following the adoption. The
730 department shall publish its specifications for each subject for
731 which instructional materials are to be adopted a minimum of 180
732 days before the date on which it will place such advertisement.
733 Section 22. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section
734 1006.34, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
735 1006.34 Powers and duties of the commissioner and the
736 department in selecting and adopting instructional materials.—
738 (a) The department shall notify all publishers and
739 manufacturers of instructional materials who have submitted bids
740 that within 3 weeks after the deadline for receiving bids, at a
741 designated time and place, it will open the bids submitted and
742 deposited with it. At the time and place designated, the bids
743 must shall be opened, read, and tabulated in the presence of the
744 bidders or their representatives. No one may revise his or her
745 bid after the bids have been filed. When all bids have been
746 carefully considered, the commissioner shall, from the list of
747 suitable, usable, and desirable instructional materials reported
748 by the state instructional materials reviewers, select and adopt
749 instructional materials for each grade and subject field in the
750 curriculum of public elementary, middle, and high schools in
751 which adoptions are made and in the subject areas designated in
752 the advertisement. Beginning with the 2026 instructional
753 materials adoption cycle, the commissioner shall publish the
754 list of adopted instructional materials not later than July 31
755 of the year preceding the beginning of the adoption period. The
756 adoption must shall continue for the period specified in the
757 advertisement, beginning on the ensuing April 1. The adoption
758 may shall not prevent the extension of a contract as provided in
759 subsection (3). The commissioner shall always reserve the right
760 to reject any and all bids. The commissioner may ask for new
761 sealed bids from publishers or manufacturers whose instructional
762 materials were recommended by the state instructional materials
763 reviewers as suitable, usable, and desirable; specify the dates
764 for filing such bids and the date on which they must shall be
765 opened; and proceed in all matters regarding the opening of bids
766 and the awarding of contracts as required by this part. In all
767 cases, bids must shall be accompanied by a cash deposit or
768 certified check of from $500 to $2,500, as the department may
769 direct. The department shall, in adopting instructional
770 materials, shall give due consideration both to the prices bid
771 for furnishing instructional materials and to the report and
772 recommendations of the state instructional materials reviewers.
773 When the commissioner has finished with the report of the state
774 instructional materials reviewers, the report must shall be
775 filed and preserved with the department and must shall be
776 available at all times for public inspection.
777 Section 23. Subsection (2) of section 1006.40, Florida
778 Statutes, is amended to read:
779 1006.40 Purchase of instructional materials.—
780 (2) Each district school board must purchase current
781 instructional materials to provide students each student in
782 kindergarten through grade 12 with a major tool of instruction
783 in core courses of the subject areas of mathematics, language
784 arts, science, social studies, reading, and literature. If
785 deemed appropriate by the district school board, it may approve
786 an exemption to such purchase for certain courses. Such purchase
787 must be made within the first 5 3 years after the effective date
788 of the adoption cycle unless a district school board or a
789 consortium of school districts has implemented an instructional
790 materials program pursuant to s. 1006.283.
791 Section 24. Subsection (2) of section 1008.212, Florida
792 Statutes, is amended to read:
793 1008.212 Students with disabilities; extraordinary
794 exemption.—
795 (2) A student with a disability for whom the individual
796 education plan (IEP) team determines is prevented by a
797 circumstance or condition from physically demonstrating the
798 mastery of skills that have been acquired and are measured by
799 the statewide standardized assessment, a statewide standardized
800 end-of-course assessment, or an alternate assessment pursuant to
801 s. 1008.22(3)(d) shall be granted an extraordinary exemption
802 from the administration of the assessment. A learning,
803 emotional, behavioral, or significant cognitive disability, or
804 the receipt of services through the homebound or hospitalized
805 program in accordance with rule 6A-6.03020, Florida
806 Administrative Code, is not, in and of itself, an adequate
807 criterion for the granting of an extraordinary exemption. The
808 first two administrations of the coordinated screening and
809 progress monitoring system under s. 1008.25(9) or any alternate
810 assessments used in lieu of such administrations are not subject
811 to the requirements of this section.
812 Section 25. Paragraphs (a) and (d) of subsection (3),
813 paragraphs (b), (d), (e), and (h) of subsection (7), and
814 subsections (9) and (10) of section 1008.22, Florida Statutes,
815 are amended to read:
816 1008.22 Student assessment program for public schools.—
818 Commissioner of Education shall design and implement a
819 statewide, standardized assessment program aligned to the core
820 curricular content established in the state academic standards.
821 The commissioner also must develop or select and implement a
822 common battery of assessment tools that will be used in all
823 juvenile justice education programs in the state. These tools
824 must accurately measure the core curricular content established
825 in the state academic standards. Participation in the assessment
826 program is mandatory for all school districts and all students
827 attending public schools, including adult students seeking a
828 standard high school diploma under s. 1003.4282 and students in
829 Department of Juvenile Justice education programs, except as
830 otherwise provided by law. If a student does not participate in
831 the assessment program, the school district must notify the
832 student’s parent and provide the parent with information
833 regarding the implications of such nonparticipation. The
834 statewide, standardized assessment program shall be designed and
835 implemented as follows:
836 (a) Statewide, standardized comprehensive assessments.—
837 1. The statewide, standardized English Language Arts (ELA)
838 assessments shall be administered to students in grades 3
839 through 10. Retake opportunities for the grade 10 ELA assessment
840 must be provided. Reading passages and writing prompts for ELA
841 assessments shall incorporate grade-level core curricula content
842 from social studies. The statewide, standardized Mathematics
843 assessments shall be administered annually in grades 3 through
844 8. The statewide, standardized Science assessment shall be
845 administered annually at least once at the elementary and middle
846 grades levels. In order to earn a standard high school diploma,
847 a student who has not earned a passing score on the grade 10 ELA
848 assessment must earn a passing score on the assessment retake or
849 earn a concordant score as authorized under subsection (9).
850 2. Beginning with the 2022-2023 school year, the end-of
851 year comprehensive progress monitoring assessment administered
852 pursuant to s. 1008.25(9)(b)2. is the statewide, standardized
853 ELA assessment for students in grades 3 through 10 and the
854 statewide, standardized Mathematics assessment for students in
855 grades 3 through 8.
