Florida Senate - 2025                                    SB 1050
       By Senator Bradley
       6-00679A-25                                           20251050__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to the Agency for Persons with
    3         Disabilities; renaming ch. 393, F.S., as “Persons with
    4         Disabilities”; providing for a type two transfer of
    5         primary powers and duties relating to the Division of
    6         Vocational Rehabilitation, the Division of Blind
    7         Services, and the Federal Rehabilitation Trust Fund
    8         from the Department of Education to the Agency for
    9         Persons with Disabilities; specifying that certain
   10         binding contracts and interagency agreements remain
   11         binding; providing that the Department of Education
   12         shall continue operations of certain direct-support
   13         organizations for a specified timeframe; providing for
   14         the transition of such operations; requiring the
   15         transfer of specified funds; transferring duties
   16         related to submission of specified amendments,
   17         supplemental information, or waivers to the Federal
   18         Government; providing for a type two transfer of
   19         certain programs of the department to the agency;
   20         providing legislative intent; directing applicable
   21         units of state government to contribute to
   22         implementation of the act; specifying a transition
   23         period; requiring the secretary of the Agency for
   24         Persons with Disabilities and the Commissioner of
   25         Education to each designate a transition coordinator
   26         to implement the transition; providing for the
   27         establishment of a transition advisory working group;
   28         specifying duties of the working group; requiring that
   29         any adjustments to the operating budgets be made in
   30         consultation with the appropriate committees of the
   31         Legislature; amending s. 20.15, F.S.; removing
   32         specified divisions from the Department of Education;
   33         amending s. 20.197, F.S.; designating the Agency for
   34         Persons with Disabilities as a separate department
   35         rather than as being housed within the Department of
   36         Children and Families; providing the purposes of the
   37         agency; providing that the head of the agency is the
   38         secretary of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities,
   39         rather than the director; conforming provisions to
   40         changes made by the act; amending s. 20.1971, F.S.;
   41         requiring the agency to administer the Federal
   42         Rehabilitation Trust Fund; providing requirements for
   43         the use of specified funds; providing that any
   44         unexpended balance at a specified time to remain in
   45         such trust fund for certain purpose; making technical
   46         changes; amending s. 393.062, F.S.; providing and
   47         revising legislative findings and intent; providing
   48         the mission of the agency; creating s. 393.0621, F.S.;
   49         providing agency duties and responsibilities; amending
   50         s. 393.063, F.S.; providing and revising definitions;
   51         amending s. 393.065, F.S.; requiring the agency to
   52         participate in certain transition planning activities
   53         for certain eligible individuals; creating s.
   54         393.0664, F.S.; requiring the agency to implement a
   55         specified Medicaid waiver program to address the needs
   56         of certain clients; providing the purpose of the
   57         program; authorizing the agency, in partnership with
   58         the Agency for Health Care Administration, to seek
   59         federal approval through a state plan amendment or
   60         Medicaid waiver to implement the program by a
   61         specified date; providing voluntary enrollment,
   62         eligibility, and disenrollment requirements; requiring
   63         the agency to approve a needs assessment methodology;
   64         providing that only persons trained by the agency may
   65         administer the methodology; requiring the agency to
   66         offer such training; requiring the agency to authorize
   67         certain covered services specified in the Medicaid
   68         waiver; providing requirements for such services;
   69         requiring the agency to begin enrollment in the
   70         program upon federal approval; providing construction;
   71         requiring the agency, in consultation with the Agency
   72         for Health Care Administration, to submit progress
   73         reports to the Governor and the Legislature upon
   74         federal approval and throughout implementation of the
   75         program; requiring the agency to submit, by a
   76         specified date, a progress report on the
   77         administration of the program; specifying requirements
   78         for the report; amending s. 393.502, F.S.; creating
   79         the statewide family care council for specified
   80         purposes; specifying duties of the statewide council;
   81         creating local family care councils for specified
   82         purposes; requiring the statewide council to submit
   83         annual reports to the agency by a specified date;
   84         providing requirements for the reports; requiring
   85         local councils to submit annual reports to the
   86         statewide council; providing requirements for the
   87         reports; specifying duties of the local councils;
   88         providing for funding and financial reviews of the
   89         councils; revising membership requirements and meeting
   90         requirements for the councils; creating s. 413.001,
   91         F.S.; providing legislative intent for and purpose of
   92         the agency; amending s. 413.271, F.S.; revising
   93         membership of a specified council; amending ss.
   94         90.6063, 110.112, 215.311, 257.04, 318.21, 320.0848,
   95         393.13, 394.75, 402.56, 409.9855, 410.604, 413.011,
   96         413.0111, 413.033, 413.035, 413.036, 413.037, 413.051,
   97         413.091, 413.092, 413.20, 413.201, 413.203, 413.402,
   98         413.405, 413.407, 413.445, 413.615, 413.80, 413.801,
   99         427.012, 943.0585, 943.059, 1002.394, 1003.575,
  100         1004.6495, and 1012.582, F.S.; conforming provisions
  101         and cross-references to changes made by the act;
  102         providing an effective date.
  104         WHEREAS, the Agency for Persons with Disabilities serves as
  105  the primary agency administering support to all individuals with
  106  disabilities in living, learning, and working within their
  107  communities by creating multiple pathways to possibilities for
  108  such individuals and their families, and
  109         WHEREAS, the agency accomplishes its mission by
  110  streamlining access to support and services for individuals with
  111  disabilities, providing care navigation to assist them in
  112  realizing their potential and thriving in their communities;
  113  programs that provide Medicaid waivers, vocational
  114  rehabilitation, and blind services; the Florida Unique Abilities
  115  Partner Program; and a host of other necessary supports and
  116  services, and
  117         WHEREAS, the mission of the agency is to develop community
  118  based programs and services for individuals with disabilities
  119  and to work with private businesses, nonprofit organizations,
  120  units of local government, and other organizations capable of
  121  providing needed services to individuals with disabilities to
  122  provide opportunities for success to such individuals, and
  123         WHEREAS, this state continues to develop multiple
  124  innovative pathways to serve individuals with disabilities and
  125  their families, including advancing the continuum of care to
  126  provide a robust and consistent system that promotes quality of
  127  life in daily living, community integration, and goal-based
  128  achievement, NOW, THEREFORE,
  130  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
  132         Section 1. Chapter 393, Florida Statutes, entitled
  133  “Developmental Disabilities,” is renamed “Persons with
  134  Disabilities.”
  135         Section 2. Type two transfer from the Department of
  136  Education.—
  137         (1)All powers, duties, functions, records, offices,
  138  personnel, associated administrative support positions,
  139  property, pending issues, existing contracts, administrative
  140  authority, administrative rules, and unexpended balances of
  141  appropriations, allocations, and other funds relating to the
  142  Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, the Division of Blind
  143  Services, and the Federal Rehabilitation Trust Fund in the
  144  Department of Education are transferred by a type two transfer,
  145  as described in s. 20.06(2), Florida Statutes, from the
  146  Department of Education to the Agency for Persons with
  147  Disabilities.
  148         (2)Any binding contract or interagency agreement existing
  149  before September 30, 2026, between the Division of Blind
  150  Services, the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, or an
  151  entity or agent of those divisions and any other agency, entity,
  152  or person must continue as a binding contract or agreement for
  153  the remainder of the term of such contract or agreement on the
  154  successor department, agency, or entity responsible for the
  155  program, activity, or functions relative to the contract or
  156  agreement. The Department of Education shall continue the
  157  operations of any direct-support organization created under
  158  chapter 413, Florida Statutes, until full implementation of the
  159  transition plan or October 1, 2027, whichever occurs first. The
  160  transition must include the transfer of powers, duties,
  161  functions, records, offices, personnel, property, pending
  162  issues, and existing contracts related to any direct-support
  163  organizations created under chapter 413, Florida Statutes.
  164         (3)Any funds held in trust which were donated to or earned
  165  by the Division of Blind Services or the Division of Vocational
  166  Rehabilitation must be transferred in conjunction with the
  167  direct-support organization created pursuant to s. 413.0111,
  168  Florida Statutes, as appropriate, and used for the original
  169  purposes.
  170         (4)Duties related to applicable federal authority in
  171  connection with any federal program operated by or federal
  172  funding received by the state must transfer to the Agency for
  173  Persons with Disabilities to allow the timely submission of any
  174  necessary amendments, supplemental information, or waivers
  175  concerning plans that the state or an entity specified in
  176  subsection (3) is required to submit to the applicable federal
  177  departments or agencies or that, pursuant to federal laws or
  178  regulations, are necessary to administer this act.
  179         (5)All powers, duties, functions, records, offices,
  180  personnel, property, pending issues, existing contracts,
  181  administrative authority, administrative rules, and unexpended
  182  balances of appropriations, allocations, and other funds of the
  183  Department of Education relating to the programs transferred to
  184  the Agency for Persons with Disabilities under subsection (1)
  185  which are not specifically transferred by this section are
  186  transferred by a type two transfer, as defined in s. 20.06(2),
  187  Florida Statutes, to the Agency for Persons with Disabilities.
  188         (6)The Agency for Persons with Disabilities and the
  189  Department of Education shall jointly notify the United States
  190  Department of Education of the change in grant recipient for any
  191  applicable federal funding.
  192         (7)It is the intent of the Legislature that all transition
  193  activities be completed on or before October 1, 2027, and that
  194  the changes made by this section be accomplished with minimal
  195  disruption of services provided to the public and minimal
  196  disruption to employees of any affected organization. To that
  197  end, the Legislature directs all applicable units of state
  198  government to contribute to the successful implementation of
  199  this act, and declares that a transition period between July 1,
  200  2025, and October 1, 2027, is appropriate and warranted, and is
  201  hereby established.
  202         Section 3. (1)The secretary of the Agency for Persons
  203  with Disabilities and the Commissioner of Education shall each
  204  designate a transition coordinator to serve as the primary
  205  representative on a transition advisory working group for
  206  matters related to implementing this act and the transition
  207  plans required under this act. The transition coordinators may
  208  recommend to the secretary and the commissioner a team of
  209  subject-matter experts to fulfill transition duties and submit
  210  progress reports on any activity, duty, or function performed
  211  under this act.
  212         (2)The secretary and the commissioner shall each appoint
  213  three staff members to the transition advisory working group to
  214  review and make determinations on the following:
  215         (a)The appropriate proportionate number of administrative,
  216  auditing, inspector general, attorney, and operational support
  217  positions and their related funding levels and sources and
  218  assigned property to be transferred from the Office of General
  219  Counsel, Office of Inspector General, and Division of
  220  Administrative Services or other relevant offices or divisions
  221  within the Department of Education to the Agency for Persons
  222  with Disabilities.
  223         (b)The development of a recommended plan addressing the
  224  transfers or shared use of buildings, regional offices, and
  225  other facilities used or owned by the Department of Education.
  226         (c)Any operating budget adjustments necessary to implement
  227  the requirements of this act. Adjustments made to the operating
  228  budgets of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities and the
  229  Department of Education in the implementation of this act must
  230  be made in consultation with the appropriate substantive and
  231  fiscal committees of the Senate and the House of
  232  Representatives.
  233         Section 4. Paragraphs (e) and (f) of subsection (3) of
  234  section 20.15, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  235         20.15 Department of Education.—There is created a
  236  Department of Education.
  237         (3) DIVISIONS.—The following divisions of the Department of
  238  Education are established:
  239         (e)Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.
  240         (f)Division of Blind Services.
  241         Section 5. Section 20.197, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  242  read:
  243         20.197 Agency for Persons with Disabilities.—
  244         (1)Notwithstanding s. 20.04(1), there is created a
  245  department, which shall be called the Agency for Persons with
  246  Disabilities, for the purposes of:
  247         (a)Serving as the single state agency providing multiple
  248  pathways for success for persons with disabilities.
  249         (b)Providing services under chapter 393 to persons with
  250  disabilities, including overseeing the operation of all state
  251  institutional programs and the programmatic management of
  252  Medicaid waivers and other programs established to provide
  253  services to persons with developmental disabilities.
  254         (c)Providing services under chapter 413 to persons with
  255  disabilities.
  256         (2)The head of the agency is the secretary of the Agency
  257  for Persons with Disabilities and shall be appointed by the
  258  Governor, subject to confirmation by the Senate. The secretary
  259  shall serve at the pleasure of and report to the Governor housed
  260  within the Department of Children and Families for
  261  administrative purposes only. The agency shall be a separate
  262  budget entity not subject to control, supervision, or direction
  263  by the Department of Children and Families in any manner,
  264  including, but not limited to, personnel, purchasing,
  265  transactions involving real or personal property, and budgetary
  266  matters.
