Florida Senate - 2025                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS for SB 112
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              

       The Committee on Fiscal Policy (Harrell) recommended the
    1         Senate Amendment 
    3         Delete lines 182 - 246
    4  and insert:
    5  developmental delays or disabilities a choice for such children
    6  to continue services in the Early Steps Program beyond the age
    7  of 3 years old.
    8         (2) PURPOSE.—
    9         (a) The purpose of the Early Steps Extended Option is to
   10  continue enrollment in the Early Steps Program for those
   11  children who are eligible. Therefore, the provisions of s.
   12  391.308 are maintained and incorporated in the Early Steps
   13  Extended Option.
   14         (b)For the purposes of this section, “child” means a child
   15  from birth until the beginning of the school year following the
   16  child’s fourth birthday, as provided in 34 C.F.R. s.
   17  303.211(a)(2)(ii).
   18         (3) DUTIES.—
   19         (a) The department shall:
   20         1. Submit its application for federal approval to extend
   21  eligibility for services under part C of the federal Individuals
   22  with Disabilities Education Act no later than July 1, 2026.
   23         2.Jointly with the Department of Education, develop or
   24  amend any rule, policy, procedure, written agreement, or
   25  contract necessary to implement the Early Steps Extended Option
   26  in accordance with state law and part C of the federal
   27  Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
   28         3.Seek additional federal grant funds, as available, for
   29  the implementation of the Early Steps Extended Option, including
   30  a state incentive grant. However, the department may implement
   31  the Early Steps Extended Option regardless of the availability
   32  or acceptance of supplemental federal grant funds, contingent
   33  upon the appropriation of state funds.
   34         (b)As part of the individualized family support plan for
   35  each child served under the Early Steps Extended Option, a local
   36  program office shall include steps for a child to transition to
   37  part B of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education
   38  Act or other future services by the beginning of the school year
   39  following the child’s fourth birthday.
   40         (4) ELIGIBILITY.—The department must apply the following
   41  eligibility criteria if specific funding is provided in the
   42  General Appropriations Act:
   43         (a)All of the following criteria must be met for a child
   44  to continue receiving Early Steps Program services under the
   45  Early Steps Extended Option:
   46         1.The child must be determined eligible for early
   47  intervention services through the Early Steps Program at least
   48  45 days before the child’s third birthday.
   49         2.The child must be determined eligible for services under
   50  part B of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education
   51  Act.
   52         3.Before the child’s third birthday, the family must
   53  choose to continue services through the Early Steps Extended
   54  Option, which shall include an educational component to promote
   55  school readiness and incorporate pre-literacy, language, and
   56  numeracy skills.
   57         (b)A child becomes ineligible to reenter the Early Steps
   58  Extended Option upon exiting the program. If a family chooses to
   59  exit the Early Steps Extended Option before the beginning of the
   60  school year following the child’s fourth birthday, the local
   61  school district, in conjunction with the local program office,
   62  must notify the child’s parent or legal guardian of his or her
   63  rights under part B of the federal Individuals with Disabilities
   64  Education Act.
   65         (c) A child may not receive services under part B of the
   66  federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act while
   67  receiving services through the Early Steps Extended Option.
   68         (d)A child may not receive a state scholarship under s.
   69  1002.394 while receiving services through the Early Steps
   70  Extended Option.
   71         (5) TRANSITION TO EDUCATION.—
   72         (a)At least 90 days before the beginning of the school
   73  year following the fourth birthday of a child enrolled in the
   74  Early Steps Extended Option, the