856 (d) Students with disabilities; Florida Alternate
857 Assessment.—
858 1. Each district school board must provide instruction to
859 prepare students with disabilities in the core content knowledge
860 and skills necessary for successful grade-to-grade progression
861 and high school graduation.
862 2. A student with a disability, as defined in s. 1007.02,
863 for whom the individual education plan (IEP) team determines
864 that the statewide, standardized assessments under this section
865 cannot accurately measure the student’s abilities, taking into
866 consideration all allowable accommodations, shall have
867 assessment results waived for the purpose of receiving a course
868 grade and a standard high school diploma. Such waiver shall be
869 designated on the student’s transcript. The statement of waiver
870 shall be limited to a statement that performance on an
871 assessment was waived for the purpose of receiving a course
872 grade or a standard high school diploma, as applicable.
873 3. The State Board of Education shall adopt rules, based
874 upon recommendations of the commissioner, for the provision of
875 assessment accommodations for students with disabilities and for
876 students who have limited English proficiency.
877 a. Accommodations that negate the validity of a statewide,
878 standardized assessment are not allowed during the
879 administration of the assessment. However, instructional
880 accommodations are allowed in the classroom if identified in a
881 student’s IEP. Students using instructional accommodations in
882 the classroom that are not allowed on a statewide, standardized
883 assessment may have assessment results waived if the IEP team
884 determines that the assessment cannot accurately measure the
885 student’s abilities.
886 b. If a student is provided with instructional
887 accommodations in the classroom that are not allowed as
888 accommodations for statewide, standardized assessments, the
889 district must inform the parent in writing and provide the
890 parent with information regarding the impact on the student’s
891 ability to meet expected performance levels. A parent must
892 provide signed consent for a student to receive classroom
893 instructional accommodations that would not be available or
894 permitted on a statewide, standardized assessment and
895 acknowledge in writing that he or she understands the
896 implications of such instructional accommodations.
897 c. If a student’s IEP states that online administration of
898 a statewide, standardized assessment will significantly impair
899 the student’s ability to perform, the assessment must shall be
900 administered in hard copy.
901 4. For students with significant cognitive disabilities,
902 the Department of Education shall provide for implementation of
903 the Florida Alternate Assessment to accurately measure the core
904 curricular content established in the state academic standards.
906 (b) By January of each year, the commissioner shall publish
907 on the department’s website a uniform calendar that includes the
908 assessment and reporting schedules for, at a minimum, the next 2
909 school years. The uniform calendar must be provided to school
910 districts in an electronic format that allows each school
911 district and public school to populate the calendar with, at
912 minimum, the following information for reporting the district
913 assessment schedules under paragraph (d):
914 1. Whether the assessment is a district-required assessment
915 or a state-required assessment.
916 2. The specific date or dates that each assessment will be
917 administered, including administrations of the coordinated
918 screening and progress monitoring system under s. 1008.25(9)(b).
919 3. The time allotted to administer each assessment.
920 4. Whether the assessment is a computer-based assessment or
921 a paper-based assessment.
922 5. The grade level or subject area associated with the
923 assessment.
924 6. The date that the assessment results are expected to be
925 available to teachers and parents.
926 7. The type of assessment, the purpose of the assessment,
927 and the use of the assessment results.
928 8. A glossary of assessment terminology.
929 9. Estimates of average time for administering state
930 required and district-required assessments, by grade level.
931 (d) Each school district shall, by November 1 of each year,
932 establish schedules for the administration of any statewide,
933 standardized assessments and district-required assessments and
934 approve the schedules as an agenda item at a district school
935 board meeting. Each school district shall publish the testing
936 schedules on its website which specify whether an assessment is
937 a state-required or district-required assessment and the grade
938 bands or subject area associated with the assessments using the
939 uniform calendar, including all information required under
940 paragraph (b), and submit the schedules to the Department of
941 Education by October 1 of each year. Each public school shall
942 publish schedules for statewide, standardized assessments and
943 district-required assessments on its website using the uniform
944 calendar, including all information required under paragraph
945 (b). The school board-approved assessment uniform calendar must
946 be included in the parent guide required by s. 1002.23(5).
947 (e) A school district may not schedule more than 5 percent
948 of a student’s total school hours in a school year to administer
949 statewide, standardized assessments; the coordinated screening
950 and progress monitoring system under s. 1008.25(9)(b)2.; and
951 district-required local assessments. The district shall must
952 secure written consent from a student’s parent before
953 administering district-required local assessments that, after
954 applicable statewide, standardized assessments and coordinated
955 screening and progress monitoring are scheduled, exceed the 5
956 percent test administration limit for that student under this
957 paragraph. The 5 percent test administration limit for a student
958 under this paragraph may be exceeded as needed to provide test
959 accommodations that are required by an IEP or are appropriate
960 for an English language learner who is currently receiving
961 services in a program operated in accordance with an approved
962 English language learner district plan pursuant to s. 1003.56.
963 Notwithstanding this paragraph, a student may choose within a
964 school year to take an examination or assessment adopted by
965 State Board of Education rule pursuant to this section and ss.
966 1007.27, 1008.30, and 1008.44.
967 (h) The results of statewide, standardized assessment in
968 ELA and mathematics, science, and social studies, including
969 assessment retakes, must shall be reported in an easy-to-read
970 and understandable format and delivered in time to provide
971 useful, actionable information to students, parents, and each
972 student’s current teacher of record and teacher of record for
973 the subsequent school year; however, in any case, the district
974 shall provide the results pursuant to this paragraph within 1
975 week after receiving the results from the department. A report
976 of student assessment results must, at a minimum, contain:
977 1. A clear explanation of the student’s performance on the
978 applicable statewide, standardized assessments.
979 2. Information identifying the student’s areas of strength
980 and areas in need of improvement.
981 3. Specific actions that may be taken, and the available
982 resources that may be used, by the student’s parent to assist
983 his or her child based on the student’s areas of strength and
984 areas in need of improvement.
985 4. Longitudinal information, if available, on the student’s
986 progress in each subject area based on previous statewide,
987 standardized assessment data.
988 5. Comparative information showing the student’s score
989 compared to other students in the school district, in the state,
990 or, if available, in other states.
991 6. Predictive information, if available, showing the
992 linkage between the scores attained by the student on the
993 statewide, standardized assessments and the scores he or she may
994 potentially attain on nationally recognized college entrance
995 examinations.