  267         (3)(1)The director of the agency shall be the agency head
  268  for all purposes and shall be appointed by the Governor, subject
  269  to confirmation by the Senate, and shall serve at the pleasure
  270  of the Governor. The secretary director shall administer the
  271  affairs of the agency and may, within available resources,
  272  employ assistants, professional staff, and other employees as
  273  necessary to discharge the powers and duties of the agency.
  274         (4)(2) The agency, shall include a Division of Budget and
  275  Planning and a Division of Operations. In addition, and in
  276  accordance with s. 20.04, shall establish the director of the
  277  agency may recommend establishing additional divisions, bureaus,
  278  sections, and subsections of the agency in order to promote
  279  efficient and effective operation of the agency.
  280         (3)The agency is responsible for providing all services
  281  provided to persons with developmental disabilities under
  282  chapter 393, including the operation of all state institutional
  283  programs and the programmatic management of Medicaid waivers
  284  established to provide services to persons with developmental
  285  disabilities.
  286         (5)(4) The agency shall engage in such other programmatic
  287  and administrative activities as it deems are deemed necessary
  288  to effectively and efficiently address the needs of the agency’s
  289  clients.
  290         (6)(5) The agency shall enter into an interagency agreement
  291  that delineates the responsibilities of the Agency for Health
  292  Care Administration for the following:
  293         (a) The terms and execution of contracts with Medicaid
  294  providers for the provision of services provided through
  295  Medicaid, including federally approved waiver programs.
  296         (b) The billing, payment, and reconciliation of claims for
  297  Medicaid services reimbursed by the agency.
  298         (c) The implementation of utilization management measures,
  299  including the prior authorization of services plans and the
  300  streamlining and consolidation of waiver services, to ensure the
  301  cost-effective provision of needed Medicaid services and to
  302  maximize the number of persons with access to such services.
  303         (d) A system of approving each client’s plan of care to
  304  ensure that the services on the plan of care are those that
  305  without which the client would require the services of an
  306  intermediate care facility for the developmentally disabled.
  307         Section 6. Section 20.1971, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  308  read:
  309         20.1971 Agency for Persons with Disabilities; trust funds.
  310  The following trust funds shall be administered by the Agency
  311  for Persons with Disabilities:
  313         (a) Funds to be credited to the trust fund shall consist of
  314  federal matching funds provided for the administration of
  315  Medicaid services. Funds must shall be used for the purpose of
  316  supporting the agency’s administration of Medicaid programs and
  317  for other such purposes as may be appropriate and shall be
  318  expended only pursuant to legislative appropriation or an
  319  approved amendment to the agency’s operating budget pursuant to
  320  the provisions of chapter 216.
  321         (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 216.301 and
  322  pursuant to s. 216.351, any balance in the trust fund at the end
  323  of any fiscal year remains shall remain in the trust fund at the
  324  end of the year and is shall be available for carrying out the
  325  purposes of the trust fund.
  327         (a) Funds to be credited to the trust fund shall consist of
  328  receipts from third-party payors of health care services such as
  329  Medicaid. Funds must shall be used for the purpose of providing
  330  health care services to agency clients and for other such
  331  purposes as may be appropriate and may shall be expended only
  332  pursuant to legislative appropriation or an approved amendment
  333  to the agency’s operating budget pursuant to the provisions of
  334  chapter 216.
  335         (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 216.301 and
  336  pursuant to s. 216.351, any balance in the trust fund at the end
  337  of any fiscal year remains shall remain in the trust fund at the
  338  end of the year and is shall be available for carrying out the
  339  purposes of the trust fund.
  341         (a) Funds to be credited to the trust fund shall consist of
  342  federal social services block grant funds. These funds must
  343  shall be used for the purpose of providing health care and
  344  support services to agency clients and for other such purposes
  345  as may be appropriate and may shall be expended only pursuant to
  346  legislative appropriation or an approved amendment to the
  347  agency’s operating budget pursuant to the provisions of chapter
  348  216.
  349         (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 216.301 and
  350  pursuant to s. 216.351, any balance in the trust fund at the end
  351  of any fiscal year remains shall remain in the trust fund at the
  352  end of the year and is shall be available for carrying out the
  353  purposes of the trust fund.
  355         (a) Funds to be credited to the trust fund shall consist of
  356  funds disbursed, by nonoperating transfer, from the Department
  357  of Financial Services Tobacco Settlement Clearing Trust Fund in
  358  amounts equal to the annual appropriations made from this trust
  359  fund.
  360         (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 216.301 and
  361  pursuant to s. 216.351, any unencumbered balance in the trust
  362  fund at the end of any fiscal year and any encumbered balance
  363  remaining undisbursed on September 30 of the same calendar year
  364  reverts shall revert to the Department of Financial Services
  365  Tobacco Settlement Clearing Trust Fund.
  367         (a) Funds to be credited to the trust fund shall consist of
  368  receipts from federal grants. These funds must shall be used for
  369  the purpose of providing health care services to agency clients
  370  and for other such purposes as may be appropriate and may shall
  371  be expended only pursuant to legislative appropriation or an
  372  approved amendment to the agency’s operating budget pursuant to
  373  the provisions of chapter 216.
  374         (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 216.301 and
  375  pursuant to s. 216.351, any balance in the trust fund at the end
  376  of any fiscal year remains shall remain in the trust fund at the
  377  end of the year and is shall be available for carrying out the
  378  purposes of the trust fund.
  380         (a)Funds to be credited to the trust fund shall consist of
  381  receipts from federal grants. These funds must be used for the
  382  purpose of providing independent living skills, education,
  383  medical treatment, and assistive devices for individuals with
  384  disabilities so that they may lead productive lives and join the
  385  workforce.
  386         (b)Notwithstanding s. 216.301 and pursuant to s. 216.351,
  387  any balance in the trust fund at the end of any fiscal year
  388  remains in the trust fund at the end of the year and is
  389  available for carrying out the purposes of the trust fund.
  390         Section 7. Section 393.062, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  391  read:
  392         393.062 Legislative findings and declaration of intent.—The
  393  Legislature finds and intends declares that the Agency for
  394  Persons with Disabilities serve as the single state agency for
  395  all individuals with disabilities in this state. The mission of
  396  the agency is to support individuals with disabilities and their
  397  families in living, learning, and working within their
  398  communities by creating multiple pathways to possibilities for
  399  such individuals and their families existing state programs for
  400  the treatment of individuals with developmental disabilities,
  401  which often unnecessarily place clients in institutions, are
  402  unreasonably costly, are ineffective in bringing the individual
  403  client to his or her maximum potential, and are in fact
  404  debilitating to many clients. A redirection in state treatment
  405  programs for individuals with developmental disabilities is
  406  necessary if any significant amelioration of the problems faced
  407  by such individuals is ever to take place. Such redirection
  408  should place primary emphasis on programs that prevent or reduce
  409  the severity of developmental disabilities. Further, The
  410  greatest priority shall be given to the development and
  411  implementation of community-based services that will enable
  412  individuals with developmental disabilities to achieve their
  413  greatest potential for independent and productive living, enable
  414  them to live in their own homes or in residences located in
  415  their own communities, and permit them to be diverted or removed
  416  from unnecessary institutional placements. This goal cannot be
  417  met without ensuring the availability of community residential
  418  opportunities in the residential areas of this state. The
  419  Legislature, therefore, declares that all persons with
  420  developmental disabilities who live in licensed community homes
  421  shall have a family living environment comparable to other
  422  Floridians and that such residences shall be considered and
  423  treated as a functional equivalent of a family unit and not as
  424  an institution, business, or boarding home. The Legislature
  425  further declares that, in developing community-based programs
  426  and services for individuals with developmental disabilities,
  427  private businesses, not-for-profit corporations, units of local
  428  government, and other organizations capable of providing needed
  429  services to clients in a cost-efficient manner shall be given
  430  preference in lieu of operation of programs directly by state
  431  agencies. Finally, it is the intent of the Legislature that all
  432  caretakers unrelated to individuals with developmental
  433  disabilities receiving care shall be of good moral character.
  434         Section 8. Section 393.0621, Florida Statutes, is created
  435  to read:
  436         393.0621Duties and responsibilities of the agency.-The
  437  agency shall:
  438         (1)Serve as the primary agency administering support to
  439  individuals with disabilities in living, learning, and working
  440  within their communities by creating multiple pathways to
  441  possibilities for such individuals and their families, among
  442  other responsibilities.
  443         (2)Administer, as deemed fit by the agency and in
  444  accordance with law, developmental disabilities home and
  445  community-based Medicaid waiver programs.
  446         (3)Develop community-based programs and services for
  447  individuals with disabilities and work with private businesses,
  448  nonprofit organizations, faith-based entities, units of local
  449  government, and other organizations capable of providing needed
  450  services to individuals with disabilities to provide
  451  opportunities for success to such individuals.
  452         (4)Advise the Governor and the Legislature regarding the
  453  need for and location of programs related to disabilities.
  454         (5)Serve as the preeminent state authority on individuals
  455  with disabilities and, when necessary, advise, set standards
  456  for, and propose recommendations to other entities serving
  457  individuals with disabilities.
  458         (6)Advocate for quality programs and services for the
  459  state’s disabled population and on behalf of the needs of
  460  individuals with disabilities.
  461         (7)Purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire material to
  462  advertise, market, and promote awareness of services available
  463  to enable individuals with disabilities to achieve greater
  464  independence.
  465         (8)Prevent neglect, abuse, or exploitation of individuals
  466  with disabilities who are unable to protect their own interests.
  467         (9)Conduct studies and collect data necessary for the
  468  success of its mission.
  469         (10)Coordinate interdepartmental policy development and
  470  program planning for all state agencies that provide services
  471  for individuals with disabilities in order to prevent
  472  duplicative efforts, to maximize use of resources, and to ensure
  473  cooperation, communication, and departmental linkages.
  474         Section 9. Present subsections (6) through (46) of section
  475  393.063, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsections (7)
  476  through (47), respectively, a new subsection (6) is added to
  477  that section, and present subsections (6), (7), (10), (13),
  478  (18), (20), (31), (37), and (46) of that section are amended, to
  479  read:
  480         393.063 Definitions.—For the purposes of this chapter, the
  481  term:
  482         (6)“Care plan” means a written tool that contains
  483  information provided by the individual with disabilities or his
  484  or her guardian advocate or representative which is used to
  485  develop attainable milestones and corresponding timelines to
  486  address immediate, intermediate, and long-term needs and goals
  487  through the coordination of resources and support.
  488         (7)(6) “Cerebral palsy” means a group of disabling symptoms
  489  of extended duration which results from damage to the developing
  490  brain that may occur before, during, or after birth and that
  491  results in the loss or impairment of control over voluntary
  492  muscles. The term For the purposes of this definition, cerebral
  493  palsy does not include those symptoms or impairments resulting
  494  solely from a stroke.
  495         (8)(7) “Client” means any individual with disabilities who
  496  receives services or support from the agency under this chapter
  497  or chapter 413 person determined eligible by the agency for
  498  services under this chapter.
  499         (11)(10) “Developmental disabilities center” means a state
  500  owned and state-operated facility, formerly known as a “Sunland
  501  Center,” providing for the care, habilitation, and
  502  rehabilitation of clients with developmental disabilities.
  503         (14)(13) “Domicile” means the place where a client legally
  504  resides and which is his or her permanent home. Domicile may be
  505  established as provided in s. 222.17. Domicile may not be
  506  established in Florida by a minor who does not have a has no
  507  parent domiciled in Florida, or by a minor who has no legal
  508  guardian domiciled in Florida, or by any alien not classified as
  509  a resident alien.
  510         (19)(18) “Group home facility” means a residential facility
  511  licensed under this chapter which provides a family living
  512  environment including supervision and care necessary to meet the
  513  physical, emotional, and social needs of its residents. The
  514  capacity of such a facility must shall be at least 4 but not
  515  more than 15 residents.
  516         (21)(20) “Guardian advocate” means a person appointed by a
  517  written order of the court under s. 393.12 to represent a person
  518  with developmental disabilities under s. 393.12.
  519         (32)(31) “Resident” means a person who has a developmental
  520  disability and resides at a residential facility, regardless of
  521  whether or not such person is a client of the agency.
  522         (38)(37) “Seclusion” means the involuntary isolation of a
  523  person in a room or area from which the person is prevented from
  524  leaving. The prevention may be by physical barrier or by a staff
  525  member who is acting in a manner, or who is physically situated,
  526  so as to prevent the person from leaving the room or area. For
  527  the purposes of this chapter, the term does not mean isolation
  528  due to the medical condition or symptoms of the person.
