Florida Senate - 2025                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 1118
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: RCS            .                                
                  03/19/2025           .                                

       The Committee on Community Affairs (McClain) recommended the
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete everything after the enacting clause
    4  and insert:
    5         Section 1. Subsection (8) is added to section 125.022,
    6  Florida Statutes, to read:
    7         125.022 Development permits and orders.—
    8         (8) A county may not as a condition of processing or
    9  issuing a development permit or development order require an
   10  applicant to install a work of art, pay a fee for a work of art,
   11  or reimburse the county for any costs that the county may incur
   12  related to a work of art.
   13         Section 2. Subsections (1) and (4) of section 163.3162,
   14  Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection (5) is added to
   15  that section, to read:
   16         163.3162 Agricultural lands and practices.—
   17         (1) LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS AND PURPOSE.—The Legislature finds
   18  that agricultural production is a major contributor to the
   19  economy of the state; that agricultural lands constitute unique
   20  and irreplaceable resources of statewide importance; that the
   21  continuation of agricultural activities preserves the landscape
   22  and environmental resources of the state, contributes to the
   23  increase of tourism, and furthers the economic self-sufficiency
   24  of the people of the state; and that the encouragement,
   25  development, and improvement of agriculture will result in a
   26  general benefit to the health, safety, and welfare of the people
   27  of the state. It is the purpose of this act to protect
   28  reasonable agricultural activities conducted on farm lands from
   29  duplicative regulation and to protect the property rights of
   30  agricultural land owners.
   32  COMPREHENSIVE PLAN.—The owner of a parcel of land defined as an
   33  agricultural enclave under s. 163.3164 may apply for
   34  administrative approval of development regardless of the future
   35  land use map designation of the parcel or any conflicting
   36  comprehensive plan goals, objectives, or policies if the owner’s
   37  request an amendment to the local government comprehensive plan
   38  pursuant to s. 163.3184. Such amendment is presumed not to be
   39  urban sprawl as defined in s. 163.3164 if it includes land uses
   40  and densities and intensities of use that are consistent with
   41  the approved uses and densities and intensities of use of the
   42  industrial, commercial, or residential areas that surround the
   43  parcel. This presumption may be rebutted by clear and convincing
   44  evidence. Each application for administrative approval a
   45  comprehensive plan amendment under this subsection for a parcel
   46  larger than 700 640 acres must include appropriate new urbanism
   47  concepts such as clustering, mixed-use development, the creation
   48  of rural village and city centers, and the transfer of
   49  development rights in order to discourage urban sprawl while
   50  protecting landowner rights. A development authorized under this
   51  subsection must be treated as a conforming use, notwithstanding
   52  the local government’s comprehensive plan, future land use
   53  designation, or zoning.
   54         (a) A proposed development authorized under this subsection
   55  must be administratively approved within 120 days after the date
   56  the local government receives a complete application, and no
   57  further action by the governing body of the local government is
   58  required. A The local government may not enact or enforce any
   59  regulation or law for an agricultural enclave that is more
   60  burdensome than for other types of applications for comparable
   61  densities or intensities of use. Notwithstanding the future land
   62  use designation of the agricultural enclave or whether it is
   63  included in an urban service district, a local government must
   64  approve the application if it otherwise complies with this
   65  subsection and proposes only single-family residential,
   66  community gathering, and recreational uses at a density that
   67  does not exceed the average density allowed by a future land use
   68  designation on any adjacent parcel that allows a density of at
   69  least one dwelling unit per acre. A local government shall treat
   70  an agricultural enclave that is adjacent to an urban service
   71  district as if it were within the urban service district and the
   72  owner of a parcel of land that is the subject of an application
   73  for an amendment shall have 180 days following the date that the
   74  local government receives a complete application to negotiate in
   75  good faith to reach consensus on the land uses and intensities
   76  of use that are consistent with the uses and intensities of use
   77  of the industrial, commercial, or residential areas that
   78  surround the parcel. Within 30 days after the local government’s
   79  receipt of such an application, the local government and owner
   80  must agree in writing to a schedule for information submittal,
   81  public hearings, negotiations, and final action on the
   82  amendment, which schedule may thereafter be altered only with
   83  the written consent of the local government and the owner.
   84  Compliance with the schedule in the written agreement
   85  constitutes good faith negotiations for purposes of paragraph
   86  (c).
   87         (b) Upon conclusion of good faith negotiations under
   88  paragraph (a), regardless of whether the local government and
   89  owner reach consensus on the land uses and intensities of use
   90  that are consistent with the uses and intensities of use of the
   91  industrial, commercial, or residential areas that surround the
   92  parcel, the amendment must be transmitted to the state land
   93  planning agency for review pursuant to s. 163.3184. If the local
   94  government fails to transmit the amendment within 180 days after
   95  receipt of a complete application, the amendment must be
   96  immediately transferred to the state land planning agency for
   97  such review. A plan amendment transmitted to the state land
   98  planning agency submitted under this subsection is presumed not
   99  to be urban sprawl as defined in s. 163.3164. This presumption
  100  may be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence.
  101         (c) If the owner fails to negotiate in good faith, a plan
  102  amendment submitted under this subsection is not entitled to the
  103  rebuttable presumption under this subsection in the negotiation
  104  and amendment process.
  105         (d) Nothing within this subsection relating to agricultural
  106  enclaves shall preempt or replace any protection currently
  107  existing for any property located within the boundaries of the
  108  following areas:
  109         1. The Wekiva Study Area, as described in s. 369.316; or
  110         2. The Everglades Protection Area, as defined in s.
  111  373.4592(2).
  112         (5) PRODUCTION OF ETHANOL.—For the purposes of this
  113  section, the production of ethanol from plants and plant
  114  products as defined in s. 581.011 by fermentation, distillation,
  115  and drying is not chemical manufacturing or chemical refining.
  116  This subsection is remedial and clarifying in nature and applies
  117  retroactively to any law, regulation, or ordinance or any
  118  interpretation thereof.
  119         Section 3. Present subsections (22) through (54) of section
  120  163.3164, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsections (23)
  121  through (55), respectively, a new subsection (22) is added to
  122  that section, and subsections (4) and (9) of that section are
  123  amended, to read:
  124         163.3164 Community Planning Act; definitions.—As used in
  125  this act:
  126         (4) “Agricultural enclave” means an unincorporated,
  127  undeveloped parcel or parcels that:
  128         (a) Are Is owned or controlled by a single person or
  129  entity;
  130         (b) Have Has been in continuous use for bona fide
  131  agricultural purposes, as defined by s. 193.461, for a period of
  132  5 years before prior to the date of any comprehensive plan
  133  amendment or development application;
  134         (c)1.Are Is surrounded on at least 75 percent of their its
  135  perimeter by:
  136         a.1.A parcel or parcels Property that have has existing
  137  industrial, commercial, or residential development; or
  138         b.2.A parcel or parcels Property that the local government
  139  has designated, in the local government’s comprehensive plan,
  140  zoning map, and future land use map, as land that is to be
  141  developed for industrial, commercial, or residential purposes,
  142  and at least 75 percent of such parcel or parcels are property
  143  is existing industrial, commercial, or residential development;
  144         2. Do not exceed 700 acres and are surrounded on at least
  145  50 percent of their perimeter by a parcel or parcels that the
  146  local government has designated in the local government’s
  147  comprehensive plan and future land use map as land that is to be
  148  developed for industrial, commercial, or residential purposes;
  149  and the parcel or parcels are surrounded on at least 50 percent
  150  of their perimeter by a parcel or parcels within an urban
  151  service district, area, or line; or
  152         3. Were located within the boundary of a rural study area
  153  adopted in the local government’s comprehensive plan as of
  154  January 1, 2025, which was intended to be developed with
  155  residential uses at a density of at least one dwelling unit per
  156  acre and was surrounded on at least 50 percent of the study
  157  area’s perimeter in the local government’s jurisdiction by a
  158  parcel or parcels that either are designated in the local
  159  government’s comprehensive plan and future land use map as land
  160  that can be developed for industrial, commercial, or residential
  161  purposes or which has been developed with industrial,
  162  commercial, or residential uses;
  163         (d) Have Has public services, including water, wastewater,
  164  transportation, schools, and recreation facilities, available or
  165  such public services are scheduled in the capital improvement
  166  element to be provided by the local government or can be
  167  provided by an alternative provider of local government
  168  infrastructure in order to ensure consistency with applicable
  169  concurrency provisions of s. 163.3180, or the applicant offers
  170  to enter into a binding agreement to pay for, construct, or
  171  contribute land for its proportionate share of such
  172  improvements; and
  173         (e) Do Does not exceed 1,280 acres; however, if the parcel
  174  or parcels are property is surrounded by existing or authorized
  175  residential development that will result in a density at
  176  buildout of at least 1,000 residents per square mile, then the
  177  area must shall be determined to be urban and the parcel or
  178  parcels may not exceed 4,480 acres.