997 The information included under this paragraph relating to
998 results from the statewide, standardized ELA assessments for
999 grades 3 through 10 and Mathematics assessments for grades 3
1000 through 8 must be included in individual student reports under
1001 s. 1008.25(9)(c).
1002 (9) CONCORDANT SCORES.—The Commissioner of Education must
1003 identify scores on the SAT and ACT that if achieved satisfy the
1004 graduation requirement that a student pass the grade 10 ELA
1005 assessment. The commissioner may identify concordant scores on
1006 assessments other than the SAT and ACT. If the content or
1007 scoring procedures change for the grade 10 ELA assessment, new
1008 concordant scores must be determined. If new concordant scores
1009 are not timely adopted, the last-adopted concordant scores
1010 remain in effect until such time as new scores are adopted. The
1011 state board shall adopt concordant scores in rule.
1013 ASSESSMENT.—The Commissioner of Education must identify one or
1014 more comparative scores for the Algebra I EOC assessment. If the
1015 content or scoring procedures change for the EOC assessment, new
1016 comparative scores must be determined. If new comparative scores
1017 are not timely adopted, the last-adopted comparative scores
1018 remain in effect until such time as new scores are adopted. The
1019 state board shall adopt comparative scores in rule.
1020 Section 26. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2), paragraphs (a)
1021 and (b) of subsection (3), paragraph (c) of subsection (4),
1022 paragraphs (a), (b), and (d) of subsection (5), paragraphs (a),
1023 (b), and (c) of subsection (6), paragraph (b) of subsection (7),
1024 and subsection (9) of section 1008.25, Florida Statutes, are
1025 amended, and paragraph (h) is added to subsection (2) of that
1026 section, to read:
1027 1008.25 Public school student progression; student support;
1028 coordinated screening and progress monitoring; reporting
1029 requirements.—
1030 (2) STUDENT PROGRESSION PLAN.—Each district school board
1031 shall establish a comprehensive plan for student progression
1032 which must provide for a student’s progression from one grade to
1033 another based on the student’s mastery of the standards in s.
1034 1003.41, specifically English Language Arts, mathematics,
1035 science, and social studies standards. The plan must:
1036 (a) Include criteria that emphasize student reading
1037 proficiency in kindergarten through grade 3 and provide targeted
1038 instructional support for students with identified deficiencies
1039 in English Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social
1040 studies, including students who have been referred to the
1041 district from the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program
1042 consistent with paragraph (5)(b). High schools shall use all
1043 available assessment results, including the results of
1044 statewide, standardized English Language Arts assessments and
1045 end-of-course assessments for Algebra I and Geometry, to advise
1046 students of any identified deficiencies and to provide
1047 appropriate postsecondary preparatory instruction before high
1048 school graduation. The results of evaluations used to monitor a
1049 student’s progress in grades K-12 must be provided to the
1050 student’s teacher in a timely manner and as otherwise required
1051 by law. Thereafter, evaluation results must be provided to the
1052 student’s parent in a timely manner. When available,
1053 instructional personnel must be provided with information on
1054 student achievement of standards and benchmarks in order to
1055 improve instruction.
1056 (h) Specify retention requirements for students in
1057 kindergarten through grade 2 based upon each student’s
1058 performance in English Language Arts and mathematics. For
1059 students who are retained in kindergarten through grade 2, the
1060 plan must incorporate the parental notification requirements
1061 provided in subsections (5) and (6), include an opportunity for
1062 parental input on the retention decision, and include
1063 information on the importance of students mastering early
1064 literacy and communication skills in order to be reading at or
1065 above grade level by the end of grade 3.
1066 (3) ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES.—District school boards shall
1067 allocate remedial and supplemental instruction resources to
1068 students in the following priority:
1069 (a) Students in the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education
1070 Program kindergarten through grade 3 who have a substantial
1071 deficiency in reading or the characteristics of dyslexia as
1072 determined in paragraph (5)(a).
1073 (b) Students in the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education
1074 Program kindergarten through grade 4 who have a substantial
1075 deficiency in mathematics or the characteristics of dyscalculia
1076 as determined in paragraph (6)(a).
1078 (c) A student who has a substantial reading deficiency as
1079 determined in paragraph (5)(a) or a substantial mathematics
1080 deficiency as determined in paragraph (6)(a) must be covered by
1081 a federally required student plan, such as an individual
1082 education plan or an individualized progress monitoring plan, or
1083 both, as necessary. The individualized progress monitoring plan
1084 must be developed within 30 days after the results of the
1085 coordinated screening and progress monitoring system become
1086 available. The plan must shall include, at a minimum, include:
1087 1. The student’s specific, identified reading or
1088 mathematics skill deficiency.
1089 2. Goals and benchmarks for student growth in reading or
1090 mathematics.
1091 3. A description of the specific measures that will be used
1092 to evaluate and monitor the student’s reading or mathematics
1093 progress.
1094 4. For a substantial reading deficiency, the specific
1095 evidence-based literacy instruction grounded in the science of
1096 reading which the student will receive.
1097 5. Strategies, resources, and materials that will be
1098 provided to the student’s parent to support the student to make
1099 reading or mathematics progress.
1100 6. Any additional services the student’s teacher deems
1101 available and appropriate to accelerate the student’s reading or
1102 mathematics skill development.
1104 (a) Any student in a Voluntary Prekindergarten Education
1105 Program provided by a public school kindergarten through grade 3
1106 who exhibits a substantial deficiency in reading or the
1107 characteristics of dyslexia based upon screening, diagnostic,
1108 progress monitoring, or assessment data; statewide assessments;
1109 or teacher observations must be provided intensive, explicit,
1110 systematic, and multisensory reading interventions immediately
1111 following the identification of the reading deficiency or the
1112 characteristics of dyslexia to address his or her specific
1113 deficiency or dyslexia. For the purposes of this subsection, a
1114 Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program student is deemed to
1115 exhibit a substantial deficiency in early literacy skills based
1116 upon the results of the midyear or final administration of the
1117 coordinated screening and progress monitoring under subsection
1118 (9).
1119 1. The department shall provide a list of state examined
1120 and approved comprehensive reading and intervention programs.