  529         (47)(46) “Treatment” means interventions or services
  530  provided to prevent and lessen a client’s symptoms; provide
  531  care, comfort, and education to a client; and restore and
  532  maintain the health of a client the prevention, amelioration, or
  533  cure of a client’s physical and mental disabilities or
  534  illnesses.
  535         Section 10. Paragraph (b) of subsection (5) and paragraph
  536  (a) of subsection (11) of section 393.065, Florida Statutes, are
  537  amended to read:
  538         393.065 Application and eligibility determination.—
  539         (5) Except as provided in subsections (6) and (7), if a
  540  client seeking enrollment in the developmental disabilities home
  541  and community-based services Medicaid waiver program meets the
  542  level of care requirement for an intermediate care facility for
  543  individuals with intellectual disabilities pursuant to 42 C.F.R.
  544  ss. 435.217(b)(1) and 440.150, the agency must assign the client
  545  to an appropriate preenrollment category pursuant to this
  546  subsection and must provide priority to clients waiting for
  547  waiver services in the following order:
  548         (b) Category 2, which includes clients in the preenrollment
  549  categories who are:
  550         1. From the child welfare system with an open case in the
  551  Department of Children and Families’ statewide automated child
  552  welfare information system and who are either:
  553         a. Transitioning out of the child welfare system into
  554  permanency; or
  555         b. At least 18 years but not yet 22 years of age and who
  556  need both waiver services and extended foster care services; or
  557         2. At least 18 years but not yet 22 years of age and who
  558  withdrew consent pursuant to s. 39.6251(5)(c) to remain in the
  559  extended foster care system.
  561  For individuals who are at least 18 years but not yet 22 years
  562  of age and who are eligible under sub-subparagraph 1.b., the
  563  agency must provide waiver services, including residential
  564  habilitation, and must participate in transition planning
  565  activities coordinated by the community-based care lead agency,
  566  including, but not limited to, transition plan staffing pursuant
  567  to s. 39.6035 and multidisciplinary staffing pursuant to s.
  568  39.701, including those activities regarding guardianship. and
  569  The community-based care lead agency must fund room and board at
  570  the rate established in s. 409.145(3) and provide case
  571  management and related services as defined in s. 409.986(3)(e).
  572  Individuals may receive both waiver services and services under
  573  s. 39.6251. Services may not duplicate services available
  574  through the Medicaid state plan.
  576  Within preenrollment categories 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, the agency
  577  shall prioritize clients in the order of the date that the
  578  client is determined eligible for waiver services.
  579         (11)(a) The agency must provide the following information
  580  to all applicants or their parents, legal guardians, or family
  581  members:
  582         1. A brief overview of the vocational rehabilitation
  583  services offered through the Division of Vocational
  584  Rehabilitation of the agency Department of Education, including
  585  a hyperlink or website address that provides access to the
  586  application for such services;
  587         2. A brief overview of the Florida ABLE program as
  588  established under s. 1009.986, including a hyperlink or website
  589  address that provides access to the application for establishing
  590  an ABLE account as defined in s. 1009.986(2);
  591         3. A brief overview of the supplemental security income
  592  benefits and social security disability income benefits
  593  available under Title XVI of the Social Security Act, as
  594  amended, including a hyperlink or website address that provides
  595  access to the application for such benefits;
  596         4. A statement indicating that the applicant’s local public
  597  school district may provide specialized instructional services,
  598  including transition programs, for students with special
  599  education needs;
  600         5. A brief overview of programs and services funded through
  601  the Florida Center for Students with Unique Abilities, including
  602  contact information for each state-approved Florida
  603  Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Program;
  604         6. A brief overview of decisionmaking options for
  605  individuals with disabilities, guardianship under chapter 744,
  606  and alternatives to guardianship as defined in s. 744.334(1),
  607  which may include contact information for organizations that the
  608  agency believes would be helpful in assisting with such
  609  decisions;
  610         7. A brief overview of the referral tools made available
  611  through the agency, including a hyperlink or website address
  612  that provides access to such tools; and
  613         8. A statement indicating that some waiver providers may
  614  serve private-pay individuals.
  615         Section 11. Section 393.0664, Florida Statutes, is created
  616  to read:
  617         393.0664Adult Pathways Home and Community-based Services
  618  Medicaid waiver program.—
  620         (a)The agency shall implement the Adult Pathways Home and
  621  Community-based Services Medicaid waiver program using a fee
  622  for-service model with an annual per-person funding cap to
  623  address the needs of clients with developmental disabilities as
  624  they transition into adulthood and achieve greater independence
  625  throughout their lifetimes.
  626         (b)The program is created to establish an additional
  627  pathway to provide necessary supports and services to clients
  628  and contain costs by maximizing the use of natural supports and
  629  community partnerships before turning to state resources to meet
  630  the needs of clients at the earliest possible time to prevent
  631  care crises and to positively influence outcomes relating to
  632  client health, safety, and well-being.
  633         (c)The agency, in partnership with the Agency for Health
  634  Care Administration, may seek federal approval through a state
  635  plan amendment or Medicaid waiver as necessary to implement the
  636  program. The Agency for Health Care Administration shall submit
  637  a request for any federal approval needed to implement the
  638  program by October 1, 2025.
  640         (a)Participation in the program is voluntary and limited
  641  to the maximum number of enrollees authorized in the General
  642  Appropriations Act.
  643         (b)The agency shall approve a needs assessment methodology
  644  to determine functional, behavioral, and physical needs of
  645  prospective enrollees. The assessment methodology may be
  646  administered only by persons who have completed any training
  647  required by the agency for such purpose. If required, the agency
  648  must offer any such training.
  649         (c)To participate in the program, a client must meet all
  650  of the following criteria:
  651         1.Be eligible for Medicaid.
  652         2.Be eligible for a preenrollment category for Medicaid
  653  waiver services as provided in s. 393.065(5).
  654         3.Be 18 to 28 years of age at the time of enrollment and
  655  have attained a high school diploma or the equivalent.
  656         4.Meet the level of care required for home and community
  657  based services as identified in the federal approval for the
  658  program.
  659         (d)Enrollees may remain on the Adult Pathways waiver until
  660  the age of 32.
  661         (e)Participation in the program does not affect the status
  662  of current clients of the home and community-based services
  663  Medicaid waiver program under s. 393.0662 unless a client, or
  664  his or her legal representative, voluntarily disenrolls from
  665  that program.
  666         (f)Enrollees who voluntarily disenroll from the program
  667  must be allowed to return to the most appropriate preenrollment
  668  category for services under s. 393.065 based on a current needs
  669  assessment and the preenrollment category criteria.
  671         (a)The agency shall authorize covered services as
  672  specified in the Medicaid waiver which are medically necessary,
  673  including, but not limited to, any of the following:
  674         1.Adult day training.
  675         2.Companion services.
  676         3.Employment services.
  677         4.Personal supports.
  678         5.Prevocational services.
  679         6.Supported living coaching.
  680         7.Transportation.
  681         8.Care Coordination.
  682         (b)Services must be provided to enrollees in accordance
  683  with an individualized care plan, which must be evaluated and
  684  updated at least annually and as often as warranted by changes
  685  in the enrollee’s circumstances.
  687         (a)The agency shall begin enrollment upon federal approval
  688  of the Medicaid waiver, with coverage for enrollees becoming
  689  effective upon authorization and availability of sufficient
  690  state and federal funding and resources.
  691         (b)This section and any rules adopted pursuant thereto may
  692  not be construed to prevent or limit the agency, in consultation
  693  with the Agency for Health Care Administration, from adjusting
  694  fees, reimbursement rates, lengths of stay, number of visits, or
  695  number of services; limiting enrollment; or making any other
  696  adjustment necessary based upon funding and any limitations
  697  imposed or directions provided in the General Appropriations
  698  Act.
  699         (c)The agency, in consultation with the Agency for Health
  700  Care Administration, shall submit progress reports to the
  701  Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the
  702  House of Representatives upon federal approval of the Medicaid
  703  waiver and throughout implementation of the program under the
  704  waiver. By July 1, 2026, the Agency for Persons with
  705  Disabilities shall submit a progress report on the
  706  administration of the program, including, but not limited to,
  707  all of the following:
  708         1.The number of enrollees in the program and other
  709  pertinent information on enrollment.
  710         2.Service use.
  711         3.Average cost per enrollee.
  712         4.Outcomes and performance reporting relating to health,
  713  safety, and well-being of enrollees.
  714         Section 12. Section 393.502, Florida Statutes, is amended
  715  to read:
  716         393.502 Family care councils.—
  717         (1) CREATION; PURPOSE.—
  718         (a)There is created the statewide family care council to
  719  work in consultation with the agency for purposes of advising
  720  the agency on strategies to promote and support the delivery of
  721  services and resources across the state. The statewide council
  722  shall use information provided from the local family care
  723  councils to inform the development of strategies and resources,
  724  including the promotion of peer and mentorship models, to
  725  support individuals with disabilities and their families in the
  726  state.
  727         (b) There is shall be established and located within each
  728  agency-designated region service area of the agency a local
  729  family care council to collect, provide, and promote information
  730  in consultation with the statewide family care council and the
  731  agency relating to services and resources within each council’s
  732  locally designated region and to act as a local network for
  733  mentorship and peer support to individuals with disabilities and
  734  their families.
  735         (2)DUTIES; REPORT.—
  736         (a)The statewide family care council shall use the
  737  information received from the annual reports and quarterly
  738  meetings of the local family care councils to provide an annual
  739  report to the agency due December 1, including information
  740  relating to the existing infrastructure of supports for
  741  individuals with disabilities and their families and targeted
  742  strategies in consultation with the agency for the development
  743  of existing and additional peer and mentorship models.
  744  Specifically, the plan and strategies should reference existing
  745  models established as leading practices and promote the
  746  maximization of community integration, resource identification,
  747  encouragement for others by sharing lived experiences, and
  748  increase of skills for independence through partnerships that
  749  promote volunteer, intern, and employment options.
  750         (b)The local family care councils shall:
  751         1.Provide an annual report to the statewide family care
  752  council by July 1 which includes information relating to locally
  753  based existing resources and supports available for individuals
  754  with disabilities and their families with an emphasis on peer
  755  and mentorship programs and models and direct feedback and
  756  activities provided through the local family care council’s
  757  quarterly meetings which inform strategies to develop networks
  758  of supports which promote the maximization of community
  759  integration, resource identification, encouragement for others
  760  by sharing lived experiences, and increase of skills for
  761  independence through partnerships that promote volunteer
  762  opportunities, internships, and employment options.
  763         2.Assist in promoting strategies, models, and programs
  764  that are developed as a result of findings in the statewide
  765  family care council’s annual report and in consultation with the
  766  agency.
  767         3.Provide outreach and connection for individuals with
  768  disabilities and their families to care navigation, resources
  769  and supports, and additional opportunities to connect with
  770  others with lived experiences to promote empowerment and
  771  resiliency.
  772         (3)FUNDING; FINANCIAL REVIEW.—A local family care council
  773  may apply for, receive, and accept grants, gifts, and donations,
  774  bequests, and other payments from any public or private entity
  775  or person for the purpose of directly supporting the mentorship
  776  and peer supports program and network. Each council shall
  777  exercise care and prudence in the expenditure of funds. The
  778  statewide council and each local council are subject to an
  779  annual financial review by staff assigned by the agency. After
  780  the review, the agency may implement financial controls for a
  781  council as it deems necessary. The statewide and local councils
  782  must comply with state expenditure requirements.
  783         (4)(2) MEMBERSHIP.—
  784         (a)1.Employees of the agency are not eligible to serve as
  785  voting members on either the statewide council or a local
  786  council.
  787         2.Persons related by consanguinity or affinity within the
  788  third degree may not serve on the same council at the same time.
  789         (b)1.The Governor shall appoint all members of the
  790  statewide council, based on recommendations of the secretary of
  791  the agency. The statewide council shall be composed of up to 11
  792  members, as follows:
  793         a.At least one representative from each agency-designated
  794  region, each of whom must be a resident of the region he or she
  795  represents on the council.
  796         b.At least two individuals who are receiving waiver
  797  services from the agency or are assigned to a preenrollment
  798  category for waiver services under s. 393.065.
  799         c.One nonvoting member appointed by the secretary of the
  800  agency.
  801         d.One representative of an entity that provides services
  802  to individuals with disabilities in this state, including, but
  803  not limited to, a private sector Florida Unique Abilities
  804  Partner designated under s. 413.801, which does not have a
  805  Medicaid waiver service contract with the agency, who shall
  806  serve as a member-at-large.