  180  Where a right-of-way, body of water, or canal exists along the
  181  perimeter of a parcel, the perimeter calculations of the
  182  agricultural enclave must be based on the parcel or parcels
  183  across the right-of-way, body of water, or canal.
  184         (9) “Compatibility” means a condition in which land uses or
  185  conditions can coexist in relative proximity to each other in a
  186  stable fashion over time such that no use or condition is unduly
  187  negatively impacted directly or indirectly by another use or
  188  condition. All residential land use categories, residential
  189  zoning categories, and housing types are compatible with each
  190  other.
  191         (22)“Infill residential development” means the development
  192  of one or more parcels that are no more than 100 acres in size
  193  within a future land use category that allows a residential use
  194  and any zoning district that allows a residential use and which
  195  parcels are contiguous with residential development on at least
  196  50 percent of the parcels’ boundaries. For purposes of this
  197  subsection, the term “contiguous” means touching, bordering, or
  198  adjoining along a boundary and includes properties that would be
  199  contiguous if not separated by a roadway, railroad, canal, or
  200  other public easement.
  201         Section 4. Paragraphs (b) and (e) of subsection (8) of
  202  section 163.3167, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  203         163.3167 Scope of act.—
  204         (8)
  205         (b) An initiative or referendum process in regard to any
  206  land development regulation is prohibited. For purposes of this
  207  paragraph, the term “land development regulation” includes any
  208  code, ordinance, rule, or charter provision that regulates or
  209  otherwise affects the use of land, including, but not limited
  210  to, density regulations; municipal boundary lines, except as
  211  specified in s. 171.044; and any regulation that could otherwise
  212  be accomplished or affected through the comprehensive planning
  213  process.
  214         (e) It is the intent of the Legislature that initiative and
  215  referendum be prohibited in regard to any development order or
  216  land development regulation. It is the intent of the Legislature
  217  that initiative and referendum be prohibited in regard to any
  218  local comprehensive plan amendment or map amendment, except as
  219  specifically and narrowly allowed by paragraph (c). Therefore,
  220  the prohibition on initiative and referendum imposed under this
  221  subsection stated in paragraphs (a) and (c) is remedial in
  222  nature and applies retroactively to any initiative or referendum
  223  process commenced after June 1, 2011, and any such initiative or
  224  referendum process commenced or completed thereafter is deemed
  225  null and void and of no legal force and effect.
  226         Section 5. Paragraph (f) of subsection (1) and subsection
  227  (2) of section 163.3177, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  228         163.3177 Required and optional elements of comprehensive
  229  plan; studies and surveys.—
  230         (1) The comprehensive plan shall provide the principles,
  231  guidelines, standards, and strategies for the orderly and
  232  balanced future economic, social, physical, environmental, and
  233  fiscal development of the area that reflects community
  234  commitments to implement the plan and its elements. These
  235  principles and strategies shall guide future decisions in a
  236  consistent manner and shall contain programs and activities to
  237  ensure comprehensive plans are implemented. The sections of the
  238  comprehensive plan containing the principles and strategies,
  239  generally provided as goals, objectives, and policies, shall
  240  describe how the local government’s programs, activities, and
  241  land development regulations will be initiated, modified, or
  242  continued to implement the comprehensive plan in a consistent
  243  manner. It is not the intent of this part to require the
  244  inclusion of implementing regulations in the comprehensive plan
  245  but rather to require identification of those programs,
  246  activities, and land development regulations that will be part
  247  of the strategy for implementing the comprehensive plan and the
  248  principles that describe how the programs, activities, and land
  249  development regulations will be carried out. The plan shall
  250  establish meaningful and predictable standards for the use and
  251  development of land and provide meaningful guidelines for the
  252  content of more detailed land development and use regulations.
  253         (f) All mandatory and optional elements of the
  254  comprehensive plan and plan amendments shall be based upon
  255  relevant and appropriate data and an analysis by the local
  256  government that may include, but not be limited to, surveys,
  257  studies, community goals and vision, and other data available at
  258  the time of adoption of the comprehensive plan or plan
  259  amendment. To be based on data means to react to it in an
  260  appropriate way and to the extent necessary indicated by the
  261  data available on that particular subject at the time of
  262  adoption of the plan or plan amendment at issue.
  263         1. Surveys, studies, and data utilized in the preparation
  264  of the comprehensive plan may not be deemed a part of the
  265  comprehensive plan unless adopted as a part of it. Copies of
  266  such studies, surveys, data, and supporting documents for
  267  proposed plans and plan amendments shall be made available for
  268  public inspection, and copies of such plans shall be made
  269  available to the public upon payment of reasonable charges for
  270  reproduction. Support data or summaries are not subject to the
  271  compliance review process, but the comprehensive plan must be
  272  clearly based on appropriate data. Support data or summaries may
  273  be used to aid in the determination of compliance and
  274  consistency.
  275         2. Data must be taken from professionally accepted sources.
  276  The application of a methodology utilized in data collection or
  277  whether a particular methodology is professionally accepted may
  278  be evaluated. However, the evaluation may not include, and a
  279  comprehensive plan may not mandate, whether one accepted
  280  methodology is better than another. Original data collection by
  281  local governments is not required. However, local governments
  282  may use original data so long as methodologies are
  283  professionally accepted.
  284         3. The comprehensive plan shall be based upon permanent and
  285  seasonal population estimates and projections, which shall
  286  either be those published by the Office of Economic and
  287  Demographic Research or generated by the local government based
  288  upon a professionally acceptable methodology. The plan must be
  289  based on at least the minimum amount of land required to
  290  accommodate the medium projections as published by the Office of
  291  Economic and Demographic Research for at least a 10-year
  292  planning period unless otherwise limited under s. 380.05,
  293  including related rules of the Administration Commission. Absent
  294  physical limitations on population growth, population
  295  projections for each municipality, and the unincorporated area
  296  within a county must, at a minimum, be reflective of each area’s
  297  proportional share of the total county population and the total
  298  county population growth.
  299         (2) Coordination of the required and optional several
  300  elements of the local comprehensive plan must shall be a major
  301  objective of the planning process. The required and optional
  302  several elements of the comprehensive plan must shall be
  303  consistent. Optional elements of the comprehensive plan may not
  304  contain policies that restrict the density or intensity
  305  established in the future land use element. Where data is
  306  relevant to required and optional several elements, consistent
  307  data must shall be used, including population estimates and
  308  projections unless alternative data can be justified by an
  309  applicant for a plan amendment through new supporting data and
  310  analysis. Each map depicting future conditions must reflect the
  311  principles, guidelines, and standards within all elements, and
  312  each such map must be contained within the comprehensive plan.
  313         Section 6. Present paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (3)
  314  of section 163.31801, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as
  315  paragraphs (b) and (c), respectively, a new paragraph (a) is
  316  added to that subsection, and paragraph (g) of subsection (6) of
  317  that section is republished, to read:
  318         163.31801 Impact fees; short title; intent; minimum
  319  requirements; audits; challenges.—
  320         (3) For purposes of this section, the term:
  321         (a) “Extraordinary circumstance” means:
  322         1.For a county, that the permanent population estimate
  323  determined for the county by the University of Florida Bureau of
  324  Economic and Business Research is at least 1.25 times the 5-year
  325  high-series population projection for the county as published by
  326  the University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business
  327  Research immediately before the year of the population estimate;
  328  or
  329         2.For a municipality, that the municipality is located
  330  within a county with such a permanent population estimate and
  331  the municipality demonstrates that it has maintained a
  332  proportionate share of the county’s population growth during the
  333  preceding 5-year period.