1121 The intervention programs shall be provided in addition to the
1122 comprehensive core reading instruction that is provided to all
1123 students in the general education classroom. Dyslexia-specific
1124 interventions, as defined by rule of the State Board of
1125 Education, shall be provided to students who have the
1126 characteristics of dyslexia. The reading intervention programs
1127 must do all of the following:
1128 a. Provide explicit, direct instruction that is systematic,
1129 sequential, and cumulative in language development, phonological
1130 awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, as
1131 applicable.
1132 b. Provide daily targeted small group reading interventions
1133 based on student need in phonological awareness, phonics,
1134 including decoding and encoding, sight words, vocabulary, or
1135 comprehension.
1136 c. Be implemented during regular school hours.
1137 2. A school may not wait for a student to receive a failing
1138 grade at the end of a grading period or wait until a plan under
1139 paragraph (4)(b) is developed to identify the student as having
1140 a substantial reading deficiency and initiate intensive reading
1141 interventions. In addition, a school may not wait until an
1142 evaluation conducted pursuant to s. 1003.57 is completed to
1143 provide appropriate, evidence-based interventions for a student
1144 whose parent submits documentation from a professional licensed
1145 under chapter 490 which demonstrates that the student has been
1146 diagnosed with dyslexia. Such interventions must be initiated
1147 upon receipt of the documentation and based on the student’s
1148 specific areas of difficulty as identified by the licensed
1149 professional.
1150 3. A student’s reading proficiency must be monitored and
1151 the intensive interventions must continue until the student
1152 demonstrates grade level proficiency in a manner determined by
1153 the district, which may include achieving a Level 3 on the
1154 statewide, standardized English Language Arts assessment. The
1155 State Board of Education shall identify by rule guidelines for
1156 determining whether a student in a Voluntary Prekindergarten
1157 Education Program provided by a public school kindergarten
1158 through grade 3 has a substantial deficiency in reading.
1159 (b) A Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program student
1160 who exhibits a substantial deficiency in early literacy skills
1161 based upon the results of the administration of the midyear or
1162 final coordinated screening and progress monitoring under
1163 subsection (9) shall be referred to the local school district
1164 and may be eligible to receive instruction in early literacy
1165 skills before participating in kindergarten. A student with an
1166 individual education plan who has been retained pursuant to
1167 paragraph (2)(g) and has demonstrated a substantial deficiency
1168 in early literacy skills must receive instruction in early
1169 literacy skills.
1170 (d) The parent of any student who exhibits a substantial
1171 deficiency in reading, as described in paragraph (a), must be
1172 notified in writing, in a timely manner, of the following:
1173 1. That his or her child has been identified as having a
1174 substantial deficiency in reading, including a description and
1175 explanation, in terms understandable to the parent, of the exact
1176 nature of the student’s difficulty in learning and lack of
1177 achievement in reading.
1178 2. A description of the current services that are provided
1179 to the child.
1180 3. A description of the proposed intensive interventions
1181 and supports that will be provided to the child that are
1182 designed to remediate the identified area of reading deficiency.
1183 4. The student progression requirements under paragraph
1184 (2)(h) and that if the child’s reading deficiency is not
1185 remediated by the end of grade 3, the child must be retained
1186 unless he or she is exempt from mandatory retention for good
1187 cause.
1188 5. Strategies, including multisensory strategies and
1189 programming, through a read-at-home plan the parent can use in
1190 helping his or her child succeed in reading. The read-at-home
1191 plan must provide access to the resources identified in
1192 paragraph (f).
1193 6. That the statewide, standardized English Language Arts
1194 assessment is not the sole determiner of promotion and that
1195 additional evaluations, portfolio reviews, and assessments are
1196 available to the child to assist parents and the school district
1197 in knowing when a child is reading at or above grade level and
1198 ready for grade promotion.
1199 7. The district’s specific criteria and policies for a
1200 portfolio as provided in subparagraph (7)(b)4. and the evidence
1201 required for a student to demonstrate mastery of Florida’s
1202 academic standards for English Language Arts. A school must
1203 immediately begin collecting evidence for a portfolio when a
1204 student in grade 3 is identified as being at risk of retention
1205 or upon the request of the parent, whichever occurs first.
1206 8. The district’s specific criteria and policies for
1207 midyear promotion. Midyear promotion means promotion of a
1208 retained student at any time during the year of retention once
1209 the student has demonstrated ability to read at grade level.
1210 9. Information about the student’s eligibility for the New
1211 Worlds Reading Initiative under s. 1003.485 and the New Worlds
1212 Scholarship Accounts under s. 1002.411 and information on parent
1213 training modules and other reading engagement resources
1214 available through the initiative.
1216 After initial notification, the school shall apprise the parent
1217 at least monthly of the student’s progress in response to the
1218 intensive interventions and supports. Such communications must
1219 be in writing and must explain any additional interventions or
1220 supports that will be implemented to accelerate the student’s
1221 progress if the interventions and supports already being
1222 implemented have not resulted in improvement. After receiving
1223 the initial notification, a parent may request additional
1224 meetings with the teacher or the school’s reading coach to
1225 discuss the student’s progress and may request additional
1226 services currently provided by the school district. The
1227 additional services must include, but are not limited to, the
1228 interventions in paragraph (8)(a).
1230 (a) Any student in a Voluntary Prekindergarten Education
1231 Program provided by a public school kindergarten through grade 4
1232 who exhibits a substantial deficiency in mathematics or the
1233 characteristics of dyscalculia based upon screening, diagnostic,
1234 progress monitoring, or assessment data; statewide assessments;
1235 or teacher observations must:
1236 1. Immediately following the identification of the
1237 mathematics deficiency, be provided systematic and explicit
1238 mathematics instruction to address his or her specific
1239 deficiencies through either:
1240 a. Daily targeted small group mathematics intervention
1241 based on student need; or
1242 b. Supplemental, evidence-based mathematics interventions
1243 before or after school, or both, delivered by a highly qualified
1244 teacher of mathematics or a trained tutor.
1245 2. The performance of a student receiving mathematics
1246 instruction under subparagraph 1. must be monitored, and
1247 instruction must be adjusted based on the student’s need.
1248 3. The department shall provide a list of state examined
1249 and approved mathematics intervention programs, curricula, and
1250 high-quality supplemental materials that may be used to improve
1251 a student’s mathematics deficiencies. In addition, the
1252 department shall work, at a minimum, with the Florida Center for
1253 Mathematics and Science Education Research established in s.
1254 1004.86 to disseminate information to school districts and
1255 teachers on effective evidence-based explicit mathematics
1256 instructional practices, strategies, and interventions.