  807         e.At least one member who is the parent, grandparent,
  808  guardian, or sibling of an individual with disabilities who is
  809  served by the agency. For a grandparent to serve as a member,
  810  the grandchild’s parent or legal guardian must consent to the
  811  appointment in writing to the agency.
  812         f.Additional members may include representatives from
  813  local community-based nonprofit organizations, faith-based
  814  organizations, schools, or programs embedded within educational
  815  systems in this state.
  816         2.The council chair shall be chosen by the council members
  817  to serve a 1-year term. A person may not serve more than two
  818  consecutive terms as chair.
  819         (c)(a) Each local family care council shall be composed
  820  consist of at least 10 and no more than 15 members who are
  821  recommended by a majority vote of the local family care council
  822  and appointed by the secretary of the agency. Each local council
  823  member must reside within the agency-designated region served by
  824  the local council.
  825         1.At least one member must be an individual receiving
  826  waiver services from the agency or assigned to a preenrollment
  827  category for waiver services under s. 393.065.
  828         2.One member must be a representative of an entity
  829  providing services to individuals with disabilities in this
  830  state, including, but not limited to, a private sector Florida
  831  Unique Abilities Partner designated under s. 413.801, which does
  832  not have a Medicaid waiver service contract with the agency.
  833         3.At least one member must be the parent, grandparent,
  834  guardian, or sibling of an individual with disabilities who is
  835  served by the agency. For a grandparent to serve as a member,
  836  the grandchild’s parent or legal guardian must consent to the
  837  appointment in writing to the agency.
  838         4.Additional members may include representatives of local
  839  community-based nonprofit organizations, faith-based
  840  organizations, schools, or educational programs Governor.
  841         (b)At least three of the members of the council shall be
  842  individuals receiving or waiting to receive services from the
  843  agency. One such member shall be an individual who has been
  844  receiving services within the 4 years before the date of
  845  recommendation. The remainder of the council members shall be
  846  parents, grandparents, guardians, or siblings of individuals who
  847  have developmental disabilities and qualify for services
  848  pursuant to this chapter. For a grandparent to be a council
  849  member, the grandchild’s parent or legal guardian must consent
  850  to the appointment and report the consent to the agency.
  851         (c)A person who is currently serving on another board or
  852  council of the agency may not be appointed to a local family
  853  care council.
  854         (d)Employees of the agency are not eligible to serve on a
  855  local family care council.
  856         (e)Persons related by consanguinity or affinity within the
  857  third degree shall not serve on the same local family care
  858  council at the same time.
  859         5.(f)The A chair of each local for the council must shall
  860  be chosen by the council members to serve a 1-year term for 1
  861  year. A person may not serve no more than two consecutive four
  862  1-year terms as chair.
  863         (5)(3) TERMS; VACANCIES.—
  864         (a) Council members for the statewide and local councils
  865  shall be appointed for a 3-year term, except as provided in
  866  subsection (9) (8), and may be reappointed to one additional
  867  term.
  868         (b) A member who has served two consecutive terms shall not
  869  be eligible to serve again until 12 months have elapsed since
  870  ending his or her service on the local council.
  871         (c) Upon expiration of a term or in the case of any other
  872  vacancy, the statewide or local council shall notify the agency
  873  of the vacancy, which must be filled in the same manner as the
  874  original appointment, by majority vote, recommend to the
  875  Governor for appointment a person for each vacancy.
  876         (d)Statewide council members serve at the pleasure of the
  877  Governor. Local council members serve at the pleasure of the
  878  secretary of the agency.
  879         (6)(4) COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS.—The chair of the local
  880  family care council may appoint persons to serve on council
  881  committees. Such persons may include former members of the
  882  council and persons not eligible to serve on the council.
  883         (7)(5) TRAINING.—
  884         (a) The agency, in consultation with the statewide and
  885  local councils, shall establish a training program for local
  886  family care council members. Each council local area shall
  887  provide the training program when new members persons are
  888  appointed to the local council and at other times as the
  889  secretary deems necessary.
  890         (b) The training must shall assist the council members to
  891  understand the laws, rules, and policies applicable to their
  892  duties and responsibilities.
  893         (c) All members persons appointed to a local council must
  894  complete this training within 90 days after their appointment. A
  895  member person who fails to meet this requirement is shall be
  896  considered to have resigned from the council.
  897         (8)(6) MEETINGS.—
  898         (a)The statewide family care council and all local family
  899  care councils shall meet as necessary but at least quarterly.
  900         (b) Council members shall serve on a voluntary basis
  901  without compensation. However, members who were appointed on the
  902  basis of receiving waiver services from the agency or by virtue
  903  of being assigned to a preenrollment category or who are serving
  904  on the basis of being related to such a person are entitled to
  905  reimbursement payment for their services but shall be reimbursed
  906  for per diem and travel expenses as provided for in s. 112.061.
  907         (c)The statewide family care council and local family care
  908  councils may not conduct business in the absence of a quorum.
  909  The majority of the members of the council constitutes a quorum,
  910  and a meeting may not be held with less than a quorum present.
  911  In order to establish a quorum, the council may conduct its
  912  meetings through teleconference or other electronic means. If
  913  vacancies on a council prevent a quorum, the only business the
  914  council may conduct is the development and submission of
  915  recommendations for individuals to be appointed to the council
  916  by the secretary of the agency The council shall meet at least
  917  six times per year.
  918         (7)PURPOSE.—The purpose of the local family care councils
  919  shall be to advise the agency, to develop a plan for the
  920  delivery of family support services within the local area, and
  921  to monitor the implementation and effectiveness of services and
  922  support provided under the plan. The primary functions of the
  923  local family care councils shall be to:
  924         (a)Assist in providing information and outreach to
  925  families.
  926         (b)Review the effectiveness of service programs and make
  927  recommendations with respect to program implementation.
  928         (c)Advise the agency with respect to policy issues
  929  relevant to the community and family support system in the local
  930  area.
  931         (d)Meet and share information with other local family care
  932  councils.
  933         (9)(8) NEW COUNCILS.—When a local family care council is
  934  established for the first time in an agency-designated region a
  935  local area, the secretary of the agency Governor shall appoint
  936  the first four council members, who shall serve 3-year terms.
  937  These members shall submit to the Governor, within 90 days after
  938  their appointment, recommendations for at least six additional
  939  members, selected by majority vote.
  940         (9)FUNDING; FINANCIAL REVIEW.—The local family care
  941  council may apply for, receive, and accept grants, gifts,
  942  donations, bequests, and other payments from any public or
  943  private entity or person. Each local council is subject to an
  944  annual financial review by staff assigned by the agency. Each
  945  local council shall exercise care and prudence in the
  946  expenditure of funds. The local family care councils shall
  947  comply with state expenditure requirements.
  948         Section 13. Section 413.001, Florida Statutes, is created
  949  to read:
  950         413.001Legislative intent; purpose.—It is the intent of
  951  the Legislature that the Agency for Persons with Disabilities
  952  serve as the single state agency for all individuals with
  953  disabilities. The purpose of the Agency for Persons with
  954  Disabilities is to support individuals with disabilities and
  955  their families in living, learning, and working within their
  956  communities by creating multiple pathways to possibilities.
  957         Section 14. Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section
  958  413.271, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  959         413.271 Florida Coordinating Council for the Deaf and Hard
  960  of Hearing.—
  961         (2)
  962         (b) The coordinating council shall be composed of 17
  963  members. The appointment of members not representing agencies
  964  must shall be made by the Governor. The appointment of members
  965  representing organizations must shall be made by the Governor in
  966  consultation with those organizations. The membership must shall
  967  be as follows:
  968         1. Two members representing the Florida Association of the
  969  Deaf.
  970         2. Two members representing the Florida Association of Self
  971  Help for Hard of Hearing People.
  972         3. A member representing the Association of Late-Deafened
  973  Adults.
  974         4. An individual who is deaf and blind.
  975         5. A parent of an individual who is deaf.
  976         6. A member representing the Deaf Service Center
  977  Association.
  978         7. A member representing the Florida Registry of
  979  Interpreters for the Deaf.
  980         8. A member representing the Florida chapter of the
  981  Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of
  982  Hearing.
  983         9. A communication access real-time translator.
  984         10. An audiologist licensed under part I of chapter 468.
  985         11. A hearing aid specialist licensed under part II of
  986  chapter 484.
  987         12. The Secretary of Children and Families or his or her
  988  designee.
  989         13. The State Surgeon General or his or her designee.
  990         14. The Commissioner of Education or his or her designee.
  991         15. The Secretary of Elderly Affairs or his or her
  992  designee.
  993         16.The secretary of the Agency for Persons with
  994  Disabilities or his or her designee.
  996  If any organization from which a representative is to be drawn
  997  ceases to exist, a representative of a similar organization must
  998  shall be named to the coordinating council. The Governor shall
  999  make appointments to the coordinating council and may remove any
 1000  member for cause. Each member must shall be appointed to a term
 1001  of 4 years. Any vacancy on the coordinating council must shall
 1002  be filled in the same manner as the original appointment, and
 1003  any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring because of
 1004  death, resignation, or ineligibility for membership shall serve
 1005  only for the unexpired term of the member’s predecessor. Before
 1006  Prior to serving on the coordinating council, all appointees
 1007  must attend orientation training that shall address, at a
 1008  minimum, addresses the requirements of the provisions of this
 1009  section; the programs operated by the coordinating council; the
 1010  role and functions of the coordinating council; the current
 1011  budget for the coordinating council; the results of the most
 1012  recent formal audit of the coordinating council; and the
 1013  requirements of the state’s public records law, the code of
 1014  ethics, the Administrative Procedure Act, and other laws
 1015  relating to public officials, including conflict-of-interest
 1016  laws.
 1017         Section 15. Paragraph (b) of subsection (5) of section
 1018  90.6063, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1019         90.6063 Interpreter services for deaf persons.—
 1020         (5) The appointing authority may channel requests for
 1021  qualified interpreters through:
 1022         (b) The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation of the Agency
 1023  for Persons with Disabilities Department of Education; or
 1024         Section 16. Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section
 1025  110.112, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1026         110.112 Affirmative action; equal employment opportunity.—
 1027         (3)(a) The department, in consultation with the Agency for
 1028  Persons with Disabilities, including the Division of Vocational
 1029  Rehabilitation and the Division of Blind Services within the
 1030  agency of the Department of Education, the Department of
 1031  Commerce, and the Executive Office of the Governor, shall
 1032  develop and implement programs that incorporate internships,
 1033  mentoring, on-the-job training, unpaid work experience,
 1034  situational assessments, and other innovative strategies that
 1035  are specifically geared toward individuals who have a
 1036  disability.
 1037         Section 17. Section 215.311, Florida Statutes, is amended
 1038  to read:
 1039         215.311 State funds; exceptions.—Section 215.31 does The
 1040  provisions of s. 215.31 shall not apply to funds collected by
 1041  and under the direction and supervision of the Division of Blind
 1042  Services of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities Department
 1043  of Education as provided under ss. 413.011, 413.041, and
 1044  413.051; however, nothing in this section may shall be construed
 1045  to except from the provisions of s. 215.31 any appropriations
 1046  made by the state to the division.
 1047         Section 18. Subsection (5) of section 257.04, Florida
 1048  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1049         257.04 Publications, pictures, and other documents received
 1050  to constitute part of State Library; powers and duties of
 1051  Division of Library and Information Services.—
 1052         (5) The division shall make all necessary arrangements to
 1053  coordinate with the Division of Blind Services of the Agency for
 1054  Persons with Disabilities Department of Education to provide
 1055  library services to the blind and physically handicapped persons
 1056  of the state.
 1057         Section 19. Paragraph (e) of subsection (2) and subsections
 1058  (4) and (5) of section 318.21, Florida Statutes, are amended to
 1059  read:
 1060         318.21 Disposition of civil penalties by county courts.—All
 1061  civil penalties received by a county court pursuant to the
 1062  provisions of this chapter shall be distributed and paid monthly
 1063  as follows:
 1064         (2) Of the remainder:
 1065         (e) Two percent shall be remitted to the Department of
 1066  Revenue for deposit in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund of
 1067  the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation of the Agency for
 1068  Persons with Disabilities Department of Education.
 1069         (4) Of the additional fine assessed under s. 318.18(3)(g)
 1070  for a violation of s. 316.1301, 40 percent must be remitted to
 1071  the Department of Revenue for deposit in the Grants and
 1072  Donations Trust Fund of the Division of Blind Services of the
 1073  Agency for Persons with Disabilities Department of Education,
 1074  and 60 percent must be distributed pursuant to subsections (1)
 1075  and (2).