  334         (6) A local government, school district, or special
  335  district may increase an impact fee only as provided in this
  336  subsection.
  337         (g) A local government, school district, or special
  338  district may increase an impact fee rate beyond the phase-in
  339  limitations established under paragraph (b), paragraph (c),
  340  paragraph (d), or paragraph (e) by establishing the need for
  341  such increase in full compliance with the requirements of
  342  subsection (4), provided the following criteria are met:
  343         1. A demonstrated-need study justifying any increase in
  344  excess of those authorized in paragraph (b), paragraph (c),
  345  paragraph (d), or paragraph (e) has been completed within the 12
  346  months before the adoption of the impact fee increase and
  347  expressly demonstrates the extraordinary circumstances
  348  necessitating the need to exceed the phase-in limitations.
  349         2. The local government jurisdiction has held not less than
  350  two publicly noticed workshops dedicated to the extraordinary
  351  circumstances necessitating the need to exceed the phase-in
  352  limitations set forth in paragraph (b), paragraph (c), paragraph
  353  (d), or paragraph (e).
  354         3. The impact fee increase ordinance is approved by at
  355  least a two-thirds vote of the governing body.
  356         Section 7. Subsection (3) and paragraph (a) of subsection
  357  (11) of section 163.3184, Florida Statutes, are amended, and
  358  subsection (14) is added to that section, to read:
  359         163.3184 Process for adoption of comprehensive plan or plan
  360  amendment.—
  363         (a) The process for amending a comprehensive plan described
  364  in this subsection shall apply to all amendments except as
  365  provided in paragraphs (2)(b) and (c) and shall be applicable
  366  statewide.
  367         (b)1. If a plan amendment or amendments are adopted, the
  368  local government, after the initial public hearing held pursuant
  369  to subsection (11), must shall transmit, within 10 working days
  370  after the date of adoption, the amendment or amendments and
  371  appropriate supporting data and analyses to the reviewing
  372  agencies. The local governing body must shall also transmit a
  373  copy of the amendments and supporting data and analyses to any
  374  other local government or governmental agency that has filed a
  375  written request with the governing body.
  376         2. The reviewing agencies and any other local government or
  377  governmental agency specified in subparagraph 1. may provide
  378  comments regarding the amendment or amendments to the local
  379  government. State agencies shall only comment on important state
  380  resources and facilities that will be adversely impacted by the
  381  amendment if adopted. Comments provided by state agencies shall
  382  state with specificity how the plan amendment will adversely
  383  impact an important state resource or facility and shall
  384  identify measures the local government may take to eliminate,
  385  reduce, or mitigate the adverse impacts. Such comments, if not
  386  resolved, may result in a challenge by the state land planning
  387  agency to the plan amendment. Agencies and local governments
  388  must transmit their comments to the affected local government
  389  such that they are received by the local government not later
  390  than 30 days after the date on which the agency or government
  391  received the amendment or amendments. Reviewing agencies shall
  392  also send a copy of their comments to the state land planning
  393  agency.
  394         3. Comments to the local government from a regional
  395  planning council, county, or municipality shall be limited as
  396  follows:
  397         a. The regional planning council review and comments shall
  398  be limited to adverse effects on regional resources or
  399  facilities identified in the strategic regional policy plan and
  400  extrajurisdictional impacts that would be inconsistent with the
  401  comprehensive plan of any affected local government within the
  402  region. A regional planning council may not review and comment
  403  on a proposed comprehensive plan amendment prepared by such
  404  council unless the plan amendment has been changed by the local
  405  government subsequent to the preparation of the plan amendment
  406  by the regional planning council.
  407         b. County comments shall be in the context of the
  408  relationship and effect of the proposed plan amendments on the
  409  county plan.
  410         c. Municipal comments shall be in the context of the
  411  relationship and effect of the proposed plan amendments on the
  412  municipal plan.
  413         d. Military installation comments shall be provided in
  414  accordance with s. 163.3175.
  415         4. Comments to the local government from state agencies
  416  shall be limited to the following subjects as they relate to
  417  important state resources and facilities that will be adversely
  418  impacted by the amendment if adopted:
  419         a. The Department of Environmental Protection shall limit
  420  its comments to the subjects of air and water pollution;
  421  wetlands and other surface waters of the state; federal and
  422  state-owned lands and interest in lands, including state parks,
  423  greenways and trails, and conservation easements; solid waste;
  424  water and wastewater treatment; and the Everglades ecosystem
  425  restoration.
  426         b. The Department of State shall limit its comments to the
  427  subjects of historic and archaeological resources.
  428         c. The Department of Transportation shall limit its
  429  comments to issues within the agency’s jurisdiction as it
  430  relates to transportation resources and facilities of state
  431  importance.
  432         d. The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission shall
  433  limit its comments to subjects relating to fish and wildlife
  434  habitat and listed species and their habitat.
  435         e. The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
  436  shall limit its comments to the subjects of agriculture,
  437  forestry, and aquaculture issues.
  438         f. The Department of Education shall limit its comments to
  439  the subject of public school facilities.
  440         g. The appropriate water management district shall limit
  441  its comments to flood protection and floodplain management,
  442  wetlands and other surface waters, and regional water supply.
  443         h. The state land planning agency shall limit its comments
  444  to important state resources and facilities outside the
  445  jurisdiction of other commenting state agencies and may include
  446  comments on countervailing planning policies and objectives
  447  served by the plan amendment that should be balanced against
  448  potential adverse impacts to important state resources and
  449  facilities.
  450         (c)1. The local government shall hold a second public
  451  hearing, which shall be a hearing on whether to adopt one or
  452  more comprehensive plan amendments pursuant to subsection (11).
  453  If the local government fails, within 180 days after receipt of
  454  agency comments, to hold the second public hearing, and to adopt
  455  the comprehensive plan amendments, the amendments are deemed
  456  withdrawn unless extended by agreement with notice to the state
  457  land planning agency and any affected person that provided
  458  comments on the amendment. The local government is in compliance
  459  if the second public hearing is held within the 180-day period
  460  after receipt of agency comments, even if the amendments are
  461  approved at a subsequent hearing. The 180-day limitation does
  462  not apply to amendments processed pursuant to s. 380.06.
  463         2. All comprehensive plan amendments adopted by the
  464  governing body, along with the supporting data and analysis,
  465  shall be transmitted within 10 working days after the final
  466  adoption hearing to the state land planning agency and any other
  467  agency or local government that provided timely comments under
  468  subparagraph (b)2. If the local government fails to transmit the
  469  comprehensive plan amendments within 10 working days after the
  470  final adoption hearing, the amendments are deemed withdrawn.
  471         3. The state land planning agency shall notify the local
  472  government of any deficiencies within 5 working days after
  473  receipt of an amendment package. For purposes of completeness,
  474  an amendment shall be deemed complete if it contains a full,
  475  executed copy of:
  476         a. The adoption ordinance or ordinances;
  477         b. In the case of a text amendment, the amended language in
  478  legislative format with new words inserted in the text
  479  underlined, and words deleted stricken with hyphens;
  480         c. In the case of a future land use map amendment, the
  481  future land use map clearly depicting the parcel, its existing
  482  future land use designation, and its adopted designation; and
  483         d. Any data and analyses the local government deems
  484  appropriate.
  485         4. An amendment adopted under this paragraph does not
  486  become effective until 31 days after the state land planning
  487  agency notifies the local government that the plan amendment
  488  package is complete. If timely challenged, an amendment does not
  489  become effective until the state land planning agency or the
  490  Administration Commission enters a final order determining the
  491  adopted amendment to be in compliance.