1257 4. A school may not wait for a student to receive a failing
1258 grade at the end of a grading period or wait until a plan under
1259 paragraph (4)(b) is developed to identify the student as having
1260 a substantial mathematics deficiency and initiate intensive
1261 mathematics interventions. In addition, a school may not wait
1262 until an evaluation conducted pursuant to s. 1003.57 is
1263 completed to provide appropriate, evidence-based interventions
1264 for a student whose parent submits documentation from a
1265 professional licensed under chapter 490 which demonstrates that
1266 the student has been diagnosed with dyscalculia. Such
1267 interventions must be initiated upon receipt of the
1268 documentation and based on the student’s specific areas of
1269 difficulty as identified by the licensed professional.
1270 5. The mathematics proficiency of a student receiving
1271 additional mathematics supports must be monitored and the
1272 intensive interventions must continue until the student
1273 demonstrates grade level proficiency in a manner determined by
1274 the district, which may include achieving a Level 3 on the
1275 statewide, standardized Mathematics assessment. The State Board
1276 of Education shall identify by rule guidelines for determining
1277 whether a student in a Voluntary Prekindergarten Education
1278 Program provided by a public school kindergarten through grade 4
1279 has a substantial deficiency in mathematics.
1281 For the purposes of this paragraph, a Voluntary Prekindergarten
1282 Education Program student is deemed to exhibit a substantial
1283 deficiency in mathematics skills based upon the results of the
1284 midyear or final administration of the coordinated screening and
1285 progress monitoring under subsection (9).
1286 (b) A Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program student
1287 who exhibits a substantial deficiency in early math skills based
1288 upon the results of the administration of the midyear or final
1289 coordinated screening and progress monitoring under subsection
1290 (8) shall be referred to the local school district and may be
1291 eligible to receive intensive mathematics interventions before
1292 participating in kindergarten.
1293 (c) The parent of a student who exhibits a substantial
1294 deficiency in mathematics, as described in paragraph (a), must
1295 be notified in writing of the following:
1296 1. That his or her child has been identified as having a
1297 substantial deficiency in mathematics, including a description
1298 and explanation, in terms understandable to the parent, of the
1299 exact nature of the student’s difficulty in learning and lack of
1300 achievement in mathematics.
1301 2. A description of the current services that are provided
1302 to the child.
1303 3. A description of the proposed intensive interventions
1304 and supports that will be provided to the child that are
1305 designed to remediate the identified area of mathematics
1306 deficiency.
1307 4. Strategies, including multisensory strategies and
1308 programming, through a home-based plan the parent can use in
1309 helping his or her child succeed in mathematics. The home-based
1310 plan must provide access to the resources identified in
1311 paragraph (e).
1313 After the initial notification, the school shall apprise the
1314 parent at least monthly of the student’s progress in response to
1315 the intensive interventions and supports. Such communications
1316 must be in writing and must explain any additional interventions
1317 or supports that will be implemented to accelerate the student’s
1318 progress if the interventions and supports already being
1319 implemented have not resulted in improvement. After receiving
1320 the initial notification, a parent may request additional
1321 meetings with the teacher or school’s math coach to discuss the
1322 student’s progress and may request additional services that are
1323 currently provided by the school district.
1325 (b) The district school board may only exempt students from
1326 mandatory retention, as provided in paragraph (5)(c), for good
1327 cause. A student who is promoted to grade 4 with a good cause
1328 exemption shall be provided intensive reading instruction and
1329 intervention that include specialized diagnostic information and
1330 specific reading strategies to meet the needs of each student so
1331 promoted. The school district shall assist schools and teachers
1332 with the implementation of explicit, systematic, and
1333 multisensory reading instruction and intervention strategies for
1334 students promoted with a good cause exemption which research has
1335 shown to be successful in improving reading among students who
1336 have reading difficulties. A parent may request additional
1337 interventions that are currently provided by the school district
1338 and can include, but are not limited, to the interventions
1339 identified in paragraph (8)(a). Good cause exemptions are
1340 limited to the following:
1341 1. Limited English proficient students who have had less
1342 than 2 years of instruction in an English for Speakers of Other
1343 Languages program based on the initial date of entry into a
1344 school in the United States.
1345 2. Students with disabilities whose individual education
1346 plan indicates that participation in the statewide assessment
1347 program is not appropriate, consistent with the requirements of
1348 s. 1008.212.
1349 3. Students who demonstrate an acceptable level of
1350 performance on the beginning or midyear administration of the
1351 English Language Arts coordinated screening and progress
1352 monitoring system under subsection (9), or an alternative
1353 standardized reading or English Language Arts assessment,
1354 approved by the State Board of Education.
1355 4. A student who demonstrates through a student portfolio
1356 that he or she is performing at least at Level 2 on the
1357 statewide, standardized English Language Arts assessment.
1358 5. Students with disabilities who take the statewide,
1359 standardized English Language Arts assessment and who have an
1360 individual education plan or a Section 504 plan that reflects
1361 that the student has received intensive instruction in reading
1362 or English Language Arts for more than 2 years but still
1363 demonstrates a deficiency and was previously retained in
1364 prekindergarten, kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2, or grade 3.
1365 6. Students who have received intensive reading
1366 intervention for 2 or more years but still demonstrate a
1367 deficiency in reading and who were previously retained in
1368 kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2, or grade 3 for a total of 2
1369 years. A student may not be retained more than once in grade 3.
1371 (a) The Department of Education, in collaboration with the
1372 Office of Early Learning, shall procure and require the use of a
1373 statewide, standardized coordinated screening and progress
1374 monitoring system for the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education
1375 Program and public schools. The system must:
1376 1. Measure student progress in meeting the appropriate
1377 expectations in early literacy and mathematics skills and in
1378 English Language Arts and mathematics standards as required by
1379 ss. 1002.67(1)(a) and 1003.41 and identify the educational
1380 strengths and needs of students.
1381 2. For students in the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education
1382 Program through grade 3, measure student performance in oral
1383 language development, phonological and phonemic awareness,
1384 knowledge of print and letters, decoding, fluency, vocabulary,
1385 and comprehension, as applicable by grade level, and, at a
1386 minimum, provide interval level and norm-referenced data that
1387 measures equivalent levels of growth.