 1076         (5) Of the additional fine assessed under s. 318.18(3)(g)
 1077  for a violation of s. 316.1303(1), 60 percent must be remitted
 1078  to the Department of Revenue for deposit in the Grants and
 1079  Donations Trust Fund of the Division of Vocational
 1080  Rehabilitation of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities
 1081  Department of Education, and 40 percent must be distributed
 1082  pursuant to subsections (1) and (2).
 1083         Section 20. Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) of section
 1084  320.0848, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1085         320.0848 Persons who have disabilities; issuance of
 1086  disabled parking permits; temporary permits; permits for certain
 1087  providers of transportation services to persons who have
 1088  disabilities.—
 1089         (4) From the proceeds of the temporary disabled parking
 1090  permit fees:
 1091         (c) The remainder must be distributed monthly as follows:
 1092         1. To be deposited in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund
 1093  of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation of the Agency for
 1094  Persons with Disabilities Department of Education for the
 1095  purpose of improving employment and training opportunities for
 1096  persons who have disabilities, with special emphasis on removing
 1097  transportation barriers, $4.
 1098         2. To be deposited in the Transportation Disadvantaged
 1099  Trust Fund to be used for funding matching grants to counties
 1100  for the purpose of improving transportation of persons who have
 1101  disabilities, $5.
 1102         Section 21. Paragraph (i) of subsection (4) of section
 1103  393.13, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1104         393.13 Treatment of persons with developmental
 1105  disabilities.—
 1106         (4) CLIENT RIGHTS.—For purposes of this subsection, the
 1107  term “client,” as defined in s. 393.063, shall also include any
 1108  person served in a facility licensed under s. 393.067.
 1109         (i) Each client shall have a central record. The central
 1110  record shall be established by the agency at the time that an
 1111  individual is determined eligible for services, shall be
 1112  maintained by the client’s support coordinator, and must contain
 1113  information pertaining to admission, diagnosis and treatment
 1114  history, present condition, and such other information as may be
 1115  required. The central record is the property of the agency.
 1116         1. Unless waived by the client, if competent, or the
 1117  client’s parent or legal guardian if the client is incompetent,
 1118  the client’s central record shall be confidential and exempt
 1119  from the provisions of s. 119.07(1), and no part of it shall be
 1120  released except:
 1121         a. The record may be released to physicians, attorneys, and
 1122  government agencies having need of the record to aid the client,
 1123  as designated by the client, if competent, or the client’s
 1124  parent or legal guardian, if the client is incompetent.
 1125         b. The record shall be produced in response to a subpoena
 1126  or released to persons authorized by order of court, excluding
 1127  matters privileged by other provisions of law.
 1128         c. The record or any part thereof may be disclosed to a
 1129  qualified researcher, a staff member of the facility where the
 1130  client resides, or an employee of the agency when the
 1131  administrator of the facility or the secretary director of the
 1132  agency deems it necessary for the treatment of the client,
 1133  maintenance of adequate records, compilation of treatment data,
 1134  or evaluation of programs.
 1135         d. Information from the records may be used for statistical
 1136  and research purposes if the information is abstracted in such a
 1137  way to protect the identity of individuals.
 1138         2. The client, if competent, or the client’s parent or
 1139  legal guardian if the client is incompetent, shall be supplied
 1140  with a copy of the client’s central record upon request.
 1141         Section 22. Subsection (5) of section 394.75, Florida
 1142  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1143         394.75 State and district substance abuse and mental health
 1144  plans.—
 1145         (5) The district plan shall address how substance abuse and
 1146  mental health services will be provided and how a system of care
 1147  for target populations will be provided given the resources
 1148  available in the service district. The plan must include
 1149  provisions for maximizing client access to the most recently
 1150  developed psychiatric medications approved by the United States
 1151  Food and Drug Administration, for developing independent housing
 1152  units through participation in the Section 811 program operated
 1153  by the United States Department of Housing and Urban
 1154  Development, for developing supported employment services
 1155  through the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation of the Agency
 1156  for Persons with Disabilities Department of Education, for
 1157  providing treatment services to persons with co-occurring mental
 1158  illness and substance abuse problems which are integrated across
 1159  treatment systems, and for providing services to adults who have
 1160  a serious mental illness, as defined in s. 394.67, and who
 1161  reside in assisted living facilities.
 1162         Section 23. Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section
 1163  402.56, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1164         402.56 Children’s cabinet; organization; responsibilities;
 1165  annual report.—
 1166         (4) MEMBERS.—The cabinet shall consist of 16 members
 1167  including the Governor and the following persons:
 1168         (a)1. The Secretary of Children and Families;
 1169         2. The Secretary of Juvenile Justice;
 1170         3. The secretary director of the Agency for Persons with
 1171  Disabilities;
 1172         4. A representative from the Division of Early Learning;
 1173         5. The State Surgeon General;
 1174         6. The Secretary of Health Care Administration;
 1175         7. The Commissioner of Education;
 1176         8. The director of the Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office;
 1177         9. A representative of the Office of Adoption and Child
 1178  Protection;
 1179         10. A superintendent of schools, appointed by the Governor;
 1180  and
 1181         11. Five members who represent children and youth advocacy
 1182  organizations and who are not service providers, appointed by
 1183  the Governor.
 1184         Section 24. Paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of section
 1185  409.9855, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1186         409.9855 Pilot program for individuals with developmental
 1187  disabilities.—
 1189         (b) The agency shall select, as provided in s. 287.057(1),
 1190  one plan to participate in the pilot program for each of the two
 1191  regions. The secretary director of the Agency for Persons with
 1192  Disabilities or his or her designee must be a member of the
 1193  negotiating team.
 1194         1. The invitation to negotiate must specify the criteria
 1195  and the relative weight assigned to each criterion that will be
 1196  used for determining the acceptability of submitted responses
 1197  and guiding the selection of the plans with which the agency and
 1198  the Agency for Persons with Disabilities negotiate. In addition
 1199  to any other criteria established by the agency, in consultation
 1200  with the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, the agency shall
 1201  consider the following factors in the selection of eligible
 1202  plans:
 1203         a. Experience serving similar populations, including the
 1204  plan’s record in achieving specific quality standards with
 1205  similar populations.
 1206         b. Establishment of community partnerships with providers
 1207  which create opportunities for reinvestment in community-based
 1208  services.
 1209         c. Provision of additional benefits, particularly
 1210  behavioral health services, the coordination of dental care, and
 1211  other initiatives that improve overall well-being.
 1212         d. Provision of and capacity to provide mental health
 1213  therapies and analysis designed to meet the needs of individuals
 1214  with developmental disabilities.
 1215         e. Evidence that an eligible plan has written agreements or
 1216  signed contracts or has made substantial progress in
 1217  establishing relationships with providers before submitting its
 1218  response.
 1219         f. Experience in the provision of person-centered planning
 1220  as described in 42 C.F.R. s. 441.301(c)(1).
 1221         g. Experience in robust provider development programs that
 1222  result in increased availability of Medicaid providers to serve
 1223  the developmental disabilities community.
 1224         2. After negotiations are conducted, the agency shall
 1225  select the eligible plans that are determined to be responsive
 1226  and provide the best value to the state. Preference must be
 1227  given to plans that:
 1228         a. Have signed contracts in sufficient numbers to meet the
 1229  specific standards established under s. 409.967(2)(c), including
 1230  contracts for personal supports, skilled nursing, residential
 1231  habilitation, adult day training, mental health services,
 1232  respite care, companion services, and supported employment, as
 1233  those services are defined in the Florida Medicaid Developmental
 1234  Disabilities Individual Budgeting Waiver Services Coverage and
 1235  Limitations Handbook as adopted by reference in rule 59G-13.070,
 1236  Florida Administrative Code.
 1237         b. Have well-defined programs for recognizing patient
 1238  centered medical homes and providing increased compensation to
 1239  recognized medical homes, as defined by the plan.
 1240         c. Have well-defined programs related to person-centered
 1241  planning as described in 42 C.F.R. s. 441.301(c)(1).
 1242         d. Have robust and innovative programs for provider
 1243  development and collaboration with the Agency for Persons with
 1244  Disabilities.
 1245         Section 25. Subsection (2) of section 410.604, Florida
 1246  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1247         410.604 Community care for disabled adults program; powers
 1248  and duties of the department.—
 1249         (2) Any person who meets the definition of a disabled adult
 1250  pursuant to s. 410.603(2) is eligible to receive the services of
 1251  the community care for disabled adults program. However, the
 1252  community care for disabled adults program shall operate within
 1253  the funds appropriated by the Legislature. Priority shall be
 1254  given to disabled adults who are not eligible for comparable
 1255  services in programs of or funded by the department or the
 1256  Division of Vocational Rehabilitation of the Agency for Persons
 1257  with Disabilities Department of Education; who are determined to
 1258  be at risk of institutionalization; and whose income is at or
 1259  below the existing institutional care program eligibility
 1260  standard.
 1261         Section 26. Paragraphs (k) and (v) of subsection (3) and
 1262  subsections (4) and (8) of section 413.011, Florida Statutes,
 1263  are amended to read:
 1264         413.011 Division of Blind Services, legislative policy,
 1265  intent; internal organizational structure and powers;
 1266  Rehabilitation Council for the Blind.—
 1267         (3) DIVISION STRUCTURE AND DUTIES.—The internal
 1268  organizational structure of the Division of Blind Services shall
 1269  be designed for the purpose of ensuring the greatest possible
 1270  efficiency and effectiveness of services to the blind and to be
 1271  consistent with chapter 20. The Division of Blind Services shall
 1272  plan, supervise, and carry out the following activities:
 1273         (k) Participate, through the designation of the secretary
 1274  director or an appropriate staff member of the division, on
 1275  boards, commissions, or bodies in this state for the purpose of
 1276  coordinating and planning services.
 1277         (v) Receive moneys or properties by gift or bequest from
 1278  any person, firm, corporation, or organization for any of the
 1279  purposes herein set out, but without authority to bind the state
 1280  to any expenditure or policy except such as may be specifically
 1281  authorized by law. All such moneys or properties so received by
 1282  gift or bequest as herein authorized may be disbursed and
 1283  expended by the division upon its own warrant for any of the
 1284  purposes herein set forth, and such moneys or properties do
 1285  shall not constitute or be considered a part of any legislative
 1286  appropriation made by the state for the purpose of carrying out
 1287  the provisions of this law. When determined to be in the best
 1288  interest of the division, the division may lease property
 1289  received pursuant to this paragraph, and the Agency for Persons
 1290  with Disabilities Department of Education may enter into leases
 1291  of property and sublease property on behalf of the division.
 1292  Division and agency department leases and subleases may be to
 1293  governmental, public, or nonprofit entities for the provision of
 1294  blind, education, health, and other social service programs.
 1295         (4) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the term:
 1296         (a) “Act,” unless the context indicates otherwise, means
 1297  the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. ss. 701-797.
 1298         (b)“Agency” means the Agency for Persons with
 1299  Disabilities.
 1300         (c)(b) “Blind” or “blindness” means the condition of any
 1301  person for whom blindness is a disability as defined by the
 1302  Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. s. 706(8)(b).
 1303         (c)“Department” means the Department of Education.
 1304         (8) REHABILITATION COUNCIL FOR THE BLIND.—There is created
 1305  in the agency department the Rehabilitation Council for the
 1306  Blind, which is an advisory council as defined in s. 20.03, to
 1307  assist the division in the planning and development of statewide
 1308  vocational rehabilitation programs and services pursuant to the
 1309  Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, to recommend
 1310  improvements to such programs and services, and to perform the
 1311  functions provided in this section.
 1312         (a) The advisory council shall be composed of:
 1313         1. At least one representative of the Independent Living
 1314  Council, which representative may be the chair or other designee
 1315  of the council;
 1316         2. At least one representative of a parent training and
 1317  information center established pursuant to s. 631(c)(9) of the
 1318  Individuals with Disabilities Act, 20 U.S.C. s. 1431(c)(9);
 1319         3. At least one representative of the client assistance
 1320  program established under the act;
 1321         4. At least one vocational rehabilitation counselor who has
 1322  knowledge of and experience in vocational rehabilitation
 1323  services for the blind, who shall serve as an ex officio
 1324  nonvoting member of the council if the counselor is an employee
 1325  of the agency department;
 1326         5. At least one representative of community rehabilitation
 1327  program service providers;
 1328         6. Four representatives of business, industry, and labor;
 1329         7. At least one representative of a disability advocacy
 1330  group representing individuals who are blind;
 1331         8. At least one parent, family member, guardian, advocate,
 1332  or authorized representative of an individual who is blind, has
 1333  multiple disabilities, and either has difficulties representing
 1334  himself or herself or is unable, due to disabilities, to
 1335  represent himself or herself;
 1336         9. Current or former applicants for, or recipients of,
 1337  vocational rehabilitation services; and
 1338         10. The director of the division, who shall be an ex
 1339  officio member of the council.