  492         (11) PUBLIC HEARINGS.—
  493         (a) The procedure for transmittal of a complete proposed
  494  comprehensive plan or plan amendment pursuant to subparagraph
  495  (3)(b)1. and paragraph (4)(b) and for adoption of a
  496  comprehensive plan or plan amendment pursuant to subparagraphs
  497  (3)(c)1. and (4)(e)1. must shall be by affirmative vote of not
  498  less than a majority of the members of the governing body
  499  present at the hearing. The adoption of a comprehensive plan or
  500  plan amendment must shall be by ordinance approved by
  501  affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the governing
  502  body present at the hearing, except that the adoption of a
  503  comprehensive plan or plan amendment must be by affirmative vote
  504  of a supermajority of the members of the governing body if it
  505  includes a future land use category amendment for a parcel or
  506  parcels of land which is less dense or intense or includes more
  507  restrictive or burdensome procedures concerning development,
  508  including, but not limited to, the review, approval, or issuance
  509  of a site plan, development permit, or development order. For
  510  the purposes of transmitting or adopting a comprehensive plan or
  511  plan amendment, the notice requirements in chapters 125 and 166
  512  are superseded by this subsection, except as provided in this
  513  part.
  514         (14) REVIEW OF APPLICATION.—An owner of real property
  515  subject to a comprehensive plan amendment or a person applying
  516  for a comprehensive plan amendment that is not adopted by the
  517  local government or who is not provided the opportunity for a
  518  hearing within 180 days after the filing of the application may
  519  file a civil action for declaratory, injunctive, or other
  520  relief, which must be reviewed de novo. The local government has
  521  the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that
  522  the application is inconsistent with the local government’s
  523  comprehensive plan and that the existing comprehensive plan is
  524  in compliance and supported by relevant and appropriate data and
  525  analysis. The court may not use a deferential standard for the
  526  benefit of the local government. Before initiating such an
  527  action, the owner or applicant may use the dispute resolution
  528  procedures under s. 70.45. This subsection applies to
  529  comprehensive plan amendments under review or filed on or after
  530  July 1, 2025.
  531         Section 8. Paragraphs (k) and (l) are added to subsection
  532  (2) of section 163.3202, Florida Statutes, and subsection (8) is
  533  added to that section, to read:
  534         163.3202 Land development regulations.—
  535         (2) Local land development regulations shall contain
  536  specific and detailed provisions necessary or desirable to
  537  implement the adopted comprehensive plan and shall at a minimum:
  538         (k) By January 1, 2026, establish minimum lot sizes within
  539  single-family, two-family, and fee simple, single-family
  540  townhouse zoning districts, including planned unit development
  541  and site plan controlled zoning districts allowing these uses,
  542  to accommodate and achieve the maximum density authorized in the
  543  comprehensive plan, net of the land area required to be set
  544  aside for subdivision roads, sidewalks, stormwater ponds, open
  545  space, and landscape buffers and any other land area required to
  546  be set aside pursuant to mandatory land development regulations
  547  which could otherwise be used for the development of single
  548  family homes, two-family homes, and fee simple, single-family
  549  townhouses.
  550         (l) By January 1, 2026, if the jurisdiction uses zoning,
  551  specify the hearing process for rezoning to protect the due
  552  process rights of participants. The first public hearing on a
  553  rezoning must be held by an impartial zoning hearing officer,
  554  who shall prepare a proposed recommended order with written
  555  conclusions of law and findings of fact.
  556         (8) Notwithstanding any ordinance to the contrary, an
  557  application for an infill residential development must be
  558  administratively approved without requiring a comprehensive plan
  559  amendment, rezoning, variance, or any other public hearing by
  560  any board or reviewing body if the proposed infill residential
  561  development is consistent with current development standards and
  562  the density of the proposed infill residential development is
  563  the same as the average density of contiguous properties. A
  564  development authorized under this subsection must be treated as
  565  a conforming use, notwithstanding the local government’s
  566  comprehensive plan, future land use designation, or zoning.
  567         Section 9. Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) and subsection
  568  (3) of section 163.3206, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  569         163.3206 Fuel terminals.—
  570         (2) As used in this section, the term:
  571         (b) “Fuel terminal” means a storage and distribution
  572  facility for fuel, supplied by pipeline or marine vessel, which
  573  has the capacity to receive, and store, or deploy a bulk
  574  transfer of fuel, is equipped with a loading rack through
  575  equipment that which fuel is physically transfers the fuel
  576  transferred into tanker trucks, or rail cars, marine vessels, or
  577  marine barges, and is registered with the Internal Revenue
  578  Service as a terminal. The term also includes any adjacent
  579  submerged lands or waters used by marine vessels or marine
  580  barges for loading and offloading fuel.
  581         (3) After July 1, 2014, a local government may not amend
  582  its comprehensive plan, land use map, zoning districts, or land
  583  development regulations in a manner that would conflict with a
  584  fuel terminal’s classification as a permitted and allowable use,
  585  including, but not limited to, an amendment that causes a fuel
  586  terminal to be a nonconforming use, structure, or development.
  587  This subsection does not apply if the fuel terminal’s owner
  588  notifies the local government that the owner intends to
  589  decommission the fuel terminal.
  590         Section 10. Subsection (8) is added to section 166.033,
  591  Florida Statutes, to read:
  592         166.033 Development permits and orders.—
  593         (8) A municipality may not as a condition of processing or
  594  issuing a development permit or development order require an
  595  applicant to install a work of art, pay a fee for a work of art,
  596  or reimburse the municipality for any costs that the
  597  municipality may incur related to a work of art.
  598         Section 11. Subsection (4) of section 171.044, Florida
  599  Statutes, is amended, and subsection (7) is added to that
  600  section, to read:
  601         171.044 Voluntary annexation.—
  602         (4) The method of annexation provided by this section shall
  603  be supplemental to any other procedure provided by general or
  604  special law, except that this section does shall not apply to
  605  municipalities in counties with charters which provide for an
  606  exclusive method of municipal annexation. An exclusive method of
  607  voluntary annexation may not affect the powers granted to a
  608  municipality in s. 171.062 to assume control over the land use
  609  plan of the annexed area or prevent a municipality from
  610  exercising the municipal power to ratify a voluntary annexation.
  611         (7) It is the intent of the Legislature that the powers
  612  granted to municipalities to assume control over the land use of
  613  an annexed area be preserved. Therefore, the prohibition on
  614  affecting the powers granted to municipalities in s. 171.062
  615  under subsection (4) is remedial in nature and applies
  616  retroactively to any exclusive method of voluntary annexation
  617  which was placed into effect after June 1, 2011. An exclusive
  618  method of voluntary annexation placed into effect thereafter
  619  which violates such prohibition is void. An exclusive method of
  620  voluntary annexation which requires approval from a county
  621  government to complete the annexation violates such prohibition
  622  and is void.
  623         Section 12. Subsection (2) of section 171.062, Florida
  624  Statutes, is amended, and subsections (6) and (7) are added to
  625  that section, to read:
  626         171.062 Effects of annexations or contractions.—
  627         (2) If the area annexed was subject to a county land use
  628  plan and county zoning or subdivision regulations, these
  629  regulations remain in full force and effect until the
  630  municipality adopts a comprehensive plan amendment that includes
  631  the annexed area. This assumption of land use regulation by the
  632  municipality is a power of a municipality as contemplated in s.
  633  4, Art. VIII of the State Constitution.
  634         (6)This section applies to all counties and
  635  municipalities, including municipalities in counties with
  636  charters that provide for an exclusive method of voluntary
  637  annexation.
  638         (7)It is the intent of the Legislature that the powers
  639  granted to municipalities to assume control over the land use of
  640  an annexed area be preserved. Therefore, this section is
  641  remedial in nature and applies retroactively to any exclusive
  642  method of voluntary annexation which was placed into effect
  643  after June 1, 2011, and any such method placed into effect
  644  thereafter which limits or otherwise infringes upon the power
  645  granted to municipalities is void.