1388 3. Be a valid, reliable, and developmentally appropriate
1389 computer-based direct instrument that provides screening and
1390 diagnostic capabilities for monitoring student progress;
1391 identifies students who have a substantial deficiency in reading
1392 or mathematics, including identifying students with
1393 characteristics of dyslexia, dyscalculia, and other learning
1394 disorders; and informs instruction. Any student identified by
1395 the system as having characteristics of dyslexia or dyscalculia
1396 shall undergo further screening. Beginning with the 2023-2024
1397 school year, the coordinated screening and progress monitoring
1398 system must be computer-adaptive.
1399 4. Provide data for Voluntary Prekindergarten Education
1400 Program accountability as required under s. 1002.68.
1401 5. Provide Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program
1402 providers, school districts, schools, teachers, and parents with
1403 data and resources that enhance differentiated instruction and
1404 parent communication.
1405 6. Provide baseline data to the department of each
1406 student’s readiness for kindergarten. The determination of
1407 kindergarten readiness must be based on the results of each
1408 student’s initial progress monitoring assessment in
1409 kindergarten. The methodology for determining a student’s
1410 readiness for kindergarten must be developed by the department
1411 and aligned to the methodology adopted pursuant to s.
1412 1002.68(4).
1413 7. Assess how well educational goals and curricular
1414 standards are met at the provider, school, district, and state
1415 levels and provide information to the department to aid in the
1416 development of educational programs, policies, and supports for
1417 providers, districts, and schools.
1418 (b) Beginning with the 2022-2023 school year, private
1419 Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program providers and public
1420 schools must participate in the coordinated screening and
1421 progress monitoring system pursuant to this paragraph.
1422 1. For students in the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education
1423 Program through grade 2, the coordinated screening and progress
1424 monitoring system must be administered at least three times
1425 within a program year or school year, as applicable, with the
1426 first administration occurring no later than the first 30
1427 instructional days after a student’s enrollment or the start of
1428 the program year or school year, the second administration
1429 occurring midyear, and the third administration occurring within
1430 the last 30 days of the program or school year pursuant to state
1431 board rule. The state board may adopt alternate timeframes to
1432 address nontraditional school year calendars or summer programs
1433 to ensure the coordinated screening and progress monitoring
1434 program is administered a minimum of three times within a year
1435 or program.
1436 2. For students in the summer prekindergarten program, the
1437 coordinated screening and progress monitoring system must be
1438 administered two times, with the first administration occurring
1439 no later than the first 10 instructional days after a student’s
1440 enrollment or the start of the summer prekindergarten program,
1441 and the second administration occurring within the last 10 days
1442 of the summer prekindergarten program pursuant to state board
1443 rule.
1444 3. For grades 3 through 10 English Language Arts and grades
1445 3 through 8 Mathematics, the coordinated screening and progress
1446 monitoring system must be administered at the beginning, middle,
1447 and end of the school year pursuant to state board rule. The
1448 end-of-year administration of the coordinated screening and
1449 progress monitoring system must be a comprehensive progress
1450 monitoring assessment administered in accordance with the
1451 scheduling requirements under s. 1008.22(7) s. 1008.22(7)(c).
1452 (c) To facilitate timely interventions and supports
1453 pursuant to subsection (4), the system must provide results from
1454 the first two administrations of the progress monitoring to a
1455 student’s teacher within 1 week and to the student’s parent
1456 within 2 weeks of the administration of the progress monitoring.
1457 Delivery of results from the comprehensive, end-of-year progress
1458 monitoring ELA assessment for grades 3 through 10 and
1459 Mathematics assessment for grades 3 through 8 must be in
1460 accordance with s. 1008.22(7) s. 1008.22(7)(h).
1461 1. A student’s results from the coordinated screening and
1462 progress monitoring system must be recorded in a written, easy
1463 to-comprehend individual student report. Each school district
1464 shall provide a parent secure access to his or her child’s
1465 individual student reports through a web-based portal as part of
1466 its student information system. Each early learning coalition
1467 shall provide parents the individual student report in a format
1468 determined by state board rule.
1469 2. In addition to the information under subparagraph (a)5.,
1470 the report must also include parent resources that explain the
1471 purpose of progress monitoring, assist the parent in
1472 interpreting progress monitoring results, and support informed
1473 parent involvement. Parent resources may include personalized
1474 video formats.
1475 3. The department shall annually update school districts
1476 and early learning coalitions on new system features and
1477 functionality and collaboratively identify with school districts
1478 and early learning coalitions strategies for meaningfully
1479 reporting to parents results from the coordinated screening and
1480 progress monitoring system. The department shall develop ways to
1481 increase the utilization, by instructional staff and parents, of
1482 student assessment data and resources.
1483 4. An individual student report must be provided in a
1484 printed format upon a parent’s request.
1485 (d) Screening and progress monitoring system results,
1486 including the number of students who demonstrate characteristics
1487 of dyslexia and dyscalculia, shall be reported to the department
1488 pursuant to state board rule and maintained in the department’s
1489 Education Data Warehouse. Results must be provided to a
1490 student’s teacher and parent in a timely manner as required in
1491 s. 1008.22(7)(g).
1492 (e) The department, in collaboration with the Office of
1493 Early Learning, shall provide training and support for effective
1494 implementation of the screening and progress monitoring system.
1495 Section 27. Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) and subsection
1496 (4) of section 1008.33, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
1497 1008.33 Authority to enforce public school improvement.—
1498 (3)
1499 (c) The state board shall adopt by rule a differentiated
1500 matrix of intervention and support strategies for assisting
1501 traditional public schools identified under this section and
1502 rules for implementing s. 1002.33(9)(n), relating to charter
1503 schools. The intervention and support strategies must address
1504 student performance and may include improvement planning;
1505 leadership quality improvement; educator quality improvement;
1506 professional development; curriculum review, pacing, and
1507 alignment across grade levels to improve background knowledge in
1508 social studies, science, and the arts; and the use of continuous
1509 improvement and monitoring plans and processes. In addition, the
1510 state board may prescribe reporting requirements to review and
1511 monitor the progress of the schools. The rule must define the
1512 intervention and support strategies for school improvement for
1513 schools earning a grade of “D” or “F” and the roles for the
1514 district and department. A school may not be required to use the
1515 measure of student learning growth in s. 1012.34(7) as the sole
1516 determinant to recruit instructional personnel. The rule must
1517 create a timeline for a school district’s school improvement
1518 plan or district-managed turnaround plan to be approved and for
1519 the school improvement funds under Title I to be released to the
1520 school district. The timeline established in rule for the
1521 release of school improvement funding under Title I may not
1522 exceed 20 calendar days after the approval of the school
1523 improvement plan or district-managed turnaround plan.
