Florida Senate - 2025                          SENATOR AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS for SB 110
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                Floor: 1/AD/2R         .                                
             03/19/2025 03:56 PM       .                                

       Senator Simon moved the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete lines 2208 - 2351
    4  and insert:
    5         (6) Beginning in the 2025-2026 fiscal year, the department
    6  shall give priority to a county located either wholly or
    7  partially within the Everglades Agricultural Area as defined in
    8  s. 373.4592(15) which, notwithstanding subsection (4), requests
    9  100 percent of the project costs for an eligible project that
   10  meets the criteria established in paragraph (3)(e). Requests
   11  under this subsection are limited to $15 million annually. This
   12  subsection expires July 1, 2031.
   13         Section 31. Subsections (1), (2), (3), (6), (7), and (8) of
   14  section 339.2818, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
   15         339.2818 Small County Outreach Program.—
   16         (1) There is created within the department of
   17  Transportation the Small County Outreach Program. The purpose of
   18  this program is to assist small county governments in repairing
   19  or rehabilitating county bridges, paving unpaved roads,
   20  addressing road-related drainage improvements, resurfacing or
   21  reconstructing county roads, or constructing capacity or safety
   22  improvements to county roads.
   23         (2) For the purposes of this section, the term “small
   24  county” means any county that has a population of 200,000 or
   25  less as determined by the most recent official population census
   26  determination estimate pursuant to s. 186.901.
   27         (3) Funds allocated under this program, pursuant to s. 4,
   28  ch. 2000-257, Laws of Florida, are in addition to any funds
   29  provided pursuant to s. 339.2816, for the Small County Road
   30  Assistance Program.
   31         (5)(6) Funds paid into the State Transportation Trust Fund
   32  pursuant to ss. 201.15, 320.072, and 339.0801 s. 201.15 for the
   33  purposes of the Small County Outreach Program are hereby
   34  annually appropriated for expenditure to support the Small
   35  County Outreach Program.
   36         (6)(7) Subject to a specific appropriation in addition to
   37  funds annually appropriated for projects under this section, a
   38  municipality within a rural area of opportunity or a rural area
   39  of opportunity community designated under s. 288.0656(7)(a) may
   40  compete for the additional project funding using the criteria
   41  listed in subsection (3) (4) at up to 100 percent of project
   42  costs, excluding capacity improvement projects.
   43         (8) Subject to a specific appropriation in addition to
   44  funds appropriated for projects under this section, a local
   45  government either wholly or partially within the Everglades
   46  Agricultural Area as defined in s. 373.4592(15), the Peace River
   47  Basin, or the Suwannee River Basin may compete for additional
   48  funding using the criteria listed in paragraph (4)(c) at up to
   49  100 percent of project costs on state or county roads used
   50  primarily as farm-to-market connections between rural
   51  agricultural areas and market distribution centers, excluding
   52  capacity improvement projects.
   53         Section 32. Section 339.68, Florida Statutes, is amended to
   54  read:
   55         (Substantial rewording of section.
   56         See s. 339.68, F.S., for present text.)
   57         339.68 Florida Arterial Road Modernization Program.—
   58         (1)The Legislature finds that increasing demands continue
   59  to be placed on rural arterial roads in this state by a fast
   60  growing economy, continued population growth, and increased
   61  tourism. Investment in the rural arterial roads of this state is
   62  needed to maintain the safety, mobility, reliability, and
   63  resiliency of the transportation system in order to support the
   64  movement of people, goods, and commodities; to enhance economic
   65  prosperity and competitiveness; and to enrich the quality of
   66  life of the rural communities and the environment of this state.
   67         (2)The Florida Arterial Road Modernization Program is
   68  created within the department to make capacity and safety
   69  improvements to two-lane arterial roads located in rural
   70  communities. For purposes of this section, the term “rural
   71  community” has the same meaning as provided in s. 288.0656.
   72         (3)Beginning in the 2025-2026 fiscal year, the department
   73  shall allocate from the State Transportation Trust Fund a
   74  minimum of $50 million in each fiscal year for purposes of
   75  funding the program. This funding is in addition to any other
   76  funding provided to the program by any other law.