 1340         (b) Members of the council shall be appointed by the
 1341  Governor, who shall select members after soliciting
 1342  recommendations from representatives of organizations
 1343  representing a broad range of individuals who have disabilities,
 1344  and organizations interested in those individuals.
 1345         (c) A majority of council members shall be persons who are:
 1346         1. Blind; and
 1347         2. Not employed by the division.
 1348         (d) The council shall select a chair from among its
 1349  membership.
 1350         (e) Each member of the council shall serve for a term of
 1351  not more than 3 years, except that:
 1352         1. A member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to
 1353  the expiration of the term for which a predecessor was appointed
 1354  shall be appointed for the remainder of such term; and
 1355         2. The terms of service of the members initially appointed
 1356  shall be, as specified by the Governor, for such fewer number of
 1357  years as will provide for the expiration of terms on a staggered
 1358  basis.
 1359         (f) A member of the council may not serve more than two
 1360  consecutive full terms.
 1361         (g) Any vacancy occurring in the membership of the council
 1362  shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.
 1363  A vacancy does not affect the power of the remaining members to
 1364  execute the duties of the council.
 1365         (h) In addition to the other functions specified in this
 1366  section, the council shall:
 1367         1. Review, analyze, and advise the division regarding the
 1368  performance of the responsibilities of the division under Title
 1369  I of the act, particularly responsibilities relating to:
 1370         a. Eligibility, including order of selection;
 1371         b. The extent, scope, and effectiveness of services
 1372  provided; and
 1373         c. Functions performed by state agencies that affect or
 1374  potentially affect the ability of individuals who are blind to
 1375  achieve rehabilitation goals and objectives under Title I.
 1376         2. Advise the agency department and the division, and, at
 1377  the discretion of the agency department or division, assist in
 1378  the preparation of applications, the state plan, the strategic
 1379  plan, and amendments to the plans, reports, needs assessments,
 1380  and evaluations required by Title I.
 1381         3. To the extent feasible, conduct a review and analysis of
 1382  the effectiveness of, and consumer satisfaction with:
 1383         a. The functions performed by state agencies and other
 1384  public and private entities responsible for performing functions
 1385  for individuals who are blind.
 1386         b. Vocational rehabilitation services:
 1387         (I) Provided or paid for from funds made available under
 1388  the act or through other public or private sources.
 1389         (II) Provided by state agencies and other public and
 1390  private entities responsible for providing vocational
 1391  rehabilitation services to individuals who are blind.
 1392         4. Prepare and submit an annual report on the status of
 1393  vocational rehabilitation services for the blind in the state to
 1394  the Governor and the Commissioner of the Rehabilitative Services
 1395  Administration, established under s. 702 of the act, and make
 1396  the report available to the public.
 1397         5. Coordinate with other councils within the state,
 1398  including the Independent Living Council, the advisory panel
 1399  established under s. 613(a)(12) of the Individuals with
 1400  Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. 1413(a)(12), the State
 1401  Planning Council described in s. 124 of the Developmental
 1402  Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. s.
 1403  6024, and the state mental health planning council established
 1404  under s. 1916(e) of the Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C.
 1405  300X-4(e).
 1406         6. Advise the agency department and division and provide
 1407  for coordination and the establishment of working relationships
 1408  among the agency department, the division, the Independent
 1409  Living Council, and centers for independent living in the state.
 1410         7. Perform such other functions consistent with the
 1411  purposes of the act as the council determines to be appropriate
 1412  that are comparable to functions performed by the council.
 1413         (i)1. The council shall prepare, in conjunction with the
 1414  division, a plan for the provision of such resources, including
 1415  such staff and other personnel, as may be necessary to carry out
 1416  the functions of the council. The resource plan shall, to the
 1417  maximum extent possible, rely on the use of resources in
 1418  existence during the period of implementation of the plan.
 1419         2. If there is a disagreement between the council and the
 1420  division in regard to the resources necessary to carry out the
 1421  functions of the council as set forth in this section, the
 1422  disagreement shall be resolved by the Governor.
 1423         3. The council shall, consistent with law, supervise and
 1424  evaluate such staff and other personnel as may be necessary to
 1425  carry out its functions.
 1426         4. While assisting the council in carrying out its duties,
 1427  staff and other personnel may shall not be assigned duties by
 1428  the division or any other state agency or office that would
 1429  create a conflict of interest.
 1430         (j) A council member may not cast a vote on any matter that
 1431  would provide direct financial benefit to the member or
 1432  otherwise give the appearance of a conflict of interest under
 1433  state law.
 1434         (k) The council shall convene at least four meetings each
 1435  year. These meetings shall occur in such places as the council
 1436  deems necessary to conduct council business. The council may
 1437  conduct such forums or hearings as the council considers
 1438  appropriate. The meetings, hearings, and forums shall be
 1439  publicly announced. The meetings shall be open and accessible to
 1440  the public. The council shall make a report of each meeting
 1441  which shall include a record of its discussions and
 1442  recommendations, all of which reports shall be made available to
 1443  the public.
 1444         Section 27. Subsection (3) of section 413.0111, Florida
 1445  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1446         413.0111 Blind services direct-support organization.—
 1447         (3) The purposes and objectives of the direct-support
 1448  organization must be consistent with the priority issues and
 1449  objectives of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities
 1450  Department of Education and must be in the best interests of the
 1451  state, though the Division of Blind Services may permit, without
 1452  charge, the appropriate use of property and facilities of the
 1453  state by the direct-support organization subject to this
 1454  section. Such use must be directly in keeping with the approved
 1455  purposes of the direct-support organization.
 1456         Section 28. Subsection (2) of section 413.033, Florida
 1457  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1458         413.033 Definitions.—As used in ss. 413.032-413.037:
 1459         (2) “Other severely handicapped” and “severely handicapped
 1460  individuals” mean an individual or class of individuals under a
 1461  physical or mental disability other than blindness, which,
 1462  according to criteria established by the Agency for Persons with
 1463  Disabilities department, after consultation with appropriate
 1464  entities of the state and taking into account the views of
 1465  nongovernmental entities representing the handicapped,
 1466  constitutes a substantial handicap to employment and is of such
 1467  a nature as to prevent the individual under such disability from
 1468  currently engaging in normal competitive employment.
 1469         Section 29. Section 413.035, Florida Statutes, is amended
 1470  to read:
 1471         413.035 Duties and powers of the Agency for Persons with
 1472  Disabilities department.—
 1473         (1) It is shall be the duty of the Agency for Persons with
 1474  Disabilities department to determine the market price of all
 1475  products and services offered for sale to the various agencies
 1476  of the state by any qualified nonprofit agency for the blind or
 1477  other severely handicapped. The price shall recover for the
 1478  nonprofit agency the cost of raw materials, labor, overhead, and
 1479  delivery, but without profit, and shall be revised from time to
 1480  time in accordance with changing cost factors. The Agency for
 1481  Persons with Disabilities department shall adopt make such rules
 1482  and regulations regarding specifications, time of delivery, and
 1483  assignment of products and services to be supplied by nonprofit
 1484  agencies for the blind or by agencies for the other severely
 1485  handicapped, with priority for assignment of products to
 1486  agencies for the blind, authorization of a central nonprofit
 1487  agency to facilitate the allocation of orders among qualified
 1488  nonprofit agencies for the blind, authorization of a central
 1489  nonprofit agency to facilitate the allocation of orders among
 1490  qualified nonprofit agencies for other severely handicapped, and
 1491  other relevant matters of procedure as shall be necessary to
 1492  carry out the purposes of this act. The Agency for Persons with
 1493  Disabilities department shall authorize the purchase of products
 1494  and services elsewhere when requisitions cannot reasonably be
 1495  complied with through the nonprofit agencies for the blind and
 1496  other severely handicapped.
 1497         (2) The Agency for Persons with Disabilities department
 1498  shall establish and publish a list of products and services
 1499  provided by any qualified nonprofit agency for the blind and any
 1500  nonprofit agency for the other severely handicapped, which the
 1501  Agency for Persons with Disabilities department determines are
 1502  suitable for procurement by agencies of the state pursuant to
 1503  this act. This procurement list and revision thereof shall be
 1504  distributed to all purchasing officers of the state and its
 1505  political subdivisions. All products offered for purchase to a
 1506  state agency by a qualified nonprofit agency shall have
 1507  significant value added by blind or severely handicapped
 1508  persons, as determined by the Agency for Persons with
 1509  Disabilities department.
 1510         Section 30. Subsections (1) and (4) of section 413.036,
 1511  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
 1512         413.036 Procurement of services by agencies; authority of
 1513  Agency for Persons with Disabilities department.—
 1514         (1) If any agency intends to procure any product or service
 1515  on the procurement list, that agency shall, in accordance with
 1516  rules and regulations of the Agency for Persons with
 1517  Disabilities department, procure such product or service at the
 1518  price established by the Agency for Persons with Disabilities
 1519  department from a qualified nonprofit agency for the blind or
 1520  for the other severely handicapped if the product or service is
 1521  available within a reasonable delivery time. This act shall not
 1522  apply in any case in which products or services are available
 1523  for procurement from any agency of the state and procurement
 1524  therefrom is required under the provision of any law currently
 1525  in effect. However, this act shall have precedence over any law
 1526  requiring state agency procurement of products or services from
 1527  any other nonprofit corporation unless such precedence is waived
 1528  by the Agency for Persons with Disabilities department in
 1529  accordance with its rules.
 1530         (4) A No similar product or service of comparable price and
 1531  quality found necessary for use by any state agency may not be
 1532  purchased from any source other than the nonprofit agency for
 1533  the blind or for the severely handicapped if the nonprofit
 1534  agency certifies that the product is manufactured or supplied
 1535  by, or the service is provided by, the blind or the severely
 1536  handicapped and the product or service meets the comparable
 1537  performance specifications and comparable price and quality
 1538  requirements as determined by the Agency for Persons with
 1539  Disabilities department or an agency. The purchasing authority
 1540  of any such state agency may make reasonable determinations of
 1541  need, price, and quality with reference to products or services
 1542  available from the nonprofit agency.
 1543         Section 31. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 413.037,
 1544  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
 1545         413.037 Cooperation with Agency for Persons with
 1546  Disabilities department required; duties of state agencies.—
 1547         (1) In furtherance of the purposes of this act and in order
 1548  to contribute to the economy of state government, it is the
 1549  intent of the Legislature that there be close cooperation
 1550  between the Agency for Persons with Disabilities department and
 1551  any agency of the state from which procurement of products or
 1552  services is required under the provision of any law currently in
 1553  effect. The Agency for Persons with Disabilities department and
 1554  any such agency of the state are authorized to enter into such
 1555  contractual agreements, cooperative working relationships, or
 1556  other arrangements as may be determined to be necessary for
 1557  effective coordination and efficient realization of the
 1558  objectives of this act and any other law requiring procurement
 1559  of products or services from any agency of the state.
 1560         (2) The Agency for Persons with Disabilities department may
 1561  secure directly from any agency of the state information
 1562  necessary to enable it to carry out this act. Upon request of
 1563  the Agency for Persons with Disabilities department, the head of
 1564  the agency shall furnish such information to the Agency for
 1565  Persons with Disabilities department.
 1566         Section 32. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) and subsection
 1567  (3) of section 413.051, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
 1568         413.051 Eligible blind persons; operation of vending
 1569  stands.—
 1570         (2) As used in this section, the term:
 1571         (a) “Blind licensee” means any blind person trained and
 1572  licensed by the Division of Blind Services of the Agency for
 1573  Persons with Disabilities Department of Education to operate a
 1574  vending stand.
 1575         (3) Blind licensees must shall be given the first
 1576  opportunity to participate in the operation of vending stands on
 1577  all state properties acquired after July 1, 1979, when such
 1578  facilities are operated under the supervision of the Division of
 1579  Blind Services of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities
 1580  Department of Education.
 1581         Section 33. Subsection (1) of section 413.091, Florida
 1582  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1583         413.091 Identification cards.—
 1584         (1) The Division of Blind Services of the Agency for
 1585  Persons with Disabilities Department of Education shall issue
 1586  identification cards to persons known to be blind or partially
 1587  sighted, upon the written request of such individual.
 1588         Section 34. Subsection (1) of section 413.092, Florida
 1589  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1590         413.092 Blind Babies Program.—
 1591         (1) The Blind Babies Program is created within the Division
 1592  of Blind Services of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities
 1593  Department of Education to provide community-based early
 1594  intervention education to children from birth through 5 years of
 1595  age who are blind or visually impaired, and to their parents,
 1596  families, and caregivers, through community-based provider
 1597  organizations. The division shall enlist parents,
 1598  ophthalmologists, pediatricians, schools, the Early Steps
 1599  Program, and therapists to help identify and enroll blind and
 1600  visually impaired children, as well as their parents, families,
 1601  and caregivers, in these educational programs.