1524 (4)(a) The state board shall apply intensive intervention
1525 and support strategies tailored to the needs of schools earning
1526 two consecutive grades of “D” or a grade of “F.” In the first
1527 full school year after a school initially earns a grade of “D,”
1528 the school district must immediately implement intervention and
1529 support strategies prescribed in rule under paragraph (3)(c).
1530 For a school that initially earns a grade of “F” or a second
1531 consecutive grade of “D,” the school district must either
1532 continue implementing or immediately begin implementing
1533 intervention and support strategies prescribed in rule under
1534 paragraph (3)(c) and provide the department, by September 15 1,
1535 with the memorandum of understanding negotiated pursuant to s.
1536 1001.42(21) and, by October 1, a district-managed turnaround
1537 plan for approval by the state board. The district-managed
1538 turnaround plan may include a proposal for the district to
1539 implement an extended school day, a summer program, a
1540 combination of an extended school day and a summer program, or
1541 any other option authorized under paragraph (b) for state board
1542 approval. A school district is not required to wait until a
1543 school earns a second consecutive grade of “D” to submit a
1544 turnaround plan for approval by the state board under this
1545 paragraph. Upon approval by the state board, the school district
1546 must implement the plan for the remainder of the school year and
1547 continue the plan for 4 1 full school years year. The state
1548 board may allow a school an additional year of implementation
1549 before the school must implement a turnaround option required
1550 under paragraph (b) if the school earns a first grade of “C” or
1551 higher after the fourth it determines that the school is likely
1552 to improve to a grade of “C” or higher after the first full
1553 school year of implementation.
1554 (b) Unless an additional year of implementation is provided
1555 pursuant to paragraph (a), A school that, during the completes a
1556 plan cycle under paragraph (a), and does not improve to a grade
1557 of “B” or higher or does not improve and maintain to a grade of
1558 “C” for 2 consecutive years or higher must implement one of the
1559 following:
1560 1. Reassign students to another school and monitor the
1561 progress of each reassigned student;
1562 2. Close the school and reopen the school as one or more
1563 charter schools, each with a governing board that has a
1564 demonstrated record of effectiveness; or
1565 3. Contract with an outside entity that has a demonstrated
1566 record of effectiveness to provide turnaround services
1567 identified in state board rule, which may include school
1568 leadership, educational modalities, teacher and leadership
1569 professional development, curriculum, operation and management
1570 services, school-based administrative staffing, budgeting,
1571 scheduling, other educational service provider functions, or any
1572 combination thereof. Selection of an outside entity may include
1573 one or a combination of the following:
1574 a. An external operator, which may be a district-managed
1575 charter school or a high-performing charter school network in
1576 which all instructional personnel are not employees of the
1577 school district, but are employees of an independent governing
1578 board composed of members who did not participate in the review
1579 or approval of the charter.
1580 b. A contractual agreement that allows for a charter school
1581 network or any of its affiliated subsidiaries to provide
1582 individualized consultancy services tailored to address the
1583 identified needs of one or more schools under this section.
1584 4. Implementation of a community school model as defined in
1585 s. 1003.64(2)(c).
1586 a. A school district that intends to implement a community
1587 school model must apply for a planning grant under s. 1003.64(3)
1588 by the application deadline established by the center during the
1589 second year of implementing the district-managed turnaround
1590 plan. A school district that is not awarded a grant may reapply
1591 by the application deadline during the third year of
1592 implementing the district-managed turnaround plan but may not
1593 receive an extension to implement the community school model.
1594 b. Notwithstanding paragraph (c), a school district that
1595 receives a grant under s. 1003.64(3) must continue planning to
1596 implement the community school model regardless of whether the
1597 school successfully exits the district-managed turnaround plan
1598 under paragraph (a).
1599 c. A school district must implement the community school
1600 model no later than the school year following the fourth year of
1601 the district managed turnaround plan.
1602 d. For a school that does not meet the requirements to exit
1603 turnaround under paragraph (a) and fails to implement a
1604 community school model, the school district must select another
1605 turnaround option under paragraph (b).
1607 A school district and outside entity under this subparagraph 3.
1608 must enter, at minimum, enter a 2-year, performance-based
1609 contract. The contract must include school performance and
1610 growth metrics the outside entity must meet on an annual basis.
1611 The state board may require the school district to modify or
1612 cancel the contract.
1613 (c) Implementation of a turnaround option is not required
1614 if the school improved and maintained a grade of “C” or higher
1615 for 2 consecutive years, under paragraph (a). Implementation of
1616 the turnaround option is not no longer required if the school
1617 improves to a grade of “C” or higher, under paragraph (b).
1618 (d) If a school earning two consecutive grades of “D” or a
1619 grade of “F” does not improve to a grade of “C” or higher after
1620 2 school years of implementing the turnaround option selected by
1621 the school district under paragraph (b), the school district
1622 must implement another turnaround option. Implementation of the
1623 turnaround option must begin the school year following the
1624 implementation period of the existing turnaround option, unless
1625 the state board determines that the school is likely to improve
1626 to a grade of “C” or higher if additional time is provided to
1627 implement the existing turnaround option.
1628 Section 28. Section 1008.332, Florida Statutes, is amended
1629 to read:
1630 1008.332 Committee of practitioners pursuant to federal
1631 Every Student Succeeds No Child Left Behind Act.—The Department
1632 of Education shall establish a committee of practitioners
1633 pursuant to federal requirements of the Every Student Succeeds
1634 No Child Left Behind Act of 2015 2001. The committee members
1635 shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Education and shall
1636 annually report to the Governor, the President of the Senate,
1637 and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by January 1.