  646         Section 13. Section 177.071, Florida Statutes, is amended
  647  to read:
  648         177.071 Approval of plat by governing bodies.—
  649         (1) The approving agency, which may include a board, a
  650  committee, an employee, or a consultant engaged as agent for the
  651  jurisdiction, as provided by land development regulations, shall
  652  administer plat submittals for the governing body and, within 45
  653  days after receipt of a plat submittal, must recommend approval
  654  if the plat meets the requirements of s. 177.091 or, if the plat
  655  does not meet the requirements of s. 177.091, provide a set of
  656  written comments to the applicant specifying the areas of
  657  noncompliance. An applicant may resubmit a plat in response to
  658  such written comments. An applicant may request final
  659  administrative review of a plat submittal after responding to
  660  two sets of written comments provided by the approving agency.
  661         (2)Upon issuance of a recommendation of approval of a plat
  662  by the approving agency or upon request of an applicant in
  663  accordance with subsection (1), the governing body shall at its
  664  next regularly scheduled meeting grant final administrative
  665  approval of the plat Before a plat is offered for recording
  666  unless the governing body determines that the approving agency
  667  erred in determining that the plat meets the requirements of s.
  668  177.091 or determines that the approving agency correctly
  669  determined that the plat does not meet the requirements of s.
  670  177.091., it must be approved by the appropriate governing body,
  671  and Evidence of such final administrative approval must be
  672  placed on the plat. If not approved, the governing body must
  673  return the plat to the professional surveyor and mapper or the
  674  legal entity offering the plat for recordation in accordance
  675  with the requirements of s. 177.091. The governing body shall
  676  grant final administrative approval at its next regularly
  677  scheduled meeting following resubmittal of the plat by the
  678  applicant. For the purposes of this part:
  679         (a) When the plat to be submitted for approval is located
  680  wholly within the boundaries of a municipality, the governing
  681  body of the municipality has exclusive jurisdiction to approve
  682  the plat.
  683         (b) When a plat lies wholly within the unincorporated areas
  684  of a county, the governing body of the county has exclusive
  685  jurisdiction to approve the plat.
  686         (c) When a plat lies within the boundaries of more than one
  687  governing body, two plats must be prepared and each governing
  688  body has exclusive jurisdiction to approve the plat within its
  689  boundaries, unless the governing bodies having said jurisdiction
  690  agree that one plat is mutually acceptable.
  691         (3)(2) Any provision in a county charter, or in an
  692  ordinance of any charter county or consolidated government
  693  chartered under s. 6(e), Art. VIII of the State Constitution,
  694  which provision is inconsistent with anything contained in this
  695  section shall prevail in such charter county or consolidated
  696  government to the extent of any such inconsistency.
  697         Section 14. Subsections (1), (8), and (10) of section
  698  720.301, Florida Statutes, are amended, to read:
  699         720.301 Definitions.—As used in this chapter, the term:
  700         (1) “Assessment” or “amenity fee” means a sum or sums of
  701  money payable to the association, to the developer or other
  702  owner of common areas, or to recreational facilities and other
  703  properties serving the parcels by the owners of one or more
  704  parcels as authorized in the governing documents, which if not
  705  paid by the owner of a parcel, can result in a lien against the
  706  parcel by the association. The term does not include amenity
  707  dues, amenity expenses, or amenity fees as those terms are
  708  defined in s. 720.408.
  709         (8)(a) “Governing documents” means:
  710         1.(a) The recorded declaration of covenants for a community
  711  and all duly adopted and recorded amendments, supplements, and
  712  recorded exhibits thereto; and
  713         2.(b) The articles of incorporation and bylaws of the
  714  homeowners’ association and any duly adopted amendments thereto.
  715         (b) Consistent with s. 720.302(3)(b), recreational
  716  covenants respecting privately owned recreational amenities as
  717  set forth in part IV of this chapter are not governing documents
  718  of an association, even if such recreational covenants are
  719  attached as exhibits to a declaration of covenants for an
  720  association. This paragraph is remedial in nature and intended
  721  to clarify existing law.
  722         (10) “Member” means a member of an association, and may
  723  include, but is not limited to, a parcel owner or an association
  724  representing parcel owners or a combination thereof, and
  725  includes any person or entity obligated by the governing
  726  documents to pay an assessment to the association or an amenity
  727  fee.
  728         Section 15. Subsection (3) of section 720.302, Florida
  729  Statutes, is amended, to read:
  730         720.302 Purposes, scope, and application.—
  731         (3) This chapter does not apply to:
  732         (a) A community that is composed of property primarily
  733  intended for commercial, industrial, or other nonresidential
  734  use; or
  735         (b) The commercial or industrial parcels or privately owned
  736  recreational amenities in a community that contains both
  737  residential parcels and parcels intended for commercial or
  738  industrial use, except that privately owned recreational
  739  amenities are subject to and governed by part IV of this
  740  chapter.
  741         Section 16. Section 720.3086, Florida Statutes, is amended
  742  to read:
  743         720.3086 Financial report.—In a residential subdivision in
  744  which the owners of lots or parcels must pay mandatory
  745  maintenance or amenity fees to the subdivision developer or to
  746  the owners of the common areas, recreational facilities, and
  747  other properties serving the lots or parcels, the developer or
  748  owner of such areas, facilities, or properties shall make
  749  public, within 60 days following the end of each fiscal year, a
  750  complete financial report of the actual, total receipts of
  751  mandatory maintenance or amenity fees received by it, and an
  752  itemized listing of the expenditures made by it from such fees,
  753  for that year. Such report must shall be made public by mailing
  754  it to each lot or parcel owner in the subdivision, by publishing
  755  it in a publication regularly distributed within the
  756  subdivision, or by posting it in prominent locations in the
  757  subdivision. This section does not apply to amounts paid to
  758  homeowner associations pursuant to chapter 617, chapter 718,
  759  chapter 719, chapter 721, or chapter 723;, or to amounts paid to
  760  local governmental entities, including special districts; or to
  761  amounts paid to private amenity owners as defined in s.
  762  720.408(4), which amounts are governed by and subject to s.
  763  720.412.
  764         Section 17. Part IV of chapter 720, Florida Statutes,
  765  consisting of ss. 720.408-720.412, Florida Statutes, is created
  766  and entitled “Recreational Covenants.”
  767         Section 18. Section 720.408, Florida Statutes, is created
  768  to read:
  769         720.408 Definitions.—As used in ss. 720.408-720.412, the
  770  term:
  771         (1) “Amenity dues” means amenity expenses and amenity fees,
  772  if any, in any combination, charged in accordance with a
  773  recreational covenant. Amenity dues may include additional
  774  components if such components are specified in the recreational
  775  covenant.
  776         (2) “Amenity expenses” means the costs of owning,
  777  operating, managing, maintaining, and insuring privately owned
  778  recreational amenities made available to parcel owners pursuant
  779  to a recreational covenant, whether directly or indirectly. The
  780  term includes, but is not limited to, maintenance, cleaning
  781  fees, trash collection, utility charges, cable service charges,
  782  legal fees, management fees, reserves, repairs, replacements,
  783  refurbishments, payroll and payroll costs, insurance, working
  784  capital, and ad valorem or other taxes, costs, expenses, levies,
  785  and charges of any nature which may be levied or imposed
  786  against, or in connection with, the privately owned recreational
  787  amenities made available to parcel owners pursuant to a
  788  recreational covenant. The term does not include income taxes;
  789  the initial cost of construction of a privately owned
  790  recreational amenity or any loan costs, loan fees, or debt
  791  service of a private amenity owner related thereto; or legal
  792  fees incurred by a private amenity owner in a legal action with
  793  a homeowners’ association in which a final order or judgment
  794  holds that the private amenity owner has committed fraud, price
  795  gouging, or any other unfair business practice to the detriment
  796  of the association and its members.
  797         (3) “Amenity fee” means any amount, other than amenity
  798  expenses, due in accordance with a recreational covenant which
  799  is levied against parcel owners for recreational memberships or
  800  use. An amenity fee may be composed of profit or other
  801  components to be paid to a private amenity owner as provided in
  802  a recreational covenant.