   77         (4)The department shall use the following criteria to
   78  prioritize projects for funding under the program:
   79         (a) Whether the road has documented safety concerns or
   80  requires additional safety and design improvements. This may be
   81  evidenced by the number of fatalities or crashes per vehicle
   82  mile traveled.
   83         (b)Whether the road has or is projected to have a
   84  significant amount of truck tractor traffic as determined by the
   85  department. For purposes of this paragraph, the term “truck
   86  tractor” has the same meaning as in s. 320.01(11).
   87         (c)Whether the road is used to transport agricultural
   88  products and commodities from the farm to the market or other
   89  sale or distribution point.
   90         (d)Whether the road is used to transport goods to or from
   91  warehouses, distribution centers, or intermodal logistics
   92  centers as defined in s. 311.101(2).
   93         (e)Whether the road is used as an evacuation route.
   94         (f)Whether the physical condition of the road meets
   95  department standards.
   96         (g)Whether the road currently has, or is projected to have
   97  within the next 5 years, a level of service of D, E, or F.
   98         (h) Any other criteria related to the impact of a project
   99  on the public road system or on the state or local economy as
  100  determined by the department.
  101         (5)By January 1, 2027, and every 2 years thereafter, the
  102  department shall submit to the Governor, the President of the
  103  Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives a report
  104  regarding the use and condition of arterial roads located in
  105  rural communities, which report must include the following:
  106         (a)A map of roads located in rural communities which are
  107  designated as arterial roads.
  108         (b)A needs assessment that must include, but is not
  109  limited to, consideration of infrastructure improvements to
  110  improve capacity on arterial roads in rural communities.
  111         (c)A synopsis of the department’s project prioritization
  112  process.
  113         (d)An estimate of the local and state economic impact of
  114  improving capacity on arterial roads in rural communities.
  115         (e)A listing of the arterial roads and the associated
  116  improvements to be included in the program and a schedule or
  117  timeline for the inclusion of such projects in the work program.
  118         Section 33. (1)The Department of Transportation shall
  119  allocate the additional funds provided by this act to implement
  120  the Small County Road Assistance Program as created by s.
  121  339.2816, Florida Statutes, and amend the current tentative work
  122  program for the 2025-2026 through 2031-2032 fiscal years to
  123  include additional projects. In addition, before adoption of the
  124  work program, the department shall submit a budget amendment
  125  pursuant to s. 339.135(7), Florida Statutes, requesting budget
  126  authority necessary to implement the additional projects.
  127         (2) The department shall allocate sufficient funds to
  128  implement the Florida Arterial Road Modernization Program,
  129  develop a plan to expend the revenues as specified in s. 339.68,
  130  Florida Statutes, and, before its adoption, amend the current
  131  tentative work program for the 2025-2026 through 2031-2032
  132  fiscal years to include the program’s projects. In addition,
  133  before adoption of the work program, the department shall submit
  134  a budget amendment pursuant to s. 339.135(7), Florida Statutes,
  135  requesting budget authority necessary to implement the program
  136  as specified in s. 339.68, Florida Statutes.
  137         (3)Notwithstanding any other law, the increase in revenue
  138  to the State Transportation Trust Fund derived from the
  139  amendments to ss. 201.15 and 319.32, Florida Statutes, made by
  140  this act and deposited into the trust fund pursuant to ss.
  141  201.15 and 339.0801, Florida Statutes, shall be used by the
  142  department to fund the programs as specified in this section.
  143         Section 34. Paragraph (h) is added to subsection (2) of
  144  section 381.402, Florida Statutes, and paragraph (b) of
  145  subsection (3) of that section is amended, to read:
  146         381.402 Florida Reimbursement Assistance for Medical
  147  Education Program.—
  148         (2) The following licensed or certified health care
  149  practitioners are eligible to participate in the program:
  150         (h) Medical doctors or doctors of osteopathic medicine who
  151  are board certified or board eligible in emergency medicine and
  152  employed by or
  154  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
  155  And the title is amended as follows:
  156         Delete lines 268 - 271
  157  and insert:
  158         assistance; requiring the department to give priority
  159         to counties located either wholly or partially within
  160         the Everglades Agricultural Area and which request a
  161         specified percentage of project costs for eligible
  162         projects; specifying a limitation on such requests;
  163         providing for future expiration; amending s. 339.2818,
  164         F.S.;