1638 The committee shall meet regularly and is authorized to review
1639 potential rules and policies that will be considered by the
1640 State Board of Education.
1641 Section 29. Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) and subsection
1642 (5) of section 1008.34, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
1643 1008.34 School grading system; school report cards;
1644 district grade.—
1646 (c)1. The calculation of a school grade shall be based on
1647 the percentage of points earned from the components listed in
1648 subparagraph (b)1. and, if applicable, subparagraph (b)2. The
1649 State Board of Education shall adopt in rule a school grading
1650 scale that sets the percentage of points needed to earn each of
1651 the school grades listed in subsection (2). There shall be at
1652 least five percentage points separating the percentage
1653 thresholds needed to earn each of the school grades. The state
1654 board shall annually review the percentage of school grades of
1655 “A” and “B” for the school year to determine whether to adjust
1656 the school grading scale upward for the following school year’s
1657 school grades. The first adjustment would occur no earlier than
1658 the 2023-2024 school year. An adjustment must be made if the
1659 percentage of schools earning a grade of “A” or “B” in the
1660 current year represents 75 percent or more of all graded schools
1661 within a particular school type, which consists of elementary,
1662 middle, high, and combination. The adjustment must reset the
1663 minimum required percentage of points for each grade of “A,”
1664 “B,” “C,” or “D” at the next highest percentage ending in the
1665 numeral 5 or 0, whichever is closest to the current percentage.
1666 Annual reviews of the percentage of schools earning a grade of
1667 “A” or “B” and adjustments to the required points must be
1668 suspended when the following grading scale for a specific school
1669 type is achieved:
1670 a. Ninety percent or more of the points for a grade of “A.”
1671 b. Eighty to eighty-nine percent of the points for a grade
1672 of “B.”
1673 c. Seventy to seventy-nine percent of the points for a
1674 grade of “C.”
1675 d. Sixty to sixty-nine percent of the points for a grade of
1676 “D.”
1678 When the state board adjusts the grading scale upward, the state
1679 board must inform the public of the degree of the adjustment and
1680 its anticipated impact on school grades. Any changes made by the
1681 state board to components in the school grades model or to the
1682 school grading scale shall go into effect, at the earliest, in
1683 the following school year.
1684 2. The calculation of school grades may not include any
1685 provision that would raise or lower the school’s grade beyond
1686 the percentage of points earned. Extra weight may not be added
1687 in the calculation of any components.
1688 (5) DISTRICT GRADE.—Beginning with the 2014-2015 school
1689 year, a school district’s grade shall include a district-level
1690 calculation of the components under paragraph (3)(b). This
1691 calculation methodology captures each eligible student in the
1692 district who may have transferred among schools within the
1693 district or is enrolled in a school that does not receive a
1694 grade. The department shall develop a district report card that
1695 includes the district grade; the information required under s.
1696 1008.345(3) s. 1008.345(5); measures of the district’s progress
1697 in closing the achievement gap between higher-performing student
1698 subgroups and lower-performing student subgroups; measures of
1699 the district’s progress in demonstrating Learning Gains of its
1700 highest-performing students; measures of the district’s success
1701 in improving student attendance; the district’s grade-level
1702 promotion of students scoring achievement levels 1 and 2 on
1703 statewide, standardized English Language Arts and Mathematics
1704 assessments; and measures of the district’s performance in
1705 preparing students for the transition from elementary to middle
1706 school, middle to high school, and high school to postsecondary
1707 institutions and careers.
1708 Section 30. Subsections (3), (4), and (5) of section
1709 1008.345, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
1710 1008.345 Implementation of state system of school
1711 improvement and education accountability.—
1712 (3) The annual feedback report shall be developed by the
1713 Department of Education.
1714 (4) The commissioner shall review each district school
1715 board’s feedback report and submit findings to the State Board
1716 of Education. If adequate progress is not being made toward
1717 implementing and maintaining a system of school improvement and
1718 education accountability, the State Board of Education shall
1719 direct the commissioner to prepare and implement a corrective
1720 action plan. The commissioner and State Board of Education shall
1721 monitor the development and implementation of the corrective
1722 action plan.
1723 (3)(5) The commissioner shall annually report to the State
1724 Board of Education and the Legislature and recommend changes in
1725 state policy necessary to foster school improvement and
1726 education accountability. The report must shall include:
1727 (a) for each school district:
1728 (a)1. The percentage of students, by school and grade
1729 level, demonstrating learning growth in English Language Arts
1730 and mathematics.
1731 (b)2. The percentage of students, by school and grade
1732 level, in both the highest and lowest quartiles demonstrating
1733 learning growth in English Language Arts and mathematics.
1734 (c)3. The information contained in the school district’s
1735 annual report required pursuant to s. 1008.25(10).
1736 (b) Intervention and support strategies used by school
1737 districts whose students in both the highest and lowest
1738 quartiles exceed the statewide average learning growth for
1739 students in those quartiles.
1740 (c) Intervention and support strategies used by school
1741 districts whose schools provide educational services to youth in
1742 Department of Juvenile Justice programs that demonstrate
1743 learning growth in English Language Arts and mathematics that
1744 exceeds the statewide average learning growth for students in
1745 those subjects.
1746 (d) Based upon a review of each school district’s reading
1747 instruction plan submitted pursuant to s. 1003.4201,
1748 intervention and support strategies used by school districts
1749 that were effective in improving the reading performance of
1750 students, as indicated by student performance data, who are
1751 identified as having a substantial reading deficiency pursuant
1752 to s. 1008.25(5)(a).
1754 School reports must shall be distributed pursuant to this
1755 subsection and s. 1001.42(18)(c) and according to rules adopted
1756 by the State Board of Education.
1757 Section 31. Paragraph (d) of subsection (2) of section
1758 1000.05, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
1759 1000.05 Discrimination against students and employees in
1760 the Florida K-20 public education system prohibited; equality of
1761 access required.—
1762 (2)
1763 (d) Students may be separated by sex for a single-gender
1764 program as provided under s. 1002.311, for any portion of a
1765 class that deals with human reproduction, or during
1766 participation in bodily contact sports. For the purpose of this
1767 section, bodily contact sports include wrestling, boxing, rugby,
1768 ice hockey, football, basketball, and other sports in which the
1769 purpose or major activity involves bodily contact.
1770 Section 32. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this
1771 act and except for this section, which shall take effect upon
1772 this act becoming a law, this act shall take effect July 1,
1773 2024.