Florida Senate - 2025                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 160
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: RCS            .                                
                  02/18/2025           .                                

       The Committee on Regulated Industries (Gruters) recommended the
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete lines 91 - 313
    4  and insert:
    5         Section 4. Effective January 1, 2026, subsection (3) of
    6  section 473.306, Florida Statutes, is amended, and subsection
    7  (4) of that section is republished, to read:
    8         473.306 Examinations.—
    9         (3) An applicant is entitled to take the licensure
   10  examination to practice in this state as a certified public
   11  accountant if:
   12         (a) The applicant has completed 120 semester hours or 180
   13  quarter hours from an accredited college or university with a
   14  concentration in accounting and business courses as prescribed
   15  specified by the board by rule; and
   16         (b) The applicant shows that she or he has good moral
   17  character. For purposes of this paragraph, the term “good moral
   18  character” has the same meaning as provided in s. 473.308(6)(a)
   19  s. 473.308(7)(a). The board may refuse to allow an applicant to
   20  take the licensure examination for failure to satisfy this
   21  requirement if:
   22         1. The board finds a reasonable relationship between the
   23  lack of good moral character of the applicant and the
   24  professional responsibilities of a certified public accountant;
   25  and
   26         2. The finding by the board of lack of good moral character
   27  is supported by competent substantial evidence.
   29  If an applicant is found pursuant to this paragraph to be
   30  unqualified to take the licensure examination because of a lack
   31  of good moral character, the board must shall furnish to the
   32  applicant a statement containing the findings of the board, a
   33  complete record of the evidence upon which the determination was
   34  based, and a notice of the rights of the applicant to a
   35  rehearing and appeal.
   36         (4) The board shall have the authority to establish the
   37  standards for determining and shall determine:
   38         (a) What constitutes a passing grade for each subject or
   39  part of the licensure examination;
   40         (b) Which educational institutions, in addition to the
   41  universities in the State University System of Florida, shall be
   42  deemed to be accredited colleges or universities;
   43         (c) What courses and number of hours constitute a major in
   44  accounting; and
   45         (d) What courses and number of hours constitute additional
   46  accounting courses acceptable under s. 473.308(4).
   47         Section 5. Effective January 1, 2026, subsections (4)
   48  through (10) of section 473.308, Florida Statutes, are amended
   49  to read:
   50         473.308 Licensure.—
   51         (4)(a) An applicant for licensure must do at least one of
   52  the following:
   53         1.Complete have at least 150 semester hours of college
   54  education, including a baccalaureate or higher degree conferred
   55  by an accredited college or university, with a concentration in
   56  accounting and business as prescribed by the board; in the total
   57  educational program to the extent specified by the board.
   58         2.Hold a master’s degree in accounting or finance
   59  conferred by an accredited college or university with a
   60  concentration in accounting and business as prescribed by the
   61  board;
   62         3.Hold a baccalaureate degree in accounting or finance
   63  conferred by an accredited college or university with a
   64  concentration in accounting and business as prescribed by the
   65  board; or
   66         4.Hold a baccalaureate degree in any major course of study
   67  conferred by an accredited college or university and have
   68  completed coursework required for a concentration in accounting
   69  and business as prescribed by the board.
   70         (b)The board shall prescribe the coursework required for a
   71  concentration in accounting and business. The board may deem an
   72  applicant to have satisfied requirements for such coursework if
   73  the applicant receives a baccalaureate or higher degree in
   74  accounting or finance conferred by an accredited college or
   75  university in a state or territory of the United States. An
   76  applicant receiving a baccalaureate or higher degree with a
   77  major course of study other than accounting or finance must
   78  complete the coursework required for a concentration in
   79  accounting and business as prescribed by the board.
   80         (5)(a) An applicant for licensure who completes the
   81  education requirements under subparagraph (4)(a)1. or
   82  subparagraph (4)(a)2. after December 31, 2008, must show that he
   83  or she has had 1 year of work experience. An applicant who
   84  completes the education requirements under subparagraph (4)(a)3.
   85  or subparagraph (4)(a)4. must show 2 years of work experience.
   86         (b)Such work This experience includes shall include
   87  providing any type of service or advice involving the use of
   88  accounting, attest, compilation, management advisory, financial
   89  advisory, tax, or consulting skills, all of which must be
   90  verified by a certified public accountant who is licensed by a
   91  state or territory of the United States. This experience is
   92  acceptable if it was gained through employment in government,
   93  industry, academia, or public practice; constituted a
   94  substantial part of the applicant’s duties; and was verified by
   95  a certified public accountant licensed by a state or territory
   96  of the United States. The board shall adopt rules specifying
   97  standards and providing for the review and approval of the work
   98  experience required by this subsection section.
   99         (b)However, an applicant who completed the requirements of
  100  subsection (4) on or before December 31, 2008, and who passes
  101  the licensure examination on or before June 30, 2010, is exempt
  102  from the requirements of this subsection.
  103         (6)(a) An applicant for licensure must shall show that he
  104  or she the applicant has good moral character. For purposes of
  105  this paragraph, the term
  106         (7)(a) “good moral character” means a personal history of
  107  honesty, fairness, and respect for the rights of others and for
  108  the laws of this state and nation.