 1602         Section 35. Present subsections (3), (4), and (5) of
 1603  section 413.20, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as
 1604  subsections (4), (5), and (6), respectively, a new subsection
 1605  (3) is added to that section, and present subsection (6) and
 1606  subsections (8) and (10) of that section are amended, to read:
 1607         413.20 Definitions.—As used in this part, the term:
 1608         (3)“Agency” means Agency for Persons with Disabilities.
 1609         (6)“Department” means the Department of Education.
 1610         (8) “Division” means the Division of Vocational
 1611  Rehabilitation of the agency Department of Education.
 1612         (10) “Extended services” means one or more ongoing support
 1613  services and other appropriate services needed to support and
 1614  maintain a person who has a most significant disability in
 1615  supported employment and to assist an eligible person in
 1616  maintaining integrated and competitive employment. Extended
 1617  services are based upon a determination of the needs of the
 1618  eligible person as specified in the person’s individualized plan
 1619  for employment and are provided by a state agency, a nonprofit
 1620  private organization, an employer, or any other appropriate
 1621  resource after the person has made the transition from support
 1622  provided by the agency department.
 1623         Section 36. Section 413.201, Florida Statutes, is amended
 1624  to read:
 1625         413.201 Designated state agency.—Effective on the effective
 1626  date of this act, for the purposes of effecting compliance with
 1627  the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the
 1628  agency Department of Education is designated the official state
 1629  agency.
 1630         Section 37. Section 413.203, Florida Statutes, is amended
 1631  to read:
 1632         413.203 Conflict of laws.—It is the intent of the
 1633  Legislature that the provisions of this part not conflict with
 1634  any federal statute or implementing regulation governing federal
 1635  grant-in-aid programs administered by the Division of Vocational
 1636  Rehabilitation. Wherever such a conflict is asserted by the
 1637  applicable agency of the Federal Government, the agency
 1638  Department of Education shall submit to the United States
 1639  Department of Education, or other applicable federal agency, a
 1640  request for a favorable policy interpretation of the conflicting
 1641  portions.
 1642         Section 38. Subsection (6) of section 413.402, Florida
 1643  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1644         413.402 James Patrick Memorial Work Incentive Personal
 1645  Attendant Services and Employment Assistance Program.—The
 1646  Florida Association of Centers for Independent Living shall
 1647  administer the James Patrick Memorial Work Incentive Personal
 1648  Attendant Services and Employment Assistance Program.
 1649         (6) The James Patrick Memorial Work Incentive Personal
 1650  Attendant Services and Employment Assistance Program Oversight
 1651  Council is created adjunct to the agency Department of Education
 1652  for the purpose of providing program recommendations,
 1653  recommending the maximum monthly reimbursement available to
 1654  program participants, advising the Florida Association of
 1655  Centers for Independent Living on policies and procedures, and
 1656  recommending the program’s annual operating budget for
 1657  activities of the association associated with operations,
 1658  administration, and oversight. The oversight council shall also
 1659  advise on and recommend the schedule of eligible services for
 1660  which program participants may be reimbursed subject to the
 1661  requirements and limitations of paragraph (3)(c) which, at a
 1662  minimum, must include personal care attendant services. The
 1663  oversight council shall advise and make its recommendations
 1664  under this section to the board of directors of the association.
 1665  The oversight council is not subject to the control of or
 1666  direction by the agency department, and the agency department is
 1667  not responsible for providing staff support or paying any
 1668  expenses incurred by the oversight council in the performance of
 1669  its duties.
 1670         (a) The oversight council consists of the following
 1671  members:
 1672         1. The director of the division or his or her designee;
 1673         2. A human resources professional or an individual who has
 1674  significant experience managing and operating a business based
 1675  in this state, recommended by the Florida Chamber of Commerce
 1676  and appointed by the Governor;
 1677         3. A financial management professional, appointed by the
 1678  Governor;
 1679         4. A program participant, appointed by the Secretary of
 1680  Health or his or her designee;
 1681         5. The director of the advisory council on brain and spinal
 1682  cord injuries or his or her designee;
 1683         6. The director of the Florida Endowment Foundation for
 1684  Vocational Rehabilitation or his or her designee; and
 1685         7. The director of the Florida Association of Centers for
 1686  Independent Living or his or her designee.
 1687         (b) The appointed members shall serve for a term concurrent
 1688  with the term of the official who made the appointment and shall
 1689  serve at the pleasure of such official.
 1690         (c) By February 1 of each year, the oversight council shall
 1691  submit a report to the Governor, the President of the Senate,
 1692  the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the secretary
 1693  of the agency Commissioner of Education which summarizes the
 1694  performance of the program.
 1695         Section 39. Paragraph (d) of subsection (1), subsection
 1696  (2), and paragraphs (c) and (g) of subsection (9) of section
 1697  413.405, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
 1698         413.405 Florida Rehabilitation Council.—There is created
 1699  the Florida Rehabilitation Council to assist the division in the
 1700  planning and development of statewide rehabilitation programs
 1701  and services, to recommend improvements to such programs and
 1702  services, and to perform the functions listed in this section.
 1703         (1) The council shall be composed of:
 1704         (d) At least one qualified vocational rehabilitation
 1705  counselor who has knowledge of and experience in vocational
 1706  rehabilitation programs, who shall serve as an ex officio,
 1707  nonvoting member of the council if the counselor is an employee
 1708  of the agency department.
 1709         (2) Employees of the agency department may serve only as
 1710  nonvoting members of the council.
 1711         (9) In addition to the other functions specified in this
 1712  section, the council shall, after consulting with the state
 1713  board as defined in s. 445.002:
 1714         (c) Advise the agency department and the division and
 1715  assist in the preparation of the state plan and amendments to
 1716  the plan, applications, reports, needs assessments, and
 1717  evaluations required by Title I.
 1718         (g) Advise the agency department and division and provide
 1719  for coordination and the establishment of working relationships
 1720  among the agency department, the division, the Florida
 1721  Independent Living Council, and centers for independent living
 1722  in the state.
 1723         Section 40. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (1) and
 1724  paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section 413.407, Florida
 1725  Statutes, are amended to read:
 1726         413.407 Assistive Technology Advisory Council.—There is
 1727  created the Assistive Technology Advisory Council, responsible
 1728  for ensuring consumer involvement in the creation, application,
 1729  and distribution of technology-related assistance to and for
 1730  persons who have disabilities. The council shall fulfill its
 1731  responsibilities through statewide policy development, state and
 1732  federal legislative initiatives, advocacy at the state and
 1733  federal levels, planning of statewide resource allocations,
 1734  policy-level management, and reviews of consumer responsiveness
 1735  and the adequacy of program service delivery and by performing
 1736  the functions listed in this section.
 1737         (1)(a) The council shall be composed of:
 1738         1. Persons who have disabilities and who are assistive
 1739  technology consumers or family members or guardians of those
 1740  persons.
 1741         2. A representative of a consumer organization concerned
 1742  with assistive technology.
 1743         3. A representative of business and industry, including the
 1744  insurance industry, concerned with assistive technology.
 1745         4. A representative of the Division of Vocational
 1746  Rehabilitation.
 1747         5. A representative of the Division of Blind Services.
 1748         6. A representative of a center for independent living.
 1749         7. A representative of CareerSource Florida, Inc.
 1750         8. A representative of the agency Department of Education.
 1751         9. A representative of any other state agency that provides
 1752  or coordinates services for persons with disabilities, if
 1753  requested by a majority vote of the council members.
 1754         (b) Members of the council shall be appointed by the
 1755  secretary of the agency Commissioner of Education from a list of
 1756  candidates proposed by the division director. However, a member
 1757  who is a representative of a state agency shall be appointed by
 1758  the head of that state agency.
 1759         (2) In addition to the other functions specified in this
 1760  section, the council shall:
 1761         (a) Act as the board of directors of a not-for-profit
 1762  corporation created by the division. Through the corporation,
 1763  the council shall provide direction to the Florida Alliance for
 1764  Assistive Services and Technology, a project sponsored by the
 1765  agency department for the coordination and delivery of
 1766  appropriate, cost-effective, state-of-the-art assistive
 1767  technology services and devices.
 1768         Section 41. Subsection (1) of section 413.445, Florida
 1769  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1770         413.445 Recovery of third-party payments for vocational
 1771  rehabilitation and related services.—
 1772         (1) As used in this section, “vocational rehabilitation and
 1773  related services” means any services that are provided or paid
 1774  for by the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation of the agency
 1775  Department of Education.
 1776         Section 42. Subsection (2), paragraph (a) of subsection
 1777  (4), subsection (5), paragraph (a) of subsection (8), and
 1778  subsection (12) of section 413.615, Florida Statutes, are
 1779  amended to read:
 1780         413.615 Florida Endowment for Vocational Rehabilitation.—
 1781         (2) DEFINITIONS.—For the purposes of this section:
 1782         (a) “Board” means the board of directors of the Florida
 1783  Endowment Foundation for the Division of Vocational
 1784  Rehabilitation within the agency Department of Education.
 1785         (b) “Endowment fund” means an account established within
 1786  the Florida Endowment Foundation for the Division of Vocational
 1787  Rehabilitation within the agency Department of Education to
 1788  provide a continuing and growing source of revenue for
 1789  vocational rehabilitation efforts.
 1790         (c) “Foundation” means the Florida Endowment Foundation for
 1791  the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation within the agency
 1792  Department of Education.
 1793         (d) “Operating account” means an account established under
 1794  paragraph (4)(c) to carry out the purposes provided in
 1795  subsection (10).
 1797         (a) The endowment fund of the Florida Endowment for the
 1798  Division of Vocational Rehabilitation within the agency
 1799  Department of Education is created as a long-term, stable, and
 1800  growing source of revenue to be administered, in accordance with
 1801  rules adopted promulgated by the division, by the foundation as
 1802  a direct-support organization of the Division of Vocational
 1803  Rehabilitation within the agency Department of Education.
 1805  REHABILITATION.—The Florida Endowment Foundation for Vocational
 1806  Rehabilitation is hereby created as a direct-support
 1807  organization of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation within
 1808  the agency Department of Education, to encourage public and
 1809  private support to enhance vocational rehabilitation and
 1810  employment of citizens who are disabled. As a direct-support
 1811  organization, the foundation shall operate under contract with
 1812  the division and shall:
 1813         (a) Be a Florida corporation not for profit incorporated
 1814  under the provisions of chapter 617 and approved by the
 1815  Department of State.
 1816         (b) Be organized and operated exclusively to raise funds;
 1817  to submit requests and receive grants from the Federal
 1818  Government, the state, private foundations, and individuals; to
 1819  receive, hold, and administer property; and to make expenditures
 1820  to or for the benefit of the rehabilitation programs approved by
 1821  the board of directors of the foundation.
 1822         (c) Be approved by the division to be operating for the
 1823  benefit and best interest of the state.
 1824         (8) BOARD OF DIRECTORS.—The foundation shall be
 1825  administered by a board of directors, as follows:
 1826         (a) Membership.—The board of directors shall consist of the
 1827  director of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation within the
 1828  agency Department of Education, or his or her designee, who
 1829  shall serve as an ex officio member, and nine other members who
 1830  have an interest in service to persons with disabilities and
 1831  who:
 1832         1. Have skills in foundation work or other fundraising
 1833  activities, financial consulting, or investment banking or other
 1834  related experience; or
 1835         2. Have experience in policymaking or management-level
 1836  positions or have otherwise distinguished themselves in the
 1837  field of business, industry, or rehabilitation.
 1839  Disabled individuals who meet the above criteria shall be given
 1840  special consideration for appointment.
 1841         (12) ANNUAL REPORT.—The board shall issue a report to the
 1842  Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House
 1843  of Representatives, and the secretary of the agency Commissioner
 1844  of Education by December 30 each year summarizing the
 1845  performance of the endowment fund for the previous fiscal year,
 1846  summarizing the foundation’s fundraising activities and
 1847  performance, and detailing those activities and programs
 1848  supported by the endowment principal or earnings on the
 1849  endowment principal and those activities and programs supported
 1850  by private sources, bequests, gifts, grants, donations, and
 1851  other valued goods and services received. The report must shall
 1852  also include:
 1853         (a) Financial data, by service type, including expenditures
 1854  for administration and the provision of services.
 1855         (b) The amount of funds spent on administrative expenses
 1856  and fundraising and the amount of funds raised from private
 1857  sources.