  803         (4) “Private amenity owner” means the record title owner of
  804  a privately owned recreational amenity who is responsible for
  805  operation of the privately owned recreational amenity and is
  806  authorized to levy amenity dues pursuant to the recreational
  807  covenant. The term does not include a corporation not for profit
  808  pursuant to chapter 617 or a local governmental entity,
  809  including, but not limited to, a special district created
  810  pursuant to chapter 189 or chapter 190.
  811         (5) “Privately owned recreational amenity” means a
  812  recreational facility or amenity intended for recreational use
  813  or leisure activities owned by a private amenity owner and for
  814  which parcel owners’ mandatory membership and use rights are
  815  established pursuant to a recreational covenant. The term does
  816  not include any common area or any property or facility owned by
  817  a corporation not for profit pursuant to chapter 617 or a local
  818  governmental entity, including, but not limited to, a special
  819  district created pursuant to chapter 189 or chapter 190.
  820         (6) “Recreational covenant” means a recorded covenant,
  821  separate and distinct from a declaration of covenants, which
  822  provides the nature and requirements of a membership in or the
  823  use or purchase of privately owned recreational amenities for
  824  parcel owners in one or more communities and which:
  825         (a) Is recorded in the public records of the county in
  826  which the property encumbered thereby is located;
  827         (b) Contains information regarding the amenity dues that
  828  may be imposed on members and other persons permitted to use the
  829  privately owned recreational amenity and remedies that the
  830  private amenity owner or other third party may have upon
  831  nonpayment of such amenity fees; and
  832         (c) Requires mandatory membership or mandatory payment of
  833  amenity dues by some or all of the parcel owners in a community.
  834         Section 19. Section 720.409, Florida Statutes, is created
  835  to read:
  836         720.409 Recreational covenants.—
  837         (1) LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS.—The Legislature finds that:
  838         (a) Recreational covenants are widely used throughout this
  839  state as a mechanism to provide enhanced recreational amenities
  840  to communities, but such recreational covenants are largely
  841  unregulated.
  842         (b) There exists a need to develop certain protections in
  843  favor of parcel owners while encouraging the economic benefit of
  844  the development and availability of privately owned recreational
  845  amenities and a flexible means for private amenity owners to
  846  operate such privately owned recreational amenities pursuant to
  847  recreational covenants.
  848         (c) Recreational covenants fulfill a vital role in
  849  providing amenities to residential communities throughout this
  850  state.
  852         (a) This part is intended to provide certain protections
  853  for parcel owners and give statutory recognition to the use of
  854  recreational covenants. This part is further intended to respect
  855  the contractual relationship and intent of the parties to real
  856  property transactions that occurred before July 1, 2025, and
  857  such parties’ reliance on covenants, conditions, restrictions,
  858  or other interests created by those transactions.
  859         (b) Parcels within a community may be subject to a
  860  recreational covenant, which recreational covenant and the
  861  privately owned recreational amenities governed by such
  862  recreational covenant are not governed by this chapter except as
  863  expressly provided in this part.
  864         (c) This part does not apply to recorded covenants,
  865  agreements, or other documents which are not recreational
  866  covenants.
  867         (d)This part applies to recreational covenants existing
  868  before July 1, 2025, and to recreational covenants recorded on
  869  or after July 1, 2025, and, except as otherwise expressly set
  870  forth in this part, applies retroactively and prospectively to
  871  all recreational covenants.
  872         (e) This part does not revive or reinstate any right,
  873  claim, or interest that has been fully and finally adjudicated
  874  as invalid before July 1, 2025.
  875         Section 20.  Section 720.41, Florida Statutes, is created
  876  to read:
  877         720.41 Requirements for recreational covenants.—
  878         (1) A recreational covenant recorded on or after July 1,
  879  2025, which creates mandatory membership in a club or imposes
  880  mandatory amenity dues on parcel owners must specify all of the
  881  following:
  882         (a) The parcels within the community which are or will be
  883  subject to mandatory membership in a club or to the imposition
  884  of mandatory amenity dues.
  885         (b) The person responsible for owning, maintaining, and
  886  operating the privately owned recreational amenity governed by
  887  the recreational covenant, which may be the developer.
  888         (c) The manner in which amenity dues are apportioned and
  889  collected from each encumbered parcel owner, and the person
  890  authorized to collect such dues. The recreational covenant must
  891  specify the components of the amenity dues.
  892         (d) The amount of any amenity fee included in the amenity
  893  dues. If the amount of such amenity fee is not specified, the
  894  recreational covenant must specify the manner in which such fee
  895  is calculated.
  896         (e) The manner in which amenity fees may be increased,
  897  which increase may occur periodically by a fixed percentage, a
  898  fixed dollar amount, or in accordance with increases in the
  899  consumer price index.
  900         (f) The collection rights and remedies that are available
  901  for enforcing payment of amenity dues.
  902         (g) A statement of whether collection rights to enforce
  903  payment of amenity dues are subordinate to an association’s
  904  right to collect assessments.
  905         (h) A statement of whether the privately owned recreational
  906  amenity is open to the public or may be used by persons who are
  907  not members or parcel owners within the community.
  908         (2)(a)A recreational covenant recorded before July 1,
  909  2025, must be amended or supplemented to comply with the
  910  requirements of paragraphs (1)(a)-(d) by July 1, 2026.
  911         (b) If a recreational covenant recorded before July 1,
  912  2025, does not specify the manner in which amenity fees may be
  913  increased as required by paragraph (1)(e), the increase in such
  914  amenity fees is limited to a maximum annual increase in an
  915  amount equal to the annual increase in the Consumer Price Index
  916  for All Urban Consumers, U.S. City Average, All Items.
  917         (3) A recreational covenant that does not specify the
  918  amount by which amenity expenses may be increased is limited to
  919  a maximum annual increase of 25 percent of the amenity expenses
  920  from the preceding fiscal year. This limitation does not
  921  prohibit an increase in amenity expenses resulting from a
  922  natural disaster, an act of God, an increase in insurance costs,
  923  an increase in utility rates, an increase in supply costs, an
  924  increase in labor rates, or any other circumstance outside of
  925  the reasonable control of the private amenity owner or other
  926  person responsible for maintaining or operating the privately
  927  owned recreational amenity governed by the recreational
  928  covenant.
  929         (4) Beginning July 1, 2025, notwithstanding any provision
  930  in a recreational covenant to the contrary, an association may
  931  not be required to collect amenity dues on behalf of a private
  932  amenity owner. The private amenity owner or its agent is solely
  933  responsible for the collection of amenity dues.
  934         (5) The termination of a recreational covenant or the right
  935  of a private amenity owner to suspend the right of a parcel
  936  owner to use a privately owned recreational amenity may not:
  937         (a) Prohibit an owner or a tenant of a parcel from having
  938  vehicular and pedestrian ingress to and egress from the parcel;
  939         (b)Prohibit an owner or a tenant of a parcel from
  940  receiving utilities provided to the parcel by virtue of utility
  941  facilities or utility easements located within the privately
  942  owned recreational amenity; or
  943         (c) Prohibit an owner or a tenant of a parcel from having
  944  access to any mail delivery facility serving the parcel which is
  945  located within the privately owned recreational amenity.
  946         Section 21. Section 720.411, Florida Statutes, is created
  947  to read:
  948         720.411Disclosure of recreational covenant before sale of
  949  residential parcels.—
  950         (1) Beginning October 1, 2025, each contract for the sale
  951  of a parcel which is governed by a homeowners’ association but
  952  is also subject to a recreational covenant must contain in
  953  conspicuous type a clause that substantially states:
  955                         DISCLOSURE SUMMARY                        
  961         OWNER.
  970         ASSOCIATION.
  991         LIEN ON YOUR PROPERTY.
 1006         FLORIDA STATUTES.
 1017         (2) The disclosure summary required by this section must be
 1018  supplied by the developer or, if the sale is by a parcel owner
 1019  that is not the developer, by the parcel owner. After October 1,
 1020  2025, any contract or agreement for sale must refer to and
 1021  incorporate the disclosure summary and must include, in
 1022  prominent language, a statement that the potential buyer should
 1023  not execute the contract or agreement until they have received
 1024  and read the disclosure summary required by this section.