  109         (b) The board may refuse to certify an applicant for
  110  failure to satisfy this requirement if:
  111         1. The board finds a reasonable relationship between the
  112  lack of good moral character of the applicant and the
  113  professional responsibilities of a certified public accountant;
  114  and
  115         2. The finding by the board of lack of good moral character
  116  is supported by competent substantial evidence.
  117         (c) When an applicant is found to be unqualified for a
  118  license because of a lack of good moral character, the board
  119  shall furnish to the applicant a statement containing the
  120  findings of the board, a complete record of the evidence upon
  121  which the determination was based, and a notice of the rights of
  122  the applicant to a rehearing and appeal.
  123         (7)(8) The board shall certify as qualified for a license
  124  by endorsement an applicant who:
  125         (a)Is not licensed and has not been licensed in any state
  126  or territory and who has met the requirements of this section
  127  for education, work experience, and good moral character and has
  128  passed a national, regional, state, or territorial licensing
  129  examination that is substantially equivalent to the examination
  130  required by s. 473.306; or
  131         (b)1. holds an active a valid license in good standing to
  132  practice public accounting issued by another state or a
  133  territory of the United States, if the applicant has maintained
  134  good moral character and, at the time of licensure by such other
  135  state or territory, the applicant was required to show evidence
  136  of having obtained at least a baccalaureate degree from an
  137  accredited college or university and having passed the Uniform
  138  CPA Examination criteria for issuance of such license were
  139  substantially equivalent to the licensure criteria that existed
  140  in this state at the time the license was issued;
  141         2.Holds a valid license to practice public accounting
  142  issued by another state or territory of the United States but
  143  the criteria for issuance of such license did not meet the
  144  requirements of subparagraph 1.; has met the requirements of
  145  this section for education, work experience, and good moral
  146  character; and has passed a national, regional, state, or
  147  territorial licensing examination that is substantially
  148  equivalent to the examination required by s. 473.306; or
  149         3.Holds a valid license to practice public accounting
  150  issued by another state or territory of the United States for at
  151  least 10 years before the date of application; has passed a
  152  national, regional, state, or territorial licensing examination
  153  that is substantially equivalent to the examination required by
  154  s. 473.306; and has met the requirements of this section for
  155  good moral character.
  156         (8)(9)An international applicant who seeks licensure as a
  157  certified public accountant in this state must do at least one
  158  of the following: If the applicant has at least 5 years of
  159  experience in the practice of public accountancy in the United
  160  States or in the practice of public accountancy or its
  161  equivalent in a foreign country that the International
  162  Qualifications Appraisal Board of the National Association of
  163  State Boards of Accountancy has determined has licensure
  164  standards that are substantially equivalent to those in the
  165  United States, or has at least 5 years of work experience that
  166  meets the requirements of subsection (5), the board must waive
  167  the requirements of subsection (4) which are in excess of a
  168  baccalaureate degree. All experience that is used as a basis for
  169  waiving the requirements of subsection (4) must be while
  170  licensed as a certified public accountant by another state or
  171  territory of the United States or while licensed in the
  172         (a)Hold an active license in good standing to practice of
  173  public accounting, accountancy or its equivalent, in a foreign
  174  country that the International Qualifications Appraisal Board of
  175  the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy has
  176  determined has licensure standards equal that are substantially
  177  equivalent to those in the United States and has passed an exam
  178  pursuant to 473.306(5); or
  179         (b)Hold an active license in good standing to practice
  180  public accounting, or its equivalent, in a foreign country that
  181  the International Qualifications Appraisal Board of the National
  182  Association of State Boards of Accountancy has not determined
  183  has licensure standards equal to those in the United States and
  184  has met the requirements for education, work experience, and
  185  good moral character under subsections (4), (5), and (6) and has
  186  passed the Uniform CPA exam. The board shall have the authority
  187  to establish the standards for experience that meet this
  188  requirement.
  189         (9)(10) The board may refuse to certify for licensure any
  190  applicant who is under investigation in another state for any
  191  act that would constitute a violation of this act or chapter
  192  455, until such time as the investigation is complete and
  193  disciplinary proceedings are have been terminated.
  194         Section 6. Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section
  195  473.312, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  196         473.312 Continuing education.—
  197         (1)
  198         (c) At least Not less than 5 percent of the total hours
  199  required by the board must shall be in ethics applicable to the
  200  practice of public accounting. This requirement shall be
  201  administered by providers approved by the board, and a majority
  202  of the hours must shall include a review of the provisions of
  203  chapter 455 and this chapter and the related administrative
  204  rules. Such requirement must be administered by reputable
  205  providers determined by the board. The board shall give
  206  preference to corporations not for profit organized under
  207  chapter 617 who are exempt from taxation under s. 501(c)(6) of
  208  the Internal Revenue Code and who demonstrate their experience,
  209  integrity, knowledge, practice, professional responsibility, and
  210  representation of the largest numbers of certified public
  211  accountants in this state.
  212         Section 7. Effective January 1, 2026, subsections (1) and
  213  (3) of section 473.3141, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  214         473.3141 Certified public accountants licensed in other
  215  states.—
  216         (1) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, An
  217  individual who holds an active license in good standing to
  218  practice public accounting in another state or a
  220  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
  221  And the title is amended as follows:
  222         Delete lines 18 - 34
  223  and insert:
  224         revising requirements for licensure of international
  225         applicants; deleting obsolete language; amending s.
  226         473.312, F.S.; revising