 1858         (c) Outcome data, including the number of individuals
 1859  served and employment outcomes.
 1860         Section 43. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (4) of
 1861  section 413.80, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
 1862         413.80 Employment First Act.—
 1863         (4) INTERAGENCY COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT.—The following state
 1864  agencies and organizations, and others, as appropriate, shall
 1865  develop an interagency cooperative agreement to implement this
 1866  act:
 1867         (a) The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation within of the
 1868  Agency for Persons with Disabilities Department of Education.
 1869         (b) The Division of Blind Services within of the Agency for
 1870  Persons with Disabilities Department of Education.
 1871         Section 44. Subsection (1) of section 413.801, Florida
 1872  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1873         413.801 Florida Unique Abilities Partner Program.—
 1874         (1) CREATION AND PURPOSE.—The Agency for Persons with
 1875  Disabilities shall establish the Florida Unique Abilities
 1876  Partner Program to designate a business entity as a Florida
 1877  Unique Abilities Partner if the business entity demonstrates
 1878  commitment, through employment or support, to the independence
 1879  of individuals who have a disability. The agency shall consult
 1880  with the Department of Commerce, the Division of Vocational
 1881  Rehabilitation of the Department of Education, the Division of
 1882  Blind Services of the Department of Education, and CareerSource
 1883  Florida, Inc., in creating the program.
 1884         Section 45. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section
 1885  427.012, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (g) is
 1886  added to that subsection, to read:
 1887         427.012 The Commission for the Transportation
 1888  Disadvantaged.—There is created the Commission for the
 1889  Transportation Disadvantaged in the Department of
 1890  Transportation.
 1891         (1) The commission shall be composed of 11 members, all of
 1892  whom shall be appointed by the Governor, in accordance with the
 1893  requirements of s. 20.052, as follows:
 1894         (b) The secretary director of the Agency for Persons with
 1895  Disabilities or his or her designee.
 1896         (g)The Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of
 1897  Children and Families, the Secretary of Commerce, the executive
 1898  director of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, the Secretary
 1899  of Elderly Affairs, the Secretary of Health Care Administration,
 1900  the secretary of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, and a
 1901  county manager or administrator who is appointed by the
 1902  Governor, or a senior management-level representative of each,
 1903  shall serve as ex officio, nonvoting advisors to the commission.
 1904         Section 46. Paragraph (b) of subsection (6) of section
 1905  943.0585, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1906         943.0585 Court-ordered expunction of criminal history
 1907  records.—
 1908         (6) EFFECT OF EXPUNCTION ORDER.—
 1909         (b) The person who is the subject of a criminal history
 1910  record that is expunged under this section or under other
 1911  provisions of law, including former ss. 893.14, 901.33, and
 1912  943.058, may lawfully deny or fail to acknowledge the arrests
 1913  covered by the expunged record, except when the subject of the
 1914  record:
 1915         1. Is a candidate for employment with a criminal justice
 1916  agency;
 1917         2. Is a defendant in a criminal prosecution;
 1918         3. Concurrently or subsequently petitions for relief under
 1919  this section, s. 943.0583, or s. 943.059;
 1920         4. Is a candidate for admission to The Florida Bar;
 1921         5. Is seeking to be employed or licensed by or to contract
 1922  with the Department of Children and Families, the Division of
 1923  Vocational Rehabilitation within the Agency for Persons with
 1924  Disabilities Department of Education, the Agency for Health Care
 1925  Administration, the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, the
 1926  Department of Health, the Department of Elderly Affairs, or the
 1927  Department of Juvenile Justice or to be employed or used by such
 1928  contractor or licensee in a sensitive position having direct
 1929  contact with children, the disabled, or the elderly;
 1930         6.a. Is seeking to be employed or licensed by, or contract
 1931  with, the Department of Education, any district unit under s.
 1932  1001.30, any special district unit under s. 1011.24, the Florida
 1933  School for the Deaf and the Blind under s. 1002.36, the Florida
 1934  Virtual School under s. 1002.37, any virtual instruction program
 1935  under s. 1002.45, any charter school under s. 1002.33, any hope
 1936  operator under s. 1002.333, any alternative school under s.
 1937  1008.341, any private or parochial school, or any local
 1938  governmental entity that licenses child care facilities;
 1939         b. Is seeking to be employed or used by a contractor or
 1940  licensee under sub-subparagraph a.; or
 1941         c. Is a person screened under s. 1012.467;
 1942         7. Is seeking to be licensed by the Division of Insurance
 1943  Agent and Agency Services within the Department of Financial
 1944  Services; or
 1945         8. Is seeking to be appointed as a guardian pursuant to s.
 1946  744.3125.
 1947         Section 47. Paragraph (b) of subsection (6) of section
 1948  943.059, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1949         943.059 Court-ordered sealing of criminal history records.—
 1950         (6) EFFECT OF ORDER.—
 1951         (b) The subject of the criminal history record sealed under
 1952  this section or under other provisions of law, including former
 1953  ss. 893.14, 901.33, and 943.058, may lawfully deny or fail to
 1954  acknowledge the arrests covered by the sealed record, except
 1955  when the subject of the record:
 1956         1. Is a candidate for employment with a criminal justice
 1957  agency;
 1958         2. Is a defendant in a criminal prosecution;
 1959         3. Concurrently or subsequently petitions for relief under
 1960  this section, s. 943.0583, or s. 943.0585;
 1961         4. Is a candidate for admission to The Florida Bar;
 1962         5. Is seeking to be employed or licensed by or to contract
 1963  with the Department of Children and Families, the Division of
 1964  Vocational Rehabilitation within the Agency for Persons with
 1965  Disabilities Department of Education, the Agency for Health Care
 1966  Administration, the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, the
 1967  Department of Health, the Department of Elderly Affairs, or the
 1968  Department of Juvenile Justice or to be employed or used by such
 1969  contractor or licensee in a sensitive position having direct
 1970  contact with children, the disabled, or the elderly;
 1971         6.a. Is seeking to be employed or licensed by, or contract
 1972  with, the Department of Education, a district unit under s.
 1973  1001.30, a special district unit under s. 1011.24, the Florida
 1974  School for the Deaf and the Blind under s. 1002.36, the Florida
 1975  Virtual School under s. 1002.37, a virtual instruction program
 1976  under s. 1002.45, a charter school under s. 1002.33, a hope
 1977  operator under s. 1002.333, an alternative school under s.
 1978  1008.341, a private or parochial school, or a local governmental
 1979  entity that licenses child care facilities;
 1980         b. Is seeking to be employed or used by a contractor or
 1981  licensee under sub-subparagraph a.; or
 1982         c. Is a person screened under s. 1012.467;
 1983         7. Is attempting to purchase a firearm from a licensed
 1984  importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer and is
 1985  subject to a criminal history check under state or federal law;
 1986         8. Is seeking to be licensed by the Division of Insurance
 1987  Agent and Agency Services within the Department of Financial
 1988  Services;
 1989         9. Is seeking to be appointed as a guardian pursuant to s.
 1990  744.3125; or
 1991         10. Is seeking to be licensed by the Bureau of License
 1992  Issuance of the Division of Licensing within the Department of
 1993  Agriculture and Consumer Services to carry a concealed weapon or
 1994  concealed firearm. This subparagraph applies only in the
 1995  determination of an applicant’s eligibility under s. 790.06.
 1996         Section 48. Paragraph (e) of subsection (2) of section
 1997  1002.394, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1998         1002.394 The Family Empowerment Scholarship Program.—
 1999         (2) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the term:
 2000         (e) “Disability” means, for a 3- or 4-year-old child or for
 2001  a student in kindergarten to grade 12, autism spectrum disorder,
 2002  as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
 2003  Disorders, Fifth Edition, published by the American Psychiatric
 2004  Association; cerebral palsy, as defined in s. 393.063; Down
 2005  syndrome, as defined in s. 393.063; an intellectual disability,
 2006  as defined in s. 393.063; a speech impairment; a language
 2007  impairment; an orthopedic impairment; any other health
 2008  impairment; an emotional or a behavioral disability; a specific
 2009  learning disability, including, but not limited to, dyslexia,
 2010  dyscalculia, or developmental aphasia; Phelan-McDermid syndrome,
 2011  as defined in s. 393.063; Prader-Willi syndrome, as defined in
 2012  s. 393.063; spina bifida, as defined in s. 393.063; being a
 2013  high-risk child, as defined in s. 393.063(23)(a) s.
 2014  393.063(22)(a); muscular dystrophy; Williams syndrome; rare
 2015  diseases which affect patient populations of fewer than 200,000
 2016  individuals in the United States, as defined by the National
 2017  Organization for Rare Disorders; anaphylaxis; a hearing
 2018  impairment, including deafness; a visual impairment, including
 2019  blindness; traumatic brain injury; hospital or homebound; or
 2020  identification as dual sensory impaired, as defined by rules of
 2021  the State Board of Education and evidenced by reports from local
 2022  school districts. The term “hospital or homebound” includes a
 2023  student who has a medically diagnosed physical or psychiatric
 2024  condition or illness, as defined by the state board in rule, and
 2025  who is confined to the home or hospital for more than 6 months.
 2026         Section 49. Present subsection (3) of section 1003.575,
 2027  Florida Statutes, is redesignated as subsection (4), a new
 2028  subsection (3) is added to that section, and subsection (2) of
 2029  that section is amended, to read:
 2030         1003.575 Assistive technology devices; findings;
 2031  interagency agreements.—Accessibility, utilization, and
 2032  coordination of appropriate assistive technology devices and
 2033  services are essential as a young person with disabilities moves
 2034  from early intervention to preschool, from preschool to school,
 2035  from one school to another, from school to employment or
 2036  independent living, and from school to home and community. If an
 2037  individual education plan team makes a recommendation in
 2038  accordance with State Board of Education rule for a student with
 2039  a disability, as defined in s. 1003.01(9), to receive an
 2040  assistive technology assessment, that assessment must be
 2041  completed within 60 school days after the team’s recommendation.
 2042  To ensure that an assistive technology device issued to a young
 2043  person as part of his or her individualized family support plan,
 2044  individual support plan, individualized plan for employment, or
 2045  individual education plan remains with the individual through
 2046  such transitions, the following agencies shall enter into
 2047  interagency agreements, as appropriate, to ensure the
 2048  transaction of assistive technology devices:
 2049         (2) The Division of Blind Services, the Bureau of
 2050  Exceptional Education and Student Services, and the Office of
 2051  Independent Education and Parental Choice, and the Division of
 2052  Vocational Rehabilitation of the Department of Education.
 2053         (3)The Division of Blind Services and the Division of
 2054  Vocational Rehabilitation of the Agency for Persons with
 2055  Disabilities.
 2057  Interagency agreements entered into pursuant to this section
 2058  shall provide a framework for ensuring that young persons with
 2059  disabilities and their families, educators, and employers are
 2060  informed about the utilization and coordination of assistive
 2061  technology devices and services that may assist in meeting
 2062  transition needs, and shall establish a mechanism by which a
 2063  young person or his or her parent may request that an assistive
 2064  technology device remain with the young person as he or she
 2065  moves through the continuum from home to school to postschool.
 2066         Section 50. Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) of section
 2067  1004.6495, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 2068         1004.6495 Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition
 2069  Program and Florida Center for Students with Unique Abilities.—
 2070         (4) STUDENT ELIGIBILITY.—To be eligible to enroll in an
 2071  FPCTP at an eligible institution, a student must, as determined
 2072  by the institution, based on guidelines established by the
 2073  center:
 2074         (c) Submit to the eligible institution documentation
 2075  regarding his or her intellectual disability. Such documentation
 2076  may include, but need not be limited to, a current
 2077  individualized plan for employment associated with a review
 2078  completed pursuant to s. 413.20 s. 413.20(3) or a diagnosis from
 2079  a physician who is licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459 or
 2080  a psychologist licensed under chapter 490.
 2081         Section 51. Subsection (2) of section 1012.582, Florida
 2082  Statutes, is amended to read:
 2083         1012.582 Continuing education and inservice training for
 2084  teaching students with developmental and emotional or behavioral
 2085  disabilities.—
 2086         (2) In developing the recommendations, the commissioner
 2087  shall consult with the State Surgeon General, the secretary
 2088  Director of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities,
 2089  representatives from the education community in the state, and
 2090  representatives from entities that promote awareness about
 2091  autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome, other developmental
 2092  disabilities, and emotional or behavioral disabilities and
 2093  provide programs and services to persons with disabilities,
 2094  including, but not limited to, regional autism centers pursuant
 2095  to s. 1004.55.
 2096         Section 52. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.