 1025         (3) After October 1, 2025, if the disclosure summary is not
 1026  provided to a prospective purchaser as required by this section,
 1027  the purchaser may void the contract by delivering to the seller
 1028  or the seller’s agent or representative written notice canceling
 1029  the contract within 3 days after receipt of the disclosure
 1030  summary or before closing, whichever occurs first. This right
 1031  may not be waived by the purchaser but terminates at closing.
 1032         Section 22. Section 720.412, Florida Statutes, is created
 1033  to read:
 1034         720.412Financial reporting.—After October 1, 2025, in a
 1035  residential subdivision in which the owners of lots or parcels
 1036  must pay amenity dues owed to a private amenity owner pursuant
 1037  to a recreational covenant, within 60 days after the end of each
 1038  fiscal year the private amenity owner must make public, and
 1039  available for inspection upon written request from a parcel
 1040  owner within the applicable subdivision, a complete financial
 1041  report of the actual, total receipts of amenity dues received by
 1042  the private amenity owner, which includes an itemized list of
 1043  the expenditures made by the private amenity owner with respect
 1044  to operational costs, expenses, or other cash disbursements and
 1045  amounts expended with respect to the operation of the privately
 1046  owned recreational amenities for that year. The party preparing
 1047  the financial report must have access to the supporting
 1048  documents and records pertaining to the privately owned
 1049  recreational amenities and private amenity owner, including the
 1050  cash disbursements and related paid invoices to determine
 1051  whether expenditures were for purposes related to owning,
 1052  operating, managing, maintaining, and insuring privately owned
 1053  recreational amenities and whether the cash receipts were billed
 1054  in accordance with the recreational covenant. The financial
 1055  report must be made public to each lot or parcel owner subject
 1056  to the payment of such amenity dues by publishing a notice of
 1057  its availability for inspection in a publication regularly
 1058  distributed within the subdivision, or by posting such a notice
 1059  in a prominent location in the subdivision and in prominent
 1060  locations within the privately owned recreational amenities.
 1061  This section does not apply to assessments or other amounts paid
 1062  to an association pursuant to chapter 617, chapter 718, chapter
 1063  719, chapter 721, or chapter 723, or to amounts paid to a local
 1064  governmental entity, including, but not limited to, a special
 1065  district created pursuant to chapter 189 or chapter 190.
 1066         Section 23. Paragraph (d) of subsection (2) of section
 1067  212.055, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1068         212.055 Discretionary sales surtaxes; legislative intent;
 1069  authorization and use of proceeds.—It is the legislative intent
 1070  that any authorization for imposition of a discretionary sales
 1071  surtax shall be published in the Florida Statutes as a
 1072  subsection of this section, irrespective of the duration of the
 1073  levy. Each enactment shall specify the types of counties
 1074  authorized to levy; the rate or rates which may be imposed; the
 1075  maximum length of time the surtax may be imposed, if any; the
 1076  procedure which must be followed to secure voter approval, if
 1077  required; the purpose for which the proceeds may be expended;
 1078  and such other requirements as the Legislature may provide.
 1079  Taxable transactions and administrative procedures shall be as
 1080  provided in s. 212.054.
 1082         (d) The proceeds of the surtax authorized by this
 1083  subsection and any accrued interest shall be expended by the
 1084  school district, within the county and municipalities within the
 1085  county, or, in the case of a negotiated joint county agreement,
 1086  within another county, to finance, plan, and construct
 1087  infrastructure; to acquire any interest in land for public
 1088  recreation, conservation, or protection of natural resources or
 1089  to prevent or satisfy private property rights claims resulting
 1090  from limitations imposed by the designation of an area of
 1091  critical state concern; to provide loans, grants, or rebates to
 1092  residential or commercial property owners who make energy
 1093  efficiency improvements to their residential or commercial
 1094  property, if a local government ordinance authorizing such use
 1095  is approved by referendum; or to finance the closure of county
 1096  owned or municipally owned solid waste landfills that have been
 1097  closed or are required to be closed by order of the Department
 1098  of Environmental Protection. Any use of the proceeds or interest
 1099  for purposes of landfill closure before July 1, 1993, is
 1100  ratified. The proceeds and any interest may not be used for the
 1101  operational expenses of infrastructure, except that a county
 1102  that has a population of fewer than 75,000 and that is required
 1103  to close a landfill may use the proceeds or interest for long
 1104  term maintenance costs associated with landfill closure.
 1105  Counties, as defined in s. 125.011, and charter counties may, in
 1106  addition, use the proceeds or interest to retire or service
 1107  indebtedness incurred for bonds issued before July 1, 1987, for
 1108  infrastructure purposes, and for bonds subsequently issued to
 1109  refund such bonds. Any use of the proceeds or interest for
 1110  purposes of retiring or servicing indebtedness incurred for
 1111  refunding bonds before July 1, 1999, is ratified.
 1112         1. For the purposes of this paragraph, the term
 1113  “infrastructure” means:
 1114         a. Any fixed capital expenditure or fixed capital outlay
 1115  associated with the construction, reconstruction, or improvement
 1116  of public facilities that have a life expectancy of 5 or more
 1117  years, any related land acquisition, land improvement, design,
 1118  and engineering costs, and all other professional and related
 1119  costs required to bring the public facilities into service. For
 1120  purposes of this sub-subparagraph, the term “public facilities”
 1121  means facilities as defined in s. 163.3164(42) s. 163.3164(41),
 1122  s. 163.3221(13), or s. 189.012(5), and includes facilities that
 1123  are necessary to carry out governmental purposes, including, but
 1124  not limited to, fire stations, general governmental office
 1125  buildings, and animal shelters, regardless of whether the
 1126  facilities are owned by the local taxing authority or another
 1127  governmental entity.
 1128         b. A fire department vehicle, an emergency medical service
 1129  vehicle, a sheriff’s office vehicle, a police department
 1130  vehicle, or any other vehicle, and the equipment necessary to
 1131  outfit the vehicle for its official use or equipment that has a
 1132  life expectancy of at least 5 years.
 1133         c. Any expenditure for the construction, lease, or
 1134  maintenance of, or provision of utilities or security for,
 1135  facilities, as defined in s. 29.008.
 1136         d. Any fixed capital expenditure or fixed capital outlay
 1137  associated with the improvement of private facilities that have
 1138  a life expectancy of 5 or more years and that the owner agrees
 1139  to make available for use on a temporary basis as needed by a
 1140  local government as a public emergency shelter or a staging area
 1141  for emergency response equipment during an emergency officially
 1142  declared by the state or by the local government under s.
 1143  252.38. Such improvements are limited to those necessary to
 1144  comply with current standards for public emergency evacuation
 1145  shelters. The owner must enter into a written contract with the
 1146  local government providing the improvement funding to make the
 1147  private facility available to the public for purposes of
 1148  emergency shelter at no cost to the local government for a
 1149  minimum of 10 years after completion of the improvement, with
 1150  the provision that the obligation will transfer to any
 1151  subsequent owner until the end of the minimum period.
 1152         e. Any land acquisition expenditure for a residential
 1153  housing project in which at least 30 percent of the units are
 1154  affordable to individuals or families whose total annual
 1155  household income does not exceed 120 percent of the area median
 1156  income adjusted for household size, if the land is owned by a
 1157  local government or by a special district that enters into a
 1158  written agreement with the local government to provide such
 1159  housing. The local government or special district may enter into
 1160  a ground lease with a public or private person or entity for
 1161  nominal or other consideration for the construction of the
 1162  residential housing project on land acquired pursuant to this
 1163  sub-subparagraph.
 1164         f. Instructional technology used solely in a school
 1165  district’s classrooms. As used in this sub-subparagraph, the
 1166  term “instructional technology” means an interactive device that
 1167  assists a teacher in instructing a class or a group of students
 1168  and includes the necessary hardware and software to operate the
 1169  interactive device. The term also includes support systems in
 1170  which an interactive device may mount and is not required to be
 1171  affixed to the facilities.
 1172         2. For the purposes of this paragraph, the term “energy
 1173  efficiency improvement” means any energy conservation and
 1174  efficiency improvement that reduces consumption through
 1175  conservation or a more efficient use of electricity, natural
 1176  gas, propane, or other forms of energy on the property,
 1177  including, but not limited to, air sealing; installation of
 1178  insulation; installation of energy-efficient heating, cooling,
 1179  or ventilation systems; installation of solar panels; building
 1180  modifications to increase the use of daylight or shade;
 1181  replacement of windows; installation of energy controls or
 1182  energy recovery systems; installation of electric vehicle
 1183  charging equipment; installation of systems for natural gas fuel
 1184  as defined in s. 206.9951; and installation of efficient
 1185  lighting equipment.
 1186         3. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection,
 1187  a local government infrastructure surtax imposed or extended
 1188  after July 1, 1998, may allocate up to 15 percent of the surtax
 1189  proceeds for deposit into a trust fund within the county’s
 1190  accounts created for the purpose of funding economic development
 1191  projects having a general public purpose of improving local
 1192  economies, including the funding of operational costs and
 1193  incentives related to economic development. The ballot statement
 1194  must indicate the intention to make an allocation under the
 1195  authority of this subparagraph.
 1196         Section 24. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.
 1198  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
 1199  And the title is amended as follows:
 1200         Delete everything before the enacting clause
 1201  and insert:
 1202                        A bill to be entitled                      
 1203         An act relating to land use and development
 1204         regulations; amending s. 125.022, F.S.; prohibiting a
 1205         county from requiring an applicant to take certain
 1206         actions as a condition of processing a development
 1207         permit or development order; amending s. 163.3162,
 1208         F.S.; revising a statement of legislative purpose;
 1209         deleting language authorizing the owner of an
 1210         agricultural enclave to apply for a comprehensive plan
 1211         amendment; authorizing such owner instead to apply for
 1212         administrative approval of a development regardless of
 1213         future land use designations or comprehensive plan
 1214         conflicts under certain circumstances; deleting a
 1215         certain presumption of urban sprawl; requiring that an
 1216         application for administrative approval for certain
 1217         parcels include certain concepts; requiring that an
 1218         authorized development be treated as a conforming use;
 1219         requiring administrative approval of such development
 1220         within a specified timeframe if it complies with
 1221         certain requirements; prohibiting a local government
 1222         from enacting or enforcing certain regulations or
 1223         laws; providing that the production of ethanol from
 1224         certain products in a specified manner is not chemical
 1225         manufacturing or chemical refining; providing
 1226         retroactive applicability; conforming provisions to
 1227         changes made by the act; amending s. 163.3164, F.S.;
 1228         revising the definition of the terms “agricultural
 1229         enclave” and “compatibility”; defining the terms
 1230         “infill residential development” and “contiguous”;
 1231         amending s. 163.3167, F.S.; defining the term “land
 1232         development regulation”; providing retroactive
 1233         applicability; amending s. 163.3177, F.S.; prohibiting
 1234         a comprehensive plan from making a certain mandate;
 1235         prohibiting optional elements of a local comprehensive
 1236         plan from containing certain policies; requiring the
 1237         use of certain consistent data, where relevant, unless
 1238         an applicant can make a certain justification;
 1239         amending s. 163.31801, F.S.; defining the term
 1240         “extraordinary circumstance”; amending s. 163.3184,
 1241         F.S.; revising the expedited state review process for
 1242         the adoption of comprehensive plan amendments;
 1243         requiring a supermajority vote for the adoption of
 1244         certain comprehensive plans and plan amendments;
 1245         authorizing owners of property subject to a
 1246         comprehensive plan amendment and persons applying for
 1247         comprehensive plan amendments to file civil actions
 1248         for relief in certain circumstances; providing
 1249         requirements for such actions; authorizing such owners
 1250         and applicants to use certain dispute resolution
 1251         procedures; providing applicability; amending s.
 1252         163.3202, F.S.; requiring that local land development
 1253         regulations establish by a specified date minimum lot
 1254         sizes within certain zoning districts to accommodate
 1255         the authorized maximum density; requiring that local
 1256         land developments specify by a specified date a
 1257         certain hearing process; providing requirements for
 1258         such hearing process; requiring the approval of infill
 1259         residential development applications in certain
 1260         circumstances; requiring that certain developments be
 1261         treated as a conforming use; amending s. 163.3206,
 1262         F.S.; revising the definition of the term “fuel
 1263         terminal”; providing applicability of a prohibition on
 1264         amending a comprehensive plan, a land use map, zoning
 1265         districts, or land development regulations in a
 1266         certain manner; amending s. 166.033, F.S.; prohibiting
 1267         a municipality from requiring an applicant to take
 1268         certain actions as a condition of processing a
 1269         development permit or development order; amending s.
 1270         171.044, F.S.; providing that an exclusive method of
 1271         voluntary annexation may not affect certain powers
 1272         granted to a municipality; providing legislative
 1273         intent; providing retroactive applicability; providing
 1274         that an exclusive method of voluntary annexation which
 1275         requires certain county approval is void; amending s.
 1276         171.062, F.S.; providing that a certain assumption of
 1277         land use regulation of land annexed by a municipality
 1278         is a power of the municipality as contemplated by the
 1279         State Constitution; providing applicability; providing
 1280         legislative intent; providing retroactive
 1281         applicability; amending s. 177.071, F.S.; requiring an
 1282         approving agency to administer plat submittals and
 1283         take specified actions within a certain timeframe;
 1284         authorizing an applicant to request final
 1285         administrative review of a plat submittal under
 1286         certain circumstances; requiring a governing body to
 1287         grant final administrative approval of a plat at its
 1288         next regularly scheduled meeting; providing an
 1289         exception; requiring such governing body to grant
 1290         final administrative approval of a resubmitted plat at
 1291         its next regularly scheduled meeting; amending s.
 1292         720.301, F.S.; revising definitions; amending s.
 1293         720.302, F.S.; revising applicability of the
 1294         Homeowners’ Association Act; amending s. 720.3086,
 1295         F.S.; revising applicability of provisions requiring a
 1296         certain financial report; creating part IV of ch. 720,
 1297         F.S., entitled “Recreational Covenants”; creating s.
 1298         720.408, F.S.; defining terms; creating s. 720.409,
 1299         F.S.; providing legislative findings and intent;
 1300         providing applicability; providing construction;
 1301         creating s. 720.41, F.S.; providing requirements for
 1302         certain recreational covenants recorded on or after a
 1303         certain date; requiring that a recreational covenant
 1304         recorded before a certain date be amended or
 1305         supplemented to comply with specified requirements;
 1306         limiting the annual increases in amenity fees and
 1307         amenity expenses in certain circumstances; prohibiting
 1308         a recreational covenant from requiring an association
 1309         to collect amenity dues beginning on a specified date;
 1310         prohibiting the termination of a recreational covenant
 1311         or right of a private amenity owner to suspend certain
 1312         rights from affecting an owner or a tenant of a parcel
 1313         in a certain manner; creating s. 720.411, F.S.;
 1314         requiring a specified disclosure summary for contracts
 1315         for the sale of certain parcels beginning on a
 1316         specified date; requiring certain persons to supply
 1317         the disclosure summary; requiring that certain
 1318         contracts or agreements for sale incorporate the
 1319         disclosure summary and include a specified statement
 1320         after a specified date; authorizing a prospective
 1321         purchaser to void a contract in a specified manner
 1322         under certain circumstances; creating s. 720.412,
 1323         F.S.; requiring a public amenity owner annually to
 1324         make a certain financial report public and available
 1325         for inspection in a certain manner within a certain
 1326         timeframe; providing requirements for the financial
 1327         report; providing applicability; amending s. 212.055,
 1328         F.S.; conforming a cross-reference; providing an
 1329         effective date.